What are YOU working on to increase your consciousness and to move down your path toward “Enlightenment?” Creating a Plan is a great way to improve your focused direction. You will need to consider your own specific challenges and then build a program/plan to assist you in moving forward. Or, you can also just stumble down your path and you will get to where you are supposed to get to with a few possible side trips. Either way, You are a Miracle and your travels will be amazing… (Not always easy or direct but amazing…)
My list includes these possible considerations. These are not necessarily in a specific order of importance. You are free to consider which of these may apply to your program…
So, consider:
1.) Be Present (lessen my emotional reaction to live in the Past or in the Future)
2.) Find Equanimity first (before my knee-jerk reaction of frustration and anger) This is not easy for me and my habitual responses.
3.) Live in Allowance… Accept more, push less (Attempt to Not Try to Figure it ALL Out. Observe and learn.)
4.) Beam Unconditional Love
5.) Less Judgement and More Acceptance & Compassion
6.) More fully remember my Spiritual Power, beyond my Human limitations
7.) Listen with Love and Empathy
8.) Embrace the Miracle of Life, Appreciation!
9.) Bask in Joy (even if you have to look under some dark, scary rocks to find it)
10.) Express Gratitude (Thank You!)
11.) Celebrate each interaction with other souls as my current lesson.
Live in the Spirit of “Namaste”
12.) Give unconditionally and support my fellow pilgrims
13.) Live in Wonderment and Amazement (Beginner’s Mind)
14.) Channel Love and Healing
15.) Know that life (Human incarnation) is a state of Impermanence
(Life is temporary and so are all the challenges…)
AND, finally…
16.) We are all Interconnected, so show Love and Respect for Fellow Pilgrims
My hope is that this brief posting offers a chance to consider plotting a good direction for you to move in. I am sure that there will be necessary steps for me to add or to evolve my focus upon as I move forward, so I am not etching this particular list into stone.
No matter what else crosses your consciousness maintain your channel with the Divine Spirit. Obviously, keep this open and available… So, learn to trust, or at least hear/feel your intuition.
Along the way, celebrate all your travels down life’s path. Remember that it IS the experience of these travels and Not the destination which will offer you the wealth of life experience… When possible, remember to look up to the horizon (and not just down on your footsteps). Look for wisdom and Joy to grow out of your “Wonderment.” (Be surprised by the unlikely interactions which may hold the most unexpected learnings…)
Travel well. And where possible, be the beacon of light for the fellow souls you encounter along your path… We are all in this together.
YOU are a Miracle!
With My Love!
Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…
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