You have an amazing future story! Sure, it may remain unknown to your human mind and difficult to imagine. You have an important role to play!
Though time is a linear construct, YOU are doing amazing things which are changing the world! Yes, YOU! Some readers are not agreeing completely with me. So let me share with you some ideas. Everyone’s life triggers events and changes in the world. No matter how small, future generations will be influenced by your actions or your inaction. Subtle influences can have major and dramatic effects felt by subsequent generations.
Let me offer an example from my life. When I was fairly young, in elementary school, I had a very strong interest in science, especially the natural sciences. Somehow I talked my way into getting a microscope and started looking at stuff. Since I was in a neighborhood with similarly aged kids, I started a “microscope club.” The girl next door joined in, though we did not seem to have a lot in common. Dr. Laurie Green, MD later told me that her participation in backyard science from our club had influenced her. It triggered an interest and love of science for her and she has become a renowned physician in San Francisco. Her work in high level ObGyn surgery has helped many babies, moms, and their families. Perhaps, my shared interest and excitement offered a significant addition to our world. (And, I was “only” a kid with a passion to share…)
Take a few moments and consider the interactions from your human experience which have had an influence upon you. Perhaps it was a difficult challenge you may have had with a parent or sibling. Maybe, it was a “touching” experience which turn into a positive memory. For me, I had a wonderful college professor when I was 20 years old who role modeled what being a great man, and father, was possible. I will never forget this man or the positive directions my life took as a response to our relationship. You have had these interactions and relationships. AND, you can provide these life changing moments for people whom you come into contact with in this life.
History is filled with small gestures which directly or indirectly created amazing things. And, no one of us is too old or too young or too poor to change the lives of the people they interact with as we tumble through our lives. Your brain may not understand the course of events you participate within, so tread as gracefully and as respectfully as you can. Imagine that your role may be a beacon of light that will guide or direct other people on their pilgrimage through life. Even a smile or a sincere “Thank You,” can have a small but positive effect. The simple act of listening and being supportive, at a significant moment, can change the life of the story teller. The act of caring about another human being is an important and needed interaction in our lives.
Share your passion! Support other people’s passion especially if these hold positive promise for our world. You never consciously know what positive outcomes may come from seemingly casual interactions.
Getting back to this post’s theme… Know that the Love you share will spread seeds for pilgrims of the future. No one of us is too small as to not have a possible profound influence, so guide your actions appropriately with Love to maximize the possible positive effects. Even “chance meetings” or interactions can be found to change history, for GOOD and the betterment of all consciousness. You may never know which of these seeds will land and become most fruitful and abundant, so share your Love. You may never fully realize the magnificent role you will play in our Universe.
I repeat, no matter how old or how young you are, your interactions and connections can create significant changes in the world, even for our Universe. By raising your consciousness, all of Universal consciousness is raised. Do your best to remember every person you meet has a perfect soul and we are all on the pilgrimage together…
One last thing… When most fully “enlightened,” you realize that linear time does not exist. The “future” is now. Though your three dimensional mind may not be able to see the future as now, what you do in this moment is the future. Thank you for your profound effect upon all the Universe…
You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.
Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…
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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.
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