There are times in your life when you need to pay attention! There are times in your life when you can easily find happiness and joy. And, there are times in your life when you have to look very deeply to find the “Joy” when you can easily judge this life event as challenging and even painful.
When you were young, you would look at certain events and embrace the expectation of impending happiness. You might look forward to your birthday or to Christmas or to Summer vacation expecting the fun and the happiness of what would come. Perhaps there was a graduation or a certain trip which would trigger expectations of happiness. Perhaps, a “knowing” that a certain gift was coming and your joyful anticipation left you excited and full of happiness. Certainly, there have been major transitions on your calendar which created assumptions of joyful happiness like: family gatherings, weddings, births of your children, and anniversaries of your treasured relationships.
Happiness is different than Joy! Happiness is an emotional response. What triggers happiness is often superficial compared to what might trigger Joy. Joy is the deepest level of celebration in the soul.
There is always a flip side. Not to be viewed or assumed to be dark or negative but major events that challenge you. These events challenge you to find the “Joy,” though maybe bittersweet, in the transition you find yourself. Highly conscious people will search for, and find, the “Joy” in even the most difficult life situation. Consideration of the Joy in the unfortunate times is more than a simple art form, it is critical in learning from the arduous life experiences we survive.
Yes, there is a flip side to most every life experience. Lonely Birthday’s or Birthday’s celebrated late in life can be bittersweet. Reflecting back on the more innocent early times can be a reflection of what constantly changes in our lives. Christmas or holiday times when missing a loved one can be filled with pressured expectations of the happiness which may be more difficult to achieve. As we age, Summer vacations may be more a test for us as we control our anxiety and work to control some of the negative expectations which may haunt us. Even weddings and anniversaries can cause us to pause and reflect on what has changed in our innocence and the way we view our past youthful naivety.
However, even the most difficult life experiences can be viewed with the discovery of “Joy.” Even in the vacuum created by the loss of relationships or even the death of a life partner or friend, you can find the life message that grows out of these challenges and celebrate this difficult lesson for the “Joy” that can come. The appreciation of life and the memories of past experiences are given perspective which can become “teaching moments” and so wisdom to share. Your purpose in coming to this life is to learn and to grow and to serve other souls you meet along the way. If you have survived a challenging time, even of great loss of relationship, there is a message to share. AND, you are here, in this life, to share your wisdom born out the drama you have survived. Find the “Joy” in every moment, even the seemingly “darker” moments and you walk the path of consciousness and “Enlightenment.”
An example from my life… After marriage of nearly 28 years, my life partner transitioned after living with her terminal Ovarian cancer diagnosis for 8+ years. Difficult times for us, our families, our children, and our friends. I would NOT wish this experience on anyone. I would not trade this experience, in retrospect, for some other possible fantasy ending. My wife and I became so much closer. Our love was tested and not only survived, but grew. My lessons as the “survivor” have changed my life and my appreciation of living, and dying. The wisdoms I was forced to learn have been shared with many people AND these acts of service have created a burning light which leads the way for many other souls who have been touched by our story. This is the JOY which is born from life’s challenges. This is the Joy you must seek from the difficult experiences you are surviving.
These challenges are the times in Your life that are there to teach you. By expanding your consciousness and learning, you can find your Joy in sharing your hard earned wisdom…
Do not get me wrong, every moment, yes, every moment is Joyful! You have to sometimes work a bit harder to find the meaning and the Joy in the lesson you are learning. Finding the Joy in the more difficult dramas is the act of Enlightened Living. It is time to “Wake UP!”
May the Blessings of Insights in Consciousness blossom most freely for you and find ways of manifesting in your sweet lives! (A message from Guidance.)
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