We Are Here to Love!

It is not easy! It is not complicated! We are here to love. To know love and to spread love. Our human lives pretend to honor the drama we create as the useful challenges we have to learn from. But, in the end, our learnings and our challenges are less complicated when seen from the perspective of the “Source.” We are here to serve each soul we bump into on our pilgrimage through this life and we are here to Love…

We want this to be more complicated and seemingly more important! Our egos want us to judge our deeds with relative values which are just constructed by our minds. We want to separate ourselves and to feel more important by comparing our “goodness” or our “successes” with the other people we meet. However, this judgement and separation is a challenge to release. At some point, we remember and then “Know,” that we are all in this together and are all heading in the same direction of being tested by our human dramas and then finding loving acceptance of all the souls in this Universe…

We are all being tested by the dramas we experience in our human existence. Isn’t it great! Difficult, depressing, painful, and challenging, BUT, Great! Our test to remember where we came from, The Divine, and where we will return, if we ever really “left” in the first place… Our goal as we grope toward an Enlightened state is to continue to connect with other pilgrims, know we are all in this together, and Love every spirit we encounter. That is “Enlightenment” and what we seek to carry forward in our human lives. We ARE the Divine, manifested into this human drama… (Not to belittle our struggles and our lives, but, perhaps we can step out of our dramas and imagine that we are looking at, viewing our lives as if we were watching a movie or a TV drama. The characters draw us in to their stories. If the acting is good, we are drawn in to the roles being played and the drama being played out. But, at the end of the movie we have new perspective but we return to our lives… It may serve us better to be slightly removed from the dramas we experience as humans so we can gain perspective without being to sucked in… But, this IS the lesson of our existence…) By “we return to our lives,” I refer to rejoining our spirit lives in the higher realms of the Divine.

AND, the “Love” being suggested is NOT human love with human conditional concerns. True Divine “Unconditional Love” seems to be beyond mental comprehension, and so beyond human definition. Even human love is really undefinable. Words do not do justice to the deepest concept of the emotions and understanding of love. “Divine Love” can not even be felt (well) or described by the human mind (and certainly words in English.) We “Know” Unconditional Love in our spirit and when dwelling in the Higher Realms. (In my personal experience, after returning from a spiritual “awakening” visit to the Higher Realms when visiting Death at the human age of 19 years old, I “remembered’ and felt Unconditional Love but could not clearly feel it when I returned to my human life. Though I “knew” it was available beyond the limitations of my human self. This was a life changing experience for me, which I was gifted.)

With all this said: Find Love. Share Love. Be Love… (You do not need to make excuses or make it more complicated… But, you will… Until, you do not need to…) And, Unconditional Love, Freedom, and Acceptance awaits You in the Higher Realms…

Paula Forget, my mentor and author of the book, “Guided to the Higher Realms,” contributes to this story:
“If I can add as a side, it is easy to Love when you see the Beauty of the Divine in others and in the whole world. It is there in its essence, even in the pain and difficulties, and in the joys and moments of awe.” (BTW: a recent rereading of Paula Forget’s book was the trigger and inspiration for this and many other of my blog postings…)

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

You Are Unique! You are the Divine!

There is no one else like you! Like a fingerprint or a snowflake, there is no exact copy of the soul that you are. Your role in the great plan of the Universal Divine is specific to you, for you, and imperative to the foundation of the unknowable consciousness called the “Source.” Because you are a foundational piece of all consciousness, you are more important to the “whole” than you are able to fully comprehend.

Your life is important and essential. Your lessons from life’s challenges are necessary for All of Consciousness. You may be aware of your unique set of weaknesses or flaws and from these seeming imperfections, you get to test out from past experience and gained wisdoms to the next steps to take as you grow in awareness and consciousness. If you share your gained wisdom, you serve as a beacon to light the way for the other souls you bump into along your pilgrimage.

If you reflect back on your current life, you can find the successes and the travails of your path. Perhaps, you share your story of your life, and the feedback that you get is that no one else could have done what you did. Perhaps, no one else could have survived the life you have been through. It may be difficult to image how YOU survived, and perhaps, then thrived from the troubling lessons you have engaged. Yes, you are stronger than you might give yourself credit for being. Sure you were “lucky.” But, you were “guided” and “protected” so you could transmute these situations and then be available to share the outcomes and the wisdoms you have discovered from these tests.

If you are like me, you probably learned more from your mistakes or, seeming “failures,” than from the expected successes… I tend to learn more from what I have done wrong than what I have done correctly. For me, the lessons from the difficult life experiences have been most important and most worthy of sharing, if for no other reason, of what NOT to do ever again. These are the treasures of my life. “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” is attributed to the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche and delivers wisdom worth sharing. (It also reflects upon our life experience as an affirmation of resilience.)

From readings and discussion of passages from “A Course of Miracles” and “The Way of Mastery,” I reflect upon the importance and value each of us has as a necessary & essential part of the Divine Spirit. Though we self-limit ourselves, we are are more powerful than our egos allow ourselves to believe. We can protect ourselves from taking full responsibility for our current lives by “playing it small.” When actually, we are all connected and essential. We are all a part of the larger “One.” As we move toward greater awareness and consciousness we are playing our role toward developing all of Divine Consciousness! No standing in the shadows of greatness, YOU are the greatness. You are amazing and so important!

To illustrate your value, consider your life as if it were one single muscle cell in the heart. Obviously, the heart is essential. The miracle of the beating heart sending blood with oxygen and nutrients to every other cell of the body makes the heart and every muscle cell of the heart, important. If the muscle was damaged, the effect upon the body can be lethal as when a heart attack occurs. AND, this heart muscle can not exist without all the other cells of the body doing their miraculous work. The brain, the blood cells, the lungs, the digestive organs, the glands, the muscles and bones, the liver and kidneys, etc, are all doing their most essential part to keep you, the heart muscle moving along. Your unique, but essential, piece of the Divine Spirit is similar. The Divine Spirit can not exist without your soul doing its essential part.

Sure, you can argue with me. You can be in denial. It is easier for you to play it small and not be responsible. But, it does not change the ultimate truth that you are unique, essential, and so important for your role in the Divine Spirit!

Dance like no one is watching! Live like this will be your very last day… No regrets, you are perfect and so accept those flaws and imperfections which make you unique…

Follow your “Heart.” What your soul “knows” or “remembers” regarding your role in the Divine Spirit is more important than what you “think” based on cultural expectations. Be who you were meant to be, a Master in service of all the souls you bump into. Be the beacon of light to lead and support your fellow pilgrims on the path toward higher consciousness. You will remember, at some point, how important you are to the Divine Spirit, and how unconditionally loved you truly are.

Video Message from this blog available at: https://youtu.be/n9nsihobOcY with guided meditation starting 2:58 into this video.

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

You are a Master!

Masters of the Journey: A Transformational Community

We are all Masters on this journey we call life. A safe and supportive transformational community can provide benefit to all of us. As we mature, we all develop expertise in navigating our own challenges. Nobody knows more about your life than you do. If you believe that life is filled with lessons and our primary purpose in life is to grow and develop, then you are invited to share your learning, experiences, and acquired wisdom with one another. To truly master something you need to teach it. Assisting fellow travelers on their journey can prove so rewarding. Through sharing, we can realize that none of us are alone and that we are all interconnected. We can benefit from knowing the bonds of unconditional love, caring, and support for others who are learning their spirit’s lessons in this life.

From the moment we are born until the moment we die, we are exploring the lessons and experiences of this life. There are some who adhere to the philosophy that we are choosing to live in these bodies with the lives that we have. Our spirit has exercised this choice because of the specific lessons that we want to learn. This philosophy also suggests that we choose the people that surround us in our life as a way to resolve some issues. Whether a person has their eyes wide open to the concept or whether they are “sleep-walking” through life, we can encourage one another to be conscious and aware of each step along the way.

Taking part in the Masters of the Journey: Transformational Community is to take conscious, and 100%, responsibility for the learnings and lessons that you are experiencing. It is for people who choose to gain in consciousness by supporting and reaching out to help others whose lives we touch. We can all grow together in a community which promotes unconditional, loving support as we share with others. When we gather either in person, at workshops or community events or in online forums, we can celebrate the lessons and experiences that we have learned from. We can do this through writing of articles, blogs, or books. We can do this by joining together on conference calls or in webinars to share and interact with others in our individual towns or around the world. There will be times when we will gather at intensive retreat programs where we can interact in a safe environment which enhances the growing and learning process as we move through our individual journeys.

Many people stay stuck in believing that they are continually students and not the true Masters that they are. Many of us discover our individual insecurities about being willing to step forward and share our deep feelings, experiences, and secrets. We benefit by realizing that we all have so much to offer to others. Sometimes our role will be as listeners and witnesses which has great value both to the person who is speaking and sharing their experience, their knowledge, and possibly their wisdom and to ourselves as we learn from a personal story with valuable insights which can contribute to our higher consciousness. The bond between the speaker and the listener can demonstrate the support and the unconditional love that both can be nurtured by.

I have been told that we are ALL God, having “perfection” within the soul and spirit in our heart which connects with the “Source” of all wisdom, energy, and unconditional love. Finding this and feeling this is “the State of Grace.

Are you willing to share from the knowledge you have gained? Are you open to listening to other travelers on the journey? Are you interested in creating a community which strives for higher consciousness and awareness? Are you willing to bask in the connection and the unconditional love and support from a community of fellow travelers? Can you feel the value of being a Master who is willing to share from the experiences that you have had? Would you like to connect with this transformational community?

Please take good care of yourself. Consider that every interaction you have will be able to assist another person who is on their journey of awakening. Some will take this responsibility very seriously and we also honor those who choose other paths.

Please leave your comments. If appropriate, please share this Page with fellow Masters and seekers. Remember that we can all benefit by helping others in our community.

Some questions you may ask yourself:

Who was the most influential person in my life and why?

What were the three most difficult lessons I have learned from so far?

Have I ever felt a deep sense of bond and connection with another person? Who would that be? What did it feel like? What did I learn?

Have I ever helped another person? How did it feel to help them? What did I learn by helping them?

Have I ever really listened to another person? Has anybody ever really listened to me? How did that feel? Was the connection that I had with that person valuable?

Have I ever experienced unconditional love and support? Did I bask in the beauty of this experience?

Look for our new interactive website (coming soon) at www.mastersofthejourney.com