Born to Serve

With time for self-reflection, you may find yourself asking, “what is my Purpose in this Life?” The answer never changes though the manifestation of your “purpose” may seem to take different forms. In these days which are fraught with so much fear, anxiety and disruption, the answer continues to be that You are Here to Serve! And, you have so many great opportunities to be of service…

When I woke this morning, my Divine Guidance asked me to write a blog reflecting on why we keep returning to our Earthly lives. It is not that our soul’s existence between lives is unhappy or boring but we are attracted, like moths to a light, for the opportunity to serve. The “Drama” playing out as we act out our roles in our human form is very attractive to participate within. Many of us come to play the roles of Saints or of Sinners or the victims of either. We come with lessons and challenges to learn from and to create the opportunity for other souls to play off of us for their lessons and challenges. We serve by supporting other souls. AND, we serve by allowing other souls to support (or serve) us as the character we are playing in this drama.

We each bring unique perspective and skills to each interaction because we are each unique. We might stumble around bumping in to other people or situations and we have free choice regarding how we jump in and get involved, or seemingly, to not engage. Today, in the weird and wacky world we live in, we have so many great opportunities to serve. The expression, “You can throw a stick in many direction and you are bound to hit something,” strikes me as truth in this situation. The challenge I have for you, as you have read this far into this blog, is that you stay sharp in your awareness and put the filter of “Service” before your eyes to search for ways you can serve in your unique way. Yup, look for ways to say, “Thank You! You are a Blessing!” or “How can I assist you?” It really is that easy.

Be careful and aware of people playing in the role of desperate victimhood. They are just too easy to engage but your expectation of assisting them may be YOUR lesson. They may like being victims. They are good at playing victims. And, they may not be ready to let go of the victim role but, as a spider draws flies to its web, they may want your involvement in a never improving sub-plot. I am not saying to not assist or attempt to assist these folks. I am saying be careful regarding YOUR lesson of expectations in your service as a savior… Since we all have “choice,” consider what role you want to play in any interaction and test your wisdom from your unique life experience as you engage.

It gives “Joy” to serve. Our souls bask in the light of the giving of service and unconditional love (though there are usually conditions attached to how humans give “unconditional” love.) You have come into this life to “mix it up” and to interact with other pilgrims on our different paths toward higher consciousness. You are amazing! No one else could fill the role, you are acting out. Every person you bump into is a unique child of God and perfect in their way and in their role. Yes, even if they push your buttons, Especially, if they trigger you! So, remember to find your way to enhanced each interaction because YOU were Born to Serve!

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Service to the World, Are You Doing Your Part?

How much service to the world is enough? Being of service takes many roles and can be offered in many ways, but are you doing your part? Most of us are engaged in “survival” and we might not have the time or the resources to consider living our lives in service. Most of us do not even really understand how much service we provide because we are not conscious of the regular interactions which benefit the people we bump into. An unconscious gesture like the smile or the thank you or the acknowledgement of appreciation can offer a lot. And, there are some of us who seem to wake every morning excited and considering what acts of conscious service we can provide.

Most of us feel really good when we are doing something we know to be “good” for another person. As we share this loving energy, we get more in return by our act of “giving.” The act of giving, without any strings attached, is a true gift. When providing a service like non-judgmentally listening to someone’s “story,” we, as the “witness,” provide a huge service. Yes, something as simple as listening in a loving way can benefit everyone involved AND even the “Universe.” Demonstrating: patience, acceptance, gratitude, support, love, and connection, are all acts of service which can improve the general levels of consciousness and specifically the individual souls who bask in these higher energies. Thank You for your service, in advance…

By being most conscious regarding your interactions with any of the fellow pilgrims you bump into, you offer an opportunity for positive growth. You do not have to agree with the behaviors which get acted out but you can still look to the beauty and perfection of the person standing in front of you. They are a Miracle! They have arrived to assist you in your lesson, sometimes providing challenges for you to learn your lessons. Even when the situation may feel negative and overwhelming, you are able to “practice” your growing strategies for moving into higher consciousness. What a blessing!

Be aware! Take off your blinders! All of your interactions have a value and purpose, even if you are not clearly aware to what the purpose may be. Look to live in Love! Feel the perfection of each situation. Take responsibility for your reactions and behaviors. And, when all else fails in a difficult interaction, you can with empathy ask, “What has happened to this person to make them act the way that they behave?” You may not know the answer, but you are feeling, with empathy, the life experience and lessons this person is working through. (Or, they are pushing your buttons, because that is the lesson you require…)

If you can think of nothing else, do not miss the opportunity to look into someones eyes and appreciate the beautiful soul in front of you. Giving thanks offers a connecting experience and demonstration of your acknowledgement. Again, thank you in advance for your acts of service and higher consciousness.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

A Clear Path

There comes a time when the obvious direction appears and the path is clear to be considered and taken…
Sometimes the pain in life motivates this change in path…

This is what our life’s lessons are all about. Learning from life experience and this often comes from learnings which are difficult if not painful. Such is the nature of change. We did not come here for a vacation of fun and joy which lasts a lifetime. It is a blessing to be challenged and to stretch beyond our normal lives, and comfort zones, into the experiences which catch our attention. Sometimes we are “triggered” by an interaction with another person/soul to know what we need to forgive, accept, and bless from the difficult judgements we make. You must ask yourself, what is not resolved within you that created this triggered response. When you judge another person, it often speaks about a judgement of yourself or an unresolved challenge within.

As we search for our path in life, we sometimes come to the difficult realization that we must accept and change ourselves… You have experienced (or are now experiencing) when it was time to leave home or end a relationship or find a new job/career. It may not have been “rational” but you do not have a choice, like you have to drop out of UCLA during the Vietnam War and go traveling though you do not know where this will lead you! This was a moment for me, born out of anger, frustration, and despair AND it was the best difficult decision I ever made. Of course, guidance played a role and this experience lead me into an environment where I could experience the foundation of a career of service which I have loved and never doubted…

With myself as the example, I have found that my “attachment disorder” has led me to the difficulty in relationship break ups which have caused me to suffer. My insecurities wanted me to hold on to a known relationship rather stepping into the unknown “loneliness.” Yet, this process of letting go has also led me to important life learnings such as when my path moved me to Bellingham in the Pacific Northwest to invest my energy into starting the Masters of the Journey. (Relationship changes were at the core of this movement.) Again, my pain created the motivation to leave my old life and then guidance directed me into the position of honoring spirit and creating a supportive community.

Hell, I bet you are reading this blog right now because you have a pain and you were guided to read these words. Yes, you may even take responsibility for your life and make the change in direction which you need to make, now or soon. Your only future regret should be that you did not follow your heart and jump into the experience which you knew you had to take… So do not let your fear of change get in your way. You are a blessing with much to share and you need to find your way to serve by sharing your wisdom gained from your experiences. AND, by the way, you are “Perfect” and a Master though your self image and judgement get in the way of “Remembering Your Divinity.”

As a reminder, YOU are loved! You are an important part of the fabric of all life and consciousness… Sure, these words may ring hollow if you are insecure or judging yourself harshly, BUT this does not change the truth you will remember when you are not so limited by your ego and the 3 dimensional world we have chosen to live this life within…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Wisdom vs Knowledge

Is there a difference between Wisdom and Knowledge? In my opinion, Wisdom is a bit more than Knowledge. Knowledge is defined below as facts and information. Wisdom, defined below, is using knowledge and experience with some good judgement. Personally, I would rather be wise than simply filled with facts and information.

1 the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
Synonyms: Sagacity, intelligence, sense, common sense, shrewdness, astuteness, smartness, judiciousness, judgement, prudence, circumspection, rationality, soundness

◦ the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.”some questioned the wisdom of building the dam so close to an active volcano”

◦ the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period.plural noun: wisdoms
 “the traditional farming wisdom of India”


facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”a thirst for knowledge”
Synonyms: understanding, comprehension, grasp, command, mastery, learning, education, scholarship, schooling,

◦ what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information.
“the transmission of knowledge”

 true, justified belief; certain understanding, as opposed to opinion.

awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.
“the program had been developed without his knowledge”
Awareness, consciousness, realization, cognition, perception, appreciation

To me, Wisdom includes Knowledge but implies more astuteness and good judgement with some common sense, which is often lacking in just knowing facts… So, how do you feel about this??? And, more importantly, how will you use your facts, knowledge, and experience to add to the wisdom which is so needed?

It is my belief that each of us has “Wisdom” to share. These Wise thoughts come from the life challenges we have experienced and the learnings we have received from these happenings whether we succeeded or whether we have more to learn from our life’s more difficult lessons. The gift of sharing your Wisdom and/or witnessing another person sharing of their Life’s Wisdom is what a spiritual community is all about. You can serve by supporting another “storyteller” or you can learn your lessons as you find ways to communicate your experience to fellow members. The act of recapitulation of your “lesson” allows for a re-examination of the experience with the perspective of having some emotional distance from this significant experience. (We learn by teaching…)

No matter what, do not fail to “Drink from the Chalice of Wisdom” as you connect with the fellow travelers you meet on your path toward consciousness and, finally, enlightenment. You are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master with much wisdom to share!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. I repeat, You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

A Victim or Are You Responsible?

Have you ever complained about something in your life? Sure, everybody has. Have you ever known someone who seems to live in a state of constant complaining? Sure, you have. Have you ever noticed that people who are generally happy are also the people who seem to take responsibility for their situation, accept their challenges, and find ways of making the best out of a difficult situation? We all have challenges. That is why we were born into our lives. Some people more easily realize the benefits of learning the lessons and some people seem to like to wallow in their grievances.

Today, I spent a long half hour with a person who had a lot of upset about her childhood from 50 years ago. There was victim status and grievances written all over this suffering human. I was at a loss to fix the past childhood mishaps. My listening lost concentration because I was distracted by that “pit of the stomach feeling” that this story was a re-occuring theme and a source of deep satisfaction. Not to the listener but to the storyteller who was a “victim” of this history. There was little acknowledgement of personal responsibility by the story teller, not for the bad experiences, but for not letting them go and moving on in life. This blog is not about my acquaintance but about my lesson and my lack of patience. My mind got “triggered” as it has in the my past when a person seemed to relish their role of living as a victim. I live with my challenges, ghosts, demons, and lessons by seeing how I am responsible for these occurrences and how I can learn from them so I can move on to my next challenge.

There are times when I explain my mistakes, foibles, flaws, and weaknesses by saying, “People like to do what they are good at (and familiar with) even making the same mistake over and over…” It is familiar as a bad habit just like a familiar old annoying friend. So I must learn to celebrate the people I bump into who are deeply invested in living their lives as victims. It is NOT for me to “judge” them but it may not be my role to sit there for half and hour and listen to them complain… Obviously, I must learn my limit of “kindness” in listening and be discerning enough to know that I do not have the job of talking them out of their need to be seen as a victim…

If you have more patience to share with me, I would appreciate any gift to assist me through my lesson. AND, I celebrate you for knowing and acknowledging your responsibility in choosing your lessons in this life. We can all be reminded of our need for personal accountability for the way we respond to the challenges we meet in life. Learn to be responsible for your reactions.

If you have a story to share, consider sharing with our community, Masters of the Journey. Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master!

PS. I was whining and sounding like a “victim” in this blog… We all have to try on the various roles and the ones that do not fit well we must discard and look for the roles that do feel correct (or better.)

Living in Your Drama

Has life treated you unfairly? Are you willing to share how other people have taken advantage of you? Are you distracted by these past injustices? Do you want to break out of this victim status, or does it work too well for you?

If you want to take back control of your life, YOU have have to change! You have to learn to let go of the old “victim habit” AND find a way to take responsibility. Perhaps you need to hear this message… YOU have made yourself a victim! It is your thinking which creates separation and thinks that some completely unrelated person is doing (or has done) something to you. No one can do something to you without you playing your part in this relationship! This event has happened, and will probably happen again, to you as a special learning that you are needing to learn. Yes, this is your lesson in this life AND it is your partner (the perpetrator) role and lesson.

You want to beat this? Forgive and take responsibility. Learn and let go. This is so easy for me to say AND so hard (difficult) for you to hear, let alone do, because you are so emotionally attached to the “drama.” Whether you know, or believe, it, we are ALL connected and we interact to share the lessons of life. We all have our roles to play and we are here to assist each other with these learnings. Your mind, your emotions, and your ego are taught by our culture to blame other people and to separate ourselves. It is not easy to step outside your pain and to see it from the “other side.” Why did this person do this to you? They have to learn their lesson of creating their Karmic debt so they can pay back this debt at some other time or in some other life.

We do not live in a “Random Universe.” There is a reason for every interaction and your lesson is to fill the “void” with forgiveness and then Love. Your purpose is to serve by role modeling grace, acceptance, forgiveness, and Love. I DO NOT SAY THAT THIS IS EASY OR FUN! This is a challenge and that is why we showed up in this life. AND, if we do not want to return, over and over, to repeat this lesson, we need to break out of the old pattern of response and appreciate all interactions in the most loving way. You can take control! You can be the vehicle for peace and acceptance. You are LOVE! Know the Divine Perfection within you AND let it shine. You are PERFECT!

Meditation in this incarnation helps a great deal! Finding the light of the Divine Spirit within you gives new meaning to your life. Your challenges are not easy or fun, you are here to learn. (This takes work.) You are a blessing! Whether you know it or not, you are a MASTER! You have much to teach and to share! The “Divine Spirit” can not exist without YOU! Yes, you are a small but critical piece of the whole of the Divine Spirit!

It is much easier to learn this with positive support. Please consider the connection with a positive community of acceptance and you may benefit from looking at Masters of the Journey. No matter what… YOU are a blessing and the Universe needs you to learn and progress through your lessons. We will support you BUT YOU need to make the choice to take responsibility and to choose Love over fear!

What is Your Journey?

“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” But, what is Your journey and where is it taking YOU? “Life is a Journey” says yet another historic quote. Is it meant to be a literal journey with physical travel or a figurative search through the experience we call life?

We have named our spiritual support community, “Masters of the Journey,” and there have been attempts to help create awareness regarding the concept that YOU are a Master of your life and YOU have much to share from the challenges you have overcome or are struggling to learn from. But, again, what is this Journey?

Each one of us is on a path through this life. In the sense of time, we can conceive that this journey begins with (or maybe before) our birth and travels life until we transition out of this life. For some of us this journey in “time” takes many years of living, for other of us less time, and sometimes only a brief amount of time, if we die at an early age. Viewing the Journey in this context, we consider the early years of learning, the transitioning into adulthood, the work and family building stage, then the slowing down and aging until we call it quits, for this life.

So is this Journey just about physical progression and the learning of life skills? Or, is there something more to our “Purpose” following our path through this incarnation? Have we come into this body and this “life” with an agenda and with specific lessons to learn??? Many people think that we have come “here” (this life) to participate in a purposeful quest for specific experience to gain wisdom or share in other people’s lessons. I think that we arrive in this life with an agenda and it is not just about my learning. It includes lessons for me but it is also for the “greater good” and to assist fellow “pilgrims” to accomplish their learnings and to gain wisdom which helps us all (all of the other children of God.)

If this resonates with your beliefs, then the “Journey” is a sacred voyage. It is a holy pilgrimage which is more about the journey than it is about the destination. What we learn, experience, AND share along the way is the value and the “purpose” of this life. Our “Journey” is Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. It may look like we benefit from what we see, or hear, or feel, or “Do,” but it may be even more about what we “Remember” on our search for the perfection and the divine that is within each of us. To remember our Divinity and to find it within each fellow pilgrim we bump into along the way, may be the most important of learnings AND the true “Purpose” of our “Journey.”

Blessings to you on your path. Be as “present” as possible and pay attention to honoring the details which may present themselves to you. A single step may start a thousand mile trip, but small interaction may pose the most important learning you have come to experience in this life. Embrace the efforts of all your fellow travelers, you may have incarnated to assist them in their most important lesson. (And, be OK that YOU may never know the outcome of your interactions.)

If you find that you wish to share your story and your Mastery, consider participation in Masters of the Journey. If you know someone who may benefit from support in the development of spirit but who may not need or respond well to religion share this community with them. Thank you, in advance.

Learning from Loss and Tragedy

Have you ever suffered a loss? Of course, who hasn’t? Even if this loss was a “Tragedy,” was there some benefit from the lesson you had to learn?

Every human has suffered from a loss? The loss of a job. The loss of a relationship. The loss of money or property. The loss of your innocence. The loss of a loved one, a friend, a parent, a sibling, a close family member, or a child can be a difficult, if not devastating, challenge. The most difficult group I ever had to speak with was a support group for parents who had lost their child. Many in this group were suffering. Some even after many, many years after the death. A parent’s grief is especially difficult.

My reason in writing this blog comes from my own experience with loss and grief. I seemed to manage with the death of my father when I was 35 years old. My mother passed when I was almost 51. I thought I knew something about loss and grief. The greatest lesson was when my life partner, wife, and friend, Barbara, passed away from Ovarian Cancer when I was 61. I thought that I was prepared because we had 8.5 years after receiving her “terminal” diagnosis. My naivety protected me right up until the reality of the “void” set in… It took me one year before I could even began to look at the trauma this health challenge and loss of my wife had manifested within me. Some people get angry, bitter, sad, or anxious. For me, the loss of my partner of nearly 30 years was a vacuum that could not be filled.

Today, 4.5 years later, I realize the amazing blessing I have received from this valuable lesson. The blessing comes from learning much about myself, grief, and the empathy I developed from this painful personal lesson. With surprise, I have grown from the experience of this “misfortune” as I realize the new perspective on life and even the “joy” that came from the ashes of a loss.

Sheryl Sandberg speaks about her appreciation and the lessons of gratitude she learned from losing her husband, suddenly, to an unexpected cardiac incident. Her speech at the 2016 UC Berkeley Commencement was removed from youtube however, know that I was moved to tears as I listened to her story.

“When life gives you lemons, learn to make lemonade,” the old saying goes. But finding your strength and resilience from a difficult loss can provide you with one of life’s greatest challenges and benefits. Learn, accept, and share the lessons. (Remember, you learn best by sharing your story AND you can be of service as you help to create awareness in those who you offer your experience.) When you “KNOW” the value of surviving your loss, you can move on to other lessons in this life.

Life is precious. Joy and Gratitude can be derived from unexpected appreciations of even the darkest moments. Learn from your challenges and reach around to assist other pilgrims as we move along the pathway of our lives.


Share this blog, if appropriate. More support for your spiritual development can be found at the Masters of the Journey website: or at the Facebook page at:

By the way, if you want to explore more information regarding death and dying, consider reading the many books written regarding Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) which can shed light on the situation your departed person experiences but offers little for your personal grief created by the void generated from the loss of your “Loved” one. In doing this research, it allows me to gain spiritual insight which helps me to live more easily in a state of grace.

Please take good care of yourself!