Do not miss the chance of a lifetime! When you have the opportunity to sit with a friend or relative who is transitioning out of their current incarnation, do it. Please do not miss out on what is possible for your “learning.” It seems like such a difficult time. Most of us learn important lessons from the “hard” challenges. Often the most important learnings we can find about living are found by participating in the moments before, during and immediately after witnessing a soul transitioning from human life. Wow, this really makes you think. Of course, you can find other ways to appreciate living. Life is short and fragile. Wake up and find Joy each and every moment. Yes, I am asking you to do something difficult and to overcome your personal fear/anxiety regarding the process of dying…
What is the last act of service your friend or family member can offer to you? They allow you to share their final transition. They receive your love and attention but they are creating an experience for YOU which will change your life. The doors to Divine Consciousness are thrown open. You are basking naked in spirit! Your heart is filled with an uneasy compassion. You must learn to continue without your friend or family member. You must consider your own mortality. Heaven is watching you. You get to attempt to provide unconditional love and support, and, this is your huge challenge, the unconditional part. Your friend or family is preparing to be transitioned into a “better place” and you are asked to continue your drama in human form with a void created by their transition. (Often we request that our loved one or friend would “stay” but this is often a selfish request. We might fear change but our loved one may need to “move on” on their path. And, we may need to learn to “let go”…)
Most people are uncomfortable or afraid to participate because this seems foreign to their experience. In our culture (in the USA,) death and dying are hidden away in sterile professional settings. In generations past, we used to have our loved ones laid out and dying in the “parlor” (at home) but an industry has grown up in our society to white wash this experience. This has built up our “unknown” to an experience and a reaction that is fairly common… dying at the end of life is quite common. It is natural. There is much to learn from the experience of sitting with your friend or family member as they find their way into the higher realms. And, remember death and dying are NOT the enemy. This is a transition from human incarnation back into the higher realms of the Divine spirit.
So, face your fears. Reach out for the perspective of the struggle to live and the inescapable situation of end-of-life transitions. To better prepare yourself, look for the stories and videos of Near Death Survivors (NDE’ers). Or, have one of your own… This puts your life into perspective. You are an actor in the drama you call your life but as my friend and mentor, Don Ley, says, “You are so much GREATER than you allow yourself to know…” You and your spirit are perfect and powerful! You are a human form of the Divine Spirit. You are a Miracle!
Many people label death as bad or a loss. Many people have fear and anxiety because their ego/mind fights to survive and is left behind when you join the higher realms. (But, the ego/mind will be fine…) The anxiety of the unknown, which is unknown to the ego/mind, is common but YOU can help. Even in your personal grief, allow your friend/family member to be present by slowly breathing. Ask that they breathe in unconditional golden white light through their crown chakra. When they begin to calm down, remind them that they are Loved. Remind them that they will be OK and to gently head into the “Light.” Tell them that you will be OK and that your love will not be forgotten. Even in your grief your comforting Love will assist them in “Letting Go” and moving up back into the Higher Realms… (Thank you, YOU are a Blessing!) And, I have learned 3 times that they may wait until YOU leave the room to transition because your loving energy may keep them in the room. (This is not a way of avoiding you. It is a way of your loved one showing you their love for you.)
In my own life experience, I have been through the passing of my parents and my wife of 27 years (to cancer.) I would not wish these losses upon anyone but they were very important learnings for me. From these experiences, I have gained valuable information to share and this has been a service which has been requested of me. Life is a Miracle! Living can be brutal. Supporting a person in this transition can be an important test. And finding the Joy and Wisdom from seemingly “dark” human interactions demonstrates the highest levels of consciousness. (BTW: the “darkness” is really most an issue for those of us who are left behind, dealing with a “void,” and we who are left behind do not get to rejoin the higher realms… Until it is our time to transition…)
A Resource: An Interview with my friend and Mentor, Don Ley, regarding his NDE (Near Death Experience.) YouTube link at:
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