Perhaps you have found that money, possessions, trips, your addictions, your career, even your relationships have NOT offered you the Happiness you expect and deserve. From research studies, a Yale psychology professor, course creator Laurie Santos, has developed and presented this class in person and now online (for free) to people wishing to explore the best possible activities to create a greater Happiness in their lives. (See link below for more information.)
One of the main findings comes from the Joy of Gratitude when engaged in “Giving.” Yes, your activity of serving another person in sincerity and with no strings attached, makes YOU feel good. More than buying yourself some new toy or vacation which tend to be temporary goals and distractions. The act of connection and giving your time and energy to another person is both satisfying and enhances your happiness. Of course there are many other factors in creating a life with more abundant happiness but this is a great place to start.
CNN’s story regarding this free online course from Yale University for their students, and YOU, regarding the secrets to Happiness. FREE course link and CNN story at: Yale’s Happiness Course If you take this course, you will wade through the theory of what has failed to make you Happy before you get to the application of the processes you can engage to make you more happy. Laurie states that awareness is NOT half the battle or the solution. Engaging in the positive alternative behaviors is what has the long term positive effects.
Perhaps you can begin by sharing your story and your wisdom. This is a gift which will reward you in many ways and has the possibility of expanding the perspective for your communication partner. It costs no money, but does require your desire to serve and your time. When sharing, make the story relevant to your witness and not as much about your ego’s need for attention… Perhaps, consider avoiding an over abundance of YOUR victimhood and instead focus on the Joy or Wisdom you have learned from your life’s experience. Be the Master of your Journey and share you wisdoms, or insights, freely. You will be happier for this service you provide…
On a deeper spiritual satisfaction level, you are a Master. Your Spirit is an important piece of the Universe and Divine Consciousness. Your choice to incarnate and enhance your consciousness through the lessons and drama you experience on the Earthly plain is of service to Divine Consciousness. Sharing your story and your wisdom is an act of service AND that is what you are here, incarnated, to do. When you can, look for the Joy found in the most challenging lessons and find your way to share with other pilgrims. By the Way, YOU get respect from other souls in the higher realms just for your choice to incarnate into all the Earthly drama… This makes YOU a Star!
You are a Soul having a “Human experience” and so realize that YOU are so much greater than your human existence can demonstrate. You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.
Since this blog post is coming out near the end of 2020, it is important to note that now, yes right now, the act of giving is not only creating happiness for you but it is serving our world which is depleted by our pandemic and economic challenges. Your efforts of giving through service do not have to be financially taxing. You can give of your time and from your heart. Even the gift of listening, witnessing another person’s story is an act of giving. Please consider finding your way of being of service and reaching out to show your care and concern for the people you bump into. This is needed now more than ever… And, “Happy Holidays” to you no matter when you are reading this blog. YOU are Loved and Cherished!!!
Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…
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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
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