Time for Grounding

Are YOU spinning like a top? Is life swirling and creating an energetic maelstrom which is blowing you about? Are the multiple life dramas you are working through feeling overwhelming or maybe depressing? Well, welcome to the club! Yup, we are being pushed 24/7 to our limits AND we are feeling it! So, what do you do to get back in control or to mellow out? Recently, I was chatting with a group of people and discussing this common phenomenon and a discussion regarding how best to “Ground Out” came up…

Grounding out suggests that there is an excess of energy (maybe anxiety) within you (your body or your consciousness) and that, like electrical energy, it can be released by grounding into the Earth. Lighting rods offer this grounding to a discharge of electrical energy called lighting… (Your science lesson for today.) But, your release of emotional energy can be very important for this excess energy may distract you and keep you from focusing upon what life requires. So, grounding can be a very important and life preserving endeavor.

Everybody is triggered by their own unique set of circumstances. Everybody holds their stress and anxiety in their own way. And, “letting go” or grounding out will also be a unique experience. So, you will find your own way to do this and perhaps, you may even remember to use these tools/techniques. Using these preventively can become a positive habit which can work to keep you healthy, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you do not know how to begin to find your way then I have some suggestions to attempt.

1. Be present: “in the moment” Easier said than done but well worth practicing. Too often we can find ourselves reliving a moment (of upset or negativity) from a past experience. Or, we can dread an unknown on the horizon off in our future. Enlightenment is often demonstrated by “being” in the present moment which is easier said than done…
2. Breathe (Most important to help find your way back into your body AND the Present Moment) By focusing on an essential physical act and controlling this moment we can lead the body into relaxing and becoming more present. Perhaps, you can attempt to breathe slowly, feel cool air as you inhale, pause a moment, then release/exhale the warmed breath as you slowly and fully exhale. Imagine that as you exhale you can release any excess energy or anxiety, letting it flow out and away. The next cool, soothing inhales can begin to fill you with a calming sense of peace…
3. Yoga or Stretching (releasing built up muscle tension and increases body awareness.) Yes, breathing and slowly stretching to release tension can be a tool for regaining your presence.
4. Meditation or guided relaxations (see Stress Education Center) Slowly and gently focusing on breathing and “letting go” of thoughts can be a wonderful practice. Intuition can be enhanced. Most people can benefit from practicing this long enough to be able to releasing distractions from thoughts drifting through the mind.
5. Walk in Nature (ground out with each step and be “present” to enjoy the miracles you will encounter in a natural setting.) Savoring your moments in nature and then acknowledging your Gratitude for these moments can be very healthy for you and your emotional well being.
6. Stones, Crystals or Minerals (I have a small collection of pocket polished stones. Each has its own energy and purpose. You discover which ones work best for you and your energy.) Every person is attracted to their own required energies and each mineral has a unique signature. So, find the ones that “feel” best for you.
7. Earthy hands on hobby (clay, wood work, natural wool, gardening, petting your pets, etc) The Earth knows what to do with any excess energy. You allow yourself to release this excess energy through connecting with a natural, Earthy endeavor.
8. Absorbing a High Consciousness Story – not too much Drama (We have enough. Taking in the story by reading or viewing from source of higher consciousness is both healing and provides perspective like, “Autobiography of a Yogi“)
9. Hydro therapy: bath, shower, hot tub, swimming, or a walk near a lake-river-ocean
10. Gentle discussion and support from a highly conscious communication partner (again less: drama, interruption, and gossip) Also, gently sharing your story can offer a new perspective on a past moment that you found challenging or brilliantly uplifting… Any grief which comes up, and then out, can be healing. Playing a victim to your grief is not a great long term strategy so explore the amazing Joy found in the “lesson” you have been offered…

AND, spend time in Gratitude! Acknowledge the beauty and the miracles which surround you. Your connection with the Divine Spirit is perfect though the “Veil” may shroud your knowing/remembering of your pure connection to “Source.”

So many more…
Find ways which work best for you. Get a coach if you can not find one that works for you.

1. Coffee/caffeine, for many, sugar or highly processed foods
2. Traffic/Chaos/Excessive Media/DRAMA
3. Television and politics… Loud media grabbing your attention.
4. And, when possible, angry, negative people if you are attempting to ground out…
5. Negative Self-Talk and being stuck in Victimhood
6. Loud or shrill Humanity
7. Outsiders Expectations of you. Internal expectations of yourself also
8. Speeding through life and breath holding. Slow conscious savoring can be good.
All of these are easier said than done. So, consider these strategies and use them as needed for you to feel most present and in control of your consciousness. If you have children share these, best by role modeling…

YOU can do it! NOW, You can remember to do your grounding program regularly, even before you get too “spun out.” Breathe and be Grateful for the Miracles of Life that present themselves and Love freely (without expectations.) AND, be the role model for your children, your spouse, your co-workers, and your family and friends. This will create a healthier environment for all of you…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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