Anxiety in Life’s Drama

The Anxiety Holocaust of Your Life is way too dramatic as a description of your human life. And, many of us live with the emotional consideration that our lives are filled with life threatening drama… There is plenty of drama in everyone’s life though some people will interrupt you to explain why THEIR Life is particularly filled with their drama and so offer their unconscious drama competition. (You KNOW who you are. Always trying to interrupt and “one up” your conversation partner so you can get more attention and hold the podium for focus upon yourself…) Before I interrupted myself with my rant regarding “attention seekers,” I was saying that everyone of us has drama in our lives. Due to differing levels of sensitivity, some of us dwell in this consideration, more than others of us, on the levels of drama which surround our lives. Some of us are “tough” and take our drama in a low-key way. Others of us run in circles with our hair on fire to better spread the craziness which we have created in our human existences.

There are times in our lives when there is more craziness and drama. There are times when we take conscious responsibility for this higher level of drama and there are times when we do not take conscious responsibility for the upsets in our lives. May I suggest, that at some deep level, in spiritual belief, we have agreed to take on the drama and craziness for the benefit of challenging ourselves or to be of service to other human souls we bump into in our lives. Sure, you may want to disagree with this suggestion. This is YOUR drama to play out…

There are times when we are caught up in our crazy lives and can forget that life is a Miracle and that we have come here to test our wisdom and challenge ourselves with the drama called our lives. We can forget that we are ALL in this together and that we are here to support and to serve one another. We are HERE for the adventure travel of our souls with the 3 dimensional limitation of human life on Earth. In the grandstands of the Divine Spirit, many other souls are cheering us on as we run around in the three ringed circus called humanity. Yup, they are watching the spectacle as the amazing learning experience and soul testing that living as a human is meant, and agreed upon, to be.

So, if you can resonate with these ideas and this perspective, perhaps you can break free from the unconsciousness and find celebration in the anxiety and drama we are immeshed within. This acceptance, or at least the openness for this consideration, can modify the levels of anxiety we experience in our human drama. We can use this “higher” perspective to consider the value and even the benefits from all the weirdness we must endure throughout our bizarre human lives. “Everything happens for a reason” is an expression that from a higher perspective puts anxiety filled moments into a slightly more manageable belief. Our lives are “interesting” and have value because we get to jump into the fire of our human lives and walk on the burning coals. Maybe we get burned or maybe we walk through fire relatively unscathed… No matter what, your life is “Perfect” and a Miraculous experience to celebrate, perhaps even enjoy…

You are Loved! The souls in the audience of the higher Divine Bless You and Celebrate your life!

And, so what if we have “life threatening drama” in our lives. That is what brings us back for more human adventures… And, death is NOT the enemy, just a transition into another, “Higher” state of consciousness.

Revisiting: Walking Your Sacred Path

We are born into our present incarnations to follow our sacred path moving ever closer to “Enlightenment.” Along the way we are challenged by interactions and experiences which are there to teach us lessons we require to move further along our path. Each of us is unique and must walk our sacred pilgrimage in our own way. Know you are NOT alone. You are a part of the Divine Spirit but your distinct path will guide you to special learnings designed to assist you and to share with other pilgrims you encounter. As we are “one,” we are here to take the hands of the fellow travelers to aid them in their distinctive sacred path.

When we feel lonely, we are caught in a trap of separation which our mind and our egos create. At times like these, we can attempt to remember that our role is to support other seekers and reach out to share our story. The perspective that you offer as you share your success or failure (and failure does not really exist) offers your witness a chance to learn from your travails. You are a Master. No one else can be who you are and perfect in your own way. Share your story AND be available to witness the telling of your communication partner’s story. You give a great gift by allowing them to give to you in sharing their wisdom…

If you can remain “present” and “mindful” with each step you take on your sacred journey, you will reach your most important learnings most quickly. This is easier said than done but avoiding the traps of dwelling in the past or feeling the fear and anxiety surrounding the unknown future, you will live and learn most gracefully. Detachment and less judgement will add to your mastery. Again, this important lesson is easier said than done…

A wise mentor has encouraged me to walk my sacred path from my heart and avoid the limitations created by my mind. For me, this means that I listen to my intuition and allow my guides to assist me to make course corrections along my sacred path. Guidance has been most helpful and supportive for me. I have learned to acknowledge and trust that small voice which I “know” creates the messages I feel in my soul/heart. Along the way, I must let go of the “toxic memories” from painful past experiences so I can move forward into new adventures. So, hear the “truth” with your heart not the altered thoughts and judgements from your mind! (You are NOT a victim. At some level you have been part of the “plan” which includes those difficult experiences, which we learn most from.)

Where ever possible, “be the voice of forgiveness.” Learn to say, “I forgive you AND I love YOU!” The world needs so much more of this consciousness and this will expedite your travels along your sacred path. You are a Blessing!

What is “Really” Going On?

Once upon a time… I imagined that I had “It” figured out… But, now, I am not so sure.

I wonder what is really going on…
There was once a time when it used to seem like I knew what was going on and now the more I know, the more I realize how little I understand what is really going on. Life spins and this roller coaster ride, though entertaining, does not seem to be as clear as my brain can handle. It takes living and experiencing many things to learn how little you know.

It is not that life is a mystery. (Which it is…) It is that our human minds cannot fully comprehend the full magnitude of what life is beyond the three dimensions. Yes, there is more than we can figure out with our linear minds when caught up in the limitations of space and time.

Sometimes I have a sense of peace when I can accept being “present” and not attempting to be “in control” of the uncontrollable life I am living in my human drama. For me, I simply observe in a nonjudgemental way. (Very occasionally.) I can attempt to remain in a state of Equanimity regarding the crisis’ and upheavals which human drama manifests. I look for a more simple pattern of appreciation and Gratitude for the “Miracles” which cross my vision (or other human senses…) BUT, (Big But,) most of the time I want to “understand” what I can not understand.

My mind and ego want to most fully understand and control every situation because these parts of me feel safer when I come up with an “understanding” and can pretend to be in control of the difficult life situations and interactions which I stumble into.

The “bottom line” is that every situation, every interaction, and every human drama is a perfect moment to test out my consciousness and my developing wisdom on the human plane of existence. When I can find amazement and joy with a “Beginners Mind” in these experiences, as a baby/toddler does when they begin to explore their world, then I might temper my fear and anxiety. Perhaps, I can even surrender into the moment to most fully appreciate how weird and wonderful being a human can be.

When I can elevate my perspective to a more broad view, I can find and then celebrate the human drama which I find myself within.

Beyond this incomprehensible conundrum, as we play our roles in our human dramas, PLEASE know that you are Loved. You are Perfect! YOU are a Miracle! Though other humans we bump into may not say it, YOU are NOT alone. YOU are an important piece of the Divine Spirit. Thank you for being you.


Are we all “Adrift” as we plod along our path through our pilgrimage in life? And, “when we make a plan, God laughs.” We can pretend to be in “control.” As we drift down the “River of Life,” are we in control or freely floating wherever the current takes us? How is the consideration of being adrift in our lives useful to contemplate? And, if this thought brings up anxiety for you, what is the lesson you could benefit from considering?

Definitions of the concept/word “Adrift:”
1. so as to float without being either moored or steered.
2. failing to reach a target or winning position.


Definition of adrift
1. without motive power and without anchor or mooring a boat adrift on the sea
2. without ties, guidance, or security people morally adrift
3. free from restraint or support

No matter which definition you would choose, the common thread seems to be a lack of connection to something “more solid or considered successful.” And, is this something to strive for or to avoid? There are times in my life when being too connected meant that I was tied down and restrained from the freedom of moving willy-nilly about my life. Sometimes this is good and sometimes not so good, but always adding to the adventure of life. Consider, sometimes we have to “let go” and allow ourselves to drift into a life experience without perfect control or a solid support. This can make this life experience an adventure as we flow most freely down the River of Life. Our left brain and ego rarely enjoy this free floating due to fear/anxiety regarding where we are being “taken.” When we get swept up in falling in Love with another imperfect human, we can be aware of a lack of control over where the current will lead us… And yet, we often embrace this emotional adventure.

Life would be less fun if we “had to be in control” of every turn on the road of life. Being “swept away” or adrift in the current can be an intense learning, or testing, experience. Sometimes we just have to jump in this river and flow with it, trust in it, and find joy in the uncontrolled escapade. Life is a miracle and Joy can be found in the unplanned occurrences we venture through. A lack of security or support can become intense and important challenges in our brief human lives. We can learn from these times. We can develop new consciousness and wisdoms. If we survive, in our human forms, we can then be role models or mentors to other people we encounter and so serve by raising the consciousness of these souls we bump into.

Adrift can sound frightening to our survival based ego brains. To our spirit, it can be a leap into the Divine.

There are no easy answers. You must live your life in your own unique way. No one else can tell you the “best” way to behave or to live. You find this out on your own as you drift through life. Guidance, Love and support from the Divine is within you, if you choose to quiet yourself, be present, pay attention, and are willing to follow what is possible. Know yourself (easier said than done.) When you feel “Adrift,” from a much broader perspective, you find yourself in a wonderful adventure that unconsciously is needed and perhaps even desired. “Go for it!” And, of course, take responsibility for any seemingly mis-adventures you have swum yourself into…

When you find yourself adrift, feel the creative forces flowing. Know that you are not alone. You are loved and cherished. You can NOT make any mistakes which are not perfect and important for you to experience (though not always easy or fun…) There is much to learn when we can “let go” and trust the Divine Spirit. This may be the foundation for the reality of being “Adrift” in the Higher Realms and where we have come from and where we will return… AND, when you make a “Plan” to follow in your life, be unsurprised when your human planning goes awry. The deviation from your considered path has potentially high value as life experience. (This is why many of us, at some point in our human lives, like to venture into the unknown as a “thrill ride” in the amusement park called life.) When you find yourself adrift in the rapids of the River of Life, consider the possible choices you made to get you to this seemingly precarious thrill ride and consider the significant lesson you are to learn from this amazing turn of events…

Please understand, if you have read this far, I am not saying “NO” to life planning. Plans are great. Plans are fun and help you to focus your available time, energy and resources. Just do not take yourself and your plan too seriously so that you feel emotionally crushed if your plan does not work out as well as you wanted. The deviation from your planning may turn into a wonderful possible direction and you will learn many things along the way. So, be open and available to all that might occur as you float down your river of life. Being “present” and most aware are your helpful tools in these experiences. No matter what happens, YOU are amazing!

You are a Miracle. Whether you know this or not, you have come into your life to experience the adventure of living with the limitations of living as a human in 3 dimensions. You get to test your wisdom and to learn from human experiences. In many ways, you are never really “adrift” but perhaps flowing down your path toward some Divine escapades. There is a belief by some, who consider that your life’s events and learnings were an agreement created before you came into your current life as a way to learn your specific lessons and to assist other souls where your adventures overlap. This would be very difficult to prove but it is worth some consideration. Perhaps your guides and the ancestors of your lineage will be the unseen mentors which actually prevent you actually being “adrift” as they guide and support you and your journey of learning through your current incarnation. (Again, this is difficult to prove but does it feel like there is truth in this possibility. For me, there is a gut feeling of possible truth…) For myself, I have a very strong feeling that I have been guided and protected through the travails experienced in my life. (I am open and available to feel the guidance and brave enough to trust it…)

On the occasion where you may feel Adrift, please consider the possible lessons you can learn from this challenge. Share this wisdom when it is possible as an act of service for other people drifting through their lives.

Thank you for your time and consideration. You are Loved!

Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning
Viktor Frankl

Life’s suffering has meaning. The challenges we face are lessons to learn from and for then wisdom to blossom. How can we look at our hardships and suffering to find the benefit, if only that we have survived…?
Our potentials can change but each new experience or focus can lead us to learn and to grow. If we share our learnings, these challenging experiences have greater value and “meaning” as wisdom for others to learn from and to possibly change their lives, or their potentials.

Our suffering is reduced and more gracefully survivable if we see the value and larger purpose/lesson in our experience of the suffering. With found meaning/purpose, we have more reason to live and then to teach from our learned lessons.

Viktor Frankl was a German, Jewish psychiatrist who was sent to Auschwitz in 1944. His survival and his observations were the basis for his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” and his creation of Logotherapy which is his version of psychotherapy. A basic premise of his therapy says that finding a reason/meaning in your suffering adds positive value and some resolution to your mental/emotional challenge. He believed that human nature is motivated by the search for a life’s purpose. Frankl’s story was difficult for me to read because of the losses he suffered as his life was stripped away in the German concentration camps of World War II. As a testament to his survival, he found “meaning” in this horrible life experience. His insights have served many people.

Common human responses to life’s stressors can lead to anxiety and depression. Frankl’s work helped to search for the reason that people have emotional stresses as necessary and important lessons. Observing these “reasons” can lead to wisdom to share and a change of perception regarding these stressors. This can lead to resolution of the emotional impact these challenges can have.

Taking full responsibility for one’s life is important. Circumstances can occur which you can not fully control, however, you do control the way you respond and you can understand more fully your role in creating this experience. An example, I was riding my bicycle down a hill and as I turned right at the bottom, a pick up truck cut his corner and hit me. I broke my arm and had other injuries. Sure, the young driver cut the corner but I was flying down the hill… I learned a great deal. For me, the experience with breaking my arm, being in the ER, and staying over night in the hospital were all important lessons of value for me to have. Sure, I would NOT wish this on anyone else, but the value held great learning for me. For me, being a “victim” of circumstance was not the direction for me to go. (And, showing the photo of my surgically repaired arm has been very interesting…)

Unlike Viktor Frankl, my experience does not match surviving in a World War II German concentration camp for more than one year. My suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually can NOT compare with Viktor Frankl’s. However, making the most of life’s tough experiences AND then the willingness to be positive as I share the wisdom learned, does have some similarity. If fully shared the story of your life and what you have learned by surviving this far, your witness would most likely wonder how you made it through the drama and adventures… We have ALL been lucky to survive our life experiences and lived to tell about these how we managed to get through our lives.

AND, in my opinion a main purpose in living is to share our stories in support for other pilgrims we meet along our way. The service of supporting and offering guidance learned from experience to fellow travelers is what we are here, in this life, to do.

YOU are a Miracle! Whether you know it consciously or not, You are a perfect soul and more powerful than you allow yourself to know or believe. Thank you for being you. I bow in Love and Delight to YOU the perfect spirit before me. Namaste!!!

Time for Grounding

Are YOU spinning like a top? Is life swirling and creating an energetic maelstrom which is blowing you about? Are the multiple life dramas you are working through feeling overwhelming or maybe depressing? Well, welcome to the club! Yup, we are being pushed 24/7 to our limits AND we are feeling it! So, what do you do to get back in control or to mellow out? Recently, I was chatting with a group of people and discussing this common phenomenon and a discussion regarding how best to “Ground Out” came up…

Grounding out suggests that there is an excess of energy (maybe anxiety) within you (your body or your consciousness) and that, like electrical energy, it can be released by grounding into the Earth. Lighting rods offer this grounding to a discharge of electrical energy called lighting… (Your science lesson for today.) But, your release of emotional energy can be very important for this excess energy may distract you and keep you from focusing upon what life requires. So, grounding can be a very important and life preserving endeavor.

Everybody is triggered by their own unique set of circumstances. Everybody holds their stress and anxiety in their own way. And, “letting go” or grounding out will also be a unique experience. So, you will find your own way to do this and perhaps, you may even remember to use these tools/techniques. Using these preventively can become a positive habit which can work to keep you healthy, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you do not know how to begin to find your way then I have some suggestions to attempt.

1. Be present: “in the moment” Easier said than done but well worth practicing. Too often we can find ourselves reliving a moment (of upset or negativity) from a past experience. Or, we can dread an unknown on the horizon off in our future. Enlightenment is often demonstrated by “being” in the present moment which is easier said than done…
2. Breathe (Most important to help find your way back into your body AND the Present Moment) By focusing on an essential physical act and controlling this moment we can lead the body into relaxing and becoming more present. Perhaps, you can attempt to breathe slowly, feel cool air as you inhale, pause a moment, then release/exhale the warmed breath as you slowly and fully exhale. Imagine that as you exhale you can release any excess energy or anxiety, letting it flow out and away. The next cool, soothing inhales can begin to fill you with a calming sense of peace…
3. Yoga or Stretching (releasing built up muscle tension and increases body awareness.) Yes, breathing and slowly stretching to release tension can be a tool for regaining your presence.
4. Meditation or guided relaxations (see Stress Education Center) Slowly and gently focusing on breathing and “letting go” of thoughts can be a wonderful practice. Intuition can be enhanced. Most people can benefit from practicing this long enough to be able to releasing distractions from thoughts drifting through the mind.
5. Walk in Nature (ground out with each step and be “present” to enjoy the miracles you will encounter in a natural setting.) Savoring your moments in nature and then acknowledging your Gratitude for these moments can be very healthy for you and your emotional well being.
6. Stones, Crystals or Minerals (I have a small collection of pocket polished stones. Each has its own energy and purpose. You discover which ones work best for you and your energy.) Every person is attracted to their own required energies and each mineral has a unique signature. So, find the ones that “feel” best for you.
7. Earthy hands on hobby (clay, wood work, natural wool, gardening, petting your pets, etc) The Earth knows what to do with any excess energy. You allow yourself to release this excess energy through connecting with a natural, Earthy endeavor.
8. Absorbing a High Consciousness Story – not too much Drama (We have enough. Taking in the story by reading or viewing from source of higher consciousness is both healing and provides perspective like, “Autobiography of a Yogi“)
9. Hydro therapy: bath, shower, hot tub, swimming, or a walk near a lake-river-ocean
10. Gentle discussion and support from a highly conscious communication partner (again less: drama, interruption, and gossip) Also, gently sharing your story can offer a new perspective on a past moment that you found challenging or brilliantly uplifting… Any grief which comes up, and then out, can be healing. Playing a victim to your grief is not a great long term strategy so explore the amazing Joy found in the “lesson” you have been offered…

AND, spend time in Gratitude! Acknowledge the beauty and the miracles which surround you. Your connection with the Divine Spirit is perfect though the “Veil” may shroud your knowing/remembering of your pure connection to “Source.”

So many more…
Find ways which work best for you. Get a coach if you can not find one that works for you.

1. Coffee/caffeine, for many, sugar or highly processed foods
2. Traffic/Chaos/Excessive Media/DRAMA
3. Television and politics… Loud media grabbing your attention.
4. And, when possible, angry, negative people if you are attempting to ground out…
5. Negative Self-Talk and being stuck in Victimhood
6. Loud or shrill Humanity
7. Outsiders Expectations of you. Internal expectations of yourself also
8. Speeding through life and breath holding. Slow conscious savoring can be good.
All of these are easier said than done. So, consider these strategies and use them as needed for you to feel most present and in control of your consciousness. If you have children share these, best by role modeling…

YOU can do it! NOW, You can remember to do your grounding program regularly, even before you get too “spun out.” Breathe and be Grateful for the Miracles of Life that present themselves and Love freely (without expectations.) AND, be the role model for your children, your spouse, your co-workers, and your family and friends. This will create a healthier environment for all of you…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Whose Lesson are YOU Learning From?

Recently, I chose to join a team supporting a friend who is battling with cancer. Have you ever participated in a community of support persons for a family member or friend dealing with a difficult disease? Chances are you have or have become familiar with such a support community. My question to you asks, was there an important lesson for you in your desire to serve as a supporter? In every interaction we share, there is much to learn especially if you are conscious and viewing these interactions with awareness.

So, I discovered, upon my reflecting upon my recent involvement, that my desire to support my friend is more complicated than I care or that I want to send some positive energy. My lesson is a multi-dimensional learning. It does feel good to participate in sending Love or possibly healing energy to my friend but I have had to stop and ask myself why. Why am I involved? Why is my friend sick? What is her lesson in this disease process? What is my lesson in participating in her disease challenge? What lessons, experiences, or information will present themselves so I can increase in value toward the people I bump into in my future? So, how does this expand me with a story to share? I “know” that every person touched by this health event has some purpose and some important lesson to take away.

Caring about my friend is the simple reason and a small part of the answer. My history includes a battle that my wife and I “fought” with cancer over 8 1/2 years and there are many important lessons learned from this past experience that now resurface and contribute to my purpose in involvement in this present supportive community. The “first” time through (with my wife’s illness,) fear and anxiety of the situation and the unknown were on the front burner for me. Now, I can serve as a more experienced supporter or even an elder in the current “fight.” This is NOT about my friends health challenge, it is a test for me born out my past traumatic experience and for the lessons learned. At a level of spiritually, one of my purposes is to see a bigger picture and ask questions which are bigger than simply dealing with symptoms, healing my friend, and the current disease.

Whose lesson is it, really? How is my friend’s condition serving as an important learning process for every one of us who have chosen to be involved? And, with this perspective in mind, how is my friend, consciously or unconsciously, in a broad way of huge service to this extended community of supporters and caregivers. I ask this because I wonder if we all are more consciously aware of the broader lessons, we can ALL find more Joy in the amazing gift of learning we are all participating within!!!???…

Can this drama in life be viewed with less anger, anxiety, depression, fear, and concern for the unknown future if we bear this positive learning in our awareness? Can this positive awareness then bear a positive impact upon the results of this health challenge? This may be too complicated to fully determine in these few thoughts and words. You are participating with your concern and YOU are Loved for your positive intentions and attention.

Finally, no matter the outcome, can we find Joy in the challenge we see unfolding? Are we free to celebrate the Divine Wisdom which is being gifted to us as we plod along in our human drama?

By the way, in my opinion, one of the greatest gifts you can “Give” to another person is the “Gift” of allowing them to give to you… (Not manipulating another person but requesting a sincere assistance.) This can warm the heart of both sides of this request and can create a bond for two pilgrims walking the path through life’s dramas. Create a healing story by giving and by receiving a gift…
Thank you to all the souls who have allowed me to be of service.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

End Game Perspective

Death is NOT the enemy! With that said, what is your end of life perspective? I find myself in my 70th year in this lifetime and I am guided to share some of my perspective from my life’s experience. 50 years ago, I was “gifted” with a life changing experience. As an immature, innocent and naive young man, I found my way into a room as a UCLA student on a student retreat weekend. The discussion was to be about a Kubler-Ross book “On Death and Dying” which had just come out that year. I had never thought about Death or Dying and had not read any books on spiritual philosophies regarding this topic. I was a clean slate and open minded… I was comfortable in my innocence with a “Guided Meditation” to find and to explore Death. No fears and no barriers to leaving my body for this exploration. In my mind, it was no big deal and I assumed that every one of the 25 students in the room would be experiencing something similar to me.

I was incorrect about this assumption. No Big Deal. I did what I was told. I relaxed. I got out of my body. I moved away from my body. AND, I went to explore Death. My guidance loved and protected me as I was “Guided” to what I thought was the halfway point to Death. In front of me was a dark horizon with a loving warmth radiating from over this horizon. No fear for me. In fact, the opposite was my experience. I was enveloped in a warm and unconditional Love. Words can not describe this sensation of heart based loving support, total acceptance, and a freedom from the limitations of time and space. It may have been only an instant but I recognized this as a familiar and common experience of consciousness beyond life on Earth. No Big Deal because this was familiar and everyone in the room was experiencing this same feeling.

This experience of 50 years ago is burned into my consciousness, like it just happened. I can not feel the unconditional love and warmth of acceptance, but I remember that for a fraction of a second I had felt this perfection and Joy. The “Oneness” and the access to all “Divine Wisdom” was also clear and experienced. Again, No Big Deal. When it was time to return to my body, I remember NOT wanting to return. I was ready to stay and maintain this glorious experience BUT I was “told” that I would have to return because “it was NOT your time and you had “things” to do in this life.” With resistance and disappointment, I grudgingly returned. No Big Deal!

When I found my way back and awakened from this experience, the group leader asked if anyone had something to report. Since I was one of the youngest students in the room I waited and looked around for someone else to speak up first. When no one else had anything to share, I raised my hand and told me story. No Big Deal! The guy in the front of the room listened and seemed to get excited. His eyes opened wide and he started to seem to start bouncing around in some level of excitement. It was then that I “knew” that this was a “Big Deal!” My life had been altered. With no fear of Death or anxiety regarding the end of life, I was free to live life more freely and consciously. Though it took many years and more gifted experiences to know how to speak about this, I have never let this experience fade from my consciousness. I remember the details like it just now happened.

This “remembering” has been used many times as a service to people I have bumped into in my life’s journey. (In hospice situations the retelling of this story offered peace and reduced anxiety for many individuals and their families.) It resonates strongly with stories I have been told or that I have read regarding NDE’s (Near Death Experiences.) At an IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) conference, I learned that I had had a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience.) If you want a link to a video of my story it is on YouTube at: L. John Mason’s Death Video

Why is this retelling of this story important to YOU? Perhaps you have had a similar experience or you resonate as you “remember” your experiences in this transition. Or, perhaps, you can benefit from the perspective of what is possible and what is over your horizon… What is radiating from over the horizon that you could be awaiting???

Today, I still have some lessons and “things to do” so I will wait for my “time” to call it a life. If it comes soon, I will have no regrets and little or no anxiety about this transition to the realms of the soul/spirit. YOU will find your own truth regarding the final transition which you will experience. Your perspective on YOUR EndGame is your personal journey and the blessing of your pilgrimage. The next time I am enveloped in the Unconditional Love of the Divine Spirit I will leap at the opportunity to Dance in the Light… And, I will know YOU there…

Every day, perhaps every moment, look for the Joy in the lesson you are learning from the challenge you are currently living. Yes, Joy in the most difficult, or even painful, lesson. You are a Master of your Journey. AND, You are Loved for being who you are! Live in Gratitude. Share Love freely and Unconditionally.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Contagion: Are YOU a Carrier?

As I write in March of 2020, contagion anxiety is rampant in our world. There appears to be a new virus running around the world and there is a Media feeding frenzy to add to our awareness and fear every day 24/7. It has affected our economy and way of life. We even have been told to wash our hands! Brutal! They have implied that it is better for us to walk in nature rather than in the shopping mall and even to avoid mass gatherings like concerts, meetings, conventions, schools, and even, church. Lots of world travel has ground to a halt. But, WE DO NOT NEED to hang 24/7 with the Media for frightening details of things happening far from most neighborhoods. We might even have to use our “Common Sense” (which, sadly, has been bred out of us in the USA by poor education and a general lack of interest.)

But these fearful viral contagions are not really what I want to talk about. There are so many other sources of loud annoying sources of fear based information. What I want to share is about a different kind of contagious behavior which is NOT as fearful or anxiety producing. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I am asking that you consider being “Ground Zero” of a loving and uniting contagion. A contagion of love and support! It spreads by making eye contact and smiling! Better still, make eye contact and be “present” and sincere AND then smile while saying “Thank You. You are a Blessing!” “Thank you for being you!” “You are a Miracle!” “You are Perfect!” YOU are LOVED!” Even without physical contact or a loving, tender hug, you can convey the healing virus of warmth, acceptance, and loving understanding…

After your close emotional and spiritual contact, you DO NOT have to wash yourself down with bleach or disinfectant. Yes, you have shared a moment but you have not raised the anxiety level to code Red! Go take a deep slow breath and reflect on the Divine Spirit’s amazing presence in all people and things. And besides, what is the worst that can happen? Some souls are given their chance to find completion and to transition back to spirit. Sure, their egos and physical persona in this life will not be moving around our three dimensional world and their closest family and friends will find a new experience in grief and mourning within the vacuum which is created but this is part of our life’s challenge. The Divine Spirit blesses all souls whether incarnated or as the free souls dwelling between lives. From my personal experience, I often find a state of “envy” for the freedom, acceptance, and the unconditional love which bathes the disembodied spirits most easily without the limitations of the earthly life.

So here is YOUR challenge. Go out and infect the people you bump into with an unconditional love and respect. Offer the infectious smile and appreciation that your soul can offer. Allow a spiritual connection that carries no harmful viruses but heals with a Golden White Light. Bless YOU and all the positive warmth and energy you can go out and share in this world filled with anxiety! You have the power to make positive changes, one eyeball to eyeball contact at a time. You are a Miracle and a Miracle worker. You are a carrier of healing energy!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Too Overwhelmed to Act

Chances are if you found your way to this blog posting and have read it this far, you are an empathetic consciousness seeking soul. As I write in February, 2020, our culture is in major upheaval and in the three dimensional world we live, we are surrounded and pounded by “Drama.” Politics, world health, climate change, homelessness, crime, racism, sexism, and all forms of polarizing mayhem happen to us or at us, everyday. We can hide our heads in sand and live in a quiet prison of self-constructed oblivion or be “concerned” about what we are “supposed” to do to make the world a better place. We may not be Billionaires with unlimited resources of time and money and energy so we may feel inadequate… We may just feel empathetic and “overwhelmed.”

You can do nothing and pretend to be unattached to the current situation. You can choose to be paralyzed by your overwhelm and do nothing, feeling bad about this option. You can go “observer,” running on “equanimity,” where you are too mellow so that all you do is watch and stay uninvolved… Or, you can do something short of violence, getting arrested in protest, or running in circles… You can change the source of this discord by changing the energy which feeds this polarizing and anxiety producing mayhem.

Let’s back up. We can do something more than pray, set a positive intention, and smile ineffectively and unattached at the world condition. First, we can be “fully present” and in the moment. Not in fear of the future or living with some past fearful trauma. (Easier said than done, BUT doable.) Next, we can realize that we are all connected and in this together. Yes, even the people who trigger you. Especially, the people who push your buttons of anger and/or fear. We are all equal and a part of the Divine Spirit. We all have our roles to play in the Drama we have chosen, spiritually, to live within. To make a positive impact on the world condition we can do something. Even if we do not have time, or money, or even energy, we do have a way to serve and to change the “Energy” that drives the mayhem. So…

Consider calming yourself. Finding your way into the present moment. (Both of these require some practiced dedication…) AND, then start, slowly and easily to connect with the other souls you bump into. Start easy, with the checker in the grocery store or with the server pouring your coffee, or the ticket taker at the movie theater AND, being present and loving, make eye contact with them and remind them, “yes, Out Loud,” that they are a Miracle, or that they are Perfect, or they are Loved, or that they are Blessed… You can get good at doing this. It will not harm you or them. After you are good at this, you can now begin to share this with the “difficult” people in your life, like your family, or your boss at work, or with the objectionable political “jerk” (an unnecessary judgement) who thinks the other political candidate is correct…. Yes, even these people are connected in the Divine with your soul AND they are a Miracle even as they “push your buttons.”

Looking the homeless person in the eyes, connecting with them and their disabilities, and reminding them that they are Loved and a Blessing is how you can begin to change the energy of our world. One eyeball to eyeball connection at a time… This requires practice and dedication. You need to step out of your ego and your fear (or anxiety/anger) and do the “right thing.” Bless them for the lesson they can teach to you, IF you are willing to be open and to listen. Please, help to dissolve the fear and the anxiety which caused the separation. Please, allow your heart and positive intention to tear down the walls! You can do this. Even with few resources, YOU can be a shining beacon of Love and Light! You can BE the change you wish to see in the world!

Do NOT be Too Overwhelmed to Act! You can take these small steps to improve this world one connection at a time.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at