Having Emotional Balance at Work

In many companies, the work culture includes many difficult requirements. Long hours, intense competition, conflicts, changing priorities and trying changes which create the need to adapt. If you do not have “Emotional Balance” you run the risk of burning out or getting into other physical or emotional difficulties. “Being Centered” or balanced are concepts that are easier said than done. Most of us do not even know what emotional balance is, what it feels like, or realize that it is an ever changing situation that we have to continuously pay attention to and change with. The pulls from “internal” company needs and “external” (outside work) expectations can feel insurmountable. Each of us are different and the way we respond to the various sources of pressures will also be unique. To beat being a victim to these pressures we must:

1. Understand specifically how you respond in your own individual and unique habitual way. By knowing this you can find the systems that hold this habitual response and learn to minimize, if not eliminate, the negative manisfestations of the pressure.

2. Learn what Balance feels like so you can determine if you are off-balance. It is difficult to learn to relax into a “balance state” but it is worth it for most people because it feels good and saves so much time and energy.

3. Find the 8 essential areas of your life and learn to honor the ones that you do not make time for in your life. This will help to re-prioritize your life and give you greater balance as you pursue your long term goals and aspirations. The 8 essential life areas include: career, finance, family, friends/relationships, education/life long learning, health, creativity/aesthetic, and honoring the spirit. If you do not have a plan for honoring each of these 8 areas then you may not have balance and may have to fight to sustain emotional and physical health and well-being.

4. Finally, you must take (or make) time for yourself. Often, by taking time to regain balance you find that you SAVE TIME and ENERGY. Many people forget this principle until a major negative manifestation takes place. The body will get your attention in rude ways if you do not honor your commitment to self-care and maintaining balance. No time, is the excuse most often heard and people hide behind this idea.

Finding your balance and re-prioritizing your life goals is not an easy task and often can not be done effectively without external counsel, coaching, or mentoring. It is worth your investment of time, energy, and resources if you want to be most productive and have the best quality of life. If for no other reason, you may want to be a positive role model for the important people around you.

There are many principles taken from Sports Psychology that can help executive leaders to find their balance and to get the pressures and competitive forces to have minimal impact on their performance. These same principles help “world class” athletes move ahead of their competition. Just attend to the upcoming Olympics competition to find that more than 60% of the athletes training involves the “mental side” which helps to create balance for the winners. The mental side of training trims away the unnecessary distracts that rob the athlete of energy or the flexibility needed to win.

Emotional Balance reduces distractions that can lead to team turn-over, increased replacement costs, health cost containment, better communication and leadership, increased productivity and enhanced performance, and increased bottom-line in sales, services, and productivity.

If you find that you would benefit from coaching support, considering contacting the Stress Education Center at www.dstress.com or call 360-593-3833

Coaching Increases Productivity

Would you like to be more productive in your work? Being more productive might mean that you get more work done or you get the same amount of work done in less time or maybe it means that you are able to be more profitable in the efforts that you are already making.


Chances are good that you know how to do your job but you might benefit from support so you could do it more effectively. That is where an Executive Coach might be a profitable decision for you. An Executive Business Coach may cost you some money but the results will open the door for a huge increase in business, productivity, and so profits. Your career will develop more quickly.


Like World Class Athletes, business executives, managers, and business owners need a supportive accountability partner to get the very best performance. The process involves you working with a professional coach who will work to understand your goals and dreams, and then assist you to find, and then follow, the path that will allow you to achieve your highest aspirations. The process requires your motivation to overcome the barriers to your success. Sometimes old habits or behaviors get in the way and must be identified and changed. Sometimes new skills should be explored and added to your tool bag. Sometimes your management strengths and weaknesses require understanding and development so you can better exploit your strengths and not be victimized by any flaws. A good Executive Coach can assist you to find and develop the plan that you will follow, with the support and accountability of your coach, that will lead you more easily or quickly to your goal.


Do not be lazy or make inappropriate assumptions about who your ideal Executive Coach might be. Learn about any referral for coaching that you may come across your path and make sure that this will be a “good fit” for you and your requirements. Hopefully, you find a coach that is actually better than you require so that you can surpass your expectations of success. Remember, to be successful you must behave successful. Do not expect someone else to do the work, but do expect a great coach to help you to be a better executive/manager than you are at the beginning of the process. I hope that you learn both about yourself and more about the people that you work with (clients and staff) as you move through this process. In doing so, you will have more control over the process and be able to be more efficient with your available resources (of time, money, and personnel.) Do not be surprised to begin a coaching process with an in depth analysis of your skills, motivations, behaviors, attitudes, and interests. This will enable you and your coach to better determine where you should invest your coaching time and where you might benefit from any coaching enhancements.


No world class athlete successfully competes at the highest levels without good coaching and accountability support. This is what is required for winning. I hope that you find the perfect Executive Coach to help you to achieve your dreams and goals, and do so as quickly as possible.


If you feel that your success will come more easily to you with an Executive Coach, consider exploring the possible coaching opportunities through the Stress Education Center whose coaches have used the principles of Sports Psychology to assist executives, managers, and business owners since 1982 to become better leaders and more profitable. Find more information at www.dstress.comAnd, whoever you find to support you, we hope that you find the process to be positive and your goals achieved.
Or call 360-593-3833 for more information regarding coaching or stress management training.

Building the Team: Creating a Positive Environment at Work

We spend a lot of our time engaged in work. For many of us, our work includes regular, perhaps daily, interactions with co-workers. Relationships form with the people who we work with and who we see many days of the week. These relationships can make the work environment positive and productive or, to the contrary, negative and even destructive. Good managers encourage good relationships at work, in most situations. The supportive relationships can assist the work of the organization to move forward. As people get to “know” one another, deeper understanding and tolerance can grow which can lead to better professional relationships and enhanced productivity. Building a team in your work group or within your immediate organization allows people to connect in positive supportive ways. This is especially true in businesses who require communication amongst personnel to accomplish the end product or service. Technology companies, healthcare providers, most financial organizations, education, and most governmental organizations can benefit from the enhanced communication which good team building helps to create.


Team building is not a waste of time, because when it is done correctly, it saves time, increases productivity, reduces accidents and mistakes, and encourages good problem solving to overcome obstacles and time pressures. There is almost no downside to teambuilding. It does require time to get started and to help maintain but the positive attitudes in the workforce will offer a positive return on investment. Good or great managers rely on the benefits of their efforts to build productive teams. Creating “buy-in” and the emotional connection of the key personnel will increase loyalty and productivity while reducing sabotage and increase retention. Team building can be a key ingredient for many of the most important “players.”


Consider that not all team building activities work as expected. Sometimes it can go sideways, or worse. Some planning is required and the tailoring of a team building program can have greater positive results. A good manager might want to get some assistance in developing and executing a great team building activity. Please do some research to determine the best program for you and your organization. Getting input from your team will enhance “buy-in” even before the event so consider interactions with participants as you develop your program.


For additional coaching regarding your team building requirements or for program development consider contacting the Stress Education Center atwww.dstress.com for input and support.