Reminder: Life is a Journey! Life is an adventure. You learn more from the challenges or by following the path less traveled. If Life was easy, it would NOT hold the important lessons which we came here to learn! If you want to sit on your comfortable couch and watch the world go by on your TV (or YouTube,) you are NOT getting the benefit of living the adventures which reward you with stories and experiences which “light you up.” Sure sitting on your couch is comfortable and you can find excuses for not heading out to challenge yourself, but then you have to be responsible for the regrets and the “What if’s” that you could have done during your life. Get off the couch and Go Do Your Life!
Fear of the unknown will create excuses for not doing your life. You are meant to overcome your insecurity, your anxiety, your depression, and your friends/family’s naysaying. Reach down, find your fortitude. Test yourself! Have an adventure which becomes a story you can share rather than an excuse for not living your life. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for being! Your “Dreams” are worth chasing, whether you succeed or whether these become life lessons which make you stronger and more valuable. Yes, then you must share your story. Do not whine or hold the pain too long (and this is tricky ’cause you get to have some attention or sympathy if the path was difficult BUT you have to move on and get ready for your continuing lessons. Just do not stuck in your “drama.”)
BTW. Who ever said that Life was supposed to be easy and fun, misjudged the deeper purpose of living as a human being. Struggle and suffering is also off base. It is challenging to find meaning and joy in difficult experiences but this is closer to our purpose in growing in consciousness towards an “Enlightened” self-realization. Thanks again to my mentor, Paula Forget, for reminding me of these concepts which I have found my words to describe…
Look for Life Adventures. Try not to hide from or avoid the challenges and lessons which make life worth living. And, Find Joy in every interaction and experience ’cause they are ALL there for a purpose, to serve your learning and development! Yup, even the difficult ones. Especially, the difficult ones!
You are a Miracle! You are a Unique Blessing! Thank you for being you and traveling this path to higher consciousness!
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
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Thank you for wise words, John! This blog reminds me of my favorite quote, “every man dies, but not every man really lives.” This was from Braveheart, directed at a bunch of guys. I certainly believe it applies to women too, like my three daughters.
Thanks Curt. You Have to have a Braveheart to address this lesson and somehow include your daughters… Is this ok with Mary? I am sure it is… Am I in trouble now???…