
Why are we so attached to our “things,” our lives, and our beliefs? And, why do we consider our lives and things to be so “real” and solid? From a “Spiritual Perspective,” and quantum theory, the objects in our lives may not be as “solid” as our human senses ask us to believe. Perhaps our human lives, living in only 3 dimensions, are limited to “know” the full depth and breadth of our Universe and what may exist in the Divine Spirit’s Higher Realms…

Impermanence reminds us that nothing stays as a it is, in nature, weather, our bodies, emotions, political systems, relationships, and even in family dynamics. Yet we often wish things would stay the same, without change because we are “comfortable with things the way they are” (or appear to be.) We are attached to our possessions and our relationships. We define ourselves by our material things. We are often in an emotional state where we feel “safer” and happier when we are surrounded by our “stuff.” When our “stuff” is threatened, or taken, or lost, we feel less than whole and our fears, anxieties and our angers are often elevated. But we are not our possessions. We are more than the frail human lives that we are here to play as a role in the human drama.

There can be a huge benefit to not being attached to our things, to our relationships, and even, to our human lives. And, our human lives are transitory. Our human lives do not go on forever…

When we see the world as impermanent, we can deepen our attention to what is here now because we can appreciate that it is temporary. We can respond with the “Beginner’s Mind” and celebrate each moment as the creative miracle which it is. And we can suffer less when things do change, knowing that we can be more fully present to connect, saver, and enjoy our lives as it is and in each “present” moment. Perhaps, we can even learn that the attachments to things, experiences, and relationships can hold us back from where we are headed in our human lives and our spiritual developments.

Everything changes. Even our attitudes evolve as we move further along the path in our human lives. We gain in experience and wisdom as we live the challenges we encounter. Some of these challenging experiences are brutal and difficult. “What does not kill us, makes us stronger.” Occasionally, we even learn lessons from our mistakes and, even, possibly, from our successes. These “learnings” are can become a way of being of service if we share from these experiences. Though these experiences are “important” and can hold great value, which may enhance our learnings if we do not become too attached or stuck. We do not want to have to relive these things too often so we can be free to move on and attempt new experiences and new learning (or rememberings…)

Let us not get too attached to our things or our experiences or our relationships or even, our lives, and then lose connection with our soul and our interconnection with all of the Divine Consciousness. Our soul is growing and yet governed by the same laws of human impermanence… Our souls evolve and the Divine Spirit continues in a an unconditional loving bond forever… (Which is a very long time and near impossible for the human consciousness to fully comprehend.)

Let Go of Your Attachments and appreciate most fully the present moment. You can find a perfection and many miracles in a fully conscious moment.

Quit making the same mistake

It’s Crazy! Quit making the same mistake over and over… The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, so I have been told.
Another quote which can cause reflection:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.

Now “Crazy” is not bad. Let us not judge this word or these behaviors. The word implies that the behavior is abnormal and out of step with conventional beliefs. But, is abnormal bad? Are “conventional beliefs” good? To both questions the answer is the same, “No” not always. With this said, are “conventional beliefs” not often crazy? This is for another posting. Abnormal behavior is often needed to solve problems… And, repeatedly doing the same behavior over and over expecting different results can be the identified, correctable behavior.

As an example, can you be loud, annoying/demanding, disruptive, and painfully distracting in all, or most, social situations and not be viewed as difficult to get along with and often objectionable? Can you simply ask, or even plead, for forgiveness and then continue the same “crazy” behavior expecting people to understand and continue to welcome you into their social group? Said with subtly, can you hit people over the head again and again and expect to build friendships? I do know of people who want the answer to be “Yes” and wonder why they get the answer, “No.”

“Outsiders” and “oppositional” people do test the accepted normal in beliefs and behaviors. We can learn from these opinions. When these outsiders become destructive to the social fabric it is not always a bad thing. After a time of repeated “different” behavior the group can accept this into conventional behavior or reject it. We have choice! AND, getting beat over the head multiple times does not often lead to a positive, lasting change. Even, if the social group needs this test.

So if you find yourself as an “outsider” or poorly accepted person, you too have choice. Take responsibility for your actions and do not make excuses. You are the creator! You are more powerful than you realize. If you release your control to others by thinking that their actions have created your problems then you release control of the solution. Quit playing the victim or you will be at someone else’s control for happiness. Eventually, you will need to be responsible and take charge of your life’s direction and your life lessons.

AND. Consider the impermanence, for all life on the Earthly plane is temporary. Both desirable and undesirable experiences and relationships do not go on forever in the drama of life on Earth. And, as we march down our path in this pilgrimage of life, we are here, in this incarnation, to learn from the “drama” of the role we are playing out… Learning is a good thing but it is not always, if ever, an easy thing.

Every one of us is an “outsider” when we approach new social situations. We can blend in. We can be ourselves and look to determine whether the group finds this appropriate for their social group. Or, we stir the pot with oppositional behavior, thoughts, and energy knowing that we may often be difficult to accept. We can be responsible for our behaviors and have all sides learn from this interaction or we can scream in blame of the others we are working to connect with. Either way, there is value and learning from this interaction for all sides. And, all life, and relationships on Earth, are temporary in the Universal scheme of things. Playing your dramatic role in your incarnation is for your current lessons and does not fully encompass your experience in the higher realms…

You have a choice. You can continue to repeat the same, familiar behavior again and again AND even expect a different result OR you can become aware of your pattern of drama and perhaps try something new. The “familiar” may feel safer because it is a “known” but it may not get you where you want to go. You have a choice to quit making the same mistake or you can be responsible for your being stuck and the lessons you gain from this continuing thought or behavior. It is your life and your lesson!

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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