Dancing in the Light

Yes. It is that time again in the Northern Hemisphere to begin to search for those ways to get yourself “Dancing in the Light” once again. Well, everyone on this planet, Earth, can search for ways to be “Dancing in the Light.” It is not just about the starting of the Spring season, this is about being challenged to look for Joy and Gratitude in each and every moment. Sure, this can be challenging when you are not feeling well or your life lessons seem overwhelming, but, if you are “Present” (in this moment) and can set aside your fear or anxiety or your “drama,” you can take a breath and find the Joy and Wisdom from the miracle of life you are!

I have said this before and will continue to remind you, YOU are a Miracle! You are so much greater than the human life drama you find yourself acting out on this Earthly plane. But, I acknowledge that YOU are Perfect in playing the role you have been birthed to play. No one can do you better than you are doing you. You are unique and special, AND, needed in the role you are playing. Now, remember that you want to do your very best at being who you are. You must continue growing in awareness and consciousness to be the very best “YOU.” We are counting on you to be the most conscious person you can be. You have refined your character so many times in this life. With every new relationship, or job, or role you take on in your family or your community, you have adapted and grown your character. You are in the spotlight and everyone must play off of the character you have chosen to play.

Now, as for you “Dancing in the Light,” that spotlight never fades. Your drama may intensify and sometimes you are the hero or the villain but you are always at the very center of the stage. So, why not be the beacon of Love and Light that you are. Let your Spirit burn with the fires of Joy and Loving Kindness. Shine brightly to be a beacon of Light to those characters who seem to hide in the shadows or are concealed in the dark corners of your stage. Sometimes, we are the flame of brightness and love so we attract the seemingly damaged souls, like moths fly to the light. We attract those people who seem to be needy or “injured.” You can not assist everyone, especially those who wish to carry their injuries for others to learn from, they teach us what not to do or what not to be… You can not control or take credit or blame for another person’s life’s path. But, you can be of service by being sincere and shining brightly as an act of service and support.

YOU have a Choice!

Be the most Perfect YOU that you can be. Look to grow in consciousness and to support any of the pilgrims who cross your path in this life. When given the opportunity, look them in the eyes and honor the deep perfection of their soul. Honor the role they are playing even if you find it challenging. AND, learn your lesson from every interaction in the Dance of Life.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Create a World of Love!

Guidance contributes to these blogs with Love as a re-ocurring theme. A recent “channelled” communication started: Find within Your Heart to Know and to Share Love. Help create the world where we all bask in the warmth of Love and Acceptance! Know that We are ALL here to assist each other in developing in consciousness. (Now, more than ever we are tested by messages of fear and anger which grab attention in our media and in our world. You can choose to not be drawn in to the polarizing angers… This does not mean ignore it or turn away. We all have lessons in dealing with the fear and anger thrown into our faces. This is an experience to learn lessons remembering that we are all, yes all, one, each of us taking on different forms and acting out in different roles…)

We are ONE! Our purpose is to “Remember” our Perfection and our Divinity, and then to find this within all the souls we bump into on our journey through this life.

These themes are familiar because we have Known this when we are not invested, and confined, by the consciousness of our current incarnation. We are here to learn our lessons within the limitations of our egoic, constructed 3 dimensional belief system. This reality we see, and agree to participate within, can not fully comprehend the greatness and perfection on our Divine Spirits. I have heard that our “Body” is merely our communication device to have human relationships from which we learn the lessons we have come here to learn.

When we develop our consciousness and allow the divine wisdoms to be remembered, we can assist fellow pilgrims to create a world based on love, not fear. So reach around and take the hands of fellow travelers. Perhaps you can look into their eyes to find the perfection of their souls and know that we are all to remember that we are “One divinity” and connected to each other and the “Source.”

Whether you know it or not, YOU are perfect and you are a Master! You learn your lessons better by teaching and sharing your story. Find ways to Serve! Find ways to connect with other souls you meet along your path toward consciousness. Do not discount the wisdom that you know or remember which comes from the source and your connection with the Divine.

Now, more ever, we must know and share Love! It is easier said than done, we must let go of Judgements and find acceptance, and the perfection, in the people we find in our journey through life. Peace be with you! You are a blessing.

If you want to share your story with the wisdom you have gathered from your life’s experience consider participation in our non-religious, spiritual development community,”Masters of the Journey.”

We are all actors in a play called life. Have Your character act out integrity! Have Your character find a way to be a positive role model of developing consciousness and wisdom. Have Your character communicate Love and Support through acceptance. Build a community, a world, (even a Universe) based on Love! We ALL need this Now!

If you resist the fear, anger and hate by knowing this is a big part of our lessons and we can choose love and acceptance, you will show your strength and resolve as you role model how characters can (but often do not) react. You are a blessing. You are a Master! Please find your way to remembering how amazing and perfect you really are.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Your Purpose: Find It & Live It

Yes, you have a purpose in this life. Perhaps you have questioned or searched for what you are “supposed” to do in this life. Perhaps you have felt like do not quite fit in the life you are leading… To understand or to figure this out may provide you with some perspective and relief.

It may be a bit more simple than you now know. Your expectations have gotten in your way. Your parents (or someone in the world) have had BIG plans for you and told you so. You were to grow up to be happy, healthy, wealthy, successful, and productive. BUT, they never fully explained what any of this meant and what it would take to achieve this “purpose” in your life. You may have even have bought into this expectation and may feel like you under-achieved. You may even be chasing this elusive goal(and possibly a false God.)

Do not let “Expectations” get in your way! Do not let other people’s projections make you feel like you have under-performed in ANY aspect of your life! If you have felt any unhappiness for how things have turned out or have felt “Envy” for accomplishments that other people have had, you had better rethink this attitude!

Whether you know it or not, you are a “Perfect” manifestation of the Divine Spirit AND you have all the powers to provide miracles to our world. Maybe your self-esteem does not allow you to know your perfection. Maybe your parent’s voice have become one with your ego, after so many repetitions, that these projections feel true. We are all amazing and unique manifestations learning our life’s lessons and working to remember our perfection and divinity.

Read stories about survivors of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) or of people who have experienced spiritual “Awakenings” and see how these experiences have changed their lives and help them to remember that we are all, every one of us, perfect and in this development of consciousness together. NDE survivors mostly do NOT have any fear of death. In fact, death is not the enemy. They can more easily let go of contrived expectations placed upon them by judgmental forces. Living becomes more comfortable when you remove the anxiety of knowing the unknown, death… Perspectives and goals often change. NDE survivors are often more open and giving, basing their relationships on unconditional love and not separation or judgement.

Life, yes your life, is more about the simple “remembering” regarding your divinity and your true purpose. Your true purpose is to learn and to grow in wisdom, awareness, and to share your love. You are here to support your fellow pilgrims and bump into other souls who are tumbling around in the act of opening to their enlightenment. We are all in this together and the most simple and most powerful purpose we have is to find the perfection in everyone we bump into and to assist them to move further along their path toward remembering the divine spirit within.

Sure, you have been told, and may believe, that other people are less than you and you should be fearful and careful. Perhaps you believe that acquiring more wealth will make you happy or fulfilled. Often the opposite is true. For people must protect their acquired possessions AND none of them on their death bed wish that they could have worked harder and gained more stuff. If they have regrets, it is often about not pursuing their heart’s dreams or the lost time with people whom they have loved. The experience of living to their fullest, in any situation, is their, possibly unfulfilled, dream. Do not let this be your fate. You have been warned.

If you find that instant of awareness, the “State of Grace,” you never forget that moment of connection and unconditional love. You will know the freedom and the wisdom which exists on the other side of the veil. You are so much more than your body and your life! You are perfect and will share love and the miracles it will bring. Reach around and take the hand of your fellow travelers. Witness their stories of their experiences and learnings of this life. Find and celebrate the divine spirit you can know within them. Never let anyone convince you that you are not a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit. Sure you have rough edges and lessons to learn but these are there for a reason and these will elevate you through your life’s travails.

Look for support and a tribe of fellow seekers of truth. Support them and allow them to support you. Once you cross the veil and become conscious, again, you will remember you do not have the limitations that your present incarnation appears to have. You are a blessing!

If you would like support in finding and living your true purpose, consider a community like Masters of the Journey, though there are many paths to your enlightenment.

Finally, do not wallow as a “victim.” Take responsibility and know that mistakes, difficult relationships, and your most difficult experiences are there to provide the lessons that will assist you to rise above the pains we all endure in our lives (though some of us endure more challenging experiences….) We all benefit from the learning that we acquire on the path through life.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Do Your Gift

Do the Gift You were Given to do! We were all born with lessons to learn and talents or innate skills to assist us in providing the service we came here to share. If you can get your ego out of the way and remember the deeper connections we have with all other souls, then you will be better able to share your specific gifts.

Find, and then, know your passion. If you limit your time, energy and attention to only what you think you “should” be doing in your life, you may find that you have missed out on doing what you truly need to be engaged within. It is NOT a waste to be doing your “shoulds,” it just takes away from the important desires of your life. Life is not as much fun if you only do the “shoulds.”

But, what is YOUR Gift? And, how can you Offer Your Special Piece? What are you most strongly attracted to do? Maybe, what do you envy when you see another person’s representation of their life? I do not like the word, envy, but it can lead you to a discussion as to what might be missing from the path you are taking in life. You do have the choice to know your passion, follow your passion, and to be happily engaged in our life. Your parent’s expectations or lifestyle DOES NOT have to be the blueprint for YOUR life!

Especially, ask your self what you would be doing if there was no limitation or excuse for changing direction in your life. If you won the lottery, and money was no object, what would you be doing differently? After you travel, buy a bigger house, financially protect your children, fix your bad knee (or whatever health challenge,) and get your dream car, what would be the most satisfying activity for the rest of your life? I will bet, in most cases, you would be engaged in some act of service. What would that be? How would it feel to be able to do this? AND, why are you NOT doing this now? This act of service may find a form that is not expensive other than your time and energy. Why is NOT a part of your life NOW? The “things” you gather will not be what you celebrate at the end of this life. You will look to the people and experiences with the people you have bumped into which will be the rewarding memories and the “value” of your life’s path.

Write your book even if you never sell a single copy. (It is your thoughts and experiences and these are unique to you. Share them…)

YOU are a blessing. You have much to offer. Even if you can only afford to sit with someone else and share your story. Or, serve by being a “witness” to someone else telling their story. It is a wonderful gift to listen as a person tells the most important experiences from their lives. And maybe, yes maybe, the connection you make may lead to the learning which you are here to do.

Note: I often ask too much from my expectations in life. Expectations, quite regularly, screw things up, but that is another blog. Your PURPOSE may be simpler than you realize. It may be more important than you give it credit for. Your purpose, no matter who you are, is to serve humanity and all of consciousness by reaching around and taking the hands of your fellow pilgrims. We are all in this together and offering support, perhaps direction, can be the life changing outcome of assisting a fellow traveler. Simple is often better. A loving role model is better than a driven lecture. Remember, your actions speak louder than your words AND we need more nonjudgmental people to model.

Your gift may lie in your intuition. And, to be a clear channel you need to polish the mirror. You can do this by taking better care of yourself and in so doing, take better care of your Gift. (Example: meditate and get out into a natural setting to be present in the world.) Reflect back what your fellow partner requires and NOT what YOUR lesson is about. You may find that by using your gift of intuition you can learn a great deal as you say the words (communicate) to your partner. I have found these experiences to be magical and I know the value for the learning of each of us… You and your Gift are a blessing!

If you want to share your Gift or your story, consider the Masters of the Journey Community. Remember to remember, you are a blessing!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

The Spirit Which Burns Within

Whether you know it, or not, embers of the “Holy Spirit” smolder within you.

Breathe in and fan these embers until they begin to glow and then burns more brightly until they finally burst into the flame of unconditional love.

They burn with a light whose brilliance brightens the darkest corners of the Universe.

They can burn white hot with the wisdom, acceptance, gratitude, freedom, and connection to all the Divine Spirit includes… They can heal with the Golden White light of the Love they were born within. The core of the Divine is Love! Look to find this light of Love burning within each, and every, person you encounter. We are all on the path together and will benefit from supporting each soul’s journey. Dwell in the “Present” and shed the sadness from the past and the Fear/Anxiety of living in the (Unknown) Future… When you can appreciate every moment in the “Present” you will find loving acceptance and gratitude of the challenging lessons in which you are engaged.

You are a Master and will find a way to Remember the “Perfection” which dwells within your soul. As Don Ley says, know that your life in the current incarnation is “Petty” compared to whom you really are. You are SO MUCH GREATER than your mind can imagine! You are a blessing and an Essential piece of all of Consciousness. You have made an agreement to come back to your current manifestation (incarnation) to learn from your challenges and, as importantly, to assist the other pilgrims you touch along your path through this life.

This message was channelled from guidance and may be valuable to consider. Support for you on your personal pilgrimage may be found by connecting with Masters of the Journey. Please remember to celebrate in joy each lesson you confront and all the souls you bump up against as you tumble around in this warm dryer called life.

Clarity and poetry in comment by Don Ley:
Hi John.

I just read this over and I think it’s great. As for quoting me… now you’re running a big risk, because I’m liable to say most anything at any time. I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth. And it gets me in trouble sometimes.

As for this particular quote, I think I was probably referring to how we relate to life, how we see life and how seriously we take everything. It has to do with how much we get caught up in things that don’t make a damn bit of difference in the larger scheme of things, how we think we need to get everything right all the time, and then, perhaps the biggest one of all, how we judge everybody (including ourselves) and everything, as well as the criteria we use to make those judgements (how much education do they have, how much money do they earn, what kind of clothes are they wearing, how do they wear their hair, how fat or skinny are they, and on and on and on endlessly). These things, for me, are some of what created the giggle from the NDE. It’s about how petty we make life. How petty are the concepts through which we are seeing life. And how getting caught up in that pettiness makes us completely lose track of who we are and what we came here for.

Does all of that make this particular life petty in the context of who you really are? Probably. Especially in the way that you used it.


Keeping the Faith

What is Faith? And, what does it mean to be “Keeping the Faith?”

Definition of faith

1. a: allegiance to duty or a person: loyalty lost faith in the company’s president
b: fidelity to one’s promises: sincerity of intentions acted in good faith

2. a: belief and trust in and loyalty to God : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b: firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return : complete trust

3.: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith

So of these various Merriam-Webster dictionary definitions, the one I am going with is 2.b: Complete trust. In our world, especially in our culture, it seems difficult to trust, let alone, have “complete trust” in anything. Our media and sources of news are expressing “alternative facts.” We can not believe anything on “face value” without “fact checking” and many people are too lazy to check facts or do not know where to go to check the facts about the things we see or hear. Too lazy and unable to get reliable information is rampant in our culture and so we are easy “targets” to be taken advantaged by those who shout the loudest and are willing to repeat untruths so often that people start believing these lies. Wow, this is a sad commentary on our culture and the world which we live within. With instant, world wide communication from the internet and we can not believe what we read, see, or hear on our home computers…

But, this is NOT the FAITH to which I speak. I will not address religious Faith because through history this has killed too many innocent people. I do not even want to talk about loyalty to God, because who is to say that the definition of God is what is true and worth loyalty and Faith. Yes, I must be a heretic to write this way…

The Faith which I am talking about is the deepest Faith that we can have. It is the “Knowing” and the “Remembering” of the Faith that dwells deep within your soul. It is the perfection that you were born with before your brain, ego, and learned experience took over and created separation from other souls and the beauty of unconditional, nonjudgmental love which is at your core. As an innocent baby born into the world you knew the “source” of the Divine but found the lessons of this earthly existence too engaging and distracting to maintain your pure spirit. Then, you spend your lifetime trying to “remember” who you are, where you came from, and what is your purpose. When your meditation and spiritual experience leads you back to your source wisdom, you will return to the “Faith” which you seek. It may take many lifetimes, but you will find that you are not separated from the other pilgrims you bump into. You are the same. You are perfect and you are a hologram of the perfect God who is Love! When you rediscover your purpose, you find that it is not so complicated. It is to reach out your hand to assist fellow pilgrims on their path to consciousness so you ALL return to “source” and acceptance, and wisdom, and to unconditional love.

Appreciate each moment, as best you can. Love each person who crosses your path because they are there for a reason and each interaction has a purpose. The most challenging interactions are the most important for the lessons you are here to learn. So, look into each person’s eyes and find the divine perfection of the perfect soul who stands in front of you. So much easier said than done in this life…

Blessings to you as you trudge each step along your journey through life. Deep within, know that you are perfect and a master. You just have to learn to live your perfection, again easier said than done.

Find the support you may require AND offer love and support to the people you meet along the way.

Masters of the Journey is a community of “seekers” and may assist you with support and resources. Keep the Faith! You are perfect and a child of Love! Know that you will find complete trust within your soul. Blessings to you along your path!

Living in the State of Grace

Yes, the State of Grace has surfaced again. Many people have touched the State of Grace and are instantly addicted to it. The problem comes when just “Knowing” the State of Grace is not enough and people go out and want to try to “live it.” (In my experience, touching the State of Grace feels: peaceful, nonjudgmental-accepting, free from constraints of time and the limitations of the body, a oneness with all living souls, basking in the wisdom of the “source,” and the warmth and envelopment of unconditional love.)

We meditate. We pray. We eat right. We try not to swear when frustrated. We smile a lot. We want that deep feeling of acceptance, unconditional love, peace, wisdom, freedom, and the bright light of the divine to be on all the time in our lives. We may even feel like we are not good enough when we lapse into petty humanism.

Get a grip! We are in our human bodies, dealing with our human lives for a reason. It is tough and it is challenging. We came here to learn our lessons from the heated forge of the furnace we call human existence. Forge is the correct word because we have to “melt down” and then be poured into the new shapes our learning takes so we can harden into a stronger new consciousness. We humans are hard on ourselves, especially when we “expect” our minds and our egos to mold into something they are not and will never be… full of love and acceptance. We think we know what Grace is and how to get there but there is no, or very little, grace on this plane of existence… That IS our lesson!

We bump up against all these other souls, who are here for a reason, and wonder why they are in our way to peace… That is why they are here! The people who “push your buttons” have invaded your “space” to test your resolve… Are you going to let emotions including anger and fear out OR are you going to look this irritating fellow pilgrim in the eye, see their divine perfection, and smile with the acceptance and unconditional love which is our divine aspiration?…

When you are evolved enough, like our Avatars: Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or whoever your symbol of the Divine is, then you will find peace. You will accept. You will love unconditionally. AND, even then, you will not be in the State of Grace 24/7. Hell, 24/7 does not even exist in the Divine… ‘Cause there is no TIME or limitations of the flesh and the mind…

Find JOY! Find a way to laugh at yourself as you screw up again and again. It is part of the process. You will get it “RIGHT” but maybe not in this life. Being human is painful BUT it is amazing and fun if you can appreciate the petty lives we must live to move further along our path. LOVE and support your fellow pilgrims. We are ALL in this together. We are all here to learn and to grow and to collide on this human plane with each other.

Blessings to you! You will need every blessing and ounce of support you can find. Do not forget to share your story, your love, your blessings. Love and learn from your mistakes. AND, laugh/dance like no one else is watching…

One last thing for today, Whether you know this or not, YOU ARE PERFECT! You are LOVED. You are Blessed! You are the embodiment of the Holy Spirit and PERFECT in your own unique way!

If you are searching for a supportive community to share your stories and your love, go out and create one. Or, consider the Masters of the Journey.
Any way. Live, Love, and Learn… Namaste

Andreas W. Suggested that my pessimism regarding the lack of the State of Grace on our earthly existence can be argued that if we are fully present and look for the beauty of life which surrounds us we CAN FIND the State of Grace in our Earthly lives, more frequently. He is so correct. The beauty and perfections of nature, when appreciated, is a definition of the State of Grace… This can not be said for the normal interactions we have with other struggling pilgrims.

How Did You Get HERE?

Whether you know it or not, you are: Loved, Blessed, Guided/Protected, Safe, & Free! Think back on the path you have followed which has led you to be here now! There is a reason, known or unknown, that you have found your way here. At the many forks in the road of your life, YOU chose the direction that led you here. Why? It may not be a conscious knowing but each challenge you have chosen has offered you the chance to learn the spectacular lesson you desired. And, here you are!

Know the blessing and the guidance which has brought you here. Share the wisdom from the experience gained along the way. Celebrate each encounter bestowed upon you with the next soul you are blessed to meet and use this coincidence of connection to find YOUR reflection in your fellow traveller. Where ever possible, assist your fellow pilgrim to remember THEIR perfection and divinity.

As you remember, find your connection in the oneness shared with those fellow travelers you are supposed to encounter. We are all connected. We are one! Let separation and judgement melt away. Find acceptance and respect for every being (pilgrim) you meet. (We are all in this together and if your ego is challenged by the interaction with another, bless the lesson that this creates for you, even the struggle. Especially the struggle…)

When your experience of this life appears grim, Light your candle and disappear the darkness. You can and will create the miracle which serves the divine. Share your wisdom and your love!

Exercise: Remember the past 10 or 12 years to find the “Forks in the Road” that lead you to this moment in the present. Did you make choices? Were you “Guided?” Are you able to take full responsibility for the actions taken along this path? AND, what have you learned? (Where possible, please share your insights and wisdoms. Thank you.)

If appropriate, consider the support you can find in a non-religious community such as the Masters of the Journey which you can find, and participate in at: www.mastersofthejourney.com

Bless you on your path. Honor and celebrate each step along the way in the present moment… As best you can…


Channelled from guidance, August 14th, 2016. Editing 8/15/16.

Getting Spiritual

You are on a path which leads you, in your own unique way, toward the lessons and the purpose for your life. Whether you know this or not, you are here for a reason and your path leads to the experience you require to move toward mastery of your challenges and lessons. Every interaction is a step along your way toward spiritual consciousness. Every person who blesses your life is a fellow traveler and participant in your enlightenment. You may never consciously know the importance to your development, even if you treat every interaction with each fellow pilgrim with the same respect you would give an audience with God. Many advanced masters believe that everyone you meet is God and we are all “One” with all lifeforms and so we must treat every living thing as a foundational piece of “Ourselves.” (With that said, “Be Humble, demonstrate Humility because you were once (in some past lifetime) a lowly Newt.)

When we reach out to our “higher selves,” we find the connection which allow us to feel the oneness and connection with all life and all consciousness.

We are all in this together. You are unique and you must find the path that leads you to the experience you require. The good events and the most challenging events are the flowers from the garden of life you are meant to harvest to create the bouquet of higher consciousness placing these into the vase of your pilgrimage. So, though your path looks like you are plodding alone, in fact, you are a part of the “River of Life” and one with all others. Your graduation in spiritual consciousness is connected to the spiritual success of all. Reach around and take the hands of all the fellow pilgrims you meet along your way. We must all cross the finish line together.

Your struggle is the “point.” Learn to love the struggle. Bask in the delight of the insights these struggles provide. Accept and Love each interaction. Release your fear, especially your fears of the ultimate transition which we all must embrace. In case you do not know this, death is NOT the enemy. It is the freeing experience which leads to a release from the constraints of your current mind and body! Learn to feel and then follow your guidance! You are loved. You are Blessed! You are Safe! And, you are Free! (Thanks for this inspiration, Brother Bob Trask!)

Be Love. Share Love. Live Love! Bask in the warmth of unconditional love… You will remember how. And then, remember the Divine Spirit within your Heart and Your Soul!

Be Grateful and know gratitude, for you are further along your path and you were once a snail…

With Love and Blessings. Your Masters of the Journey, stumbling but “Gettin’ Spiritual” founder, John

www.mastersofthejourney.com and www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney

Find a way to be of service and go out and do GOOD in the world. You ARE a Master so share your wisdoms and insights!

Finally, Live in Joy! Follow your Bliss. Have Fun! AND, do NOT take your spiritual growth TOO seriously. The people with the most wisdom find laughter close to the surface. Celebrate life!