It’s the Journey

It’s the Journey not the Destination. Google and “Quote Investigator” seem to credit Ralph Waldo Emerson for saying, “Life is a Journey, not a Destination.” Whoever and where ever this comes from, today I was triggered by the thought that accomplishing a “Goal” and possibly feeling success is NOT the point of the “exercise.” The point of living your life is experiencing the lessons, the challenges, the people, and the “stretching by doing something new” along the way. Success or failure are NOT the end judgements which offer the most energy. The “energy” comes from the “doing” and the Journey. The adventure is Living life and not simply talking about it. Acting in service or enlightenment instead of just wishing for this highest form of living in our 3 dimensional world.

The Masters of the Journey community was built from Guidance and the appreciation that each of us has much to share. Though spiritually connected, we have lived our unique lives in our unique ways and learned our unique lessons in the process. By sharing YOUR stories you offer the “witness” (the person who listens to your story) a chance to learn from you and your gained wisdom. It offers a unique perspective which can be supportive, perhaps even, life changing. SO, YOUR Journey has value. Not just to you but to the people you “touch.” The real Joy in Life is sharing your story with the wisdom you have gained as a Service to the people you come into contact with and then, “touch.”

An expected or planned success is GREAT but in my life I have learned much more from my failures and painful challenges when things did not go as planned. I am not saying that “whining” about mistakes or hard times is always a beautiful way of sharing. Taking responsibility and acknowledging the role you have played as you expanded your knowledge, wisdom and perspective is the deeper value, for me. You pushed yourself to try something new. You stretched to get out o your comfort zone. You tested new limits and found you have fewer boundaries and self-imposed limitations. This seems to me to be the true journey through the new learnings in this life.

And, the Journey through life IS the main show. Pay attention! You never know what miraculous learning can come from the smallest step or seemingly less important interaction. Besides, appreciation each moment and finding Joy in every amazing connection is so very important. It requires you to be fully present and available to look for and to find the miracles. And, along the way, listen to and learn to trust the small voice of “Guidance” (or your intuition.) It may lead you into important learning experiences. It also helps to keep your head up and your eyes toward the horizon, unless you are very uneven ground. Tread more slowly if your road seems too rocky…

No matter what, consider how amazing and miraculous life is! Feel the Joy even if you find yourself walking on the “dark side of the road.” My mentor, Paula Forget, reminds me that every moment, walking in this current incarnation, is spectacular and offers learnings to celebrate. Attempt to not get caught in the quagmire of the “Drama” in your life and to know that each experience is amazing, even if it can feel challenging or painful. You are here to be challenged, to learn and to grow… You are a Blessing! Nobody can do YOU better than YOU! The Universe needs you and your interpretation of the Divine Spirit manifest!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What Good Comes from Tragedy? Your Perspective and Experience

Have you ever experienced a Tragedy? Of course you have. Whether a personal tragedy or one you were challenged by as a person in our culture, you have. It is common to be sad, upset, angry, frustrated, emotional, confused, or in denial AND you have been emotionally impacted. A terminal illness and death of a younger friend has triggered the memory for me of the terminal diagnosis given to my wife 15 years ago. We were confused, upset, angry because it was not fair! My wife did not deserve this diagnosis. She had so much to live for. She had lived a “healthy” lifestyle. She was a “good person” dealt a “BAD” hand… She tried everything to alter the outcome and was able to out live the prognosis by a lot however, she did not survive. This difficult challenge brought my wife and I closer together as a team. She learn to trust me in ways impossible prior to this illness. We shared experiences that no couple should have to experience. AND, we learned so much. 6 plus years since her transition from this life, I am left to reflect on what has happened to my wife and to our lives and how I can use this difficult learning.

For a moment, resist the welling emotion you are feeling. Perhaps the feeling of sadness or your fear generated upset. Though I would NOT wish this situation on anyone, or any couple, or any family, or any community of friends, I will say that this was such an important learning challenge for ALL of us that I would find it difficult to wish life had turned out different. I miss my life partner and lover of 28 years… There has been a huge void in my being but I have also known the great gift learned from this tragedy.

I am not alone in having a tragic event in my life. We have all lost friends or family members or relationships or careers or homes… We have all faced these tragedies with a range of emotions AND we have all learned from these experiences. Now realize, that from these tragedies you are a changed person AND you have to now share the knowledge or wisdom you have gained from these difficult events. You can wallow in your grief. You are entitled to a period of adjustment. You must tend to your emotional scars. BUT, you must learn, adjust, and move on into the next phase of your life. Perhaps, you will need to be a mentor or a guide to someone else who is experiencing a similar tragedy or loss. By telling your “story” you offer perspective, information, and support for the witness and YOU benefit from getting greater clarity in the act of sharing this experience. You can be a beacon of light guiding others through a dark time. Remember, we learn more from the “dark” times than we do basking in the light of happiness. This is sad but true. Your perspective and experience can be of service to the community and to the world. Consider this a value for the price you have paid by surviving and learning from your tragedy.

YOU are a Master who has been forged out of the depths difficulties to serve other pilgrims you meet along your path through life… You are a Blessing! Your Gift to the World is YOU!

Are you ready to step up and be the beacon? You can do this in a silent vigil or shouting out to the crowd. As a survivor of a tragedy, you must tell your story. Just as NDE (Near Death Experience) survivors return to re-integrate back into their bodies and their lives with the Purpose to share their experience of the overwhelming Grace from the other side of the “veil,” YOU are returned from the depths to share your story and guide others through their challenging experience.

Thank you in advance for your sharing your story. Consider, if appropriate, sharing this blog with people who are struggling with tragedy.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at