Is It Time to “Push the River?”

Long ago, I ran across the philosophy, “You can not Push the River!” Which at the time, meant I should just go with the “flow” and appreciate the present moment. I was assuming that you can not force what does not want to be forced. Since I have rarely been thought of as mellow, by those who know me, or “patient,” the concept of when is it time to push the river has resurfaced for me. Sure, I have learned much by quietly observing but when is it time to “act.” When is it time to “play it Big?” When your heart tells you to jump into river and NOT play it safe, do you ever Jump In?

Life can reward the risk takers. Life can challenge those who step into something new and push out their own self-limitations. Life is made more satisfying when there are risks taken and the “path less traveled” is followed. The adventure in life is attempting new activities, visiting new places, meeting new people, and pushing to have experiences which expand your consciousness. Sure it is safer not to rock the boat but… All of your life’s best adventures started by the quickening of your heart beat as you considered a less known option. When your gut told you to try something new, and you did, you have another story to tell.

Consider the bigger risks you have taken. Consider the bigger desires you have wished for but avoided. Do you want to die with regrets for not having challenged yourself? Of course not. We all have regrets but the “not doing” a cherished dream is a sorry bit of unfinished business and a regret that might haunt you. The “what if’s” can come to mind. Our egoic fear and insecurity often keeps us from doing what we would love to do. It is ourselves stopping us. The unknown is a challenge and the adventure we seek. What is the worst that can happen??? Will we regret not attempting the “Playing it Big” activity?

Can we come out of the darkness and fear into the celebration of the attempt to do new and different things? Yes, we can! We sometimes need support from within. The support that comes from remembering how great we really are. We are the miracle who has survived all the difficulties we have faced in this life. No one else could fully believe what we have been through, survived, and then thrived. No one else can fully comprehend the trials by fire we have faced. All of these have been the tests which we have passed to get us to where we are now, even with the scars our life can show. The River is there in front of us. It is waiting for us to jump in and then through our willful energy to push it forward.

When you think that you can not do something you really want to do, it is time find the courage within and make your attempt. You will learn from either your success, and even more, from a seeming failure. The “not doing” is the source for regret.

You are not alone. There are many adventurers riding and pushing this river. Acknowledge, love and support them. Is it time to push the river? There is NO time like the present! Sure, you can go with the flow, but you can also press forward into another life adventure. All travels expand you and your consciousness. Be open to the new experiences you were meant to have. Along the way, know that you are a Miracle. You are a perfect piece of the Divine Spirit. You are Loved! You are Blessed!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Write Your Story!

Your story is important to you and to the “witnesses” you share your story with. Do not quit reading because you do not write. “Write” suggests that you spend time considering your life’s experiences and find some way to communicate these learnings. Whether through written words, or verbal story-telling, or expression through creative arts, or by simply “acting out your role” as the character you came into this incarnation to portray in the Great Play called life. Yup, you are a character in a play which inter-connects you with all other living things.

Recapitulation of your life’s experiences can assist you move forward on YOUR path toward Enlightenment! Yes, you review the learnings you are consciously aware AND you look for the learnings which have travelled below the level of consciousness. Share your stories! You learn by sharing! You gain perspective and you can get feedback as other pilgrims respond to your story.

Recapitulation can mean “searching for your “essential Knowledge.”” In a spiritual frame of reference, “essential Knowledge,” may include learning or remembering your connection to your “source” which is the Divine Spirit. Your job is to find out who you really are as a soul or spirit engaged in learning lessons which will create awareness and lead you to a higher level of living in an “enlightened state of consciousness.” What could this possibly mean? It might mean that you achieve a state of consciousness where you spend more of your life knowing you are connected to all other living things and assisting any, and every, soul you bump into to achieve a higher state of their spiritual development. (We are all in this together!)

As you remember and communicate your story, you can relive these moments. Seeing these experiences through a new, updated filter, you can gain insight. Often you will consider an entirely different message, and learning, from a long held but overlooked, past experience. As an example, I have retold my story many times of the insight at the age of 23 years old, when I experienced a meditation where I saw myself sitting with my back to a tree by the “River of Life” like I pictured Buddha would have done. The life changing moment, and epiphany for me, allowed me to see, to know, or to remember as Buddha would have known, what the “connection to all other living things” might be like! At the time, I could imagine that I could be like Buddha and could only imagine what Buddha might have thought. NOW, in a recent recapitulation, I have come believe that I WAS the Buddha, or a few of my atoms were the Buddha, or perhaps my Divine Spirit was in the Buddha, and so I shared this experience with this higher level of enlightenment. Wow, I am not saying I am as good as the Buddha or a Master as he has been for so many people. I am simply saying that I can resonate with this higher level of consciousness because I have this somewhere deep inside myself, JUST AS YOU DO!

Of course, this does make me more responsible for accepting my Divine Self and this creates a higher level of personal responsibility to live more impeccably as a role model of the living human incarnation of the Divine! Yikes, I have to be more careful and responsible… Or, at least more ready to live in Joy and Wisdom. Every interaction and every sharing of my story now requires that I remember that my “witness” was guided to me to hear this story as a lesson for us to share! (I had better connect more deeply with the beautiful and also perfect soul in front of me so my story meets the deepest requirement for the consciousness which we share…)

So consider your story and retell these rememberings in a way which YOU can learn a great deal as you find the words or creative expression to review this experience. Write YOUR Story with both you and your witness’s consciousness in mind…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at