Purpose of Masters of the Journey

Purpose & Attraction of Masters of the Journey
(And, there is a story sharing on video for you at the bottom of this post…)

I surveyed some members and gave some thought to better understand why our members come and then return to our community meetings. There are personal reasons and there are more general reasons. The following are a few of these thoughts. Please add your thoughts to our comments or email them directly to me. (Thanks in advance…)

So, why do people choose to participate in Masters of the Journey:

* “Hot Chicks” (Thank you, Paula, for this contribution… Are you Laughing?)
* Building Community with other “seekers”
* Connections…
* Story and Wisdom Sharing
* Triads: Listening, sharing learnings from major life experiences
* Creating Possibilities in Awareness and consciousness
* Support for Spiritual Development without religion/philosophy
* Engaging in: Fun, Laughter, Joy
* Role Models for consciousness building… What is possible and potential directions to find experiences to raise consciousness.
* Chance to Demonstrate Spiritual Mastery (not to show off but brighten other’s path.)
* Live it… “Be it!” More than thinking it…

Sharing Your Wisdom (Stories)… If you like to be heard… Or, Witness and enjoy Your learning from other Wisdom Seekers. And, by sharing your story/experience you get to learn or relearn your lesson from the new perspective of the conversation in the “present” moment. (A fresh review of a treasured learning.)

You are a Master.. You have something to share… You are providing service when you share your insights of your spiritual awakening (this offers perspective on what is possible)…

Also, these topics have come to mind:

* Opening Doors to Let the Light of Consciousness Shine In…

* To help you to remember where you have come from, beyond this incarnation, and to where you will return (though you NEVER really left…)

* To get you consciously thinking about who you really are and what your life purpose is in this lifetime.

* To learn to look into the eyes, then the souls, of every human being you bump into and then to “know” their perfection (and your spiritual connection with everyone of these people. Yes, even if they “trigger” you! Especially, if they “trigger” you!)

* To come to realize we are all in this together and we are here to learn, to grow, and to assist fellow pilgrims to follow their path of spiritual re-awakening… As our Nancy might say, “to remove the mountains as barriers to fully knowing each other.”

AND, of course there is:
“Hot Chicks”… Anythings Goes Atmosphere… Lack of Social Distancing (on video conferencing)
Good Birthday Cakes… Just checking to see if you were really reading this blog this far… Are YOU laughing???

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Example of a story to expand consciousness.
Discussion on video of an experience with a psychic in Tucson, AZ regarding my wife 14 months after she transitioned. Psychic conversation begins about 4:45 minutes into this 10 minute video. There is no death only transition into a higher form in the Divine Spirit. A story from January, 2016 on the fourth anniversary of my wife’s transition sharing a message from my wife… Find at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge3BGGiIwJA

My Spirit Guides

There are many beliefs and theories regarding “Spirit Guides.” And, my opinion regarding their source, their substance, and their purpose has taken many turns. My first real conscious experience is when a psychic, Betty Bethards, told me when I was 23 years old, that she had 57 “Guides” speaking through her. (I remember that number because I could relate to the advertising for Heintz 57 varieties of catsup or something…???) Anyhow, my rational mind could not accept this without multiple jokes about this possibility until Betty Bethards PROVED to me that she was very real and capable as a psychic. This is a whole other story… But, I began wondering about Spirit Guides and, most importantly to me, where they come from.

Are these Guides external to me like I supposed Angels or Gods or Ghosts to be? DO they float around and whisper in your ear or tug at your arm? Can you “trust” their input if you can actually become consciously aware of it? Do I just “make up” these messages or are these beacons of wisdom I am supposed to follow? Are these messages more important than my “rational thoughts” especially if I have to change a life direction or plan? So many questions. Challenging questions.

Are there “separate,” external forces which act as Guides like a tour guide leading you through a museum or historical monument? Well, currently, and these “beliefs” tend to fluctuate, I am becoming more conscious in my belief that “we” are all connected and a part of something much larger. My current belief is that I am a small, perhaps tiny, but essential piece of the beyond fully understood, Divine Spirit. My spirit is a small and necessary piece of the largest puzzle consciousness can conceive of (and then some)… Perhaps my mind can not conceive of this enormous Universe inside the Divine Spirit because it is limited by my human 3 dimensional thinking and this Universe is run by higher vibrations beyond 5 dimensions.

This brings me to my current understanding or belief about Spirit Guides. These Guides may NOT be external at all. They may actually be another part of me as a Divine Universal being. These guides offer wisdom or suggestions regarding something I may need, or want, to pay attention to and possibly use on my pilgrimage through this life. Since this philosophy also rebukes the mental concepts of linear time and space, these guides may be future me or a more highly conscious me. They supportively whisper in my ear wisdom I may benefit from “hearing” at that moment in my human time. Actually, when I get these messages, and I do get these inputs, I do NOT hear them. I just “Know” them. Often I am puzzled in my limited human mind as to HOW I know what I know but I am coming to just trust these “Knowings.”

This is where these Blogs come from. A thought of a subject happens and then I will sit down to write some thoughts or experiences. In a few paragraphs I read what has formed and wonder where that set of human words and thoughts may have come from… It is an amazing and wonderful process. I have identified that my “role” or “purpose” is to connect and transcribe these “transmissions” and then add them to my blog postings. So, I do not identify my Guides as external of my body or my human life. As a scribe, I still take responsibility for writing and editing and posting these transmissions. If you do not agree with my current belief then you are equally correct and “right” for your belief system. It truly does not matter BUT if this gives you a perspective to consider as you delve into your own consciousness THEN it has done its job!

We are NOT separated from the Universal Divine. We are an important and necessary part of a much larger consciousness. It is time to more fully awaken to your greatness and mastery. It is time to reach out to serve other pilgrims with wisdom which Divine Consciousness and our “Guidance” has provided. Serving is OUR purpose so share your stories and your experiences. Continue to form a clear connection with the highest consciousness. Shine like the Beacon YOU are!

This does not belittle the highest levels of consciousness which exist more openly in the “Higher Realms.” This does not mean that you should not be humble in the presence of these high vibrations. We should always be humble in every interaction because we are face to face with “Miracles” in every experience AND these Miracles are made available for us to learn from as we bounce off every soul we bump into. And, today, I believe that each and every spirit or entity we experience is yet another part of ourselves as we all float downstream in the “River of Life.”

Now, meditate, be most Present, walk in Nature, connect with “Guidance” and your higher self, practice less Judgement and more Equanimity, and attempt to find Joy in every challenge Life presents.

When you meet your higher self in the physical or non-physical forms, be respectful and humble. Just as you would be when in the presence of every perfect soul you meet. There is always so much to share and to learn from every interaction. It is always a blessing to soak up these shared experiences and to bask in the love generated by every connection.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

What NOT to Do When you are Tuning in For Guidance

Psychics know how to find the correct “channel” when they are “tuning in” to Guidance. The tuning process may include raising YOUR vibrational energies and the “Guides” will lower their vibration to better connect with you. We have discussed tuning in or raising your vibrational energy in past blogs. Today, you have been guided to this blog to discover what NOT to do if you are attempting the tuning in process.

Thanks for reading… This is a list of Guidance impairing conditions which you can employ when you do NOT want to connect with Guidance:
1. Lower Your Awareness. Drugs and alcohol can help with reducing your sensitivity (at least for a while)
2. Multi-task. We are good at doing many things at once so we can “Distract” ourselves with many simultaneous activities. Over stimulation by using TV, computers, smartphones, other electronics… 24/7 (or at least first thing in Morning and last thing as you go to bed at night)
3. Do NOT Meditate. Meditation is the best way to connect with Guidance, so do NOT Meditate! (Mind quieting is a disaster when you are trying to avoid connecting with Guidance.)
4. Find a loud, noisy, toxic environment. Yes, avoid a peaceful natural setting at all costs.
5. Connect with really anxious, annoying people who are “Victims” and need your constant attention. Talkers who are also great interruptors are the best, for killing a session of guidance.
6. Which leads us to, Be a Victim and do not take responsibility for your behaviors, thoughts, or actions. Blame others all the time and wallow in the negative attention that this will bring.
7. Follow Dogmatic Philosophies which want to tell you how to think and behave. This can easily be found in philosophies, cults, political parties, religions, the military, and other totalitarian organizations, etc…
8. Deny you own Soul and spirit! Dwell in unworthiness and deep insecurity. Repeat over and over, “I am NOT good enough. I am stupid and bad…” Perhaps you can drink alcohol or take drugs to enhance this negative self-talk.
9. Live in Fear. Avoid Change. Listen to your Ego which believes that “it” is more important than the Divine Spirit!
10. Finally, DO NOT ASK FOR ASSISTANCE. Sit in the dark and just stew in your self-loathing because you must go through this to eventually be open to the assistance that your Angels, Guides, and the Divine Spirit can, AND WILL, provide.

Supplemental Things to do to avoid connecting with Guidance:
11. Avoid being present. Mindfulness is a trap. You want to ruminate on bad things from the past or the fear the unknown and uncontrollable future…
12. Go to Las Vegas and hang around in the smokiest casino you can find!
13. Drive really fast on a crowded freeway, honk at people, and pretend that you are doing something important and that you are in a big hurry. It also helps to kill connecting with Guidance if you can be as Judgmental as possible, feeling superior because YOU are so insecure.
14. Keep being pre-occupied with Money and financial insecurity. If you are already “Wealthy” and “Successful,” consider all the ways you can LOSE your $$$ or have people steal it from you…!!! (Then drink heavily to numb your fear…)
15. Avoid lovely, caring, creative and passionate people. These include good, HEALTHY friends and family.
16. Avoid experiences like reading great books on consciousness and empowerment.
17. Listen to ANGRY Rap/Hip Hop or very loud Heavy Metal played by sub-standard musicians who think that loud is an art form.
18. Watch a lot of Reality TV… AND, believe it. (Same is true for getting your news from unreliable internet sources…) Especially, the loudest conspiracy theories.
19. Deny that the Earth is in deep trouble, Listen to and believe Most Angry Extremists, or get your news, without fact checking, from the internet and TV media.

OR, to assist in tuning in to Guidance just do the opposite of these suggestions.
(In case, that this was NOT obvious enough.)

The Divine Spirit loves you. Your Guides and Angels love you. I love you. Now, You love YOU!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

In Search of Yourself: Vision Quest

Have you ever gone in search of yourself, a vision quest wondering what your purpose is in this life? You have had expectations placed on you by your family, your friends, even yourself and yet you are unsure… Perhaps you have considered a vision quest to better connect with your purpose. A successful vision quest often comes full circle and leads you to the answer you have somehow already known, deep inside.

Some people will look outside themselves for their answers and ask the questions regarding their purpose and their future. They consult an oracle like a “psychic” or the “cards” (ie Tarot cards,) or the palm reader or tea leaves or other forms of mysticism. Some people use hypnosis or a pendulum to explore the subconscious mind’s wisdom. And, when you use any of these methods your egoic mind may ask if you “trust” the information which you are given in this phase of your vision quest. The problem with the “egoic mind” is that it thinks it knows stuff which it can not possibly know. The mind has limitations and can only see in three dimensions. This does not account for vision which can go beyond these three dimensions and may include Divine Guidance.

Have you ever had that “unexplainable feeling” deep in your gut that warns you of danger or attracts you to a special person or incredible experience. Perhaps there is no “rational” reason but when you follow this “guidance” you find the amazing awakening or protection or experience of love. Your vision quest comes from this unconscious realm and seeks to find the light of consciousness you can most benefit from experiencing. In my life, I have come to the crossroads many times and wound up following the most beneficial path. (Not always the easiest or least challenging, but the best path for me to travel.)

Deep within YOU dwells the answers you seek. Most of the people you may bump into seem to keep their heads down not looking to the horizon and so missing out on the experiences they most need to have. You must prepare yourself and quiet the fears of the egoic mind so you can “Feel” and then “Know” the answers. Your vision quest comes from the gift of spiritual guidance and your connection to the collective wisdom of the divine. You must become quiet and allow this wisdom to bubble up in the most respectful way. Your meditation will allow you to connect with the seemingly subtle source of your divinity. When you do awaken, you will feel that the answer is familiar and a sensation of “remembering” this wisdom will enter your consciousness (because deep inside you already know…)

I was given a book by my dear friends, Curt and Mary, which speaks very clearly regarding the Native American tradition of the Vision Quest. “Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest,” by Denise and Meadow Linn (and published by Hay House,) offers you many ways to best prepare yourself and then to create a special experience which will allow you to access the information you seek. There are other books on this topic or which touch on this topic but this recent gift is in the very front of my consciousness. (Amazon link to this book: https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Guide-Creating-Your-Vision/dp/1401938779/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525460557&sr=8-1&keywords=quest+a+guide+for+creating+your+own+vision+quest

One of your main challenges in this life is to become the most conscious soul you can be and then to share the wisdom of your journey to assist fellow pilgrims.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog