The Power of Altruism

In Lynne McTaggert’s book, “The Power of Eight,” she describes her research and the outcomes of groups setting the specific intention to heal a person and discovering that the selfless act heals the healer. The present moment connection with the group and the subject of the group provides the members with better connection to the Divine Spirit and the potential healing which comes from the Joy of Altruism and pure Giving. What a concept!

Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings and/or animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious traditions and secular worldviews, though the concept of “others” toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures and religions. In an extreme case, altruism may become a synonym of selflessness which is the opposite of selfishness. (The principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism).)

The word “altruism” was coined by the French philosopher Auguste Comte in French, as altruisme, for an antonym of egoism. He derived it from the Italian altrui, which in turn was derived from Latin alteri, meaning “other people” or “somebody else”.

Researchers like Joe Dispenza, author of “Becoming Supernatural,” and Lynne McTaggert find that the DNA can change when you are in the state of pure giving with a group healing intention. Besides DNA, heart/brain coherence is more likely to occur for the individuals and the group which increases the power of healing and consciousness expansion (into the realms of the Divine.) These researchers claim that we are “hard wired” for connecting through group altruism and selflessness. Tapping into virtual network of information (of the Divine) through group resonance (and coherence) for greater possible mystical experiences or more powerful healing. Feeling “lifted” by Joy and Love!

Reduced Isolation in group intention creates connection and coherence with our true nature of the Divine Spirit for consciousness and healing. Moving together and in coherence as one mind is the future for possible positive outcome for humanity. My Guidance is suggesting that we need to find better, positive connections with groups of supportive people and using positive healing intentions to better heal externally and internally. Our heart/soul energy in coherence can allow us to be available and open to the unconditional love, wisdom, acceptance and greater connection to the Divine. This sounds great to me! And, how do we get the “word” out about these non-religious groups of supportive healers? Please share if appropriate. Let’s start a grass roots movement to connect with supportive people in sending out intentionally healing altruism. Burn bright with Divine Spirit! Be the beacon of light and unconditional love. And, always share your gifts and experiences with fellow pilgrims.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Surrender Experiment

Michael Singer has written a book entitled: “The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life’s Perfection.” Michael Singer is also the author of the best selling, “Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself.” Interesting that both are his personal story about his “Journey” and I have recently written about the process of living, “the Journey,” as more important than the outcome. But that is not what this blog is about.

In his recent book, Michael writes about “Surrender” to what life and Guidance throws at you. He describes many acts of Surrender as he moves through his life to become a multi-millionaire, meditating hippy. It is a true story and I loved reading it. BUT, some people are willing to actually take the next step and to clear their mind of Judgements and surrender to what Guidance throws at them. My friend and mentor, Rodger Ruge, and I engaged in this experiment. In our own way, we are taking what presents itself (from “Guidance”) and then agreeing to work on these projects to the best we can do. Rodger has taken on healing our first responders, law enforcement personnel, emergency services, and military to assist our “Heroes” to maintain health and wellness and to minimize the impact o PTSD on their lives. His project, “HeroTalk,” offers great service for our Vets and law enforcement Heroes. I have taken on this project called Masters of the Journey (there is that word again) to build a supportive community around consciousness development. Recently, I seem to be taking on another Guidance driven role of “Healer.”

Rodger and I both agree that the surrender to these projects is amazing, nurturing for our souls, and a challenge which we do not understand where this will lead us in our lives. This commitment feels great and, of course, challenging. Are you open and available to act on guidance? Are you willing to find life satisfaction even if you are moving into a very different life focus and direction? Read Michael Singer’s book and consider releasing judgement so you can surrender to your adventure of the lifetime. Perhaps, you think that this is not possible for you RIGHT NOW. But, this will open doors for you to consider how to be happier in your life!

If you think that this does not apply to you or that you would never follow a path less travelled, then you missed your adolescence, romance, adventure travel, and many things which create the “stories” which give your life depth and substance. If so, I am wishing that some day you live your life instead of watching from the couch or the sidelines! YES, that is a Judgement, but I hope it gets you motivated to jump in and swim with more of the beauties life has to offer. YOU deserve it. WE need YOU!

Secret, but not a spoiler, Michael Singer pushes meditation to quiet the mind and to reduce the strength of “Judgement.” You can “Say Yes” to life and find satisfaction in completely life course changing ways. This perspective is wonderful.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at