Be Brave! You have to be brave to Surrender. Most of us are fighting our fears. We are fighting for consciousness as we attempt to learn how to live most Joyfully and Gracefully. We are fighting with change because the unknown, triggers fear in our Ego-Mentality and is a challenge in letting go of “familiar beliefs” and attitudes. Also, the people around us in our lives, family and friends, often dislike our growth and positive change because it can leave them (and their “needs”) behind. To Surrender to the Divine Spirit you must bravely release the known attitudes, tear down your defensive walls, and experience unconditional love and acceptance. Often this requires us to rethink our life’s priorities and long held beliefs.
Sweet Surrender to the Divine becomes an act of trust and bravery. You have a “Choice” to Surrender. An important distinction is that you can not Make Surrender, you must Allow Surrender. Making is what the controlling Ego/Mind wants to do. To construct the Divine is not within the ability of the Mind. To Allow the Divine Spirit to come into your consciousness is possible and worth your efforts… This effort, largely, comes through awareness and then Surrender to Universal Divine.
When you stop fighting with your fears and blocks, you can then “Flow” with the Guidance as you surrender. Letting go of your resistance (based in fear) you can allow the clear connection with the Divine to be remembered. Your intuition and your guidance comes from within you. It is the remembering of your own perfection. It is the reminder of you as a unique miracle connected to, and coming from, the Source. If you quit fighting the current that often is sweeping you along, you can more freely flow with the loving energy which connects you to the Divine Spirit.
Remember, you can NOT be a Warrior for the Divine, forcing enlightened thinking upon those around you! Everybody gets there on their own and when the situation is right for them. You can be a Warrior and Master of your ability to role model consciousness, awareness, acceptance, wisdom, and the unconditional love which is in your (and every soul’s) heart as the perfect connection to the Divine Spirit. You can not force consciousness. “You can lead a horse to water but you can NOT make him drink,” is an old expression. You can share your story. You can live your story but you can not force your beliefs, effectively, unless invited…
If you have read this far, ask yourself, why have I denied my connection with my own true spirit? Have I followed other people’s philosophy or religion, which serves the mind and perhaps not the Heart? Can I be brave and allow myself to flow into remembering my perfection and connection with the Divine Spirit? Can I allow myself to feel the “Joy” of Remembering my unique place in the Universe? You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not you are a Master! No one can do you better than than you of being you and this role you play is important to all of us. Is it time to Surrender and to reconnect with your consciousness and its cord to the Divine?
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
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