Give the Gift of… “Listening” with All Available Senses!
What??? My Guidance just filled me with this message. It is not unfamiliar but seems to be new in depth for me. When we interact with others, we can give the gift of being most fully “present” and listening, without interrupting, with every human sense we have. First ask, who are these “others.” Not only humans we encounter but with “other:” animals, objects, scenes, and human experiences… This is a whole lot. Being “Present” is also a struggle as a concept because humans are caught up in a three dimensional mental construction that make “time” seem like a real thing. We organize our thoughts in a linear way. Past, present and future pretend to exist. When we walk around we hold memories of the past. Some are “good,” even enjoyable. Some are traumatic for the drama we have experienced. These shade the way we react and even listen in the “present” moment. We have fear and anxiety about our unknown future which also limits and distracts us. Being Present, “staying in the moment,” is one of our major challenges and lessons in our striving for consciousness beyond the limitations of three dimensional human consciousness.
Witnessing as Listening is a great Gift! We serve by allowing another person to offer their story to us. They are our teachers. Sometimes teaching through the overcoming or just surviving the experiences they have encountered. Sometimes teaching about what NOT to do or to be. (If you get “triggered” you have a major learning experience if you deeply listen…) Not interjecting our opinion or a story is difficult for many of us and showing the deep respect for a storyteller can be almost impossible when a memory is triggered by our storyteller. And, “listening” is not an easy human ability to learn. Too often we have learned that people who interrupt seem to control a conversation and so we learn to interrupt. Not respectful as a behavior. Not “Accepting” as one “Perfect” soul chatting with another “Child of God.”
AND, Listening is NOT done just with the sense of hearing. Words or tones are communicated and then taken in by our ears. Listening is also focused vision looking for all kinds of non-verbal visual signs. And then there is “Feeling” which entails more than hearing or seeing. Feeling is not as simple as a touch on the skin. “Feeling” (with a capital “F”) is your heart and soul being touched by your interaction… Feeling is resonating with the energy you find in the interaction… Whether you know it or not, Guidance (both internal and external from our guides and angels) has offered you a chance to serve, to grow, to expand, to test your learned or remembered wisdom through every experience of a sharing this moment and has lead you to this lesson. We are there, in this interaction, for your learning and to serve in the learning of your interactive partner(s).
By Listening you are receiving. You are Honoring. You are Accepting. You are serving by allowing your partner to have a witness to their acquired wisdom, though you may have a different perspective. Receiving is difficult. Being open to listening without judgement is difficult. If you pride yourself as a “Giver” or “care giver” it is difficult to be the one who receives. And, receiving another’s love or care giving is a great gift… (Yes, think about this, especially if you are uncomfortable asking for assistance…)
There is so much and so many directions in this blog to consider. To simplify these thoughts… Be available to really and to fully Listen! This is a Gift and it is not easy to learn to do when interacting with fellow travelers on your path though this life.
You are NOT alone! You are Loved! You have the support and Guidance surrounding you. It is available if you learn to be present, accepting AND Available. And, if you listen…