When Will YOU Awaken?

When will you have an Awakening experience so you can follow your Spiritual Path?

First, what does “Awakening” to follow your Spiritual Path mean? Many people have a “moment” of “awakening” or a spiritual epiphany. This may be an experience where, in an instant, you have an insight into what the “State of Grace” really means. A feeling of Universal connection, “Oneness,” Unconditional Love, Universal Wisdom, Freedom from Time and the three dimensional world we have incarnated into. Maybe we remember God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or the Divine Spirit, or whatever it is that you know and remember as the highest consciousness. Many spiritual teachers will tell you that this requires years of devotion and careful contemplation to achieve. I am not sure that this takes a long time. For many people, this “spiritual awakening” takes but an instant! Your path to “Enlightenment” is yours to travel AND travel there you must!

So, when will it be… for YOU?

Will it happen during a NDE (Near Death Experience?)
You can read many books and articles about this type of “Awakening” and “Remembering.” (I say “Remembering” because when achieved, it is familiar and we realize that we have been there before. It may be the feeling we have when we are between lives AND the feeling that we are working to “remember” in this current lifetime. No matter what your experience, whether you believe me or not, this spiritual wisdom and “knowing” is already within you. You are learning how to recall your connection with the Divine!)

Will your “Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening” be triggered by:
an illness or accident?
By the loss of a loved one (and your experience in Death, Dying, Grief and Loss?)
By Your Midlife Crisis? (Female or Male Menopause) WHEN, you realize that your goals and plans are not enough. You have to do or be something more. Perhaps, you have yet to finish your search for your “Purpose” in this life!
An Epiphany from a Meditation, a Dream, a Spiritual Practice?
A drug related experience? (Which shakes you out of your belief and your current “reality.”)
A Breathing Technique or Vision Quest?
A religious practice?
A trauma or a nightmare?
The birth of a child?
An experience of “Guidance” or other worldly “Protection” (when you were steered in a more positive direction)

Yes, what will be your experience which triggers your remembering your connection to the Divine Spirit!

Will this manifest as a single moment in your life or as a series of moments (and experiences?)

Will it be a Clear Message or a vague, to be discovered, feeling or thought?

Will it cause a Dramatic Shift in your life (and way of being in the world) or a slower unfoldment?

Will this come to You alone or in a group?

Who will you tell or share this “Awakening” with?

Will it change your relationships? (Perhaps to be more loving or accepting?)

Is it triggered by being “Old” and/or infirmed? (BUT, young people, even children, can experience this State of Grace!)

Is this experience Dramatic or Subtle? Is it soft and quiet or loud or colorful or Black and White (or even Gray?)

Is this Spiritual awakening taking place in a natural surrounding or in a more mundane environment like your home or a building?

Are you with other people or alone?

Are you in a state of Fear/Anxiety or “Grounded” by a Meditation?

Do you feel like you have drifted out of your body to a higher realm? Do you find this in your heart & soul?

Does this trigger a feeling of “Acceptance” or a violent flight/fight emotion?

Is this happening to you in the: morning or afternoon or at twilight or at night?

Are you in a foreign land or a more familiar (closer to home) place?

Is your insight focused on your physical state or on emotion or thought/mental state or in a spiritual place?

Does your epiphany manifest in feelings of: happiness, joy, confusion, fear, or the relief which comes from finally “Remembering” your deepest Spiritual Nature?

Many people have these Awakenings and never know how to share these experiences. They may even think that there is something wrong or even “crazy” in feeling these “different” wisdoms… But, we all have these moments and these learnings. We sometimes do not appreciate them at the time of the experience, but these will resurface after some other life experience or conversation trigger the remembering… An experience which I had early in my life became an epiphany which has shaped my life is a story available on YouTube at https://youtu.be/bjQuoEK-2SE

No matter what, remember that YOU are a blessing and You have a spiritual Master dwelling within your soul.

If you would like support and a community to share your story of awakening and spiritual development, consider the Masters of the Journey as a place to connect with fellow travelers on the path toward remembering the Divine Spirit within each of us.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Simple Truth

There are many opinions and many may be related to what is “True.” For every Truth, the opposite can be equally “True,” from a different perspective. People believe what they find comfort in believing and can justify this “Truth” as “True.” However, by definition “Truth” is not as simple as an opinion.

“Truth” by definition is:

Noun: the quality or state of being true. “he had to accept the truth of her accusation”
synonyms: veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candor, honesty; accuracy, correctness, validity, factuality, authenticity. “he doubted the truth of her statement”

That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
noun: the truth “tell me the truth”
synonyms: what actually happened, the case, so; the gospel (truth), the honest truth “it’s the truth, I swear”
fact(s), reality, real life, actuality
“truth is stranger than fiction” A fact or belief that is accepted as true.

Plural noun: truths “the emergence of scientific truths”
synonyms: fact, verity, certainty, certitude; law, principle “scientific truths”

ALL of these possible distinctions that help define what a “Truth” is are open to some subjective foundations which can VARY Widely. And, with the use of un-fact-checked information on the internet, dubious opinions are stated as truth and believed (by people who want to believe that these opinions are true such as: President Obama was not a citizen of the United States and so could not have been a lawful president (which is still being debated by racist, “alt-right” media, conservative politicians firing up their “base,” and many ignorant people.))

In the 1930’s in Germany the Nazi Party promoted and used the tactic, which is being used today, sadly, that “if you repeat a lie often enough (and loud enough) people will begin to believe it.” The voices of anger and fear spoke loudly and the German people began to believe in the power of blaming and hate! This strategy worked then and still works now. Our culture is bombarded by commercials that seem innocent and then become common place like the smoking commercials of the 1950’s which encourage everyone to “relax” by smoking. Or, that “Fast food” is healthy, and you can trust the Fast Food companies, and a great way to feed your family. OR, there are “weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq!” Lies repeated enough to be believed can become “Truth.” People are easily manipulated unless you question and “Fact-check” information that comes from the internet and many “traditional sources.”

It is NOT easy to have to think for yourself and question what you read or hear. This takes time and energy to question the “sources.” It takes intelligence and self-confidence to go against what powerful forces (interests) will tell you in their efforts to have their agenda become the dominate behavior. Instant gratification through technology has become the way our culture lives and this technology is most easily manipulated (and self-serving to the people and interests who post this “marginally true” (but misleading or false) information.)

There is no “Simple Truth” when “truth” can be manipulated and people do not question the “source” or the information that is pushed in front of them.

The Course in Miracles (ACIM) says there is only “Love” or “Fear” and “Love” is the only “Truth” which really exists. Everything thing else is a constructed fake reality in ACIM beliefs… There are many times I understand this belief, “Truth,” or whatever this opinion is AND I want to live in this “Truth.” Perhaps we are here to learn the difference between “Fake news” and the “Truth” which is only “Love.”

Find your “truth” and I hope it is based on Love.

You are a blessing!

Consider a supportive community – tribe like Masters of the Journey and share YOUR story!

If you find yourself disagreeing, or agreeing, with this blog, please comment below. Your opinion counts. It is YOUR Opinion! It is also YOUR lesson especially when you have a strong emotion attached to your opinion.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Masters of the Journey Video Conference

You are a Master.

Today we offered our first live, video conference for spiritual development. The topic was an introduction to the “State of Grace.” Presenting were Brother Bob Trask of Bellingham’s Unity Center and author, Paula Forget, who wrote the recently released, “Guided to the Higher Realms.” Most people on the call also contributed from their wisdom and life experience. The callers were from around the country and their sharing made this a perfect example of what Masters of the Journey can be, a leader-less community of “seekers” who are willing to share their stories.

We will be adding this video to our expanding library others who were not able to get on this call, “live.” In the future, we have many topics of spiritual development with contributions from members and experts in the field. The support and excitement for this consciousness raising process is growing with contributions of many people who are traveling through on their path and willing to reach around to support fellow pilgrims.

Consider joining our membership by visiting our website at www.mastersofthejourney.com or by visiting our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney. Our members will benefit from the resources and trainings that we offer and by participating in our interactive sessions.

Please continue to learn and grow. If appropriate please share this information.