The Next Tough Question Regarding Guidance
Where does Your Guidance come from? Does it come from “Guides” like angels, spirits, alien entities? Or, does Guidance actually come from within, deep inside your Divine Spirit? Wow, difficult to answer and impossible to prove, no matter where your belief might be. And, does it matter whether it comes from an external source or from within your soul? To complicate this even more, are we discussing the sub-conscious mind or a newly referred to “Heart-Mind?” Is this a Brain issue or a Heart issue?
Perhaps, it truly does not matter. But, inquiring minds need to know, says my friend, “J.H.”. No matter what your opinion we will not prove, without any doubt, the answer.
There have been stories from history and current beliefs that Guidance comes to people who are connected to a “Higher Source” and this Higher Source may range from alien lifeforms living amongst us, on UFO’s, or perhaps from “Heavenly Sources” like angels, guides from beyond the Veil, or perhaps from our ancestors. It is wonderful to consider that we are not alone in this world or even in this Universe and that there are external lifeforms who can protect us and offer their wisdom to us. In my experience, there have been people (trained in the Divine) or “Earth Angels” who have been sent to guide and protect me so that I might be led to my Divine Purpose. My Late-wife, Barbara, has been around guiding and protecting me since her transition from the Earth life we lived together so I could move to Bellingham, WA and start the Masters of the Journey. Or, is this just a belief I have regarding an external guide which actually is just a part of my Divine Spirit, from deep within my soul, which has surfaced to give me the support I can use in decision making and movement toward my new goal?
Another question arises, are we all just different, but separate, parts of a much large whole, the Divine Spirit. So, no external entity is external at all. We are all just souls and spirits connected for the greater purpose of playing out our roles in this life as we experience the challenges and lessons we came into this current life to experience?
Getting Deep! Are we going to take full responsibility or do we want to blame an external force? Do we want to be “victims” or take control and responsibility for our actions and choices? Do we want to hide behind fear and claim that we did not agree to the weird and challenging lives we have found are way into? Or, do we acknowledge that there was an agreement with our spirit team between lives which created the drama of the incarnation that we are living within? More simply, did we choose to come back to “Earth School” to work on skills and to support fellow students by tripping them in the hallway as we scurry around to our classes? (Think middle school prank.)
Today, as I write, I think that we have to be very sensitive to the Guidance that is provided to us which manifests to support our learnings on this Earthly plane AND this Guidance is not really external. It comes from deep within our souls. It comes from the Divine Sources that we are all a part of, fully connected to, as one Divine Spirit! (An Eternally, ever-present, all encompassing, all-seeing, all-knowing, perfect entity which is MUCH GREATER than we allow ourselves to believe.) We work to “Remember” that we are part of a greater presence and not the separate, petty lives our “minds” adopt with the limitations of fear and judgement. This is so difficult for our three dimensional consciousness to grasp because it is so far beyond the limitations of time, and space, and the intention of the ego’s separation… To live in this life with a consciousness of inclusion that goes beyond the Veil is what our “Enlightenment” is all about. And, whether we know it or not, we are all headed for “enlightenment.”
Consider Guidance, whether you believe it to be internal or external, to be well worth your attention. Learning to better connect with your Guidance will create the experiences that allow consciousness to develop and find the form that will be most useful for ALL the Universal learning that must occur. SO, the next “Gut Feeling” you get, do not dismiss it. Consider it a fork in the road (your path) and make your best choice from openness not Fear! Wow, the risk of change may be important for you to act upon or at least, consider.
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!
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