Meditating on Love

Divine Love is worth Remembering. Your Spirit knew it, felt it, before you were born into this incarnation and will Know it again when you have completed this incarnation. Your pursuit of higher consciousness includes the attempts at Remembering what Divine Unconditional Love is and how it feels but this is not as easy as it might sound. True Unconditional Divine Love is with you always however our 3 dimensional consciousness, as we dwell in this life, is not equipped to fully know how to be conscious of Divine Love. We are usually too human to fully appreciate this energy. (Heck, I can not even come close to finding words for this energy…) It vibrates at a higher frequency which our body, with its human limitations, can not fully feel…

Living, as we do, in 3 dimensions does not offer the full spectrum of many feelings and wisdoms from the higher realms. When we walk around as humans, it is impossible to fully describe a smell, a taste, a tone, or an emotional feeling. Even expressing the depth of what human Love is is elusive. How can we precisely share a specific feeling with the limitations of words? Yeah, go ahead and try. Well, Unconditional Divine Love is a higher realms experience. I was briefly touched by this when I had a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) when I went to visit Death when I was a naive 19 year old. The momentary awareness of Unconditional Love was a fleeting micro-second for my open, youthful consciousness. I was not looking for this or expecting it so as a “gift” from my Guidance, when it was bestowed on my consciousness. Though I will never forget this moment, I can not fully retrieve that feeling to my current consciousness. I do remember how overpowering it was for me at the time and that it is what I have to look forward to when I transition from this incarnation. As I experience this perfection, I did not want to let go and to return to my body or my life. I wanted to stay there forever and that is a long, long time.

I do not have words for this now elusive feeling. It was far better than experiencing that “one in a life time” meal that was perfection and unduplicatable. Yes, you remember the transcendent food experience however you find it unreproducible. As an example, the sweetest water I ever tasted was dripping from sandstone at a creek bed near the Colorado River which now under water since they closed the Glen Canyon Dam. (I was 12 years old when I tasted that unforgettable water.) The amazing wisdoms and feelings from the highest realms can not be compressed to accurately fit into our 3 dimensional consciousness. AND, this lack of knowing/feeling these qualities from the higher realms is part of our human condition. We humans have limitations and so we can have the human drama which plays out for us in our lives.

I have said this before. YOU are so much bigger and more powerful than you can know with your human consciousness. Other wise people have said the same thing and asked you not to limit yourself by being human. Christ! Jesus said that we can do even greater things than he was able to do, as miracles, when he walked amongst us as a man. You are a Miracle!

I am sorry that you may not know or fully understand what waits for you on the other side of the veil as Unconditional Divine Love but you will remember this when time is right to “Know” it again. YOU WILL Love it!

Life is brief! Life is a Miracle! Look for Joy in the lessons life offers…

Do You Want a Better Life?

Well…Do You Want a Better Life? Do you want to be Happy? This blog includes three possible tools for you. One of the best ways to lead you to this result in your Life is to be kind! Yes, that simple concept. Be Kind! Yes, you may want to go out of your way to be supportive. It is worth it. Being Kind is better when you do NOT have expectations regarding a reward. So consider, non-conditional Kindness. The Kindness you give without a payment, even the expectation of an acknowledgement. Just because being Kind feels good and can assist another soul. You unknowingly may become a Role-Model of Kindness.

Consider this exercise in Kindness may suffer if you are “Giving advice” or “Preaching” your beliefs. Supportive listening without interrupting with “your story” may be more helpful than telling your partner your opinion, even if it is a useful perspective. Respectful listening is a great gift.

And, when someone else is Kind to you, say thank you. Show some appreciation. Then go out and “pay it forward” by an act of Kindness for someone else you may stumble upon. It does not have to be complicated or financially costly. Just look someone in the eye and say “Thank You, You are Amazing!” Tell someone they are “doing a great job!” Notice their effort, even if it was unsuccessful. This borders on the next gift you can give yourself for a better life… Be grateful! Consider how many miracles occur each day just to allow you to function in your body and your life.

Consider and appreciate with gratitude where your food came from. Where your water came from. The miracle that your body can digest your food or breathe the oxygen you require… Your sun shows up everyday in some way to give life to our Earth. And, when you are most fully conscious, show gratitude for every soul who crosses your path, for they are there, at some level, to teach you. And, do not forget to show gratitude for yourself. Yes, you, even as you struggle with your challenges every day. You are perfect, even in your imperfections.

To be Kind and to have gratitude can be easier when you are “present.” In the present moment with less concern with what might happen in the unknown future and no baggage or traumas carried over from past experiences. Easier said than done. However, to be looking to be Kind and to find gratitude in the present moment can offer you a “wonderment” with appreciation for the amazing possibilities found in every second of your life.

Discovering what offers you happiness is an individual process. Though in your personal consideration, you may wish to begin with being Kind and finding the best way you can offer the kindness as a gift of unconditional service. Your heart will celebrate in joy. This can lead to happiness…

In the book, “Power of 8,” research journalist, Lynne McTaggart, makes a strong case for the intentional process of being unconditionally Kind with a group of people sending out “healing” thoughts and energy. Being intentionally Kind seems to create happiness and healing for the sender as a by-product of this exercise. In Lynne McTaggart’s research and experiments, she found that the desire to heal has a healing effect upon the sender, you. Intentional kindness can offer you the benefit of heart felt Joy and happiness. Try it alone or in a group. But, you do not have control over whether the subject you are sending love and healing energy to will actually choose to use this Love and Healing as you desire. That is why you give it unconditionally with no expectation, just your sincerity.

And, in case you have had a lapse in your spiritual consciousness, I want to remind you that YOU are Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Relationship with the Divine

There are different kinds of relationships. There are friendships, family, community, work, romantic, and many others. Each of us have had many relationships in our lives as humans. Beyond our “human” relationships we all have our relationship with the Divine Spirit, or the Source, or with God… These relationships with the Divine are different than human relationships and, in my understanding, are not possible to completely understand with human mind based consciousness. Why? Because our relationship with the Divine does not translate into 3 dimensional thinking and the limitations of linear time and space. (Our brains can not fully grasp the multi-dimensional consciousness found in the higher realms.)

We, as humans, usually require connections and support from fellow humans. For example, babies need care and feeding which their parents often supply. These conditional relationships persist in our lives. We are culturally taught, and have some genetic coding, to “care” for our children, families, friends and communities in this descending order of importance. Our “significant other”/partner is often a high priority but we have many challenges with cultural expectations that may not match up with our partner’s availability. These “Special Relationships,” as the Course in Miracles defines our human relationships, are not as unconditional as our relationship with the Divine. This is complicated. True unconditional divine love is too complex and multidimensional (from the higher realms) for the limited human consciousness to most fully grasp. Our human limitations are partially limited by our mind believing in three dimensions when there are an infinite amount of dimensions. And, our belief that time is linear with a “past,” a “present,” and a “future,” when in the Higher Realms of the Divine there is no time only the current moment. Our brains have limitations so we need to view in a linear order when, actually, we are timeless spirits… (This can be difficult for our minds to grasp.)

The Divine Spirit is a part of you which can not find its way into human understanding, let alone, words. For example, how do you really describe the full sense of “Unconditional Love.” Human love is always “conditional” and this too is complicated and not definable. Feelings and emotions can be suggested but not fully defined. The human brain can not really get a grip on what unconditional love is. In a near death experience I experienced, I briefly felt what the Divine’s Unconditional Love felt like. A nano-second of joy and bliss. It felt amazing but beyond definition. In my waking human consciousness I can get close but not really fully there when attempting to remember or relive this nano-second of my life’s past experience. I will wait for the transition at the end of this life to rejoin the Joy and Bliss which I was “teased” with in my NDE.

Know you ARE Loved Unconditionally even if the human mind and human life drama does not allow the full rememberance and feeling which this entails.

Rest assured, your mind will not, and does not have to, fully understand the full extent of the higher dimensions of the Divine Source. The limitations we humans have is a major part of our drama and our challenge in living our human lives. We unconsciously, often, are living to remember our pure connection to the Divine and to test our “learnings” to the dramatic play we call our lives… Finding, or remembering, who we truly are as perfect spirits in the Universe is a huge part of the “game” in living as limited human beings. It is Fun! It is a Joy to find our way through the fantasy of life we have chosen to live. Like going to a movie and loosing our normal life to the fantasy we see, and experience, on the screen.

You can raise your consciousness to “Know” and “Remember” from where your soul/spirit have come from and to where you will return… (If, you ever really left in the first place…)
And, your mind can argue with me in this set of beliefs regarding your participation in the Divine Spirit. You are Divine and YOU are connected to all the other souls in this Universe. We are all in this together. So everyone we bump into is another version of you… It is difficult to “Know” this and then to remember this belief when we interact, but these are the interactions and lessons we have come here to experience… Hopefully, in an ever more conscious way…

We are all being tested by the dramas we experience in our human existence. Isn’t it great! Difficult, depressing, painful, and challenging, BUT, Great! Our test to remember where we came from, The Divine, and where we will return, if we ever really “left” in the first place… We continue to connect with other pilgrims, know we are all in this together, and Love every spirit we encounter. That is “Enlightenment” and what we seek to carry forward in our human lives. We ARE the Divine, manifested into this human drama…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Love YOU! No Matter What

It is so easy for ME to know love and share love. My love is infinite! My love comes not from a hidden reserve or personal treasure. It comes from me knowing that we are all one, connected and a piece of each other’s spirit. Even if you “trigger me,” I can often find love for you even if I do not like or understand your behavior. When I am in MY drama, I sometimes do not have the heart space and love, as strongly… YOU are a Miracle. You are perfect! And, the drama of our human lives I feel is a lesson for me to learn from. Thank You!

My love, Our Love, comes from the Wellsprings of the Divine Spirit which we all have at our core. This “Love” is the Divine Unconditional Love. You can ignore it or deny it, but it is still there. You have control over how conscious you are about Love and how you choose to demonstrate this Love through your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To live most fully in this consciousness is what we all strive for in “Enlightenment.” Easier said than done. And, a great goal to move toward at a more fully conscious level.

Everyone one of us is unique. The way we live our lives and express our love is different. Regardless of the vast differences we demonstrate, we are all connected and spiritually inter-woven. In a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) I had when I was 23 years old, I found myself, in meditation, sitting by the “River of Life.” The waters were golden. The waters were flowing slowly from my right to my left, downstream toward the golden ocean. I “knew” the story. The waters from the golden ocean would evaporate drifting into golden clouds. The Clouds would rain down high up in the mountains and small streams would gather into the great golden river of life. I “knew” I was but a molecule of water flowing downstream, “connected” to all other spirits/souls. I “knew” (or remembered) that I could never be alone. I was a part of the Divine Spirit in all other souls/molecules as we flowed through our dramas and lives back down to the ocean. For me, this was emotional. Tears came to my eyes. Tears of Joy! Tears of connection and Love! (YouTube video of this River of Life story.)

As I plod through my current life, this feeling of “connection” is NOT always on the forefront of my thoughts or consciousness but it is there lurking deep within. In moments this bubbles up into my waking, consciousness and I celebrate the other souls I bump into. It is in these few moments I see, I Know, the perfection of the person in front of me. We are all Miracles. We are all Connected. We are here, in this current life, to share lessons which can be difficult, for the betterment of all involved. Even in, or especially within, the angry interactions we struggle with there are major learnings and tests for our human lives to participate within and to learn from. These dramas are what we are here, in our current incarnations, to learn from and to experience.

So, in this moment, in my higher state of spiritual consciousness, I want you to know, “I Love You!” Even if we both acknowledge our imperfections and seeming flaws. You are perfect. You are here to teach me a lesson which will benefit me and the souls I will bump into in my future in this present incarnation. YOU are a Miracle. My soul bows lovingly to the perfect spirit within you. Now, focus and drive the speed limit or get out of my way, but thank you for this lesson in patience and in being most “present.” (Sorry, my humor comes through after being so serious for this long…) Find laughter and Joy whenever and wherever you are… When I am most conscious, “I Love You, No matter What…”

(BTW: Divine Unconditional Love is different than human romantic love (which is conditional.) Human ego and mental understanding is mostly limited to a three dimensional thinking which limitations include the belief that time and space are linear. Words can not do full justice to Divine Unconditional Love and the human mind is not conscious enough to “understand” the feelings which are Divine Love. As a simplistic example, find words which fully describe the smell of a rose and you can experience the limitations of finding words or most fully mentally understanding a feeling/sensation.)

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

After-thought. The first lines of this post are: “It is so easy for ME to know love and share love. My love is infinite! My love comes not from a hidden reserve or personal treasure. It comes from me knowing that we are all one, connected and a piece of each other’s spirit.” Upon reflection, a “knowing” bubbled up for me. The “ME” is the Divine within me. WE are all the Divine. We are all the source of unconditional love in our higher Spirit selves. We are all Masters even if we are “playing it small” in our human lives so we can feel like we do not have complete control so our “drama” is enhanced. I am the Christ… YOU are the Christ! Thank you for being the Blessing you are in my human life…

Loving Intimacy

In the “Higher Realms,” beyond the Veil, there are NO lies! There is no time or space. There is no separation. The 3 dimensional limitations of our Earthly incarnation born from ego and fear do not exist. There is no place to hide from who you are! AND, You are perfect!

You are a manifestation of the Divine Spirit. You are connected to all other things, and souls, in the Universe. With the DNA of the Divine Spirit imprinted in your soul, you are a perfect hologram and copy of the Supreme Being, which IS YOU! So, imagine being loved, honored, accepted, and fully embraced by all that is good and great in the Universe, and beyond. Every facet of you, including your imperfections and drama, is loved. No secrets only complete Loving Intimacy with all other things. Fully connected and joyfully loved for the role you are playing! In fact, YOU are Unconditionally Loved by the Divine in ways which can not be defined by words or fully known by your Earthly mind.

Every piece of knowledge, wisdom, and feeling is known, telepathically and loved, in the higher realms. No other soul can do YOU better than than you are doing YOU. You are essential. Without you the Divine Spirit and all consciousness can not exist. You are an important part of the team and yet not separate from any other part. Your soul also shares loving acceptance with all the other souls. When you raise your consciousness, all souls have their consciousness raised.

There is no way to not be fully connected though your mind and ego may have a fantasy that you are isolated and separated as you Judge other souls in this incarnation. You are unique in spirit but closely interconnected. You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! Whether you consciously know this, or not, You are a Master!

You are never alone. And, You are the most Beautiful Soul in this Universe!

BTW. If you would like to view our recent Blog Posting regarding Unconditional Love follow link to:

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at