Babies 2022

In April, 2022, as I write, there is an outbreak of babies coming into my life. Grandchildren, other people’s grandchildren, and obviously other people’s children are arriving. The arrival of children is to be celebrated as is the continuance of future generations. So many souls are choosing to arrive into human incarnations for the support and the development of Divine consciousness. We are coming out of worldwide pandemic, as I optimistically write, and the renewal of life has not waited for all the reports to come in. The world’s political and economic situation appears unsettled, but when in human history has this not been the case. Are these new incarnated souls here to save our world or to watch its continued degradation? Time will tell…

For me, my human incarnation appears to be closer to the ending rather than its beginning so my perspective may be jaded by this perspective. The optimism of new life in the Springtime is a wonder to behold, and to celebrate. Looking into the eyes, and the souls, of these new humans reminds me of the Miracle each person (and thing) is and the bright light of Divine Love which is at the core. Each baby is “Perfect” even within the imperfect package that wraps around this perfect being. I bless each soul and encourage these new lives to remember from where they have come and for where they will return. With Divine blessings, each soul will find the best way to remain most fully connected with the higher realms. Or, to remember and to find these Divine connections should these slip from ego consciousness.

And, I ask from a human space of anxiety, why would you choose to be born into this day and age of human drama. Did you read the “adventure travel brochures”…”See it Before It’s Gone!”? Why do parents make conscious decisions to bring children into the uncertain human times…? But, this has been a question which could have been asked throughout our human history… It is the “PERFECT” time to be born and follow the soul’s path and pilgrimage through human life. There is so much to be learned in our struggle to remember our Divinity, especially with the distractions which test/challenge us these days.

So, as Spring develops in the Northern Hemisphere, new life finds form with all of hope which Divine Spirit provides. Life seems more abundant! No matter how crazy and drama filled our world gets, it is time to pause, be most fully present, and to celebrate the birth of new, perfect souls.

Each day, when you awaken, you are blessed with a new beginning. Find appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity to live in a world which teems with life, love, and possibilities. Every moment is a blessing and offers your next chance to remember your Divinity and renew your connections with the Highest of Consciousness. YOU are a Miracle!

And, for the babies pouring into my life, thank you and continue being my guides to perfect innocence and the vibrant life you hold. Your connection with the Divine Spirit is strong and more direct without the building human egoic nonsense which happens as human beings develop, with all the three dimensional limitations that make human life the interesting dilemma it is… Your human adventure is filled with learnings, testings, and learnings. That is why you are here! Please know, and Remember that YOU are Loved!

I Am God!

I am God! “NO, You are Not!” And, So are YOU! Your Judgement and Your Opinion say so much about YOU! Do you believe in the reality of Duality where there is life based on judging Good or Bad. Or, do you believe that the reality and truth has NO judgement and knows we are all equal and perfect in our Divinity.

You must choose what you believe or, more importantly, what you “Know.” Do you believe that we are all children of God and we have the Divine Spirit burning within our souls. ACIM (A Course in Miracles) which is one of the dictations from Jesus asks us to remember that our bodies and our lives are learning experiences and in truth there is no separation between who you really are, as a soul/spirit, and all other souls. We are one. We all share in the Light of Love and when not in our incarnations we are not constrained by our minds or our egos or by time or by our 3 dimensional (belief) “illusion.” We are bathed in Wisdom and Consciousness when we are between incarnations (or when we know that we can be in many “lives” simultaneously.) In that state of Divine Spirit, we do not find guilt or sin in the next soul because they are us.

We are all the same. If this soul behaves differently than you might behave, you must know that they have their own lessons and experiences to learn from. Ideally, we will love and support them in their journey so they will awaken and becoming more conscious in this incarnation. If you feel triggered or challenged by another person’s behavior perhaps you can ask the most useful question, “What happened to YOU?” (what led them to behave the way they behave.) They have free choice AND they must take responsibility for their actions, their beliefs, and the behaviors which they demonstrate. They are not “Bad” or “Wrong” because we are all perfect, but we each have different lessons and paths. (AND, what is your lesson in interacting with this person/soul who has “triggered” you.)

Nobody is special! No one is better. We are all equal. We are all “One.” When we transition at the end of our current incarnation, we will join in spirit with a loving God and feel the connection with ALL spirits.

To Remove the veil that hides the light in me as I must remove the veil that hides the light in you. If you find guilt and judgement of separation, then you get to search a bit more so you can “Remember” your Divine Source. These errors are to be corrected. Nothing more, nothing less. We are One!

You may agree or you may disagree. You have your choice. You may want to argue to justify your belief and your choice but as you consider your arguments be open to really knowing God and why God has created you, our Universe, and all the higher realms. You came here to learn your lessons and one of your lessons is to be exposed to the concepts listed above. Be open. Expand your wisdom and your consciousness. Remember, no matter what, YOU are Perfect! You are a Blessing! We are ALL in this together, know this now or remember this later…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Meditation for the New Year

It is time for Meditation! The calendar tell us that we are beginning a New Year. This year will be as filled, or sadly, even more filled with turmoil and change. It is time for us to bring Wisdom, Awareness, Love and Joy to our cultures as we struggle with the impact of accelerated evolution! We can fear this evolution or we can embrace it! We can know the benefits of our struggles which will eventually lead us out of fear and into a radiant light. (Or, we can hide in our fear and let anger hold us back from our appointment with enlightenment.)

Wow, what wonderful times we live in! So many billions of us have shown up at this age of mankind to witness and participate together in the chaos which leads to awareness and then to a higher Divine Consciousness. If we get stuck dwelling in fear and anger, we will find ways to manifest this darker consciousness. If we embody Joy, and Love, and Remember our Connection to the Divine Wisdom, we can be the “Lightworkers” we came here to be! This does not mean we have to approve of all the weird behaviors we bump into. However, we must engage in the lessons which we are confronted with.

To better prepare you to bring light and love into this world, you must honor and prepare yourself. We can only take responsibility for our own actions (and reactions.) We must regularly “ground out” the judgements we make and fold our hearts around the brilliant light of peace. Yes, this is easier said than done. I will not argue with you. We can create a healing buffer to surround each of us. Not to insulate but to nurture our core where the “Joy” resides and then shines out to bask the world in the healing energy of Love!

So, our meditation can include a time to “Ground Out” and to find our balance. Breathe in slowly and fully. Pause for a moment. As you slowly exhale, imagine that you can release excess energy with the warm breath you release! On the next breath, feel the cool, soothing air as you slowly inhale. Pause and then slowly release the warm breath. Do this several times until you can join your body in the “Present Moment.” Then continue to breathe slowly in and out with an image that you are drawing in Golden White Light to Heal Yourself with every breath. As you exhale imagine that you can send this Golden White Light and this Unconditional Love and Support out to everyone in the world. Focus on those people you love and then on all the rest of the planet. It is a blessing that you give this energy unconditionally as a gift to all living things in our Universe (and beyond.) This meditation does not have to be more complicated or drawn out. Focus on Love and Joy. Look for the positive growth from every interaction. Take responsibility for what you give out to this world! Choose LOVE! When you laugh out loud, laugh like no one is watching. Embrace Joy!

By the way, the more of us who can engage in this meditation, sending out unconditional Love and Joy, the stronger this will resonate and have greater impact on Universal Consciousness Development!!!

Whether you know it or not, You are a Master. You are a Healer. Without you and your soul/spirit, the Universe can not exist. So play YOUR part! Actively give and share love. Know that your positive light shines brightly and everyone & everything is better for sensing that your unconditional love as it is radiated outward.

Remember Your Divinity! Remember the Perfection of the Spirit within YOU! Remember to enjoy these tough lessons we have come here to experience and remember that we will be better and stronger from embracing these challenges NOW rather than having to repeat this learning again in our future incarnations. When you say Namaste, LIVE Namaste! We are all in this together, joined by our Divine Spirits. See the person in front of you knowing that at a deeper level they are YOU! Help them. Serve them! Support awareness and consciousness until WE ALL reach enlightenment.

Along the way, use Meditation to find your center and then higher consciousness. Meditation is not complicated it is an attempt to be “Present” and open to Divine Wisdom. (These few words are interesting. You following through makes these words Powerful!)

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Create a World of Love!

Guidance contributes to these blogs with Love as a re-ocurring theme. A recent “channelled” communication started: Find within Your Heart to Know and to Share Love. Help create the world where we all bask in the warmth of Love and Acceptance! Know that We are ALL here to assist each other in developing in consciousness. (Now, more than ever we are tested by messages of fear and anger which grab attention in our media and in our world. You can choose to not be drawn in to the polarizing angers… This does not mean ignore it or turn away. We all have lessons in dealing with the fear and anger thrown into our faces. This is an experience to learn lessons remembering that we are all, yes all, one, each of us taking on different forms and acting out in different roles…)

We are ONE! Our purpose is to “Remember” our Perfection and our Divinity, and then to find this within all the souls we bump into on our journey through this life.

These themes are familiar because we have Known this when we are not invested, and confined, by the consciousness of our current incarnation. We are here to learn our lessons within the limitations of our egoic, constructed 3 dimensional belief system. This reality we see, and agree to participate within, can not fully comprehend the greatness and perfection on our Divine Spirits. I have heard that our “Body” is merely our communication device to have human relationships from which we learn the lessons we have come here to learn.

When we develop our consciousness and allow the divine wisdoms to be remembered, we can assist fellow pilgrims to create a world based on love, not fear. So reach around and take the hands of fellow travelers. Perhaps you can look into their eyes to find the perfection of their souls and know that we are all to remember that we are “One divinity” and connected to each other and the “Source.”

Whether you know it or not, YOU are perfect and you are a Master! You learn your lessons better by teaching and sharing your story. Find ways to Serve! Find ways to connect with other souls you meet along your path toward consciousness. Do not discount the wisdom that you know or remember which comes from the source and your connection with the Divine.

Now, more ever, we must know and share Love! It is easier said than done, we must let go of Judgements and find acceptance, and the perfection, in the people we find in our journey through life. Peace be with you! You are a blessing.

If you want to share your story with the wisdom you have gathered from your life’s experience consider participation in our non-religious, spiritual development community,”Masters of the Journey.”

We are all actors in a play called life. Have Your character act out integrity! Have Your character find a way to be a positive role model of developing consciousness and wisdom. Have Your character communicate Love and Support through acceptance. Build a community, a world, (even a Universe) based on Love! We ALL need this Now!

If you resist the fear, anger and hate by knowing this is a big part of our lessons and we can choose love and acceptance, you will show your strength and resolve as you role model how characters can (but often do not) react. You are a blessing. You are a Master! Please find your way to remembering how amazing and perfect you really are.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Thoughts Can Get in the Way

Allow your thoughts to pass through you without a negative judgement or holding on too tightly. These thoughts passing through are just concepts that you are just “trying on.”
Release your attachment! And, release your self-hatred or self negative self-judgement!

Do NOT beat yourself up for your perception and judgements of your thoughts.

With the emotions and thoughts that bubble up, like: anger, hostility, grief, fear, anxiety, self-loathing, remember, this “Game” is never over! You will continue to have judgements and thoughts bubbling through your consciousness. Attempt to not take these too seriously and get attached to the notions and ideas that may be based out of separation and defense of the ego. When my consciousness is in a stronger, spiritual mind-set, I will smile or even laugh at myself as I view the world through this judgement. For sure, this is NOT always possible especially when I have a strong emotional attachment or feel “attacked.” But, when I can get some distance and have a broader outlook, I can find my reactions to my thoughts entertaining and realize that these are exercises and “tests” for my growing consciousness.

It would help to be honest with your self-awareness even when you can remember that You need not be humble in all thoughts and situations. Sometimes honesty includes the realization and acknowledgement that you are actually good, or even superior, at doing some thing…

In writing about this, I have another thought pop up. When we struggle with the deepest remembering regarding are real, and much larger than this life, selves, we can get scared as we realize that we are fully responsible for the choices which are made… (my friend, Don, when he “returned” from his Near Death Experience (NDE) a few years ago, he awoke giggling. He giggled for three months. He giggled because he realized “how petty” our self-perceptions are, realizing that “we are so much Bigger than we realize.” See his video interview in full on YouTube at

Face your Fear!

We are often too overwhelmed and afraid of our own perfection. It is too much responsibility to NOT have any excuses…

So, Face Your Fear!

You are Divine! – Deal with it!

You are Perfect! – Live with it!

You are a Blessing! – Know it!

You are God! – Remember it!

You have a purpose… – Do it!

If you do not know your purpose or you do not remember your purpose or you are in denial about your purpose…

You are here to serve! Take the hand of your fellow pilgrim and assist them in remembering their Divinity!

When you are ready to own your Divinity and share your wisdom from your life’s experiences, consider your contribution to our supportive community, Masters of the Journey.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What is Your Journey?

“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” But, what is Your journey and where is it taking YOU? “Life is a Journey” says yet another historic quote. Is it meant to be a literal journey with physical travel or a figurative search through the experience we call life?

We have named our spiritual support community, “Masters of the Journey,” and there have been attempts to help create awareness regarding the concept that YOU are a Master of your life and YOU have much to share from the challenges you have overcome or are struggling to learn from. But, again, what is this Journey?

Each one of us is on a path through this life. In the sense of time, we can conceive that this journey begins with (or maybe before) our birth and travels life until we transition out of this life. For some of us this journey in “time” takes many years of living, for other of us less time, and sometimes only a brief amount of time, if we die at an early age. Viewing the Journey in this context, we consider the early years of learning, the transitioning into adulthood, the work and family building stage, then the slowing down and aging until we call it quits, for this life.

So is this Journey just about physical progression and the learning of life skills? Or, is there something more to our “Purpose” following our path through this incarnation? Have we come into this body and this “life” with an agenda and with specific lessons to learn??? Many people think that we have come “here” (this life) to participate in a purposeful quest for specific experience to gain wisdom or share in other people’s lessons. I think that we arrive in this life with an agenda and it is not just about my learning. It includes lessons for me but it is also for the “greater good” and to assist fellow “pilgrims” to accomplish their learnings and to gain wisdom which helps us all (all of the other children of God.)

If this resonates with your beliefs, then the “Journey” is a sacred voyage. It is a holy pilgrimage which is more about the journey than it is about the destination. What we learn, experience, AND share along the way is the value and the “purpose” of this life. Our “Journey” is Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. It may look like we benefit from what we see, or hear, or feel, or “Do,” but it may be even more about what we “Remember” on our search for the perfection and the divine that is within each of us. To remember our Divinity and to find it within each fellow pilgrim we bump into along the way, may be the most important of learnings AND the true “Purpose” of our “Journey.”

Blessings to you on your path. Be as “present” as possible and pay attention to honoring the details which may present themselves to you. A single step may start a thousand mile trip, but small interaction may pose the most important learning you have come to experience in this life. Embrace the efforts of all your fellow travelers, you may have incarnated to assist them in their most important lesson. (And, be OK that YOU may never know the outcome of your interactions.)

If you find that you wish to share your story and your Mastery, consider participation in Masters of the Journey. If you know someone who may benefit from support in the development of spirit but who may not need or respond well to religion share this community with them. Thank you, in advance.

Free Will?

Free Choice … Free Will…???

I was on the phone with Rodger, my Colorado Guru friend, this morning and we were discussing an upcoming Masters of the Journey program which is focused on “Enhancing Life by Knowing Death.” Another friend who has wisdom and who has experience is presenting his story of his NDE (Near Death Experience) of 4 years ago, will be the center of focus at this meeting. His name is Don. In preparation for this meeting, Don shared with me that he was very conscious of being in both realms (life & death) as he lay unconscious in the hospital as medical folks fought to keep him alive. His description of the “other” realm (in my words of interpretation) was that it was supremely peaceful, warmed with unconditional love and acceptance, free of the pains and limitations of the “body,” and surrounded by the wisdom of the divine. Rodger’s question to me was, “did he have Free Will to Choose whether to return to his “Meatsuit” (body) or was he forced to return?” Free Will/Free Choice… why would he return???

When you stop and think about it, why would anyone want to return? Why would they choose to come back into a damaged body, rehab, and continue with the struggles of living in human form? Great question!

From my experience, I say, we do have “Free Choice” on whether to return to our “lives.” We do have a choice to stay in heaven with the freedom and love, and the acceptance AND we choose to return. But why?

We still have more lessons… We have more to learn…
But, perhaps most importantly, we have sharing of our “story.” We have the service of assisting other souls! We have a reason for touching other people’s lives both for “Their” learning and for “our” continued learning. We are all in this together and sharing our wisdom gained from life experience IS OUR Purpose in this life!

We do not have to have a NDE to share the wisdom of living in our human forms. We are ALL Masters! There are so many ways to serve and service to other pilgrims is our reason for living!

We have “Free Will” and we “know” that we are here to serve. Our “Free Choice” comes with the “Knowing” that we are here to assist other souls to “Remember” their Divinity AND why they are here! It is not so difficult to choose to return to our lives and our mortal bodies because the Divinity awaits us and our purpose is to reach around and touch other lives in the most positive ways.

Consider living without our fear and anxiety regarding dying AND make the most out of your opportunity to Love, Find & Share Joy, and look for the “Perfection” in every soul you encounter. (The challenge comes from the characters who are placed in our lives to “Stir things up” and teach us the challenging lessons…)

Blessings to you on Your Path! Namaste and I hope that I can experience the Divine Perfection YOU Are!

Masters of the Journey is a community of support and resources for all contributors – all Masters (Like YOU!)
Find us at or on Facebook at

How Did You Get HERE?

Whether you know it or not, you are: Loved, Blessed, Guided/Protected, Safe, & Free! Think back on the path you have followed which has led you to be here now! There is a reason, known or unknown, that you have found your way here. At the many forks in the road of your life, YOU chose the direction that led you here. Why? It may not be a conscious knowing but each challenge you have chosen has offered you the chance to learn the spectacular lesson you desired. And, here you are!

Know the blessing and the guidance which has brought you here. Share the wisdom from the experience gained along the way. Celebrate each encounter bestowed upon you with the next soul you are blessed to meet and use this coincidence of connection to find YOUR reflection in your fellow traveller. Where ever possible, assist your fellow pilgrim to remember THEIR perfection and divinity.

As you remember, find your connection in the oneness shared with those fellow travelers you are supposed to encounter. We are all connected. We are one! Let separation and judgement melt away. Find acceptance and respect for every being (pilgrim) you meet. (We are all in this together and if your ego is challenged by the interaction with another, bless the lesson that this creates for you, even the struggle. Especially the struggle…)

When your experience of this life appears grim, Light your candle and disappear the darkness. You can and will create the miracle which serves the divine. Share your wisdom and your love!

Exercise: Remember the past 10 or 12 years to find the “Forks in the Road” that lead you to this moment in the present. Did you make choices? Were you “Guided?” Are you able to take full responsibility for the actions taken along this path? AND, what have you learned? (Where possible, please share your insights and wisdoms. Thank you.)

If appropriate, consider the support you can find in a non-religious community such as the Masters of the Journey which you can find, and participate in at:

Bless you on your path. Honor and celebrate each step along the way in the present moment… As best you can…


Channelled from guidance, August 14th, 2016. Editing 8/15/16.