The things which sooth us, excite us, heal us, and challenge us are all unique to the person/soul we are. Each of us “marches to the beat of a different drummer.” Though these differences may be slight, none the less, these are different. You are unique as a human and as a soul/spirit. Some people go to a symphony to awaken their Spirit. Some of us go to the gun range for the focus and stimulation we all seem to need in our unique lives. Knowing your unique requirements and how to “appropriately,” find these is an essential step for our adventure through our human incarnations. Hopefully, we find ways to feel satisfaction without impinging on other people. (Sadly, Not always the case…)
What is the music for your soul? Is it loud or soft? Is it available or challenging to find? How much and how often do you require this to be healthy, or even to survive? For me, a walk in the woods is great music for my soul. I can also benefit from a walk on the beach or a hike in the mountains (or hills.) It benefits me greatly to be in the arms of the people I love. Some music sooth me. And, some music does not sooth me. When I find art or creativity to admire, my focused attention can bring joy to my heart. There are times when reading can be stimulating and sometimes healing. Conversation with non-hostile people is a wonderful experience in sharing for me, with or without common interest. Just watching and listening to someone share their deep passion is a blessing for me when I want to interact. Quiet, alone, times of peace and natural calmness can also be times which can help sustain me. There are even times when I am focused on a form of creativity which feel like a healthy journey for me in those moments. And, being “Present” is rewarding and can be healing especially when I have been mentally or emotionally stuck in past thoughts/experiences or future fears…
Each of us can benefit from finding and achieving those moments when our soul is vibrating in the music of life. “Know ThySelf” is attributed to Socrates with the full quote being, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” Some interpret this to mean it is important to know your limitations and possibly what you have YET to learn. And, many of us are lazy and allow other people to tell you what to know, feel, think, and to do. It benefits you, and your soul, to “Know” your own unique needs and requirements and to then find appropriate ways to fulfill yourself.
Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. Support other people in their pursuit to find and fulfill their soul’s need to bask in the music of life… Remember, each one us must walk our own path. Our journey is unique so do not expect to drag another person on all your travels through your human lifetime. When you are acting in the genuine moments of your life, “Dance Like No One is Watching…” Be willing to “let go” and not to attached to the moment or the outcome. Delight in that special, unique moment and then move on… Along the way, take full responsibility for what you have created, be it most positive or what is judged as challenging, painful, or difficult. These are YOUR lessons. Keep your eyes open and focus upon the horizon as you look to expand your wisdom and awareness. And, “Know Thyself…”
When those special moments come and you resonate with the Music of Your Life float with the current in this moment in the River of Life. (Yup, be buoyant and float with reckless abandon!)
You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle! And, whether your mind knows it or not, YOU are Perfect!