Seeing Ourselves as Separate and Finding Our Way Back to Oneness

Our language and our culture teaches us that we are separate and unique. Our language compares and judges as we fight to describe events and things. We are caught in the limitations as a survival mechanism which triggers an “every man for himself” mentality. And, when we become more fully conscious, we “remember” that we are all part of larger, perfect divine consciousness.

Perhaps our minds are too limited by the three dimensional experience we seem to know. We are separated in our skin enclosed bodies. When our parents give us language to describe the world, we are taught comparisons because words are too limiting to describe the “wholeness” and the inter-connections we have. Just to test this out, how can you accurately define: the sweet taste of a ripe pineapple, or define the color green, or really define the feeling of love. These may be too difficult due to the limitations words and our language places on these descriptions.

BUT, it gets even worse when we look to explain or define: unconditional love, “oneness,” or the expansive freedom of the Divine Spirit filling the Universe. If, and when, you have a “STE” (Spiritually Transformative Experience) your consciousness will shift and expand. You will never be the same. You can not fit the Genie back in the bottle and your transformation may take time for this “reintegration” back into your current incarnation to fully begin to grasp YOUR GREATNESS! Your limitations begin to fade as you re-awaken to the knowing that your soul and spirit are larger than your 3 dimensional mind may be able to understand.

Perhaps the most important concept to “Remember” will be the concept that you are NOT separate. You are an important part of the whole Divine Spirit. You are connected to all other souls and things existing in our Universe. When “Enlightenment” occurs you will know that every person you encounter is another part of YOU and that, whether you like it or not, we are all in this Divine lesson together. We are here to learn and to grow and the find Joy. We are here to serve and support the other souls we bump in to on our path toward higher consciousness.

Seeing separation is part of the challenge. “Knowing” our connections is what Enlightenment includes. We are all on the path to develop by Remembering our Divinity the highest levels of consciousness which are possible to us in this lifetime… Though challenging to fully understand, we are not separate. Personally, I struggle to “Remember” my Oneness 24-7. For me, there are only fragments of remembered insight, but these are a starting place because now that I know oneness, I can NOT go back to live less consciously in a life separation.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are NOT alone or separate. You can come home to a community of fellow seekers of enlightenment.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

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