I Found a Feather

Today, on my morning walk, I found a feather. Or, should I change perspective and say that this morning a feather found me. Have you ever spotted a feather as you move about our world? Sure, you have. Did you pick it up in wonderment and consider where it came from and to where it was headed? Did you take it with you as a treasured gift from the Universe and wonder why YOU?

I consider this feather a “Gift” from the Universe (or the Divine Spirit.) The feather represents flight and travel and a lightness. Did this feather want to continue its travels or did it want to spend time with me? I wonder whether feathers have consciousness. Are they objects which create an opportunity for an interaction with something new to me? This feather came home with me and will find its way in the company of other feathers which have found me. Their connection and community cause me to consider whether other lives as indigenous people attracts me to collecting these feathers. But, why?

The awareness of this gift is not mine alone. Freedom to fly or to travel through life comes to the surface of my consciousness. Why, today? In the next few days the Autumnal Equinox will occur. Jewish New Years started two days ago. The 20th anniversary of my Mother’s transition is tomorrow (as I write.) the 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001 is in 2 days (as I write.) Fall is beginning to fall. My birthday season is beginning as I look to celebrate 71 years in this body. My kids are moving tomorrow into their newish home. My friend’s birthday is today as well as his celebration of life. (He transitioned 6 months ago.) Life goes on and there are many adventures that have occurred historically for me at this time of year. So, emotionally and spiritually things are bouncing around in the great warm dryer called life… Tumbling and changing.

I will wear this feather treasure to the celebration of life today for my friend and mentor, Don Ley. The feather may help give flight to all the wise souls which have danced with his. He always taught me, as my mentor, that “we are so much greater than we can know as the humans we are…” We are spiritual souls having a human experience. I add, to test our remembered and learned wisdoms in the limitations of our 3 dimensional human lives. Every moment, life is a treasure…

And, you have your own personal experience and perspective on what the finding of feather may represent. All I ask is that you do not skip over this connection without some deeper consideration and then share the possible insights or learnings you may receive. Walk consciously and share your story. Do not pass by the “Gifts” the Universe provides for you, if at all possible. Today, this found feather will travel to a ceremony with me and allow me to travel more consciously in the world of Spirit.

You are a Blessing! Life is a miracle! Find the Joy in every moment and Love freely with NO strings attached.

BTW. I honor my friend and mentor, Don Ley, by offering my interview with Don of his NDE (Near Death Experience.) There is so much to learn by listening or maybe to “Remember” by Don’s story sharing. Video at: Don Ley’s NDE Interview Video

Unique Spiritual Signature

My recent experience with sending unconditional Love and healing energy to friend has triggered more learning for me through Guidance. In the recent blog posting regarding keeping your channel open, I was given the gift from my guidance that as we offer healing energy the transmitted energy has a unique spiritual signature. As if, the loving energy we send out has some of our spiritual DNA attached. Guidance celebrates when we give our specific energy to a person or when we randomly send this offering out into the Universe and it is marked by your uniqueness. All loving energy you consciously or unconsciously send out has your DNA signature added automatically. (Thank you for your unique contributions…)

My mentor, Don Ley, has said many times, after returning from his NDE, that we as humans do not realize how powerful and amazing we are. Our egos and our 3 dimensional thinking, pretends that we are smaller than we actually are. This may be used to pretend to keep us “safe” as if we were inconsequential and not worthy of the spotlight. Don Ley and other conscious teachers remind us that we are all connected to the Divine Spirit and that we are essential to all of higher consciousness. The “Divine” notices and in an accepting and neutral way, witnesses every action and every interaction which we participate within. Yes, even if we do not consciously know or fully understand. Our sharing of stories, our wisdom, and our energy is noticed and supported by the Divine.

When you pray for the “greater good” and Universal healing, this intentional energy spreads out in every direction like ripples on the surface of an endless pond. Your intentional healing thought and energy travels to the end of the Universe AND it carries your Unique Spiritual Signature. Every thought and action has a purpose. It flows out to create waves which wash across the vastness of the physical world and the Higher Realms. When you send unconditional Love and Healing all of consciousness is bathed in the positive energy. It then raises all Universal consciousness to some degree. Thank You!

So celebrate your power and your energetic gifts as they flow out to support all consciousness. Now, you can think yourself “small” and argue with me. You can ask me to prove this concept to you. But your mind and your ego will NEVER understand how important you and your contributions are to the Higher Realms. Your mind is 3 dimensional and wired to have limitations of time and space which are not limited to you when you are floating in the higher realms. Your body is a great communication device in your miraculous human life drama. Your drama and your lessons are used to experience challenges and work through these human scenarios.

You are important and essential to all consciousness. You can be aware and hold yourself responsible mentally for your actions or you can enjoy the dark corners which you be hiding out within. Either way, YOU are a Miracle! You are Perfect! You are a Blessing! And, YOU are unconditionally Loved!!!

When possible, send your Love and energy with your Unique Spiritual Signature out for all consciousness to bask in your light. Thank You, in advance…

Resource: Don Ley’s interview regarding his NDE is available at: Don Ley’s NDE Interview