We Are Old Souls: No Excuses

A guide recently said to me, “We are all old Souls!” I was taken aback. This comment was triggered by a meditation I was recently having and my partner in this meditation revealed himself/herself to me as older and distinguished. Kind of like looking at Moses or one the Wisepersons from biblical times, you know old and gray. Long gray hair and beard and robes just standing there like in a movie. I was a little surprised and remarked, “You are an OLD Soul!” His answer surprised me and got me thinking… “We are ALL Old Souls.”

In contemplating this response, it opened the door for me to consider that all of our souls have been a part of the “Divine” since the Divine consciousness was created. If we believe that there is time (and I am not sure about this anymore) then our souls have been hangin’ around, pushing through various incarnations, over and over, trying to master our lessons for awhile. Some of us (our souls) may have been busy doing other things, like being a glacier or a tectonic plate, and have not taken the fast tract forward toward Enlightenment or Awakening or whatever the purest form of consciousness is defined by. Some souls are in hurry and scurrying around bumping into experiences which seem to expedite the process. Some souls just spend 40 days in the desert and came back to be Christ! AND, to confuse things even more, some spirits or souls are so highly spiritually evolved they did not have to incarnate at all, EVER! (And, these unfortunate souls do not get to come to the “fun” amusement park we call Earth.) But forget about these beings, for now.

We, our souls that is, have been hangin’ around since the dawn of consciousness in some form or another AND we all are AS OLD AS POSSIBLE. Yup, YOU have no more excuses for your infantile behaviors or thinking. We are all old and wise. We just forgot! When we arrived in this current incarnation our memory of where we came from was erased so we could struggle with our current lessons and challenges. If we could just “REMEMBER where We Came From” and the Divine Perfection we are, then we would not have to take “Life” so seriously and live in Joy more 24/7. Well, that is deep and it is our lesson… BTW, we are supposed to share our wisdom & Joy and truly love every other soul we bump into because we are all in this together… Take responsibility, ’cause whether you remember this or not, you chose to come back in this incarnation AND for a lesson!

Well this was not what I thought I was going to get out of this simple, low expectation, meditation. You never know. So pay attention! Be open! And, do not try to write yourself a note excusing your behavior as just a youthful miscalculation. You were supposed to step on that turd and knew it was there on some level of consciousness. Just clean it up and do not track it into the house for dinner… With my Love and appreciation! You are Perfect!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

You Are An Enlightened Being – An Avatar

Whether you know it or not, your lesson is to remember your Divinity and Your Perfection. You are an Avatar, an enlightened and highly developed spiritual being!

Sure your mind does not fully comprehend or understand this concept. Give this 5 minutes to consider.

The Great Spirit – God – The Divine, has created you in its image as a Hologram of the Perfect Divine Spirit. Your job is to Remember your Divinity and bring this into your consciousness. This is a belief of spiritual seekers who believe in re-incarnation. We return, in their belief, to learn or relearn challenging lessons which make us, and the people around us, more conscious and higher evolved. It is difficult for the 3 dimensional mind and the ego to fully understand that we are NOT separate but an integral part of the “whole” of the Divine.

If I am God, as you are, and walking around the Earthly plane, how do I serve and be the guiding light which I AM? An Avatar’s purpose is to walk the Earth and share wisdom and the path toward enlightenment. But ask yourself these question regarding How do You act as an Avatar.

Do you intervene in the Interactions you experience?
Do you rant, postalize or lecture regarding the path to enlightenment?
Do you just observe and allow the struggling people you see to find their own way?
Do you scare and intimidate others into becoming more than they thought they could be?
Do you beam love outwardly?
Do you heal and release the pain people are perceiving or let them stew in it?
Do you play it “small” and be invisible?
Do you Judge?
Do you connect and accept all who you meet?
Do you role model Love and Joy and Wisdom and Oneness?
Do you express emotion and feelings and know fear and anger and Joy and Love?
Do you let all thoughts flow through you but only grasp and hold the ones which work for the greater good?
Do you take the hands of your fellow pilgrims and assist them through love/support to move forward in consciousness toward Love and Light?
Do you give openly and freely in whatever way you can? Be in Service: in small ways, in big ways and do this not for the ego but for the true purpose, to enhance consciousness? We are ALL in this together! We are all one! We can not cross the veil to our highest consciousness without all the other souls…
(All these questions pose ways of behaving which change and shift based on the specific circumstances you may encounter. These questions of actions and behaviors are worth your consideration…)

This is my Challenge. This is YOUR challenge. You are a Master. You are an Avatar! Walk a mile in the sandals of the Enlightened Avatar which YOU are! Find YOUR way to serve! Find YOUR way to create Miracles!

You can argue. You can disagree. You can challenge this notion of taking responsibility of who you are, BUT this will still catch up with you. You may as well quit wasting Earth time and honor your Divinity! Do it gently and with respect but share the purest form of unconditional love with your fellow travelers!

With this responsibility you may crave support and resources. Consider joining the Masters of the Journey community as one possible way to assist you in your purpose and at the same time help others moving consciously down this path.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Adventure Travel for the Soul! Do You Like to Travel?

Do you like to travel? Why do YOU travel? Do you like to get away from your “normal” life? Do you like “Eco-travel” to see beautiful, exotic places on Earth? Do you like “adventure” travel, where you might be physically or emotionally tested by an exciting experience? Have you ever gone to amusement park to ride the rides, where some are scary or challenging? Do you like visiting different “period” parks like historical Western towns of yesterday? Or, do you travel to visit other cultures, eat different foods, speak different languages, and meet new and even different people? Finally, do you feel like travel broadens your view of the world and teaches you lessons which can be interesting enough to share with other people?

This lengthy series of questions exists for a reason. Take stock in the fact that most of us do travel (for our own reasons) and we tend to be exposed to new learnings along the way. Is this a “True” statement? I do not mean to disturb you with this blog, but I do mean to get you to think in a different way. Perhaps you will view your life and your travels differently after reading this blog.

There are now over 7 Billion people walking around on the Earth and countless other life-forms. In a spiritual sense, many people believe that we “choose” to be born into this life and we are “re-incarnated” to find physical form and to learn certain lessons. Consider that the over 7 Billion people and countless other life-forms are here for a reason and these souls have requested to participate in life on Earth as a visit to a primitive environment that is exciting and dangerous, like an amusement park. Why would an advanced soul ask to land on a planet which is doomed by its human inhabitants? A world where violence is tolerated and wars are ever present. Where humanity exists like a “B” rated fictional movie of hardships and occasionally has a surprise happy ending. Humans are “soiling” their nest to a level that can not sustain life as we know it. We, humans, are primitive in the ways we treat each other and the world we live in. We do not respect life, human or otherwise, especially women and our children. We are blinded by nationalism, racism, sexism, religious beliefs, and our own under-education. Our doctors are still treating cancer patients in primitive ways by hacking on their bodies and then poisoning them with chemo or radiation. We too often believe politicians who lie to get our votes and the media who uses our fear to hold our attention. We allow companies, whom are run by other HUMANS, to decide how we should use up our resources for the sake of their short term profits. We go to war for stupid reasons and innocent young people die early in their incarnations. We mask our pain with drugs and distract ourselves with silly, superficial technologies. We show no respect for our seniors and our wise elders.

Are the souls gathering on our planet to watch the “Train-wreck” of destruction and the “explosive climax” of our Earthly civilization? Do these souls want to be here to help change the program at the last moment, like a trick ending, or just to be here when the ship goes down? (It would make for a great story to say, “Hey, I was there when Humanity Imploded, like the old hotel-casinos on the Las Vegas strip…)

The Divine Spirit is much greater than what exists on our Earth. It includes all of the ever expanding Universe. Surely there are other planets or star systems with civilizations which are more highly evolved and watch our Earth as an Adventure Travel destination. “Yes, experience life on Earth before its gone,” are the words on the travel brochures… Our Human minds and egos will struggle with and want to deny the concept that we are actually primitive, lower life forms who are an interesting experience to have before remembering how Divine we really are, but the pain and denial of the Mind and the Ego do not change that fact…

Our purpose on Earth, in this incarnation, is to make the most out of difficult and challenging life. We are here to help each other to grow in consciousness and to work together to remember how that Love is at the core of this process. We need to not be depressed by the past or fear the future, but to live in the present moment and know the beauty of life. Live each moment of your adventure in Joy and the willingness to Know and Share Love! Your Travels in this incarnation are not just a vacation from your boring spirit lives, you are here to have an adventure, to try new things and maybe to fail, so you can learn what you came here to learn. Stay alert! Be aware! Love and accept each interaction as if God or Holy Spirit was sharing with you the lesson from the “Burning Bush” of the Bible stories. (I am NOT a bible person but I do have reverence for the advanced beings who help to guide us all.) When You bump up against STUPID people, know that they are here for a reason and YOUR judgement of separation from them suggests the lessons you are still in the process of learning! (We are all connected and in this together! We are all ONE in the Divine!)

The next exotic travel experience you might pursue may be to the “Higher Realms” where reality “Knows” that we are all “One” with no limitations of time or space. A place where we bask in Wisdom and Unconditional Love. You can choose to Remember to Live in Joy and radiate Love to all the Souls you encounter.


The Masters of the Journey can assist you with support and resources to enhance your growth and connection to spirit. Travel well. Remember the Divine within You!

Achieving Nirvana

Do you know your purpose in life? Are you living your life with the intention of getting to Heaven or reaching the highest form of consciousness labeled “Nirvana” in the Buddhist tradition? The Buddhists believe that achieving enlightenment is the goal of living and they believe that we live and are reborn to learn the lessons that will lead to enlightenment. The concept of rebirth and reincarnation is known as “Samsara.”

In researching this concept I came across the following definition in Wikipedia:
“Samsara is uncontrollably recurring rebirth, filled with suffering and problems (according to Kalacakra tantra as explained by Dr. A. Berzin). In this sense, Samsara may be translated as ‘Wheel of Suffering.’ The Buddha taught that there are six realms that one can go to through this cycle of Samsara, though Buddhists differ as to whether the realms are actual places or figurative states of mind. Many believe that when one goes through the process of rebirth that they are the exact same person when they are reborn, but this however is not true according to the teachings of Buddha. Beings bear many similarities with their former selves but they are not the same person: this is why many Buddhists use the term rebirth instead of reincarnation. The term reincarnation implies that there is a transfer of one’s soul to the new life, but Buddhists believe this is not the case in Samsara, rebirth is generally considered to be a stream of evolving consciousness. A good example to better understand the transfer of consciousness is like a billiard ball hitting another billiard ball. While nothing physical transfers, the speed and direction of the second ball relate directly to the first. This explains how the previous life has a direct impact on the next life”

So, where are you in your evolution of higher consciousness? Are you living your life in preparation for achieving Nirvana? If this is your life’s purpose, how are you going about this?

Not everyone chooses to follow Buddhism or to meditate daily. Can we all connect with a deeper spirit of consciousness on whatever path we choose? We can learn to trust our intuition and do “right” by others with the highest level of tolerance and without the fear death. We can practice acceptance and offer unconditional love, with no strings attached, to other people struggling to learn the lessons of life. We can choose to volunteer and look for the good in others rather than, through fear and distrust, looking for the things that may divide us. How prepared are you to accept the ultimate transition that we must all face of death (and then face the possible return to learn more lessons in a future life?)

My sister asked me to read a book, The Instruction by Ainsley Macleod. He offers an interesting perspective on living your purpose and developing higher consciousness. It is a basic guide with information and exercises that can assist in the process of spiritual development without subscribing to religious dogma.

No matter how you choose to find and embody your life’s purpose, I support your efforts. Along the way, I encourage you to reach out and assist others in their quest for awakening as we may all reach the end point together. My wish for you is that you may bask in the light of unconditional love and acceptance. Here’s to knowing you in Nirvana!

My colleague and I are founding a new community of support for all who seek higher consciousness through non-denominational spiritual development. We have chosen the name “Masters of the Journey” because we are all Masters with insights to share and experiences that can be valuable learning tools for others on this Journey. This is a Transformational Community welcoming the participation of open-minded members who wish to share wisdom and unconditional love. Please share this blog and join us if you wish the support of this community on YOUR Journey.

You Are Loved…Near Death Experience of Heaven

A past blog was titled “Proof of Heaven” based partly on the book by that name written by Dr. Eben Alexander. He wrote the story of his own near death experience (NDE) and about some of the “lessons” that he learned while being “out of his body…” His story was similiar to many that I have read about from interviews with people who had near death experiences. Two researchers, Raymond Moody and Ken Ring, have documented hundreds of these people. I am sure that there are many other researchers collecting these accounts from people from around the world. If you are interested, there are books written that have fascinated me in my research.

On page 71 of the “Proof of Heaven” (in my paperback version of Eben ALexander’s book) I quote the most basic, AND important, lesson that he received from his NDE. These were the concepts/feelings that he received while meeting the supreme being of love and light (perhaps God).
1.) “You are loved and cherished”…
2.) “You have nothing to fear.” and,
3.) “There is nothing you can do wrong.”

These are words to LIVE by. Who would not want to know that you are “loved and cherished?” Yes, even the “bad guys” and the people have made terrible situations (perhaps accidents) happen in the world. It takes time to digest and the Buddhists have been offering this philosophy for thousands of years, knowing that it requires a long time to actually know and FEEL this to be true. I challenge you to explore this belief, even better when you do NOT put the filters of one religion or another on your research. Find the truth from your spirit as found in your “gut” response and how it truly feels to you.

We may not know for sure whether these words and thoughts hold true until we experience our ultimate transition, but it gives me comfort that my loved ones are in a better place and I may join them when my time has come.

Live with grace. Bask in love. AND, fear not the end of life transition that we must all face.