Coming of Age: Being Role Models for Living!

We all have needed role models to help us know how to conduct ourselves through life. Sometimes these role models offer us a bright beacon of light to follow. Sometimes our role models are examples of what NOT to do in our lives. If you were born with any level of awareness, from early on in your life, you learned by observing the people and the culture which surrounded you. No matter what this was like, remember that YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM to this environment. You have a choice. You can choose the most positive direction to follow. You can choose whatever path that exists but remember that you will be responsible for what you end up doing and what you end up learning from the challenges which present themselves to you along the way.

Some people “Come of Age” when they enter a certain age, or school, or job, or relationship which asks them to be more responsible for their thoughts, beliefs, actions, and their feelings. For some, this comes earlier in life than for others. Eventually, we will all be reminded to remember the Divine Spirit from where we came and to attempt to live in the most ideal ways to serve the greatest good of all the Universe. This is a tall order to fill and many of us are not ready to be conscious enough to know how best to serve. We all have our role to play. Here we require role models. Are YOU willing to be the role model!!!???

Sometimes this means leading. Sometimes just listening. Sometimes it means living in a state of presence and being fully responsible for your actions. Sometimes it means demonstrating how to die with dignity and mindfulness. Yes, even letting go becomes an important role model… As important, as how to live mindfully. There comes an age in the current life when you contemplate the “end game.” Maybe when you start slowing down. Maybe when you body starts “giving out” or when a more serious health challenge arrives. If we live long enough, we all must face these transitions. How we deal with these changes and transitional events becomes a very important part for role models. Do we age as victims or do we take this responsibility seriously as the learning challenge we must experience AND share? Can we be as conscious and as present as we as role models are meant to be??? I am told that the Dalai Lama practices 7 times per day his own transition from this life so he can be the most present and mindful soul as he transitions. That is a huge commitment!

Whether you are “Brave” or filled with anxiety regarding your death matters less than if you can be most aware and open to sharing your feelings. Though I must say, in researching interviews with people who have had NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) most have the view that death is NOT the enemy or “scary” but the chance to move to the higher dimensions and freedom from the limitations of the body in the three dimensions we agree to exist within in our mortal life on the Earth plane. NDE survivors can live more fully without the anxiety of the unknown which death transitions entail. Add these interviews and conversations with NDE survivors to your list of role models in this life.

Being “Mindful” and “Present” are awesome qualities for amazing role models.
Qualities of Mindfulness, which are great to consider and to live by, include:
Beginner’s Mind

Do some research and check these out especially if you do not understand what these might mean. You will gain in consciousness as you explore what these qualities are and how they might become manifest in your life.

These qualities are easier said than done for most of us but worth considering and moving toward as we journey our sacred path toward “Enlightenment.” Taking steps which move us closer includes observing and then mimicking role models, in our own unique way, and then finding a way to be the best role model for other people who enter our lives. Never forget that with every step you take, in your soul and spirit you are perfect and contain the DNA of the Divine Spirit! You are not alone and the Universe can not exist without you…

As you find yourself “coming of Age” in your passage through life, consider being the supportive and master role model for all who experience you and your pilgrimage through this life…
You are a Blessing!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

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