What is Spiritual Mastery? Why is this important to my life and my happiness? In many of the previous blogs, I have written, “Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master!” My Spiritual Guidance keeps this on the front burner for me in my dictation of these blogs. Your Happiness and Your Joy can be enhanced by accepting this message, not with your mind BUT with Your Heart! Spiritual Mastery is NOT a process that requires that you meditate in a cave for 20+ years or cut yourself off from relationships to prove worthiness and piety… No, you will find a way to “Remember” that you are a part of the Divine Wisdom and this can come in an instant! (Though figuring out how to live this “Enlightenment” 24/7 can take many lifetimes…)
You caught me using the term, “Spiritual Mastery,” and may be intimidated by the concept which I throw out to you, seemingly, lightly. Not lightly at all! My guidance reminds me that we are “perfect” and have the “Divine Wisdom” within us. “All” we have to do is to remember the connection to the Divine and the Wisdom which dwells within our souls. That’s “All.” We agreed to incarnate into this life to learn our lessons, from our challenges, and THEN to share this wisdom, knowing, and unconditional Love with the fellow “pilgrims” we connect with in this life… Simple and Easy! Not really!
First, our conscious minds and “ego” try to remind us that we are separate and should be fearful because this is how the mind and “ego” survive their small 3 dimensional existence. You are so much more than the petty limitations which you have created in this false “reality.” Did I say “false” reality? The mind tells you that its perspective is “real” and based in survival and fear of loss… When you remember your “epiphanies” in those brief moments of connecting with the Divine, you realize that you are connected to a Universal Wisdom that has a difficult time in your day to day life, but it is more real than a 3 dimensionally limited view which our human incarnation can understand. When you do understand or rather “Remember” and “Know” you are closer to your goal of “Enlightenment.” (Boy, there are a lot of “Quotations” in this blog!)
Bliss and Your Joy and Happiness can be more 24/7 when you accept your true self and the Spiritual Mastery which lies within your heart and your soul. You are a Master! You are a Blessing! You are more powerful and more important than you often are willing to remember. The Masters of the Journey is a community which supports you in remembering and knowing your perfection, your power, your Joy. We will now use Spiritual Mastery as our tag line until YOU remember your full perfection. (Wow, when you do an internet search for “Spiritual Mastery” a lot of stuff pops up. Some is excellent and some is commercial and expensive!) No matter what you find as you search for Spiritual Mastery, know that you already have this wisdom within you and unlocking it is your challenge which starts with accepting that YOU are a Master of Your Journey! And, it helps to have “Extreme Curiosity” with an insatiable appetite for truth. Are you “open” to awareness and willing to ask lots of questions? Tuning into your guidance (and intuition) can assist you in your process of remembering your Divinity.
Tool: You can benefit from a regular practice of “checking in” and “grounding out.” To learn to quiet the mind’s chatter is not always an easy practice but you develop this skill. Meditation (in any of a variety of forms) is the best way to reconnect with the treasure of Divine Wisdom deep within you. The “quiet mind” is also a restorative experience that assists you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Please meditate and reconnect with your internal wisdoms. While you are at it, live in and with Love and compassion as much as you can. It is a good habit to develop.
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!
The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog