Secrets to Happiness

Perhaps you have found that money, possessions, trips, your addictions, your career, even your relationships have NOT offered you the Happiness you expect and deserve. From research studies, a Yale psychology professor, course creator Laurie Santos, has developed and presented this class in person and now online (for free) to people wishing to explore the best possible activities to create a greater Happiness in their lives. (See link below for more information.)

One of the main findings comes from the Joy of Gratitude when engaged in “Giving.” Yes, your activity of serving another person in sincerity and with no strings attached, makes YOU feel good. More than buying yourself some new toy or vacation which tend to be temporary goals and distractions. The act of connection and giving your time and energy to another person is both satisfying and enhances your happiness. Of course there are many other factors in creating a life with more abundant happiness but this is a great place to start.

CNN’s story regarding this free online course from Yale University for their students, and YOU, regarding the secrets to Happiness. FREE course link and CNN story at: Yale’s Happiness Course If you take this course, you will wade through the theory of what has failed to make you Happy before you get to the application of the processes you can engage to make you more happy. Laurie states that awareness is NOT half the battle or the solution. Engaging in the positive alternative behaviors is what has the long term positive effects.

Perhaps you can begin by sharing your story and your wisdom. This is a gift which will reward you in many ways and has the possibility of expanding the perspective for your communication partner. It costs no money, but does require your desire to serve and your time. When sharing, make the story relevant to your witness and not as much about your ego’s need for attention… Perhaps, consider avoiding an over abundance of YOUR victimhood and instead focus on the Joy or Wisdom you have learned from your life’s experience. Be the Master of your Journey and share you wisdoms, or insights, freely. You will be happier for this service you provide…

On a deeper spiritual satisfaction level, you are a Master. Your Spirit is an important piece of the Universe and Divine Consciousness. Your choice to incarnate and enhance your consciousness through the lessons and drama you experience on the Earthly plain is of service to Divine Consciousness. Sharing your story and your wisdom is an act of service AND that is what you are here, incarnated, to do. When you can, look for the Joy found in the most challenging lessons and find your way to share with other pilgrims. By the Way, YOU get respect from other souls in the higher realms just for your choice to incarnate into all the Earthly drama… This makes YOU a Star!

You are a Soul having a “Human experience” and so realize that YOU are so much greater than your human existence can demonstrate. You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Since this blog post is coming out near the end of 2020, it is important to note that now, yes right now, the act of giving is not only creating happiness for you but it is serving our world which is depleted by our pandemic and economic challenges. Your efforts of giving through service do not have to be financially taxing. You can give of your time and from your heart. Even the gift of listening, witnessing another person’s story is an act of giving. Please consider finding your way of being of service and reaching out to show your care and concern for the people you bump into. This is needed now more than ever… And, “Happy Holidays” to you no matter when you are reading this blog. YOU are Loved and Cherished!!!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Bought Myself a Cherry Pie Today! Self-Nurturing

Remember to consider how best to be self-nurturing!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and Amazing Holidays however you choose to celebrate. As I write this blog it is late December and the days are cooler and short in Northwest Washington. Today, I find myself at home coping with an ear infection which is stripping me of ability to have social interaction and to communicate. This is due to a loss of hearing and my body telling me that I need to take some time to withdraw from my busy schedule. This is an opportunity to write and today I want to share my story of shopping… Not for Holiday gifts but for the simple food required to re-stock. In my trip through the supermarket, I decided I “needed to “treat” myself.” Perhaps because I have been stuck indoors for a couple of days.

Self-nurturing takes many forms. Perhaps you meditate, do yoga, get exercise, take a trip, walk outdoors, meet friends/family, play with your child or pet, read a good enriching book, or buy yourself a cherry pie. Cherry pies are not as high up on the self-nurturing scale as some of the many other suggestions but this is what I chose for myself, today. This is not a recommendation. This is an honest admission…

This cherry pie was on sale. It was appealing. I felt like I wanted a treat. AND, I got a topic for this blog… When I got home I ate a piece of cherry pie and felt pretty good to honor this feeling. Normally, I am not the most dessert driven person. Some people are and You know who you are! There are healthier alternatives but there is NO reason for guilt or shame. My most recent past blog, see below on this blog page, was about being a good role model. I am not sure that buying yourself a cherry pie for self-nurturing is the “BEST” role modeling behavior but being “Human” is! I am taking responsibility for this weird choice and my behavior. I am not unhappy. In fact, this experience has raised my energy level (probably sugar related) and allowed me a great self-nurturing distraction from my aching ear.

Impulsive actions are not all bad. Chronic compulsive or addictive behaviors are significant lessons for everyone involved. Taking responsibility for your behavior is an important step and then decisions can be made and actions taken, again with responsibility. My cherry pie today was not a chronic experience or coming from a deeper addictive behavior but not everyone reading this will necessarily agree… We all have “choices!”

We are entering into a new calendar year and some of us will attempt to make, and then keep, new year’s resolutions. Futile! But, you do want to consider how to keep moving forward in your personal development and quest for consciousness. Do not forget to find the time, energy and resources for self-care and self-nurturing. Fill your life with JOY! Have some FUN! Live with Gusto! Dance like No One is Watching!

You are a Blessing! When a cherry pie type feeling happens, do not ignore it. You do not have to act upon it, but consider what your body is feeling and find the best way for you to celebrate life, especially, your life!

Happy New Year, no matter when in the year you stumble upon these words. You were meant to read them! AND, if cherry pie comes flying at you enjoy your options…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Holidays 2018: Survival Guide

Every year about this time, we slip into the Season of the Holidays! In the Northern Hemisphere these holidays often fall on of near the Winter Solstice and were probably originated to assist early civilizations to cope with short days and then the rebirth of sunlight. We tend to mark the “dark times” of the year with lights/fires, social gatherings, and ceremonies. Too much food and too many gifts have become a tradition for people who can afford this kind of celebration and a challenging reminder for those of us who are not capable of participating at the level of overdone gluttony. My favorite holidays have always been more simple and with the people who really choose to be available, as opposed to whom I am “supposed” to celebrate with. As an example, last Thanksgiving (in 2017), 11 friends gathered at my house. They all had other places they could have been but chose to hang out with our community of friends and share stories of what gratitude really means for them. It was one of the very best, possibly the best, Thanksgiving for me because we really wanted to sit at that table together, in love.

Wow, I used the “L” word. AND, the holidays are better when sincere Love, with NO strings attached, are shared in respect, acceptance, and gratitude. How I wish the “Holidaze” had more of these true sentiments. Every human being, and most plants and animals (yes even rocks and rats) appreciate a good dose of LOVE given unconditionally. So consider the greatest gift you can give by being fully “present” and finding a way to celebrate the beauty and perfection of the soul who stands in front of you. Reduce or eliminate your judgement and find the Divine Spirit reflected back at you!!! Warm yourself in the Brilliant Light and Warmth which burns in the fellow pilgrim which you share this road to Enlightenment with. If nothing else, acknowledge the soul and spirit as the fellow traveler they are.

No matter what your religious belief or the “rules of conformity” you are asked to follow, find some genuine Love and Respect. Dance in the light until the Joy wells up inside and you remember where your soul has come from and where it will return when your days in this life, transition into the freedom of the Divine.

No matter what else is said or you experience, KNOW that you are a Perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit. You are important and your role is of major value. You serve by being the actor in this play and you do YOU better than anyone else!!! Overcome your own self-judgement and accept the beauty and the light you radiate! AND, remember to laugh when you plunge back into the weird Drama of your life… The drama and challenges are there to be the lessons so we (YOU) can learn to respond in the most positive sacred way to the hellish relationships and circumstances we might find ourselves within. We did NOT come to this life to avoid change or challenges. We came because these tougher times become the very best crucibles for our learning and development.

If you find yourselves away from family and friends, try to ind a way to connect and to serve. You will feel better and learn from each interaction. If you find yourself with family and friends, attempt today deep to find the best expression of your love and appreciation. You that the souls you meet during these holidays are on the path, whether the fully understand or not, and every interaction offers you an opportunity to be the beacon of love and light to guide all who are present one step closer to enlightenment. Step up and be the force for good you want to see in this world… Bless you for trying!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Holidays Are Here! Live in Gratitude

Well here we are again in the “Holidays!” Some consider these the “Holidaze!” You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! You can live in Joy and Gratitude! SO, do it!

As the days grow shorter in the Northern Hemisphere it is again time to go within and take stock of what is “working” in your life. Sure, you have challenges BUT even these are a blessing. These are the reason we came into this life! We came to learn and to grow and to bounce around with other incarnated souls. We are here to share the wisdom of the experiences we have survived. Consider how YOU can take your heart and soul out each day to be of service. Support all the other “pilgrims” you meet along your way. Look deep into their eyes and “Know” that they ARE YOU, in a different life, learning their lessons and moving toward OUR goal of full enlightenment.

If you want to “Serve,” be sincere and simply ask the next person meet, as openly as you can be, “How are YOU doing?” AND, listen! Listen for the challenge that they are working to learn from and love them for the struggle…. Which we all know we must go through…. Be the loving and caring person they needed to bump into this day!!!

Sure, the Holidaze also include excessive expense of time, money, and energy in time when we really want to hibernate. Yes, we bump against all kinds of things that can irritate. But, we can also find and celebrate “GRATITUDE” for all the amazing things we have had to accomplish this past year. So, when Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) strikes us in the December 20’s, know that this will signal the re-birth of the cycle of life, with the sun gradually returning to allow Spring to burst forth (eventually) and give another cycle of seasons to learn and to LOVE.

Live in Joy and Gratitude. Share your wisdom, your passions, and your brilliant Soul! Be as amazing as you are!

If you have 3 minutes, enjoy and share the short video on Gratitude in these Holidaze on YouTube at:

If you are looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at