I Found a Feather

Today, on my morning walk, I found a feather. Or, should I change perspective and say that this morning a feather found me. Have you ever spotted a feather as you move about our world? Sure, you have. Did you pick it up in wonderment and consider where it came from and to where it was headed? Did you take it with you as a treasured gift from the Universe and wonder why YOU?

I consider this feather a “Gift” from the Universe (or the Divine Spirit.) The feather represents flight and travel and a lightness. Did this feather want to continue its travels or did it want to spend time with me? I wonder whether feathers have consciousness. Are they objects which create an opportunity for an interaction with something new to me? This feather came home with me and will find its way in the company of other feathers which have found me. Their connection and community cause me to consider whether other lives as indigenous people attracts me to collecting these feathers. But, why?

The awareness of this gift is not mine alone. Freedom to fly or to travel through life comes to the surface of my consciousness. Why, today? In the next few days the Autumnal Equinox will occur. Jewish New Years started two days ago. The 20th anniversary of my Mother’s transition is tomorrow (as I write.) the 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001 is in 2 days (as I write.) Fall is beginning to fall. My birthday season is beginning as I look to celebrate 71 years in this body. My kids are moving tomorrow into their newish home. My friend’s birthday is today as well as his celebration of life. (He transitioned 6 months ago.) Life goes on and there are many adventures that have occurred historically for me at this time of year. So, emotionally and spiritually things are bouncing around in the great warm dryer called life… Tumbling and changing.

I will wear this feather treasure to the celebration of life today for my friend and mentor, Don Ley. The feather may help give flight to all the wise souls which have danced with his. He always taught me, as my mentor, that “we are so much greater than we can know as the humans we are…” We are spiritual souls having a human experience. I add, to test our remembered and learned wisdoms in the limitations of our 3 dimensional human lives. Every moment, life is a treasure…

And, you have your own personal experience and perspective on what the finding of feather may represent. All I ask is that you do not skip over this connection without some deeper consideration and then share the possible insights or learnings you may receive. Walk consciously and share your story. Do not pass by the “Gifts” the Universe provides for you, if at all possible. Today, this found feather will travel to a ceremony with me and allow me to travel more consciously in the world of Spirit.

You are a Blessing! Life is a miracle! Find the Joy in every moment and Love freely with NO strings attached.

BTW. I honor my friend and mentor, Don Ley, by offering my interview with Don of his NDE (Near Death Experience.) There is so much to learn by listening or maybe to “Remember” by Don’s story sharing. Video at: Don Ley’s NDE Interview Video

Releasing My Connection

There comes a time when when you might become aware that you are not needing to be as connected to your human life as you have been earlier in your current incarnation. I am not talking about “giving up” on life. I am speaking about not being so tightly bound to living in your current human body.

I have been told that the Dalai Lama has a daily practice which he does 7 times per day. It is a meditation practice of being most aware as he transitions out of his current life. Being most fully aware at death seems to be a goal for high level Buddhists and something that they strive to achieve. I am not sure why or have any details, but the source of this information is someone I trust. Before you can prepare fully for high level awareness at death, you first have to: eliminate your fear of dying, be present, and be prepared to let go of your human life to be able to freely rejoin the Divine Spirit. (These are my thoughts.)

Many people have some consciousness regarding their approaching life transition. Some people go into fear or denial. Some people might look forward to this experience with an openness that seems highly conscious, to me. It is an inevitable transition and being conscious and perhaps better prepared seems like a good idea. Anyhow, it dawned on me the other day that my recent lack of “grounding” may be a kind of preparation for an end of life transition. Since I am over 70 years of age and I do not look to be an overly old, older person, this may be a bit of a wake up call. I am not sure I want to rehearse my conscious dying 7 times a day like de Dalai Lama but I may want to consider my mortality in an expanded light. Some people set longevity as a goal and want to live past 100 years. I am not one of these longevity goal setters. There is some longevity running in my family. My Father was 85 and my mother was almost 94 when they transitioned. Both these ages seem long enough, perhaps, even longer than I have in my mind for myself.

No matter what your thoughts are on this topic, I challenge you to live your passion and leave your current life without any regrets about the “could of’s” and “should of’s” in your life. Life is short so do not wait too long to do what you really want to do. A great life, to me, would have “No Regrets” when considering all of what your life has included and all that has been possible. And, take responsibility. You have choices and YOU make these decisions regarding how you live your life. When you came to your crossroads, you made your choice to follow the path which you headed down. Enjoy your life and find Joy everyday. Laugh out loud and love without limits or expectations. Find a way to serve your fellow travelers. And, keep your heart open to guidance and the Divine Spirit. When your time comes… go towards the light and the Unconditional Love of the Universal Divine. If you do not feel clear about what this is, consider reading several, if not many, accounts of NDE’s (Near Death Survivors.) Determine what “Feels” right for you in these various accounts. (Not your head (thoughts) but your Heart (Feelings.)) Live in the Wonderment of the amazing life you came here to experience.

You can also read another July, 2021 blog posting “When I Die” you can get a bit more background information. Perspective on Living and Legacy.

For your consideration, be aware of your personal expectations. I am not a fan of expectations and living with expectations laid on you externally or from your need to please someone else seems, to me, to be a dangerous minefield. For me, connecting with your inner guidance for what feels best for you seems a better choice. Then, take responsibility for whatever choice you have made.

Also I add, when someone seems too young to leave their lives, it may seem unfair or wrong in some way. Consider this possible perspective… These short-lived individuals may be “Old Souls” who came into this incarnation with the “agreement” to only be here, in their incarnation, for a relatively short amount of human time. But, Why? Possibly to assist in creating a learning opportunity for other humans who are helped on their path by experiencing the loss/death of this young individual. The brutal emotional lesson can jar those people involved in the lesson of human mortality, appreciating life, and even finding the Joy in a difficult, dark human experience. Personally, my life has been jarred and learning has happened when the lives of people I know seem to been “cut short.” Life is short. Live fully and find Joy…

Thank you for your time and consideration. You are Amazing. YOU are a Miracle! And, You are Blessed! You share the Light of Unconditional Love with All souls and You are an important piece of whole Divine Consciousness.

You Are Perfect… Until…

When I meet you for the first time, I am excited! You are a Wonder and a mystery ready to unfold. My “Beginners Mind” sees the “Perfection” in you and knows your soul. I feel your excitement when you share your passions and this feeds my expanding perspective on what is possible. Namaste.
Then something happens. We develop a history and experience each other’s behaviors. Then, and only then, does my mind seek to “JUDGE” you and your behaviors, AND your human imperfections. Then, the lessons begin…

I am tested in an attempt to be an enlightened being in my limited three dimensional human life. Unconditional Love and Unconditional Wonderment give way to human interactions and the judgements that can accompany human relations. My weaknesses are exposed and then require that I defend them. Your Perfect Soul is hidden and partially distorted by your imperfect human body armor and my opaque or the blurred lens through which I view you. We begin the dance of struggling incarnations seeking to find equanimity and then acceptance of each others foibles. But, the only thing I CAN control is the way I react and, possibly on a “good” day, my behaviors…

Thank you for being my mentor. Thank you for being my teacher in my humanness. You are a beacon for me, showing me my lesson. You remind me that we are all “One” but we exist in human lives with a perception of separation which I am striving to overcome. Wow, your behavior pushed my buttons and triggered a very human imperfect reaction. I Love You for triggering me!

I know Love.
I am Love.
But, I am in a human incarnation and find I have not fully learned how to
“Live Love!”
A goal is to “BE Love!”

YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! I encourage you to share your wisdom freely as a great service to the fellow pilgrims you encounter on your path through this life. Yes, share your wisdom even if your experience and wisdom recommends what NOT to do. Never stop the pursuit to raise your consciousness and assisting others in raising their’s. Be the Beacon of Love and Light!

Next Steps Toward Enlightenment

What are YOU working on to increase your consciousness and to move down your path toward “Enlightenment?” Creating a Plan is a great way to improve your focused direction. You will need to consider your own specific challenges and then build a program/plan to assist you in moving forward. Or, you can also just stumble down your path and you will get to where you are supposed to get to with a few possible side trips. Either way, You are a Miracle and your travels will be amazing… (Not always easy or direct but amazing…)

My list includes these possible considerations. These are not necessarily in a specific order of importance. You are free to consider which of these may apply to your program…
So, consider:

1.) Be Present (lessen my emotional reaction to live in the Past or in the Future)
2.) Find Equanimity first (before my knee-jerk reaction of frustration and anger) This is not easy for me and my habitual responses.
3.) Live in Allowance… Accept more, push less (Attempt to Not Try to Figure it ALL Out. Observe and learn.)
4.) Beam Unconditional Love
5.) Less Judgement and More Acceptance & Compassion
6.) More fully remember my Spiritual Power, beyond my Human limitations
7.) Listen with Love and Empathy
8.) Embrace the Miracle of Life, Appreciation!
9.) Bask in Joy (even if you have to look under some dark, scary rocks to find it)
10.) Express Gratitude (Thank You!)
11.) Celebrate each interaction with other souls as my current lesson.
Live in the Spirit of “Namaste”
12.) Give unconditionally and support my fellow pilgrims
13.) Live in Wonderment and Amazement (Beginner’s Mind)
14.) Channel Love and Healing
15.) Know that life (Human incarnation) is a state of Impermanence
(Life is temporary and so are all the challenges…)
AND, finally…
16.) We are all Interconnected, so show Love and Respect for Fellow Pilgrims

My hope is that this brief posting offers a chance to consider plotting a good direction for you to move in. I am sure that there will be necessary steps for me to add or to evolve my focus upon as I move forward, so I am not etching this particular list into stone.

No matter what else crosses your consciousness maintain your channel with the Divine Spirit. Obviously, keep this open and available… So, learn to trust, or at least hear/feel your intuition.

Along the way, celebrate all your travels down life’s path. Remember that it IS the experience of these travels and Not the destination which will offer you the wealth of life experience… When possible, remember to look up to the horizon (and not just down on your footsteps). Look for wisdom and Joy to grow out of your “Wonderment.” (Be surprised by the unlikely interactions which may hold the most unexpected learnings…)

Travel well. And where possible, be the beacon of light for the fellow souls you encounter along your path… We are all in this together.
YOU are a Miracle!

With My Love!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Do You Want a Better Life?

Well…Do You Want a Better Life? Do you want to be Happy? This blog includes three possible tools for you. One of the best ways to lead you to this result in your Life is to be kind! Yes, that simple concept. Be Kind! Yes, you may want to go out of your way to be supportive. It is worth it. Being Kind is better when you do NOT have expectations regarding a reward. So consider, non-conditional Kindness. The Kindness you give without a payment, even the expectation of an acknowledgement. Just because being Kind feels good and can assist another soul. You unknowingly may become a Role-Model of Kindness.

Consider this exercise in Kindness may suffer if you are “Giving advice” or “Preaching” your beliefs. Supportive listening without interrupting with “your story” may be more helpful than telling your partner your opinion, even if it is a useful perspective. Respectful listening is a great gift.

And, when someone else is Kind to you, say thank you. Show some appreciation. Then go out and “pay it forward” by an act of Kindness for someone else you may stumble upon. It does not have to be complicated or financially costly. Just look someone in the eye and say “Thank You, You are Amazing!” Tell someone they are “doing a great job!” Notice their effort, even if it was unsuccessful. This borders on the next gift you can give yourself for a better life… Be grateful! Consider how many miracles occur each day just to allow you to function in your body and your life.

Consider and appreciate with gratitude where your food came from. Where your water came from. The miracle that your body can digest your food or breathe the oxygen you require… Your sun shows up everyday in some way to give life to our Earth. And, when you are most fully conscious, show gratitude for every soul who crosses your path, for they are there, at some level, to teach you. And, do not forget to show gratitude for yourself. Yes, you, even as you struggle with your challenges every day. You are perfect, even in your imperfections.

To be Kind and to have gratitude can be easier when you are “present.” In the present moment with less concern with what might happen in the unknown future and no baggage or traumas carried over from past experiences. Easier said than done. However, to be looking to be Kind and to find gratitude in the present moment can offer you a “wonderment” with appreciation for the amazing possibilities found in every second of your life.

Discovering what offers you happiness is an individual process. Though in your personal consideration, you may wish to begin with being Kind and finding the best way you can offer the kindness as a gift of unconditional service. Your heart will celebrate in joy. This can lead to happiness…

In the book, “Power of 8,” research journalist, Lynne McTaggart, makes a strong case for the intentional process of being unconditionally Kind with a group of people sending out “healing” thoughts and energy. Being intentionally Kind seems to create happiness and healing for the sender as a by-product of this exercise. In Lynne McTaggart’s research and experiments, she found that the desire to heal has a healing effect upon the sender, you. Intentional kindness can offer you the benefit of heart felt Joy and happiness. Try it alone or in a group. But, you do not have control over whether the subject you are sending love and healing energy to will actually choose to use this Love and Healing as you desire. That is why you give it unconditionally with no expectation, just your sincerity.

And, in case you have had a lapse in your spiritual consciousness, I want to remind you that YOU are Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

In the Afternoon of My Life

Maybe it is the Late Afternoon of my life. Soon I will be entering the Eighth decade of my life. Quite frankly, I never thought I’d be around this long. It never occurred to me to consider this aging process and what my role as an elder is all about. For me, on the inside, I still consider myself to be young. At least younger than that stranger looking back at me in the mirror.

My friend, in his 50’s, Rodger, told me that “we are in the “afternoon” of our lives,” it caused me to pause and consider these words. Then, as if to correct himself he added, “Or, perhaps, we are are in the “late afternoon” of our lives…” to better include my current level of ancientness. And Yes, this did add entertainment to my consideration of this dilemma. Ok, when do you hit “evening” or late night TV of your life?

Question: Do I want to be old? NO! Do I want to act my age? NO! Do I want to even consider decrepitude? NO, NO, NO! Do I accept myself and the process of aging? With a struggle, Yes and, not really…

AND, what’s my role in this drama? I am a father. I am a grandfather. I am a brother, a lover, a friend, a mensch, a clown, a writer, a teacher, and a healer. And, I am so much more. None of these labels are adequate to define my role. I am a human living in privilege living in North America who occasionally struggles with cultural expectation of who I am and where I am “supposed” to be at this later stage of this life… (Societal expectations based on what culture suggests has never been my strong suit. I have always felt like I am “outsider” looking in and, with pride, in my oppositional opinions and actions…)

Do I care about the future? Well, yes, but differently than I expected. My youthful optimism is reduced, mostly due to waning energy levels. I have always been impatient with life, and still am… From my current perspective, I appreciate the miracles and blessings of life much differently, and with more reverence, than I did in earlier decades. Most of the time I view people, and our shared encounters, looking for the beauties and the good things rather than in negative judgement of an insecure younger me looking to pretend that I am better than… Translation: now, I look more often for a beauty or acknowledge a skill rather than looking to find a weakness or flaw in the people I interact with.

So what does it mean to be in the “late afternoon” of my current incarnation. The days seem to be getting a bit shorter. My energy is drawing inward. I am not cut off from my world but my view is less unbridled than in earlier times. Taking on larger, time and energy, consuming projects seems to be lowered in priority for me. I may not get to learning those new languages or learning to play new musical instruments, which I have put off for many decades. I may even shelve going to medical school which was a very high priority for me when I was 15 years old. Though, I will make time to view more Sunsets and perhaps to taste some good wines.

My life has been filled with Guidance and protection. There are still important challenges and missions for me. There are times when I feel like I am “winding down” and there are times when I rationalize that I am actually using my energies more efficiently. Either way, I proceed through this life with Wonderment and Beginner’s Mind when I choose to be most present. My request to you, as you have read this far, is find Joy and laughter every day of your life. Add the perspective that your life, all life, is a Miracle and you are blessed when you can share your experience with other pilgrims you meet along your way.

If circumstance appears and asks you if YOU want to return for another lifetime in a human form, you may say “No, I do not want to return.” For life is “hard” and full of drama and you may consider that “you” deserve a “rest.” I have considered this option and heard other people’s answers. The Dalai Lama when asked this question responded by saying that he “hopes” he can return and continue to be of service. He is highly evolved and perhaps he is “done” with human incarnations. If you do NOT want to return for more lives and experiences of service, then, almost certainly you WILL have to return for the challenges of additional incarnations… Worry not, for all incarnations are simultaneous and there is no linear time in the higher dimensions (from where we have come.) Just keep breathing and being present. Allow your meditations to offer you guidance…

AND, every day consider your purpose in your current incarnation. Looking deep into this circumstance, I feel certain that you will “know” that you are here to serve! Share your stories and the wisdom you have gained, or are struggling to gain. The people you bump into are both your students and your teachers. We all share life experience to support each other in developing our consciousness. and, we are all in this (life) together…

Dance like no one is watching! Live like this will be your very last day… No regrets, you are perfect and so accept those flaws and imperfections which make you unique…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Looking Through the Eyes of Wonderment

An update and revisit after spending time with my 22 month old grandson…

The Blessing a young child brings is to see what I know to be “common” as an amazing and unique moment in time. Like the first time I noticed a miracle in nature. Getting out of past and future expectations into the excitement of being present. Wide eyed and a celebration with each “new” thing… What Joy can I find in the incredible moment? It has never existed nor will ever exist again. Appreciation and Gratitude…

Last November, Mr Milo would ask “Whad Dat?” He would point to anything, and everything, and ask, “Whad Dat?” But now 8 months later he learns like a sponge, drawing all information into his budding human consciousness. He tries to mimic a word or short phrase. He has learned what some animals sound like. When we saw a Barred Owl on a hike a few days ago, he lit up and said “whooo.” The owl gave him a once over and knew that they were both of Divine birth and had some souls linked together… Well, maybe I read way too much into this interaction but it really struck me with the new adventure for Mr Milo which was playing out. He even learn immediately how to “hug a tree.” (With some credit and “blame” going to his grandfather.) Progress is coming quickly.

Background: in a shared meditation when he was one month old and napping in my arms, I saw him as older wise man standing above me and to my left. In my meditation, I was a bit surprised and said to him, “You are an Old Soul!” He replied, “We are all old souls…” This shocked me. Why was I having to learn something from a baby who is one month old…? Oh well. I am in a state of wonderment as I appreciate and learn from every soul I meet, if, I am most present and available.

Mr Milo is learning how to navigate in his current younger body with his encouraging parents. AND, when I look into his eyes, I can sometimes see that his connection to Divine Wisdom is not shut off. My service to this soul may be to help remind him of who he really is and from where he has come. Perhaps he will maintain his connection to the Divine and not have to accidentally find the connection to the Divine or to work so hard at “Remembering” this connection. I tell Mr Milo, “You are a Miracle!” and he has an interesting, perhaps a “knowing” smile as he then repeats, “Miracle,” “Miracle.” Very cute but…???

He serves all the people who can focus upon him as he moves through his current life in wonderment and demonstrates “Beginners Mind.” He is present. New things are an adventure and, only occasionally, “scary.” He is loved and protected by parents and guides as he moves along his path in this life adventure. So, I had few expectations regarding my necessity to become a grandfather but this may turn out very well for my learning at this stage in my current incarnation. Oh well, I thought I was done but I guess there is still more for me to participate within. What a Blessing!

Living in the consciousness of the Beginners Mind. Where everything is new and being fully present is cause for celebration of all the wonders of our human life on Earth. Can we all spend more moments in wonderment and remember our beginner’s mind? And, can we find those moments of gratitude for the beauty and perfections which manifest in every moment?

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Whad’s Dat?

Wonderment… All things are new… When you travel to a new place or visit a new culture, your perspective changes. Things are not familiar. “You are Not in Kansas” anymore. Everything you see and experience may be new to you or at least a different version of what your normal life might look and even feel like. Your eyes are big and bright! Your mouth might drop open in excitement! Your ears strain to listen to the new and different tones and sounds. AND, your mind may ask, “Whad’s Dat???” Translated from 14 month old Mr. Milo’s verbiage to “I am curious. What could that be and how does it work and what do I do with it???…”

Yes, I just had 5 days with my 14 month old grandson, Mr. Milo. His excitement for EVERYTHING makes looking at my world and what I take for granted, much more interesting. His “Wonderment” is infectious as I watched him explore this new alien world which I commonly overlook due familiarity. Yes, even the magnets on the refrigerator have new uses and cause great excitement. They are no longer just holding last week’s shopping list. They are magical objects to be carried and thrown into different corners of the room. My son reported that they do NOT need to buy Mr Milo toys because everything he sees and grabs becomes a new toy to this young explorer.

I have written before, in fact recently, about “Beginners Mind” and living life in the “Wonderment.” We can all be more fully “present” and in a state of mind where everything in nature is exciting and magical. We can remember that it is a “Miracle” that our life exists and the things we see or touch are amazing, often unique, and much of the time not fully explainable. Interacting with other people adds complexity because people can “look” normal but “behave” in very unusual ways. What made “them” the way they are? What happened in their life to them? Its complicated and not possible to fully understand, if you are really open and honest. Every interaction is a “new Toy” for your consciousness. Whad’s Dat? is a question for you to consider regarding what is your lesson from each interaction.

Look at life, YES, every moment as if this moment is unique and special. Each moment is there for you to learn and experience a very special lesson. No matter how “young” YOU are, your senses can absorb the Earthly world we share and from within your heart you can feel the joy bursting bright within you. The mystery may be, what is this lesson and how can I integrate this moment into my consciousness? How then, can I tell the story and share the wisdom gleaned from this moment in time and how might it be important to all of Divine Consciousness???

If you find this difficult, find a 14 month old and participate in their adventure of exploration. Chances are your heart will fill with joy as you watch each new discovery unfold and each new and unique interaction finds its direction. Know that each moment can be seen as unique if you choose to participate in the Joy of “Beginners Mind.”

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Beginner’s Mind Revisited!

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”

“The more advanced you are in spiritual consciousness, the more you experience the “present” in the Beginner’s Mind.”

I have heard this expression, “Beginner’s Mind,” before and this week it has come up several more times in very different conversations. When a concept comes up several times in different situations… perhaps you should pay attention because the Universe is trying to tell you something. For me, this means writing about it and attempting to be more conscious regarding this concept and how I may want to apply it.

What is “Beginner’s Mind?”
Wikipedia defines “Beginner’s Mind” by first giving it it’s Zen name, “Shoshin”:
Shoshin (初心) is a concept in Zen Buddhism meaning “beginner’s mind”. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would. The term is especially used in the study of Zen Buddhism and Japanese martial arts.

The phrase is also used in the title of the book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by the Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki, who says the following about the correct approach to Zen practice:
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”

Well, this article is an attempt to explore not only what it might mean but why it has value.
My sage spiritual mentor, Rodger, threw out words like:
Be open
Nonjudgmental to new information and experiences
Be Curious
Be “Present” (not distracted or too busy to see the forest from the trees…)

New experiences, information, relationships, thoughts, guidance, epiphanies, insights, revelations, feelings, knowings, “remembering” concepts, etc … all come to people who are open, curious, ready for more input into their lives and their consciousness. But, do you judge and look for flaws or weaknesses, or places for disagreement or are you more curious? Do you have a more rigid view of the world where new thoughts or experiences are NOT trusted and dismissed because these do not fit with what you already know or believe? Are these new experiences contrary to what you think, know or feel? Are you fearful because these are new and different or do you celebrate the exciting fresh possibilities?

Do you look at a new person you meet and ask about them and what they are most passionate about? Or, do you find them to be competitors for attention and you attempt to find ways to disqualify these new characters who are joining your “drama?”

“Beginner’s Mind” is not, just, for beginners. It is for every advanced “consciousness seeker” who has the innocence to experience insights and who can be open for moments of intense spiritual awakening. (Perhaps, we should all strive for this way of gathering our spiritual development.

Tip: Observe a young innocent child of 2 or 3 or perhaps 4 years of age as they react to a new object in their world. (It could be a new skill such as talking or walking or running or using a slide in the park.) Observe their excitement and wonderment as they explore the new point of focus. They may be filled with joy, and showing it. They are definitely “present” and engaged. This is how we can choose to be when we are walking through life. This is the manifestation of the most curious Beginner’s Mind…

Consider the limitations of fear and the “Glass half Empty” approach to life. It is safe. But, YOU have to work your way through the fears and self-imposed barriers to your life’s learnings. Adventures are not for the timid but make a life more exciting, memorable, and worth living! Be “present” as you travel through your new life experiences AND keep your head up with your eyes focused on the horizon. As a young child might celebrate in joy the new challenges which cross your path!

To explore more topics of spiritual development consider participating in our community, Masters of the Journey or visit our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney

One thought restated:
Do you remember when you were a young child in this lifetime and you found the joy, the delight, and the wonderment in each new object or skill you discovered? This can be the way you experience each day, each new occurrence, and each new person who falls into your life. The power of the “Beginners Mind” is found in the joy of each new experience, each new learning, each new developing consciousness, or most importantly, each new “Remembering” of your Divine Wisdom that you find within your soul/spirit.

Can You Wake With Wonderment?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake in a state of wonderment, excited about what the day will bring to you? Everyday brings new experiences and new interactions which serve to guide and to teach us the lessons we have come to learn. We might find ourselves waking with uncertainty and possibly fearful or anxious thoughts about the new day, but if we change our frame of reference, we might look as a child would look with the thrilled expectation that something good or fun will happen. Just like many of us have awakened on a Christmas or Birthday morning excited by the possible gifts the day may bring. Life is a gift! Everyday we wake we can celebrate!

Even when we bump up against a person with a “chip on their shoulder” or “an axe to grind” we might avoid judgement on the behavior and look instead for what may have caused this person’s reaction to the world. Or, we may just find some mild entertainment in the clumsiness of the emotional experience being acted out. We will not be able to avoid people who act from a negative hue, but we do not have to be caught resonating with a vibration of anger or fear. (Instead, you can choose Love!)

A childlike wonderment can bring joy and a positive expectancy to our lives. The concept of “Beginner’s Mind” teaches that we can be wide open to new experiences and find excitement in what delightful things might happen as we travel the path through life. We can always have the innocence of youthful observation, lacking judgement. Easier said than done, however, worth striving to achieve.

Let’s choose to celebrate each day and each soul we bump up against. Let’s find the wonderment and excitement of the lessons we learn. They may not all be easy or fun, but we can find their relevance and importance as we test our growth in consciousness and our developing spirit. Choose the glass half full instead of half empty… Perhaps we can even seek out and choose to be surrounded, or at least touched, by positive, loving souls who support your learnings and your growth as we move to remember our perfection and the connection to the Divine Spirit within.

If you wish to connect with a supportive non-religious community which is dedicated to raising consciousness consider exploring the Masters of the Journey which strives to support members and allows members to share their stories of insight and growth. Share your life’s experiences and find the wonderment as you witness other people’s awakenings!

YOU are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master with much to share! Find joy in being open to all the wonders which our lives can provide.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog