It is so easy for ME to know love and share love. My love is infinite! My love comes not from a hidden reserve or personal treasure. It comes from me knowing that we are all one, connected and a piece of each other’s spirit. Even if you “trigger me,” I can often find love for you even if I do not like or understand your behavior. When I am in MY drama, I sometimes do not have the heart space and love, as strongly… YOU are a Miracle. You are perfect! And, the drama of our human lives I feel is a lesson for me to learn from. Thank You!
My love, Our Love, comes from the Wellsprings of the Divine Spirit which we all have at our core. This “Love” is the Divine Unconditional Love. You can ignore it or deny it, but it is still there. You have control over how conscious you are about Love and how you choose to demonstrate this Love through your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To live most fully in this consciousness is what we all strive for in “Enlightenment.” Easier said than done. And, a great goal to move toward at a more fully conscious level.
Everyone one of us is unique. The way we live our lives and express our love is different. Regardless of the vast differences we demonstrate, we are all connected and spiritually inter-woven. In a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) I had when I was 23 years old, I found myself, in meditation, sitting by the “River of Life.” The waters were golden. The waters were flowing slowly from my right to my left, downstream toward the golden ocean. I “knew” the story. The waters from the golden ocean would evaporate drifting into golden clouds. The Clouds would rain down high up in the mountains and small streams would gather into the great golden river of life. I “knew” I was but a molecule of water flowing downstream, “connected” to all other spirits/souls. I “knew” (or remembered) that I could never be alone. I was a part of the Divine Spirit in all other souls/molecules as we flowed through our dramas and lives back down to the ocean. For me, this was emotional. Tears came to my eyes. Tears of Joy! Tears of connection and Love! (YouTube video of this River of Life story.)
As I plod through my current life, this feeling of “connection” is NOT always on the forefront of my thoughts or consciousness but it is there lurking deep within. In moments this bubbles up into my waking, consciousness and I celebrate the other souls I bump into. It is in these few moments I see, I Know, the perfection of the person in front of me. We are all Miracles. We are all Connected. We are here, in this current life, to share lessons which can be difficult, for the betterment of all involved. Even in, or especially within, the angry interactions we struggle with there are major learnings and tests for our human lives to participate within and to learn from. These dramas are what we are here, in our current incarnations, to learn from and to experience.
So, in this moment, in my higher state of spiritual consciousness, I want you to know, “I Love You!” Even if we both acknowledge our imperfections and seeming flaws. You are perfect. You are here to teach me a lesson which will benefit me and the souls I will bump into in my future in this present incarnation. YOU are a Miracle. My soul bows lovingly to the perfect spirit within you. Now, focus and drive the speed limit or get out of my way, but thank you for this lesson in patience and in being most “present.” (Sorry, my humor comes through after being so serious for this long…) Find laughter and Joy whenever and wherever you are… When I am most conscious, “I Love You, No matter What…”
(BTW: Divine Unconditional Love is different than human romantic love (which is conditional.) Human ego and mental understanding is mostly limited to a three dimensional thinking which limitations include the belief that time and space are linear. Words can not do full justice to Divine Unconditional Love and the human mind is not conscious enough to “understand” the feelings which are Divine Love. As a simplistic example, find words which fully describe the smell of a rose and you can experience the limitations of finding words or most fully mentally understanding a feeling/sensation.)
You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.
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After-thought. The first lines of this post are: “It is so easy for ME to know love and share love. My love is infinite! My love comes not from a hidden reserve or personal treasure. It comes from me knowing that we are all one, connected and a piece of each other’s spirit.” Upon reflection, a “knowing” bubbled up for me. The “ME” is the Divine within me. WE are all the Divine. We are all the source of unconditional love in our higher Spirit selves. We are all Masters even if we are “playing it small” in our human lives so we can feel like we do not have complete control so our “drama” is enhanced. I am the Christ… YOU are the Christ! Thank you for being the Blessing you are in my human life…
Thanks John, for being your unique, brilliant individual self, always ready to add value and depth to the people around you.
Thanks my friend.
Please give me strength Lord when my partner leaves an empty to roll on the holder. How does one gently and lovingly express….WTF?
Take a breath AND enjoy the drama. If someone else, who is not involved, saw this scene in a movie, they might totally relate but also find it amusing. We get triggered all the time and I rarely use WTF when F is enough. (Usually loud and clear… and then sometimes I laugh at myself…) Thanks for your thoughts and for sharing your/our human-ness.
Very beautifully expressed John and a good reminder of our deeper and divine spiritual self. Thanks for marching on, despite the challenges we are facing in this physical world.
Thank you. I appreciate your comment.
Thank you John, that was received at an appropriate time as I was tackling some turbulent feelongs and reactions to another human! Your thoughts and visions are beautifully expressed. I will share this.
Bern, thank you for your feedback. I know that you are a very special blessing. Thank you for your service to our community and to our world.