
Peace for Everyone! Is this possible? Sure it is, AND… Our language fails us again. We can get painted into a corner by using words which mean so many things to so many people. I have used the statement, “for every truth, the opposite is equally true,” to describe that whatever you believe to be true from a different perspective almost anything can be “felt,” if not “proven,” to be “true.” Yes, even the seemingly opposite of your “truth.” Words like Love, Death, Heaven, Hell, Integrity, Truthfulness, Honesty, and now, Peace can mean different things to different people. We may want to feel that important words which convey important things are absolute and not caught in a game of semantics but they are. And, getting back to the point of this posting, Peace for Everyone is possible. In fact, if we shed the wrappings of fear, anxiety, dogmatism, and mistrust, we can all feel the deepest sense of Divine Peace.

Divine Peace is within each of us. We do not have to look externally for this. In fact, if we do attempt to find Peace externally, we may find confusion which may be, by some people’s definition, the opposite of peace. My definition of “Peace,” which will NOT do it justice, is the experience of our perfect souls/spirits fully connected to the Divine Consciousness. It is the part of us which is a hologram of the Divine. It is our internal God force. It is our true essence. And, it is beyond full human understanding because it’s full comprehension is far beyond our 3 dimensional human thinking. Divine Love and Consciousness can not be fully, adequately, defined in words or completely felt by human senses (except perhaps in brief flashes of awakening and enlightenment.) As an example, I once experienced Divine Unconditional Love for an instant. I will never forget how great this felt for that instant. This experience is burned deeply into my consciousness and yet, I can not recall the full depth of this Unconditional Divine Love. My mind is not capable of “knowing” the full scope of what this is due to the limitations of being a 3 dimensional human. And, I know that when I am not in my human incarnation, I will be free to live in this unconditional Love.

However, most people define Peace differently. A lack of conflict between people or nations or religions (or beliefs or politics or philosophies) is how most people might seem to view human peacefulness. Perhaps, it is defined as a moment in time without distraction or troubling thought. Perhaps, it is a measurable physical lack of movement or disruption. Perhaps, it is a deeper level of Meditation which seems to step away from normal life activities (and this might be the closest sense of the Divine.) I agree that many of these human definitions of peace fit within my language better than the concept of Divine Peace. We can be limited by language. For example, how does language describe the fragrance of a flower or baking bread. A great deal is lost when using language to define emotions or feelings. In English, we compare and contrast to attempt to box in an idea or a feeling in to a manageable concept. We can use sentences telling our communication partner what a thing is Not. Peace is often described as Not War or conflict. But, deep Peace is something more…

Everyone can find Divine Peace within. It is a “stretch” and many of us are not geared to look inside for the Peace which is possible. “Peace on Earth” is possible by my definition but may not be a 24/7 sustainable concept because human life and distractions can get in the way. It is something to strive for. For me, the concept of “Enlightenment” may be a step toward living in a more abundant state of Peace. And, if we as humanity were more fully engaged in the search for consciousness and Enlightenment, we would have, by my definition, be a much more Peaceful World.

In my opinion, we can move toward deeper personal peace by: being fully “present,” quieting our minds, breathing slowly and consciously, and pursuing a meditative awareness which allows a release of fear and embraces a Divine state of consciousness. All easier said than done. Intention and practice can assist you in bringing this into your life. I focus on the concept of Divine Love. I slowly breathe this Love in and then send this Love from my heart out to the Universe as a positive focusing tool which can lead me to a greater sense of Peace. This has taken me time and effort to be able to achieve especially in the quieting of my active mind. There might be reasons to struggle with finding deep Divine Peace and this is a personal struggle which is a part of why we came into our incarnations. A “test” in developing the Divine Wisdom we have come into our incarnations to experience, to “Remember,” and to expand.

For me, there is also the knowing/feeling that we are all perfect as souls of the Divine. As we take on our lives and the “roles” in the drama of life we play, our minds and ego may lose touch with deeper perfection of who we really are. When we re-discover or “remember” who we are and where we have come from, we are closer to knowing and remembering the Divine Peace which we have within. Consider how you might turn this light back on as a human test (challenge) while living in your human body in your human drama filled life. This is what we came here to experience so try not to consider this state of drama to be “bad” or evil. It is just what is and a part of our learning. YOU are a Blessing and celebrated for coming into the “testing ground” for higher consciousness on the field of human drama!

In my belief and understanding, peace is possible for everyone. Striving to find and know Peace is an act which moves us toward Enlightenment and spiritual wisdom. This “heaven on Earth” can be approached and achieved by most of us but the desire and the intent is often obscure or lacking. Waking up to this possibility is a message which can be shared and supported when we find people pursuing this focused direction. Where possible, hang out with individuals who are on this path not as a political, religious, or purely mental exercise but as an honest individual pilgrimage toward higher consciousness.

No matter what your beliefs are regarding these words and concepts, YOU are Perfect! You are a Miracle! You are an important piece of the Divine Consciousness. Thank you for being YOU!

Clearing Drama!

As human beings, we travel through our lives interacting with other incarnated souls. As we bump into other humans, we find ourselves engaged in human situations and often there is “drama” involved. Why do we create Drama? Why do we not lead with equanimity and acceptance? Well, that is why we came into our human lives for the adventures of living in the limitations of our human, 3 dimensional consciousness. We tend to not see the the “big picture” of Divine Consciousness. Some advanced and conscious souls might say that this is the “fun” of being human. Which brings me to the point of this blog posting… When we are most fully conscious and closer to the Divine Enlightenment, we are more fully “Present.” “Present” in terms of being fully in the moment and NOT living in the “Past” or anxious of the unknown “Future.”

Easier said than done… When we carry around our “Past” with its errors and trauma, our human defense mechanisms create drama when we compare the present situations to ones experienced from our past, when we were less prepared. With our “history,” we view events through the filters of possible past imperfections and get caught up in the possible fear of imperfections in the present. (Notice the “Judgement” of judging our imperfections.) We often forget that no matter what occurs, life is a miracle and perfect, even within its imperfections. We set ourselves up to walk through the emotional minefield of fear and self-doubt. We may forget to live in Joy and with the excitement of the “Beginner’s Mind” of Wonderment.

Or, we get caught in the “what ifs” anxiety regarding what might happen in the future which is not fully a known quantity, because it has not happened yet. Fear of the unknown is huge for humans caught in their 3 dimensional mindsets. In a most fully conscious place of awareness, whatever happens in the “future” moments, beyond the present moments, which have NOT happened, is not the best way to enjoy the amazing interactions of the “Present.” The neurobiology suggests that our upper left hemisphere of the brain is processing life experience, making judgements, and living in a survival mode where fear and anxiety lead the way in conscious thoughts or emotions. For more information regarding this consider reading Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. book: “Whole Brain Living, the Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Out Lives.” Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained and published Neuroanatomist whose best selling book “My Stroke of Insight” and her Ted Talk demonstrate her first hand experience with human brain functioning. Amazing description of the science of human conscious thought in these two resources.

So, if we drop the historical traumas from the Past and eliminate living in the unknown anxiety of the Future, we can control the human drama we are often caught up within. Again, easier said than done but this awareness is a great place to start. In Spiritual Enlightenment, we may tend to look for living in the Present moment. We may live that moment in a state of Wonderment. Not judging but Accepting. Not riding a human emotional roller coaster but feeling equanimity as much as possible. Sure we will have the “Oh Wow!” experiences which express the Joy of new miracle witnessed. These steps are a huge part of living in Mindfulness. The way to be happier in “Clearing Drama” is to be aware of living in the Present in a state of Mindfulness. We do not need to erase past drama. We may benefit from not being caught in its web of past experience or fear/anxiety of the unknown future. Once again, easier said than done. This awareness is more than half the battle.

Perhaps you have witnessed a most fully conscious being who appears calm and neutral, not out of a lack of caring, but out of an appreciation that living fully in the present moment is perfect and a miracle to most fully enJoy!

We, as humans, define ourselves by feeling separate and unique with our own human history. We tell our stories to ourselves and anyone who we can get to listen. We look for acknowledgement in our uniqueness and our survival of our lives. Sometimes we play the “victim card” to get attention. Perhaps, as we become more conscious, we can become aware that we are all connected. We are all perfect. We are all amazing Miracles. And, that every soul we bump into on our road through life is there for some, perhaps obscure, reason for our spiritual learning (and to experience and appreciate within the present moment.)

“Clearing Drama” is not erasing past experiences and learnings. It involves treating EVERY moment as the Miracle it is and searching for the lesson which can be learned in an attempt to move our consciousness further along the path. Oh, by the way, every interaction is also a perfect opportunity to be of service to share your wisdom with the people/souls you bump into along your way. We are all here to serve in this way, whether we are conscious of this or not… If nothing else, please take responsibility for the emotional drama you spew around the world as you travel through your life. This will make it more rewarding and fun especially if you do NOT take yourself or life too seriously. We are all but actors in the the play called “Life.”

You are a Miracle! Consider living in the present moment with a sense of wonderment rather than in the fear of judgment… (Or, at least move in this possible direction…)

Next Steps Toward Enlightenment

What are YOU working on to increase your consciousness and to move down your path toward “Enlightenment?” Creating a Plan is a great way to improve your focused direction. You will need to consider your own specific challenges and then build a program/plan to assist you in moving forward. Or, you can also just stumble down your path and you will get to where you are supposed to get to with a few possible side trips. Either way, You are a Miracle and your travels will be amazing… (Not always easy or direct but amazing…)

My list includes these possible considerations. These are not necessarily in a specific order of importance. You are free to consider which of these may apply to your program…
So, consider:

1.) Be Present (lessen my emotional reaction to live in the Past or in the Future)
2.) Find Equanimity first (before my knee-jerk reaction of frustration and anger) This is not easy for me and my habitual responses.
3.) Live in Allowance… Accept more, push less (Attempt to Not Try to Figure it ALL Out. Observe and learn.)
4.) Beam Unconditional Love
5.) Less Judgement and More Acceptance & Compassion
6.) More fully remember my Spiritual Power, beyond my Human limitations
7.) Listen with Love and Empathy
8.) Embrace the Miracle of Life, Appreciation!
9.) Bask in Joy (even if you have to look under some dark, scary rocks to find it)
10.) Express Gratitude (Thank You!)
11.) Celebrate each interaction with other souls as my current lesson.
Live in the Spirit of “Namaste”
12.) Give unconditionally and support my fellow pilgrims
13.) Live in Wonderment and Amazement (Beginner’s Mind)
14.) Channel Love and Healing
15.) Know that life (Human incarnation) is a state of Impermanence
(Life is temporary and so are all the challenges…)
AND, finally…
16.) We are all Interconnected, so show Love and Respect for Fellow Pilgrims

My hope is that this brief posting offers a chance to consider plotting a good direction for you to move in. I am sure that there will be necessary steps for me to add or to evolve my focus upon as I move forward, so I am not etching this particular list into stone.

No matter what else crosses your consciousness maintain your channel with the Divine Spirit. Obviously, keep this open and available… So, learn to trust, or at least hear/feel your intuition.

Along the way, celebrate all your travels down life’s path. Remember that it IS the experience of these travels and Not the destination which will offer you the wealth of life experience… When possible, remember to look up to the horizon (and not just down on your footsteps). Look for wisdom and Joy to grow out of your “Wonderment.” (Be surprised by the unlikely interactions which may hold the most unexpected learnings…)

Travel well. And where possible, be the beacon of light for the fellow souls you encounter along your path… We are all in this together.
YOU are a Miracle!

With My Love!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Everything is Neutral!

We are so conditioned. We can not see the forest from the trees. We actually think that the dramas we have in our lives are important. And, we have our “stories” which are often fear based and made up in our minds. As we gain in consciousness and move toward Enlightenment, we can clear our minds of Judgements. We can “empty the basket.” When we are most conscious, we can be in wonderment without (or at least less) of a “story.” If we can let go of our “attachment” to separation and ego thinking, we can ask “What would Love do now?”

How can we find our way into Gratitude and service through Generosity? Allow Team Love and Team Light to shine most brightly in each moment and in every interaction. Can we be like “Nellie” (the puppy,) who happily wags her tail at every person she meets. She is Pure Love and Sharing her Joy! Can we stop believing in our “story” and remember who we really are, a perfect Soul? Can we ask each person whom we interact with, “What have you come here to teach me?”

Fear and ego separation are the survival tools humans commonly use as we move through the 3 dimensional Earthly world. This is great for creating: drama, “our stories,” and our challenging lessons. Ultimately, we remember where in the Divine we have come from AND how powerful we are as Spirit. We remember that we are ALL One with the Universe (and beyond in the higher realms) and we take responsibility for the difficult lessons we have come to our human incarnation to experience. The energy of Love is at the core of the Divine Spirit. We, as spirit, are recognized for choosing to come to the Earthly plane to live the human dramas as lessons and for teaching other souls who have incarnated. The Divine Love is with us and supports our various projects in moving along the path toward higher consciousness. (This benefits all consciousness…)

If you “Know” and “Remember” these precepts, you are less attached to the dramas we experience and realize that these dramas are all neutral. Neither good or bad! Just maintaining our Equanimity as we proceed through these challenges reflects the highest (sorry, a judgement) level of enlightenment as we recognize the service we are proving in these lessons, for all participants, who, by the way, are simply a different form of ourselves… As our human consciousness develops we can remember more about our spirit’s life in the Higher Realms and can Know how powerful we are as Spirit.

This is a lot to consider. It does not always help to know that our human minds have severe limitations being based in a 3 dimensional world. We have come to our incarnations to have this “veil” thrown over our Spirit’s higher realm abilities. This makes our dramas seem so much more “real” to us and so our lessons become tests to learn from. Yup, shedding these limitations happens after we transition out of our incarnations. (As my transitioned wife told me through a psychic, “I am in a “better place,” which is bigger and better than you could ever imagine!” Beyond human comprehension… and, this was an answer to my daily prayers, since her passing, “I hope you are in a better place.” Though I “Knew” she was in the higher realms.)

Our lives are filled with challenges and events we label as important or difficult or Joyful. In Divine reality of spirit, these are all neutral but it helps to look for the “Joy” in the learning of each of our lessons… This is the Wisdom we can share and carry forward in the raising of our consciousness.

No matter where you are on your human journey, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Secrets to Happiness

Perhaps you have found that money, possessions, trips, your addictions, your career, even your relationships have NOT offered you the Happiness you expect and deserve. From research studies, a Yale psychology professor, course creator Laurie Santos, has developed and presented this class in person and now online (for free) to people wishing to explore the best possible activities to create a greater Happiness in their lives. (See link below for more information.)

One of the main findings comes from the Joy of Gratitude when engaged in “Giving.” Yes, your activity of serving another person in sincerity and with no strings attached, makes YOU feel good. More than buying yourself some new toy or vacation which tend to be temporary goals and distractions. The act of connection and giving your time and energy to another person is both satisfying and enhances your happiness. Of course there are many other factors in creating a life with more abundant happiness but this is a great place to start.

CNN’s story regarding this free online course from Yale University for their students, and YOU, regarding the secrets to Happiness. FREE course link and CNN story at: Yale’s Happiness Course If you take this course, you will wade through the theory of what has failed to make you Happy before you get to the application of the processes you can engage to make you more happy. Laurie states that awareness is NOT half the battle or the solution. Engaging in the positive alternative behaviors is what has the long term positive effects.

Perhaps you can begin by sharing your story and your wisdom. This is a gift which will reward you in many ways and has the possibility of expanding the perspective for your communication partner. It costs no money, but does require your desire to serve and your time. When sharing, make the story relevant to your witness and not as much about your ego’s need for attention… Perhaps, consider avoiding an over abundance of YOUR victimhood and instead focus on the Joy or Wisdom you have learned from your life’s experience. Be the Master of your Journey and share you wisdoms, or insights, freely. You will be happier for this service you provide…

On a deeper spiritual satisfaction level, you are a Master. Your Spirit is an important piece of the Universe and Divine Consciousness. Your choice to incarnate and enhance your consciousness through the lessons and drama you experience on the Earthly plain is of service to Divine Consciousness. Sharing your story and your wisdom is an act of service AND that is what you are here, incarnated, to do. When you can, look for the Joy found in the most challenging lessons and find your way to share with other pilgrims. By the Way, YOU get respect from other souls in the higher realms just for your choice to incarnate into all the Earthly drama… This makes YOU a Star!

You are a Soul having a “Human experience” and so realize that YOU are so much greater than your human existence can demonstrate. You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Since this blog post is coming out near the end of 2020, it is important to note that now, yes right now, the act of giving is not only creating happiness for you but it is serving our world which is depleted by our pandemic and economic challenges. Your efforts of giving through service do not have to be financially taxing. You can give of your time and from your heart. Even the gift of listening, witnessing another person’s story is an act of giving. Please consider finding your way of being of service and reaching out to show your care and concern for the people you bump into. This is needed now more than ever… And, “Happy Holidays” to you no matter when you are reading this blog. YOU are Loved and Cherished!!!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I am Sad and Depressed Everyday

How would you respond? What words can you convey to be of service? Can you feel empathy?

Comment which was received anonymously from a past blog posting:
“I am extremely sad and depressed everyday. Cry a lot. Think about suicide all the time. As a 54 yr old female, I am wondering how to achieve enlightenment to elevate my soul and spirit…”

How do YOU respond to this comment… So this is the Response from Guidance:

“Thank you for your comment. I am sorry that you feel sad and depressed everyday. Life is a Miracle. Living can be brutal. Perhaps you can set out everyday to find one miracle in your world. Look for it. Find it. Feel it. AND, Know it…
This may be difficult to believe but even though you feel unhappy, you are a Miracle. You are amazing. No one else could do what you do. If you shared your life’s story, people would think that you are a SuperWoman to have survived. You have wisdom to share AND do not miss the opportunity to share your wisdom, even if what you share is what not to do… Your warning may change someone’s life.

By answering your comment, my day has been changed. Thank You.
You are a Blessing!
When possible, find Joy even in the darkest day or the most difficult challenge. This is easier said than done BUT you can get good at this… by… looking for the miracles and the good there is to find…

Please take good care of yourself. I am sending you my love and my thanks.”
Additional thoughts from Guidance:

Most people find times in their human lives which do not feel happy. It is part of our challenge to live as humans in a world which often teaches through pain or fear or anxious uncertainties. Perhaps we survive and feel stronger and more resilient. Perhaps we survive and feel scarred and broken. The difficulties we face are part of the “drama” we sign up for as spiritual beings come to have “human” experiences. And, Pain is real, suffering is optional…

Life has its physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. These lessons are essential. How we deal with our losses, our pains, and our life challenges is an option we have. If you want to carry your victimhood as suffering, you have that as a choice AND as a lesson.

“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” is attributed to the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche and delivers wisdom worth sharing. (It also reflects upon our life experience as an affirmation of resilience.) No Guide from the Divine ever said that human life would be always easy or fun. The times when we often learn the most are when we are most tested. However, living life in a state of constant sadness or depression is probably not the intention for every soul walking the Earth. We are tested and true “Enlightenment” often includes the ability to find light and joy in every dark corner of our lives. Not as a Pollyannaish response but as a reverence for all lessons, especially the tough ones.

Even the wealthiest humans amongst us can NOT buy eternal happiness or, more importantly, spiritual satisfaction and wisdom with their financial wealth reserves. In fact, for many people, wealth or the desire for wealth can get in the way of the deepest spiritual insights. (Consider the story of Siddhartha.) Wealth is not bad however its focused pursuit can get in the way of being most fully “present” and then acting on the path toward “Enlightenment” in your human incarnation… (This reflects My opinion based on my guidance…)

“Enlightenment” includes non-judgement, empathy, acceptance, and equanimity of other pilgrims and the interactions which occur. The practice of an Enlightened being includes unconditional love of all souls even the ones who you bump into who teach you lessons as your seemingly polar opposites. A common lesson on the path to “Enlightenment” entails taking full responsibility for the path you are following. No one else has made the choices you have made and you empower yourself by assuming your responsibility to both “good” and the difficult circumstances you may experience along the way. YOU have more power to create than you are consciously aware of in your human existence! (If you do not like your life’s path, change it! If people do not like you, you could change or find new people or learn from this difficult and awkward situation. Quit making the same mistake over and over or accept this condition in your temporary incarnation.)

Depression and Sadness are not uncommon human experiences. Our choice is to “suffer.” On the other side of living a human life, there are miraculous experiences and joy to be found in every day which you are blessed to live.

YOU are a Blessing! You are a Miracle! No one else can do “You” better than you and the Divine Spirit would be incomplete without what your soul brings to our Universe. Thank you for being you… You are LOVED!

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

We Are Here to Love!

It is not easy! It is not complicated! We are here to love. To know love and to spread love. Our human lives pretend to honor the drama we create as the useful challenges we have to learn from. But, in the end, our learnings and our challenges are less complicated when seen from the perspective of the “Source.” We are here to serve each soul we bump into on our pilgrimage through this life and we are here to Love…

We want this to be more complicated and seemingly more important! Our egos want us to judge our deeds with relative values which are just constructed by our minds. We want to separate ourselves and to feel more important by comparing our “goodness” or our “successes” with the other people we meet. However, this judgement and separation is a challenge to release. At some point, we remember and then “Know,” that we are all in this together and are all heading in the same direction of being tested by our human dramas and then finding loving acceptance of all the souls in this Universe…

We are all being tested by the dramas we experience in our human existence. Isn’t it great! Difficult, depressing, painful, and challenging, BUT, Great! Our test to remember where we came from, The Divine, and where we will return, if we ever really “left” in the first place… Our goal as we grope toward an Enlightened state is to continue to connect with other pilgrims, know we are all in this together, and Love every spirit we encounter. That is “Enlightenment” and what we seek to carry forward in our human lives. We ARE the Divine, manifested into this human drama… (Not to belittle our struggles and our lives, but, perhaps we can step out of our dramas and imagine that we are looking at, viewing our lives as if we were watching a movie or a TV drama. The characters draw us in to their stories. If the acting is good, we are drawn in to the roles being played and the drama being played out. But, at the end of the movie we have new perspective but we return to our lives… It may serve us better to be slightly removed from the dramas we experience as humans so we can gain perspective without being to sucked in… But, this IS the lesson of our existence…) By “we return to our lives,” I refer to rejoining our spirit lives in the higher realms of the Divine.

AND, the “Love” being suggested is NOT human love with human conditional concerns. True Divine “Unconditional Love” seems to be beyond mental comprehension, and so beyond human definition. Even human love is really undefinable. Words do not do justice to the deepest concept of the emotions and understanding of love. “Divine Love” can not even be felt (well) or described by the human mind (and certainly words in English.) We “Know” Unconditional Love in our spirit and when dwelling in the Higher Realms. (In my personal experience, after returning from a spiritual “awakening” visit to the Higher Realms when visiting Death at the human age of 19 years old, I “remembered’ and felt Unconditional Love but could not clearly feel it when I returned to my human life. Though I “knew” it was available beyond the limitations of my human self. This was a life changing experience for me, which I was gifted.)

With all this said: Find Love. Share Love. Be Love… (You do not need to make excuses or make it more complicated… But, you will… Until, you do not need to…) And, Unconditional Love, Freedom, and Acceptance awaits You in the Higher Realms…

Paula Forget, my mentor and author of the book, “Guided to the Higher Realms,” contributes to this story:
“If I can add as a side, it is easy to Love when you see the Beauty of the Divine in others and in the whole world. It is there in its essence, even in the pain and difficulties, and in the joys and moments of awe.” (BTW: a recent rereading of Paula Forget’s book was the trigger and inspiration for this and many other of my blog postings…)

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What Might It Be To Be God?

What would it be like to be God? Consider this not as blasphemy or as an Ego trip but through the Heart of the Divine Spirit. And, putting aside that your humanness, your brain, and your three dimensional limitations which do not easily allow such an expansive view of our Universe, you, your spirit, are at the core of Divine Wisdom. You are the perfect manifestation of the Divine, incarnated into a human life. You can back away from this responsibility but it does not change the fact that you and God are one. (You are an unexplainable Miracle.) Now, what do you do with this concept?… Beyond your struggle to know or to remember, and your denial, and to finally surrender to this “knowing,” is a theme for your enlightenment…

Imagine for a fraction of a human second what it would be like to be at the source of all dimensions of all of the Universe. In the “Higher Dimensions” a fraction of a second goes on forever AND a human life is but a blink… and Time and space, as humans understand, does not exist in the Higher Dimensions. The Human mind has limitations which boxes it in due to the belief that linear time, sequential time, exists and that all reality is found within 3 dimensions. In the Higher Dimensional Realms, “time” does not exist so you can be anywhere, in any dimension, perhaps even in multiple lifetimes in every moment. This is difficult to get your mind to understand because this is far beyond most human understanding. Likewise, it is not easily possible to “realize” that you are not confined by space in three dimensions. You can be anywhere, everywhere, simultaneously.

So, to imagine that your human mind and your human ego is put aside and you are the “Creator” of the Universe becomes a tremendous challenge for a frail human being. If you have had an “Awakening” like a Near Death Experience or a spiritual Epiphany, you might be more conscious of what is possible without human limitations. (Look up STE, a Spiritually Transformative Experience.) This is not the ego driven thoughts of unlimited power like in the movies. It is a more complete “Knowing” of omnipotence. So why is any of this important to you? You have a critical role in the Divine Spirit. You are a unique piece of the foundation of the Universe and all of the Divine. You are a multidimensional being living in a human incarnation but NOT limited to the human boundaries you have agreed to participate within in this drama of your human existence.

Putting your limitations of mind and ego aside, YOU are a piece of God. YOU are God! You are a living manifestation of Holy Spirit and have access to all of Divine Wisdom. AND, you are shaking your head in disbelief because it is too much to comprehend and there is too much responsibility that is enfolded in this consciousness. You might assume that if you were God, you would have to behave “God-like.” You could not have flaws in your humanness. AND, you fail to see the perfection of your imperfections along with the human lessons and challenges you are here to experience… You are “here” to be a crippled human, blind to who you really are. And, if you were to transcend your human limitations to realize your Divinity, you may have to live each moment within God-like expectations. Forget this expectation. You are NOT here to live 24/7 as God, though you may want to move closer to that possibility. Your purpose is to serve other souls in their quest to “remember” who they are, where they come from, and where they will return at the end of their human incarnation.

YOU can NOT get this wrong! You are Perfect! You are a Miracle! Your struggle in being human is your lesson and it is “our” lesson to get you as far along as possible in consciousness within the human existence you have chosen. So, at some point, imagine yourself in the higher dimensions. Free from time and space. As a multidimensional spirit you are surrounded by light and consciousness. You are enveloped in unconditional Divine Love. You are fully accepted for the perfect being you are. You are connected to all other spirits because you are “one” with them as part of the Universal Divine Spirit. You have the freedom to be anywhere and in any dimension and in any Earthly life at any moment. You can manifest your reality AND this is always perfect (if only as a lesson or challenge for you to experience.) In a meditation, you may have a brief remembering of this reality and this opens the door for your consciousness to walk through to have a greater realization that you are most perfect and at the core of all Divine Wisdom. For an instant, your human mind may know a small piece of what it is like to be God.

No matter what you believe about what you just read, Guidance has drawn you into consideration of these words and these concepts. You can not un-see these words or undo these thoughts. You will have your own path to enlightenment and you will find your own unique way to share these rememberings. The challenge will be to live your life with this wisdom and in some micro-seconds of your human life, know that you are the Divine. You are Loved! You are connected and so “one” with all the Universe. Though your mind and your ego wants you to think you are separated from all consciousness, you are but a flash of insight from the core wisdom. Now, you can not ever go back. What will you do differently after you are exposed to this concept?

BTW, my scribing these words from my Divine Guidance is done in an act of service to developing consciousness, to express a point of view you may have some difficulty finding. There are moments in my waking humanness when I “know” these concepts as reality and I struggle to find my way to live with Divine Consciousness in more of moments I am allowed in this lifetime… We will go hand in hand down this path to greater awareness and expanded enlightenment…

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

This posting is not created to denigrate your religious belief in God or your religion. In fact, in many cases, religious philosophy can have laws and rules which limit the way you understand or perceive of the Divine Spirit and this posting offers an expansive and inclusive view of what is possible… You have free choice to mentally understand your life philosophy in this human incarnation. Your choice of human thoughts and then your behaviors are a part of the lessons and the challenges we all are here to learn from. So, be responsible for your own thoughts and feelings and behaviors. Learn from your reactive responses and strive to move forward on your pilgrimage through this life. As stated above, these lessons are “perfect” and of service. Thank you for your service.

I Love YOU! No Matter What

It is so easy for ME to know love and share love. My love is infinite! My love comes not from a hidden reserve or personal treasure. It comes from me knowing that we are all one, connected and a piece of each other’s spirit. Even if you “trigger me,” I can often find love for you even if I do not like or understand your behavior. When I am in MY drama, I sometimes do not have the heart space and love, as strongly… YOU are a Miracle. You are perfect! And, the drama of our human lives I feel is a lesson for me to learn from. Thank You!

My love, Our Love, comes from the Wellsprings of the Divine Spirit which we all have at our core. This “Love” is the Divine Unconditional Love. You can ignore it or deny it, but it is still there. You have control over how conscious you are about Love and how you choose to demonstrate this Love through your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To live most fully in this consciousness is what we all strive for in “Enlightenment.” Easier said than done. And, a great goal to move toward at a more fully conscious level.

Everyone one of us is unique. The way we live our lives and express our love is different. Regardless of the vast differences we demonstrate, we are all connected and spiritually inter-woven. In a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) I had when I was 23 years old, I found myself, in meditation, sitting by the “River of Life.” The waters were golden. The waters were flowing slowly from my right to my left, downstream toward the golden ocean. I “knew” the story. The waters from the golden ocean would evaporate drifting into golden clouds. The Clouds would rain down high up in the mountains and small streams would gather into the great golden river of life. I “knew” I was but a molecule of water flowing downstream, “connected” to all other spirits/souls. I “knew” (or remembered) that I could never be alone. I was a part of the Divine Spirit in all other souls/molecules as we flowed through our dramas and lives back down to the ocean. For me, this was emotional. Tears came to my eyes. Tears of Joy! Tears of connection and Love! (YouTube video of this River of Life story.)

As I plod through my current life, this feeling of “connection” is NOT always on the forefront of my thoughts or consciousness but it is there lurking deep within. In moments this bubbles up into my waking, consciousness and I celebrate the other souls I bump into. It is in these few moments I see, I Know, the perfection of the person in front of me. We are all Miracles. We are all Connected. We are here, in this current life, to share lessons which can be difficult, for the betterment of all involved. Even in, or especially within, the angry interactions we struggle with there are major learnings and tests for our human lives to participate within and to learn from. These dramas are what we are here, in our current incarnations, to learn from and to experience.

So, in this moment, in my higher state of spiritual consciousness, I want you to know, “I Love You!” Even if we both acknowledge our imperfections and seeming flaws. You are perfect. You are here to teach me a lesson which will benefit me and the souls I will bump into in my future in this present incarnation. YOU are a Miracle. My soul bows lovingly to the perfect spirit within you. Now, focus and drive the speed limit or get out of my way, but thank you for this lesson in patience and in being most “present.” (Sorry, my humor comes through after being so serious for this long…) Find laughter and Joy whenever and wherever you are… When I am most conscious, “I Love You, No matter What…”

(BTW: Divine Unconditional Love is different than human romantic love (which is conditional.) Human ego and mental understanding is mostly limited to a three dimensional thinking which limitations include the belief that time and space are linear. Words can not do full justice to Divine Unconditional Love and the human mind is not conscious enough to “understand” the feelings which are Divine Love. As a simplistic example, find words which fully describe the smell of a rose and you can experience the limitations of finding words or most fully mentally understanding a feeling/sensation.)

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

After-thought. The first lines of this post are: “It is so easy for ME to know love and share love. My love is infinite! My love comes not from a hidden reserve or personal treasure. It comes from me knowing that we are all one, connected and a piece of each other’s spirit.” Upon reflection, a “knowing” bubbled up for me. The “ME” is the Divine within me. WE are all the Divine. We are all the source of unconditional love in our higher Spirit selves. We are all Masters even if we are “playing it small” in our human lives so we can feel like we do not have complete control so our “drama” is enhanced. I am the Christ… YOU are the Christ! Thank you for being the Blessing you are in my human life…

As the Days Blend Together

These are unusual times. During this pandemic, we are more than “normally” (and what is the new normal) confined to our homes and our thoughts. If you have managed to create a new lifestyle around the social distancing and home confinement, you may have even reduced your TV and Social media time for anxiety control. You may have found the Days of each week Blending Together. You may not even remember what day it is or what the date is for today. Perhaps this is even important. Perhaps being present and reflective is a survival technique which may lead to a new state of “Pandemic Enlightenment”…

Increased awareness and spiritual insights are often born out of difficult challenges. SO, get busy…!!! Discover YOUR lesson and its Wisdom… AND, once you discover your new insight find the best ways to share your new wisdom. This whole lifestyle adjustment is more than:
hand washing to an extreme,
wearing a mask which prevents smiling at people,
reducing your showers or clothes changing because you are not going out,
side-stepping people you pass in public,
food shopping for safety at 7:00 AM,
knowing how to stand 6+ feet apart as you wait for your “take out,”
searching aimlessly for hand sanitizer and clorox wipes (& TP) at Costco,
AND, joining an endless amount of Zoom conference calls to speak with other humans.

These adjustments have caused most of us to behave differently and to think about what we took lightly in the past… Craving a hug or hand shake. Carelessly, hanging out in a social situation with less than 6+ feet between us. Going shopping in a Mall with crowds of anxious, frantic people and loud children. Boy, we miss those days of naive simple consumerism.

But, have you been forced out into nature? Have you had to fill your time in Meditations? Did you find yourself reading a “good” book instead of “binge-watching” bad television/movies? Did you have to call family and friends to check-in? Did you have time to cook your own dinner and breakfast and lunch and snacks, two or three times per day? Sure, social media has filled in your day but didn’t you “CRAVE” hanging out with “real people?” There is an important lesson in this… Besides the necessary hand washing, you have found a new need for connection! Besides complaining and whining, you have actually learned who do you know in your life who can actually listen and respond with empathy.

Besides shopping and “eating out,” there are other ways to connect with friends and family that cost less and may have more value. Caring for other people is the least expensive way of sharing Love! Appreciation and Gratitude also may bubble up in these times of lifestyle change. Perhaps, most important is being more fully “present” in each moment in Nature or with the people we care about. We are all in this together… AND, YOU are a Blessing! Continue to learn and to grow in these times of life challenges… If nothing else, twenty years (or maybe 20 days) from now you will have great survival stories of the 2020 Pandemic and Hand Washing Craze…

Added on these thoughts… (The not so fun parts of our current, 2020, lives.)
(NOW, we have been faced with a new “drama” with demonstrations highlighting the cultural racism which has been “accepted” in our culture too long. White privilege was brought to this hemisphere by the earliest explorers and first settlers. They, and their religious beliefs, thought that they were superior to the indigenous peoples they thought “They Discovered.” Eventually, because they had the guns, they believed that they were the true saviors of this hemisphere however they needed slaves to work their stolen land. It is like this privilege has now been built into white folks’ cultural DNA. Relinquishing power and, perceived control, does not come easily to those folks in “power.” Black Lives Matter! All Lives Matter! However, releasing our old, established habits and patterns is NEVER an easy, though necessary, choice these weird days. Positive change challenges us. It forces us to reassess our established patterns and habits. Perhaps, the first step in a positive direction is to understand and admit “white privilege” exists and also admit that this needs to change for a better world. (Change is NOT easy. Changing our cultural DNA is needed but a difficult, uphill fight…)

AND. We are ALL in this together and one and the same…)

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at