Judging others is a well developed skill I possess. Being a judge seems to give my ego a sense of power. “I am better than….” whoever…. But, there is a major flaw in the process of judging. Judgements can stand in my way. Judging creates separation. It creates a path for blaming.
My judgements demonstrate a lack of acceptance. These judgements do not allow for mistakes or perceived imperfections which are normal, natural, and part of the human condition. (Also, if we are always looking for “flaws,” imperfections, or weaknesses, we may miss the beauties and the uniqueness of the person standing in front of us.)
Since we learn from our mistakes, and we all have made mistakes, then we must allow for the flaws or imperfections which we deem to be present. From a different perspective, all perceived flaws and imperfections are actually perfect. This perspective would allow acceptance to be the guiding principle.
The perspective of acceptance can also lead to an enlightened view of “Oneness” with its complete lack of separation. This consciousness suggests that we, all life forms, are interconnected in the Divine Spirit, connected, intertwined, and as one universal spirit. Perhaps this is what God had in mind when we are allowed to remember this concept in the current incarnation we are here to live. Our challenges on the path toward enlightenment include releasing separation and judging. Instead, finding connection in Oneness.
If this is correct, then we must be viewing the person or experience which “triggers” us as different and yet “perfect” in their way of being. Instead of judging, perhaps we can find an acceptance as we ask, “What happened to this person?” to better explain why they might appear to be engaged in their behaviors or beliefs. This does not mean that we have to like behaviors which run counter to what we feel create separation, fear, or blocks to acceptance. But, we are not better than the next soul. We are all equal, connected, and perfect in our own way.
Boy, I love to make judgements. I am good at it. I like to do what I am good at…BUT, this does not make it the best behavior for moving me along my path toward consciousness. It appears to be my challenge. If I start judging myself about the judgements I am making, it does become an entertaining circle which I am running.
The Divine Spirit loves us all. Judging our different paths toward remembering and then our enlightenment may be opposite in direction to where we want to end up. But, it to is strangely perfect as a lesson. Even with your developed skill of judging, YOU are loved and YOU are perfect! Consider reaching out in acceptance and supporting, if not assisting, the next soul on their unique path toward enlightenment.
If you have ever considered the act of becoming “enlightened,” know that by some understandings, “enlightenment” is actually the act of accepting and then “knowing” the oneness of connection with all lifeforms.
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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
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I absolutely agree that we should do our best to let go of judgment. One thing that has helped me is looking at reincarnation and past lives. When I consider that I may have been doing the same thing, during a past life, it makes me much more understanding regarding the behavior of others.
Thanks Curt. You make an important point.