Are You Conscious?

Are you conscious regarding your soul’s full strength and capacities?

Can our Individualism which separates us from our fellow pilgrims be standing in our way as we attempt to move into Higher Consciousness? Oneness and connectedness are underlining principles of the Higher Realms. Our beyond human 3D existence, Higher Realm Souls, are in conflict with people identifying as “Rugged Individualists.” Our belief that we have “constitutional rights” to be guided by our individual beliefs, at the expense of the the Universal Spirit, run contrary to what I believe is Enlightenment. When we are taught (or adopt the attitude) that we have to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps” (whatever that means) people assume that we are in life to get ahead without other people’s support for our own greedy expectations. Sure we have the “self-made men” (sexist concept) in our glorified history but should these selfish figures be our role-models?

Other figures like: Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, and Nelson Mandala may be a few of the more commonly known and revered examples of leaderships with a closer connection to the Divine Spirit. It is my understanding, without having personal relationships with these people, that their model was selfless and above and beyond the “driven” business and political leaders we celebrate these days. Perhaps our culture and world has less well known, and not attention grabbing, leaders who are working to create consciousness at lesser levels in the modern world. And yes, we do have self-made men giving their wealth away to charitable causes like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many celebrities. But, maybe too few of the greedy 1% wealthy (Self-Made Men) engage in giving as the role models we need as positive examples.

Until we can sincerely respect other souls and be prepared to support the Universal Divine’s theme of oneness and interconnection, we are trapped in our human dramas with its cultural need for separation. To “get ahead” as an individual at the expense of others is the epitome of human selfishness and the necessary lesson for higher consciousness we struggle with too commonly in our world.

This may sound like “sour grapes” thinking to wealth seeking individuals, however, the expression “wealth does not buy you happiness” has truth to it. I grew up in a wealthy Southern California community. Before I left town at the age of 19, my emotional perception was that the newly made wealth seekers were not happy. In fact, they were anxious and self-medicated (alcohol and drugs) to maintain their unhappiness and to deal with their paranoia/fear regarding losing their material possessions. At the time, and still true for me today, I did not fit in with these cultural beliefs and this shallow attempt to appear successful in life… Wealthy people can be happy and conscious but their driven need to pursue wealth and power does NOT translate into their happiness, Joy, or higher spiritual consciousness, easily.

Buying your way into heaven is a myth. Jumping to the head of the line does not get you into heaven easier or sooner. Cutting corners by buying people off does not earn you respect or truly loyal relationships. Cultures and societies which honor and allow corruption as a means of getting ahead are morally bankrupt and weaken their longevity. But, these are all my “Judgements” regarding corruption because I know that there are important lessons, if only what not to do, for the human dramas our Earthly existence thrives upon. In the telling of the story regarding Buddha, he started life as wealthy and privileged but renounced this life style to gain his consciousness through hardships and a devout life. In my understanding of this story, Buddha gave up on on the punishing rigors of devout spiritual life for a more normal meditation practice. He found happiness and life satisfaction in the “simple” life as a man who ferries people across a river. This finally lead him to his Enlightenment. Is this a myth to keep less fortunate people from rebelling against the 1%? Or, do the “trappings” of wealth and privilege distract the consciousness seeker from Divine Consciousness?
A great question… YOU need to seek the answer for yourself. It is your lesson.

For me, a more simple life has been helpful. Dealing with shallowness and envy has been a part of my challenge. Consciously chasing wealth and power has not been my path. And, humility has been a striving in my life… We are not as special as we want to think we are in our human lives. But, we are most uniquely special in our spirits. And, we are all in this together. We are here to support one another’s pilgrimage to Divine Consciousness. When will YOU realize that your greatest wealth is in your connection with the Divine and all other souls? When will you know or remember your true power in spirit? Consciousness includes learning that our flaws and insecurities are the challenges we are here to learn from and accept.

As you can assume from this blog, my personal pursuit is to better understand and control my “Judgements” especially of people I perceive as pursuing the passion of wealth hoarding and the gathering of material possessions. For me, caring about our fellow souls and protecting our miraculous planet hold more importance, and respect, than gathering material trappings of wealth. You may share this lesson or feel that your path is in conflict with mine. Hopefully, we will still find ways to love and support each other’s spiritual development.

YOU are so much more than your human existence. The perfection of your soul underlies the dramas and judgements we tend to engage… At the end of this incarnation, we will both be basking in the love and light of the Higher Realms…

I ask you to consider rebuking “Fear” as your motivation and consider Love and Acceptance as your foundational core for finding your motivation in your current incarnation. Yup, try it on! Along the way, release your self-victim status and honor the true power of your perfect soul and spirit! And, Wake Up to your true self and full consciousness beyond our human dramas and self-limitations.

You are a Miracle! You are Loved for who you are. No one can do YOU better than you and you serve a purpose as you travel the path toward higher consciousness…


Self-Confidence & Self-Acceptance

Many of us struggle with confidence and self-acceptance. This may be born from our early learnings in this life or possibly as an inherited trait from our family. Our culture tends to control our behaviors as we grow by magnifying our “flaws” which are judged by our supervising adults and competitive, and insecure, peers. We begin to strive to “fit in” even if this is the antithesis of our individual natures. We can lose ourselves. We can begin to advance our feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. We often feel that we do not fit in and so reduce our levels of self-acceptance.

What we may have to learn or remember is that we are perfect even with our imperfections. Re-learning to love ourselves and to accept ourselves even with our flaws is one of the great learnings of our lives. We have to love ourselves and accept ourselves if we wish to make the changes that we may feel would be appropriate. (If we want to improve our “flaws” we must first embrace these and then experiment with alternative behaviors to change these parts of our human incarnation.) To learn our lessons in this life, we are tested or challenged by our weaknesses or imperfections and we then have the free choice to choose to do things (our lives) differently. We test out new or “better” behaviors. Dealing with our insecurities is one of the lessons that we have.

As a general perspective, if we can’t love ourselves it is very difficult for us to love others and to be most fully present in our lives and to live in service. It seems that one of our goals is to live the dramas and have the struggles of our body’s imperfections in our own mortal lives. We learn our lessons through this struggle as we move through these dramas and hopefully find that Joy is the great beauty in our struggles with our imperfections. (Yes, maybe even learn to laugh at ourselves and our foibles.)

As we said in the most recent blog, we’ve created mountains between us and other people. We have also created a mountain between ourselves and the acceptance and self-love of ourselves. Do you realize that you are a miracle and that you as a soul are a unique fingerprint? You are unique like a snowflake. You are a perfect and necessary part of the Divine and the Universe cannot exist without the wisdom and energy of your soul and spirit. It is with your uniqueness, as a miracle, that you must find the acceptance and then the self-love of who you are, where you’re going, and your purpose. You are a blessing.

Other people may judge you as less than who you really are. That is their drama. That is their lesson and you have to respond to that by knowing that you are much more perfect than they might know or imagine. Other people’s judgment and expectations are not under your control. You can not argue with them. This is a test for you to hold true to who you are and know the strength of your self-love and acceptance. Be the role model of self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Show your confidence and strength in your strong posture of self-acceptance!

Your self-confidence and self-acceptance are born out of self-knowledge. Know your strengths and weaknesses and accept both. Do not use personal flaws as an excuse. Find a way to accept and change any identified flaws if you feel this is a necessary goal in this life.

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

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Basking in the Light of Self-Acceptance

Can you allow yourself to bask in the light of Self-Love and Self-Acceptance? Can you see and accept both your strengths and your flaws? Can you find a way to break from being a “victim” of your challenges and your lessons?

Life would be easy if the answers to these questions was “Yes.” For most of us, we are in the struggle called “living” and can not find the time and energy to even ask these questions, let alone, develop the answers. These are questions that people have asked and struggled to answer since the first humans had enough consciousness to realize that they were more than just animals attempting to survive in a difficult, dangerous world. The lessons of consciousness that we historically struggle with are often ones like: What is my purpose? or Why am I alive? or Is there a God? or What happens when I die? or How can I find Love? or How can I keep the faith even as the storm of humiliation and disappointment surround me? There are no easy answers… but for each of us the process of discovery along the path to finding these answers is what our lives are all about.

I believe that each one of us is connected to a higher consciousness and our goal in life is to learn from our flaws/challenges so we can get a less filtered view of this pure consciousness. We are trying to connect with the God within us and to bask in the light of unconditional love and consciousness.

At some point, we must acknowledge our imperfections and find a way to accept these challenges as the lessons we have to learn. By accepting these flaws and giving up the “fight against them,” we can free our energy to find a better way to our life’s purpose and our goals. By giving up being a victim to our weaknesses or imperfections, we can invest our time and energy in moving more freely to the light of higher consciousness. Why is it easier to accept other people and their imperfections, than it is to accept our own? Accept and celebrate your flaws, especially if you wish to find a way to move in more positive directions.

Along the way, find and celebrate the God within you. You may be surprised to find how surprisingly familiar this supreme consciousness really is. (For me, God is not a religious term. It is a word that symbolizes unconditional love in the purest form and the highest consciousness that connects all living things.)