It’s Time to Connect with Guidance

Now, More Than Ever Before, Its Time to Connect with Guidance!

Where does your Guidance come from? What are your sources for the most important news and information? Do you watch news on Television or on your smartphone? Do you read articles, or blogs, or books? Do you “TRUST” your sources of news, guidance, and information or do you commonly check more deeply into the background of what you are being told? If you do not “TRUST” the sources of information and news, where can you go for the TRUTH?

In our American culture, especially, since 2016, we have become more skeptical regarding sources of news and information. If we are lazy, we do not investigate what is being said. We may not look deeply into the “agenda” or background of the source. Since the internet became widely used in the 1990’s, we have been exposed to unedited, un-fact checked information from biased and unreliable sources who may claim their facts or their truths are accurate. No other time in human history have we been subjected to more “Fake News” or “Alternative Facts!” We are now believing the “Source” of the news without the common sense to check the agenda and background of the “sources” we have come to rely on and believe. In an under educated, time pressured, and lazy society, it is very easy to make stuff up and pass it off as facts to justify our behaviors or the decisions which our leadership make.

Actually, this is not new. We have been manipulated and lied to throughout human history by leaders and organizations which are determined to maintain their control over the populace. The difference that exists now relates to the modern technology which would not only start a religious war, or a race war, or a nationalism war but the current ability to destroy all of humanity with the current weapons of technology. Now, we are living on the razor’s edge with little buffer to protect us from ourselves.

This brings us to the point, as we exist on the edge of massively changing the course of life on our planet, whose Guidance do YOU trust? Our minds and our egos may be invested in “factual” presentations though these facts are subject to change. Example, in the 1400’s the facts told us by the church and our leaders was that the Earth was flat and we were the center of the Universe. Pluto used to be a planet and now doubt of its existence is suggested. Smoking and drinking alcohol were once considered healthy and tools for relaxation. Spanking children was good discipline. We were told we could trust news sources and our political leaders because they would never lie to us. We were told to work hard and our companies would “take care of us.” Now, some of our leaders say that there is no such thing as Global Warming and petrochemicals are safe in our environment. Even our religions have told us that only if we believe in, and practice, their traditions could we possibly make it to heaven.

Well, if you have any common sense, you have some doubts regarding our current sources of “rational” information and news. “Alternative Truth” can exist for humans who choose to believe ego flawed statements and agenda driven belief systems. For me, it is fun watching the “drama” unfold and my ego getting caught up to supporting one side of the perceived truths or the other. Our challenge today is to remember that more than 7 billion souls have showed up on planet Earth in human form to watch the “Train Wreck” which is happening. It is way past any doubt that the world our children and grandchildren will have to grow up in and will be way different than the world we have known. Both physically and politically, we have soiled the nest and we have to take responsibility for the destruction of life as we know it. When the dinosaurs went extinct, it was not from the poor decisions they made. Yes, we are not even as smart as dinosaurs when it comes to seeing our own extinction (of life as we know it.) Humans are not very good at learning from past mistakes, especially the leaders in power.

Now, more ever before, we can benefit looking beyond our egos and our mental reasonings. Not to stop thinking or problem solving, but to look deeper and perhaps listen to the small, quiet voices from guidance. Quantum physics suggests that there are unexplainable (so far) energies and consciousness which exist and have existed since the formation of our Universe, and beyond. Not the traditionally believed religious dogma which was meant to control the masses but more love based consciousness that accepts all souls and the learning path toward consciousness that we are pursuing. (This consciousness is very neutral regarding our survival drama due to “free choice” and realization that our so called reality is an illusion.) But how do we connect with this Guidance and source of universal truth? Often we have to shut off our mind and feel with our hearts (and souls.) Meditation helps a great deal. Being more “present” in the moment, not living in the past or future, can assist Guidance to enter into our consciousness. Less judgement and more acceptance and listening helps. Rather than separation and isolation, which our culture seems to preach, perhaps we can build real community where we connect and find the divine perfection in the souls we bump into. Yes, even the ones we would disagree with. AND, sharing our experiences in an act of service to assist the people around us. We are all pilgrims on the path toward awakening and remembering our divinity. We are all connected and can benefit from assisting others. Guidance can allow us to accept the difficult lessons which we have come to Earth to experience and to learn from.

The bottom line, you are a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit, whether you know this or not. Consider separating yourself, not from other struggling souls, but from the drama and the dis-information we find in our leaders and sources of news. Your heart and your Guidance will lead you through this lifetime and through your future travels beyond the veil.

You do not have to cut yourself off from news or the media, just filter what you see and hear. You do not have to join a new age cult or become a quantum physicist. But, perhaps you might be present, meditate more, and read or learn from materials related to spirituality, near death encounters, and some timeless teachings from Buddhist, Hindu, or Taoist traditions. Look for many sources until you can “feel” the correct path for you to assist you to remember your perfection and connection with the Divine Spirit.

Live your Truth!
Find YOUR Bliss!
Love, Serve and Remember!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

PS: This blog will be sent to on Thanksgiving Day, 2018 (November 22). I will be traveling out of the country and will miss posting next week’s blog. Sorry. I have sincere hopes that all the people of our planet will find in these holidays peace and a renewal for humanity. Hopefully, some common sense and Divine Spiritual insights will find a way to guide humanity. Please find a way, dig deep, to support through Love all the souls you are blessed to meet. Peace…!!!

We Are Old Souls: No Excuses

A guide recently said to me, “We are all old Souls!” I was taken aback. This comment was triggered by a meditation I was recently having and my partner in this meditation revealed himself/herself to me as older and distinguished. Kind of like looking at Moses or one the Wisepersons from biblical times, you know old and gray. Long gray hair and beard and robes just standing there like in a movie. I was a little surprised and remarked, “You are an OLD Soul!” His answer surprised me and got me thinking… “We are ALL Old Souls.”

In contemplating this response, it opened the door for me to consider that all of our souls have been a part of the “Divine” since the Divine consciousness was created. If we believe that there is time (and I am not sure about this anymore) then our souls have been hangin’ around, pushing through various incarnations, over and over, trying to master our lessons for awhile. Some of us (our souls) may have been busy doing other things, like being a glacier or a tectonic plate, and have not taken the fast tract forward toward Enlightenment or Awakening or whatever the purest form of consciousness is defined by. Some souls are in hurry and scurrying around bumping into experiences which seem to expedite the process. Some souls just spend 40 days in the desert and came back to be Christ! AND, to confuse things even more, some spirits or souls are so highly spiritually evolved they did not have to incarnate at all, EVER! (And, these unfortunate souls do not get to come to the “fun” amusement park we call Earth.) But forget about these beings, for now.

We, our souls that is, have been hangin’ around since the dawn of consciousness in some form or another AND we all are AS OLD AS POSSIBLE. Yup, YOU have no more excuses for your infantile behaviors or thinking. We are all old and wise. We just forgot! When we arrived in this current incarnation our memory of where we came from was erased so we could struggle with our current lessons and challenges. If we could just “REMEMBER where We Came From” and the Divine Perfection we are, then we would not have to take “Life” so seriously and live in Joy more 24/7. Well, that is deep and it is our lesson… BTW, we are supposed to share our wisdom & Joy and truly love every other soul we bump into because we are all in this together… Take responsibility, ’cause whether you remember this or not, you chose to come back in this incarnation AND for a lesson!

Well this was not what I thought I was going to get out of this simple, low expectation, meditation. You never know. So pay attention! Be open! And, do not try to write yourself a note excusing your behavior as just a youthful miscalculation. You were supposed to step on that turd and knew it was there on some level of consciousness. Just clean it up and do not track it into the house for dinner… With my Love and appreciation! You are Perfect!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Seeing Ourselves as Separate and Finding Our Way Back to Oneness

Our language and our culture teaches us that we are separate and unique. Our language compares and judges as we fight to describe events and things. We are caught in the limitations as a survival mechanism which triggers an “every man for himself” mentality. And, when we become more fully conscious, we “remember” that we are all part of larger, perfect divine consciousness.

Perhaps our minds are too limited by the three dimensional experience we seem to know. We are separated in our skin enclosed bodies. When our parents give us language to describe the world, we are taught comparisons because words are too limiting to describe the “wholeness” and the inter-connections we have. Just to test this out, how can you accurately define: the sweet taste of a ripe pineapple, or define the color green, or really define the feeling of love. These may be too difficult due to the limitations words and our language places on these descriptions.

BUT, it gets even worse when we look to explain or define: unconditional love, “oneness,” or the expansive freedom of the Divine Spirit filling the Universe. If, and when, you have a “STE” (Spiritually Transformative Experience) your consciousness will shift and expand. You will never be the same. You can not fit the Genie back in the bottle and your transformation may take time for this “reintegration” back into your current incarnation to fully begin to grasp YOUR GREATNESS! Your limitations begin to fade as you re-awaken to the knowing that your soul and spirit are larger than your 3 dimensional mind may be able to understand.

Perhaps the most important concept to “Remember” will be the concept that you are NOT separate. You are an important part of the whole Divine Spirit. You are connected to all other souls and things existing in our Universe. When “Enlightenment” occurs you will know that every person you encounter is another part of YOU and that, whether you like it or not, we are all in this Divine lesson together. We are here to learn and to grow and the find Joy. We are here to serve and support the other souls we bump in to on our path toward higher consciousness.

Seeing separation is part of the challenge. “Knowing” our connections is what Enlightenment includes. We are all on the path to develop by Remembering our Divinity the highest levels of consciousness which are possible to us in this lifetime… Though challenging to fully understand, we are not separate. Personally, I struggle to “Remember” my Oneness 24-7. For me, there are only fragments of remembered insight, but these are a starting place because now that I know oneness, I can NOT go back to live less consciously in a life separation.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are NOT alone or separate. You can come home to a community of fellow seekers of enlightenment.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at