Living as an Urban Monk

A traditional thought of a Monk implies to me a devoted person dressed in robes and spending most of the day in meditation or prayer. Monks are often cloistered in “Monasteries” to protect them from distraction and the temptations of “worldly” existence. Their prayer or meditation is more important than external relationships and more banal activities like working, parenting, sexual relations, or pursuits of material substance. Many Monks are very sincere regarding their studies and their simple existences. They shun the cacophony of modern urban living relishing in the quiet, simple, routines of monastic life.

Can you be an Urban Monk without the trappings of a cloistered monastery? Are there people who choose to live a more modest life, striving for consciousness, and not material excesses? Do you know people who are living quietly amongst us with an eye for Universal service over personal gain?

In our society and modern culture, there are people driven to be of service and seemingly shunning common behaviors like commercialism or watching excessive TV or addiction to fashion. These out-of-place people may be the modern version of the ancient monks. They may not be begging on the street but living on low wages like teachers or child care workers or garbage collectors. Then may be living off of social security or disability payments. They may have chosen the “simple life” because it appears to be more “real” and authentic than chasing the false Gods of money and celebrity. Do you not see or acknowledge these keepers of wisdom? Do you write them off because they do not drive an expensive, updated car? Heck, you may even pass them by as they sit on a bench, or a curb, or on the sidewalk just to be the experience you have carefully avoided but the lesson you need to learn from…

The brightly colored monastic robes may not give away the Urban Monk in our culture. This camouflage is the challenge for you to be more aware of as you hustle through your life. There may be a time when you stop and talk with that Urban Monk and ask how they are and where they came from on their path. They are not as invisible as busy people might think. They, and what they can teach us, is obvious and all we need to do is stop for a few moments and have the interaction with this “Child of God” and this potential spiritual mentor. Consider slowing down enough to visit with these humble monks. They may bless YOU with a pearl of wisdom and insight which you have been too busy to perceive on your own. Perhaps, sit with them and join their perspective on life from the different angle than you might normally visit.

You are in this world to interact because that is where the real work of consciousness and awareness dwells. You do not have to over-think it. You just need to remove your filters and live it as an experience which can lead to gratitude and appreciation, if not some deeper lesson. Do not miss the opportunity to look into the eyes of the miracle of the Divine who may be sitting quietly in front of you. They are there for YOU! (In fact, they ARE another version of you in this Earthbound play are participating in.)

AND, if you are living as an Urban Monk with the conscious desire to serve Universal Consciousness, thank you for being this blessing to us all. Though you may be living a “simple life,” you are a royal role model and much needed in our culture. You and your life are more authentic and real. You are loved and appreciated for all you do!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.

You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Am God!

I am God! “NO, You are Not!” And, So are YOU! Your Judgement and Your Opinion say so much about YOU! Do you believe in the reality of Duality where there is life based on judging Good or Bad. Or, do you believe that the reality and truth has NO judgement and knows we are all equal and perfect in our Divinity.

You must choose what you believe or, more importantly, what you “Know.” Do you believe that we are all children of God and we have the Divine Spirit burning within our souls. ACIM (A Course in Miracles) which is one of the dictations from Jesus asks us to remember that our bodies and our lives are learning experiences and in truth there is no separation between who you really are, as a soul/spirit, and all other souls. We are one. We all share in the Light of Love and when not in our incarnations we are not constrained by our minds or our egos or by time or by our 3 dimensional (belief) “illusion.” We are bathed in Wisdom and Consciousness when we are between incarnations (or when we know that we can be in many “lives” simultaneously.) In that state of Divine Spirit, we do not find guilt or sin in the next soul because they are us.

We are all the same. If this soul behaves differently than you might behave, you must know that they have their own lessons and experiences to learn from. Ideally, we will love and support them in their journey so they will awaken and becoming more conscious in this incarnation. If you feel triggered or challenged by another person’s behavior perhaps you can ask the most useful question, “What happened to YOU?” (what led them to behave the way they behave.) They have free choice AND they must take responsibility for their actions, their beliefs, and the behaviors which they demonstrate. They are not “Bad” or “Wrong” because we are all perfect, but we each have different lessons and paths. (AND, what is your lesson in interacting with this person/soul who has “triggered” you.)

Nobody is special! No one is better. We are all equal. We are all “One.” When we transition at the end of our current incarnation, we will join in spirit with a loving God and feel the connection with ALL spirits.

To Remove the veil that hides the light in me as I must remove the veil that hides the light in you. If you find guilt and judgement of separation, then you get to search a bit more so you can “Remember” your Divine Source. These errors are to be corrected. Nothing more, nothing less. We are One!

You may agree or you may disagree. You have your choice. You may want to argue to justify your belief and your choice but as you consider your arguments be open to really knowing God and why God has created you, our Universe, and all the higher realms. You came here to learn your lessons and one of your lessons is to be exposed to the concepts listed above. Be open. Expand your wisdom and your consciousness. Remember, no matter what, YOU are Perfect! You are a Blessing! We are ALL in this together, know this now or remember this later…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Keeping the Faith

What is Faith? And, what does it mean to be “Keeping the Faith?”

Definition of faith

1. a: allegiance to duty or a person: loyalty lost faith in the company’s president
b: fidelity to one’s promises: sincerity of intentions acted in good faith

2. a: belief and trust in and loyalty to God : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b: firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return : complete trust

3.: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith

So of these various Merriam-Webster dictionary definitions, the one I am going with is 2.b: Complete trust. In our world, especially in our culture, it seems difficult to trust, let alone, have “complete trust” in anything. Our media and sources of news are expressing “alternative facts.” We can not believe anything on “face value” without “fact checking” and many people are too lazy to check facts or do not know where to go to check the facts about the things we see or hear. Too lazy and unable to get reliable information is rampant in our culture and so we are easy “targets” to be taken advantaged by those who shout the loudest and are willing to repeat untruths so often that people start believing these lies. Wow, this is a sad commentary on our culture and the world which we live within. With instant, world wide communication from the internet and we can not believe what we read, see, or hear on our home computers…

But, this is NOT the FAITH to which I speak. I will not address religious Faith because through history this has killed too many innocent people. I do not even want to talk about loyalty to God, because who is to say that the definition of God is what is true and worth loyalty and Faith. Yes, I must be a heretic to write this way…

The Faith which I am talking about is the deepest Faith that we can have. It is the “Knowing” and the “Remembering” of the Faith that dwells deep within your soul. It is the perfection that you were born with before your brain, ego, and learned experience took over and created separation from other souls and the beauty of unconditional, nonjudgmental love which is at your core. As an innocent baby born into the world you knew the “source” of the Divine but found the lessons of this earthly existence too engaging and distracting to maintain your pure spirit. Then, you spend your lifetime trying to “remember” who you are, where you came from, and what is your purpose. When your meditation and spiritual experience leads you back to your source wisdom, you will return to the “Faith” which you seek. It may take many lifetimes, but you will find that you are not separated from the other pilgrims you bump into. You are the same. You are perfect and you are a hologram of the perfect God who is Love! When you rediscover your purpose, you find that it is not so complicated. It is to reach out your hand to assist fellow pilgrims on their path to consciousness so you ALL return to “source” and acceptance, and wisdom, and to unconditional love.

Appreciate each moment, as best you can. Love each person who crosses your path because they are there for a reason and each interaction has a purpose. The most challenging interactions are the most important for the lessons you are here to learn. So, look into each person’s eyes and find the divine perfection of the perfect soul who stands in front of you. So much easier said than done in this life…

Blessings to you as you trudge each step along your journey through life. Deep within, know that you are perfect and a master. You just have to learn to live your perfection, again easier said than done.

Find the support you may require AND offer love and support to the people you meet along the way.

Masters of the Journey is a community of “seekers” and may assist you with support and resources. Keep the Faith! You are perfect and a child of Love! Know that you will find complete trust within your soul. Blessings to you along your path!