Finding Joy in Life is our challenge. Living in Joy is our goal. What can make this more difficult is to find laughter, and Joy, when the “Dramas” of our lives get intense. Taking ourselves, and our Drama, too seriously can get in our way. Sure life is a serious endeavor. But, taking our lives too seriously creates the drama which we have come to our Earthly lives to play out. And, we get “tested.” Our learned or “remembered” wisdom gets tested by every new drama we find on our path through life. Somewhere we will find our Divine Wisdom and know that we can laugh in the face of our drama because from a higher perspective our dramatic stories can be fun and entertaining…
You may not be ready to not take yourself too seriously. Heck, you may even still believe that dying at the end of your human life is a defeat rather than an amazing, unescapable feat of transformation into higher consciousness… Death is NOT the enemy nor are the often difficult dramas we find ourselves enmeshed within. From a higher perspective each drama filled experience is there for a reason and a learning possibility for ourselves or the people involved in our story. Consider that maybe your “job” is to create a piece of someone else’s drama so they can be tested and to learn a lesson which you may only play a small part in the overall scene… OR, they are in your life for the drama they add to your life and for you to test your wisdom.
Life would be boring without our human drama. It is my belief that the drama is why we have come to the Earthly plane with all the limitations of living in 3 dimensions. In the “Higher Realms” there are fewer limitations as we find ourselves moving more freely in at least 5 dimensions. There are no constraints of linear time and 3 dimensional space which test our human lives. Imagine how it would feel to be able be anywhere at any time because space and time do not exist in the Higher Realms. Our brains can not even fully wrap itself around this lack of limitations. (Just like the human brain can not fully “know” what true unconditional Divine Love feels like. For this surrounds us in the Higher Realms. It also surrounds us in our human existences but we mostly do not remember this Divine truth.)
Do you ever watch TV or movies and enjoy the engagement in the drama which the actors play out in their roles? Well that is a simplified version of what our human lives are acting out in our human roles. And, yes, there is an audience of Divine souls watching us and cheering us on as we stumble around on our human paths through life. There are times when you might feel the support and guidance which assists you. It is not always your ancestors who may seem to you to have an investment in your success or “failures.” (There are NO failures only learning opportunities.) Since all souls are connected, we have support from all parts of the Universe, and beyond. It would be too overwhelming to attempt to know all your interconnections with all of the Divine, so humans are mostly sheltered from this higher dimensional consciousness until we transition back from our Earthly existences. YOU have so much to look forward to, though, since there is no time to constrain you in the higher realms, “forward looking” is really just a human construct…
Please remember that you are Loved! You are perfect! Your human drama is the challenge you have come here to experience and, with the proper perspective, it is filled with Joy and insights only gained from enduring our 3 dimensional limitations. Like surviving an intense horror movie but with much more long term value…
Thank you for being You!