Divine Love is worth Remembering. Your Spirit knew it, felt it, before you were born into this incarnation and will Know it again when you have completed this incarnation. Your pursuit of higher consciousness includes the attempts at Remembering what Divine Unconditional Love is and how it feels but this is not as easy as it might sound. True Unconditional Divine Love is with you always however our 3 dimensional consciousness, as we dwell in this life, is not equipped to fully know how to be conscious of Divine Love. We are usually too human to fully appreciate this energy. (Heck, I can not even come close to finding words for this energy…) It vibrates at a higher frequency which our body, with its human limitations, can not fully feel…
Living, as we do, in 3 dimensions does not offer the full spectrum of many feelings and wisdoms from the higher realms. When we walk around as humans, it is impossible to fully describe a smell, a taste, a tone, or an emotional feeling. Even expressing the depth of what human Love is is elusive. How can we precisely share a specific feeling with the limitations of words? Yeah, go ahead and try. Well, Unconditional Divine Love is a higher realms experience. I was briefly touched by this when I had a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) when I went to visit Death when I was a naive 19 year old. The momentary awareness of Unconditional Love was a fleeting micro-second for my open, youthful consciousness. I was not looking for this or expecting it so as a “gift” from my Guidance, when it was bestowed on my consciousness. Though I will never forget this moment, I can not fully retrieve that feeling to my current consciousness. I do remember how overpowering it was for me at the time and that it is what I have to look forward to when I transition from this incarnation. As I experience this perfection, I did not want to let go and to return to my body or my life. I wanted to stay there forever and that is a long, long time.
I do not have words for this now elusive feeling. It was far better than experiencing that “one in a life time” meal that was perfection and unduplicatable. Yes, you remember the transcendent food experience however you find it unreproducible. As an example, the sweetest water I ever tasted was dripping from sandstone at a creek bed near the Colorado River which now under water since they closed the Glen Canyon Dam. (I was 12 years old when I tasted that unforgettable water.) The amazing wisdoms and feelings from the highest realms can not be compressed to accurately fit into our 3 dimensional consciousness. AND, this lack of knowing/feeling these qualities from the higher realms is part of our human condition. We humans have limitations and so we can have the human drama which plays out for us in our lives.
I have said this before. YOU are so much bigger and more powerful than you can know with your human consciousness. Other wise people have said the same thing and asked you not to limit yourself by being human. Christ! Jesus said that we can do even greater things than he was able to do, as miracles, when he walked amongst us as a man. You are a Miracle!
I am sorry that you may not know or fully understand what waits for you on the other side of the veil as Unconditional Divine Love but you will remember this when time is right to “Know” it again. YOU WILL Love it!
Life is brief! Life is a Miracle! Look for Joy in the lessons life offers…