Guidance, Where Does it Come From?

The Next Tough Question Regarding Guidance

Where does Your Guidance come from? Does it come from “Guides” like angels, spirits, alien entities? Or, does Guidance actually come from within, deep inside your Divine Spirit? Wow, difficult to answer and impossible to prove, no matter where your belief might be. And, does it matter whether it comes from an external source or from within your soul? To complicate this even more, are we discussing the sub-conscious mind or a newly referred to “Heart-Mind?” Is this a Brain issue or a Heart issue?

Perhaps, it truly does not matter. But, inquiring minds need to know, says my friend, “J.H.”. No matter what your opinion we will not prove, without any doubt, the answer.

There have been stories from history and current beliefs that Guidance comes to people who are connected to a “Higher Source” and this Higher Source may range from alien lifeforms living amongst us, on UFO’s, or perhaps from “Heavenly Sources” like angels, guides from beyond the Veil, or perhaps from our ancestors. It is wonderful to consider that we are not alone in this world or even in this Universe and that there are external lifeforms who can protect us and offer their wisdom to us. In my experience, there have been people (trained in the Divine) or “Earth Angels” who have been sent to guide and protect me so that I might be led to my Divine Purpose. My Late-wife, Barbara, has been around guiding and protecting me since her transition from the Earth life we lived together so I could move to Bellingham, WA and start the Masters of the Journey. Or, is this just a belief I have regarding an external guide which actually is just a part of my Divine Spirit, from deep within my soul, which has surfaced to give me the support I can use in decision making and movement toward my new goal?

Another question arises, are we all just different, but separate, parts of a much large whole, the Divine Spirit. So, no external entity is external at all. We are all just souls and spirits connected for the greater purpose of playing out our roles in this life as we experience the challenges and lessons we came into this current life to experience?

Getting Deep! Are we going to take full responsibility or do we want to blame an external force? Do we want to be “victims” or take control and responsibility for our actions and choices? Do we want to hide behind fear and claim that we did not agree to the weird and challenging lives we have found are way into? Or, do we acknowledge that there was an agreement with our spirit team between lives which created the drama of the incarnation that we are living within? More simply, did we choose to come back to “Earth School” to work on skills and to support fellow students by tripping them in the hallway as we scurry around to our classes? (Think middle school prank.)

Today, as I write, I think that we have to be very sensitive to the Guidance that is provided to us which manifests to support our learnings on this Earthly plane AND this Guidance is not really external. It comes from deep within our souls. It comes from the Divine Sources that we are all a part of, fully connected to, as one Divine Spirit! (An Eternally, ever-present, all encompassing, all-seeing, all-knowing, perfect entity which is MUCH GREATER than we allow ourselves to believe.) We work to “Remember” that we are part of a greater presence and not the separate, petty lives our “minds” adopt with the limitations of fear and judgement. This is so difficult for our three dimensional consciousness to grasp because it is so far beyond the limitations of time, and space, and the intention of the ego’s separation… To live in this life with a consciousness of inclusion that goes beyond the Veil is what our “Enlightenment” is all about. And, whether we know it or not, we are all headed for “enlightenment.”

Consider Guidance, whether you believe it to be internal or external, to be well worth your attention. Learning to better connect with your Guidance will create the experiences that allow consciousness to develop and find the form that will be most useful for ALL the Universal learning that must occur. SO, the next “Gut Feeling” you get, do not dismiss it. Consider it a fork in the road (your path) and make your best choice from openness not Fear! Wow, the risk of change may be important for you to act upon or at least, consider.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Goal in the New Year!

Yes, You have a Goal for this New Year! Whether you consciously know this or not, You are here to Serve! Sure your ego and brain, filled with thoughts of Judgement and Separation, think/believe that your survival and preservation are most important! Perhaps you consider the “Me First” philosophy you see from our leaders and on the media to be your goal or purpose… But, self-preservation is NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE! The experiences you have had, and the ones you will have, are the lessons you have come here (into this life) to learn. Your body’s purpose is to find and experience these lessons AND then to share the wisdom you have found in these challenges. (BTW: If you think your personal survival IS the purpose of your life, guess what, there is no chance your are going to live/survive forever… There is an ending of this incarnation. No way out of it…)

Your body is your communication device. You get to feel the pain and to learn from it. You get to feel the pleasure and find ways to share it. You are given the brain to perceive your learnings from the “encounters” you stumble upon! Then you must find a way to be the “Master” that you are, and to share the insights gained and to offer support to your fellow pilgrims as your goal (and purpose.) We are all on the path to higher consciousness which will eventually lead to enlightenment. You serve best by reaching out your hand to connect with the travelers you meet on your path and to assist them in their (and your) development!

Some believe that we are all actors in a “play” called life. We play off each other in the roles we have chosen. (Be responsible and do not think that these roles were “assigned” and not that you have not agreed to play these parts…) (Yup, you chose this life and these lessons!) Taking responsibility is the first step toward awareness and then joy. If you are a “victim” then you will not control your life and only look for sympathy as attention. You are so much more powerful than that and your goal is so much more important than your “petty” existence in this life. Every person you bump into is “YOU” because we are all part of a much larger, Universal, Divine Spirit! We are all in this together. By reaching out and helping each other, we are actually assisting the character you are now playing in this performance. So do not take yourself so seriously and miss the opportunity to enjoy the Academy Award winning roles of the supporting actors you encounter! They are perfect! They are brilliant in their roles. AND, they are You!

This coming year, you can begin to wake up and to remember the real purpose you came here to achieve. You can begin to remember the great wisdom that can be found within your heart and soul. You can begin to see the connections rather than judge the separation. You may even begin to feel the unconditional love that is shining all around your perfect, beautiful spirit! Try forgiveness and compassion. Attempt to release the judgements which separate you from all the souls you bump into so you offer inclusion and connection. YOU can chose love and connection over fear! AND, you can continue to chose Love over and over until you do not have to chose this because you will be “living” in Love and finding your way to enlightenment. Perhaps you will find that a true, authentic hug is the very best gift you can give.

YOU are a Blessing! You are here to learn and to serve! You will remember that YOU are a Master! Your goal is to find ways to serve!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Write Your Story!

Your story is important to you and to the “witnesses” you share your story with. Do not quit reading because you do not write. “Write” suggests that you spend time considering your life’s experiences and find some way to communicate these learnings. Whether through written words, or verbal story-telling, or expression through creative arts, or by simply “acting out your role” as the character you came into this incarnation to portray in the Great Play called life. Yup, you are a character in a play which inter-connects you with all other living things.

Recapitulation of your life’s experiences can assist you move forward on YOUR path toward Enlightenment! Yes, you review the learnings you are consciously aware AND you look for the learnings which have travelled below the level of consciousness. Share your stories! You learn by sharing! You gain perspective and you can get feedback as other pilgrims respond to your story.

Recapitulation can mean “searching for your “essential Knowledge.”” In a spiritual frame of reference, “essential Knowledge,” may include learning or remembering your connection to your “source” which is the Divine Spirit. Your job is to find out who you really are as a soul or spirit engaged in learning lessons which will create awareness and lead you to a higher level of living in an “enlightened state of consciousness.” What could this possibly mean? It might mean that you achieve a state of consciousness where you spend more of your life knowing you are connected to all other living things and assisting any, and every, soul you bump into to achieve a higher state of their spiritual development. (We are all in this together!)

As you remember and communicate your story, you can relive these moments. Seeing these experiences through a new, updated filter, you can gain insight. Often you will consider an entirely different message, and learning, from a long held but overlooked, past experience. As an example, I have retold my story many times of the insight at the age of 23 years old, when I experienced a meditation where I saw myself sitting with my back to a tree by the “River of Life” like I pictured Buddha would have done. The life changing moment, and epiphany for me, allowed me to see, to know, or to remember as Buddha would have known, what the “connection to all other living things” might be like! At the time, I could imagine that I could be like Buddha and could only imagine what Buddha might have thought. NOW, in a recent recapitulation, I have come believe that I WAS the Buddha, or a few of my atoms were the Buddha, or perhaps my Divine Spirit was in the Buddha, and so I shared this experience with this higher level of enlightenment. Wow, I am not saying I am as good as the Buddha or a Master as he has been for so many people. I am simply saying that I can resonate with this higher level of consciousness because I have this somewhere deep inside myself, JUST AS YOU DO!

Of course, this does make me more responsible for accepting my Divine Self and this creates a higher level of personal responsibility to live more impeccably as a role model of the living human incarnation of the Divine! Yikes, I have to be more careful and responsible… Or, at least more ready to live in Joy and Wisdom. Every interaction and every sharing of my story now requires that I remember that my “witness” was guided to me to hear this story as a lesson for us to share! (I had better connect more deeply with the beautiful and also perfect soul in front of me so my story meets the deepest requirement for the consciousness which we share…)

So consider your story and retell these rememberings in a way which YOU can learn a great deal as you find the words or creative expression to review this experience. Write YOUR Story with both you and your witness’s consciousness in mind…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Know Bliss! Find the Perfection in All Souls

Knowing Bliss after the past blog of November 9th where the discussion was related to the fear of rejection seems like a stretch… It is a great follow up to this recent past blog. If you remember that any flaws or weaknesses you find within you are the focus of the lessons that you are here to learn. When we accept our personal flaws and do not elevate them into “drama,” we can also apply this principle to the other people (souls) we bump into in the warm, tumbling dryer called life. Yes, I am suggesting that even the most difficult, nasty people we come into contact with are actually struggling pilgrims just like you! You do not have to enjoy or like their behavior or actions, but they are incarnated, just like you, to figure out a path, their path, toward higher consciousness. (They are here “pushing your buttons” as a “test” for you as you master your lessons.)

So where does the “Bliss” come in? I am told that when you are in the room with a highly “enlightened being” like the Dalai Lama, you can feel their different energy as if their glorious, loving aura exudes the enlightened bliss that they know and they live. They might laugh openly with the joy for life they feel. They know the joy that life allows, even with the challenges we may identify as discomfort. They shine brightly with love and acceptance. The audience basks in that rare experience of all consuming unconditional love and a human manifestation of the state of bliss. We embrace this sense of warmth and the emotional security that this experience creates. It can heal us from the wounds we feel from our daily existence. Who wouldn’t want to bask in unfiltered acceptance?

Many of us, me included, have had brief “micro-moments” of remembering bliss. In meditation the instant of connectedness, acceptance, freedom, and knowing (or remembering) that we are perfect and tapped into the Divine Spirit’s perfection. I can remember, vividly, those few moments when I felt the Divine Spirit envelop me. One time it came from a Near Death Experience (NDE). Once it came from a meditation where I found myself sitting next to the “River of Life” and so connecting in “oneness” with all other living things. I was blessed to have my wife’s spirit channelled for me by a “psychic” and I “felt” her words (or feelings) regarding what the heavenly Divine plane was like for a soul beyond the veil… These moments stand out as a guide post for me to know as the goal for my spiritual path. Perhaps you have been blessed (or will be blessed) with these experiences in your physical incarnation. Maybe these words have triggered a remembrance of these knowings and feelings that you have or have had between lives.

The main point of this blog is to tell you, or remind you, that we will find our way up our spiritual path to see, feel, and know the perfection within every seemingly flawed human we meet. We can celebrate and live in the bliss of enlightenment which allows each of us to share unconditional love and bask in this reflected back to warm our hearts and to feed our spirits. This may require more lifetimes. The path may take many turns. In an interview with the Dalai Lama, he mentioned that he was excited about returning for future incarnations to experience even more physical experiences before he would evolve to a level where he might not return. Love your life and your incarnation… It does NOT go on forever! Know that if you are in a hurry to reach enlightenment, so you do not have “to come back” (more incarnations,) YOU have not learned your lessons and you will get to come back… Sorry. So, allow yourself to look deep into the eyes and heart of the next pilgrim you meet on your path. Find the bliss, your bliss, as you bask in their perfection. Find a way to take their hand and find the way in which you can mutually accept and support each others learning!

Set your goal to find yourself in the state of Bliss regularly, if not daily, and know that this is easier said than done. It is one of our many challenges. Know that you deserve to live in Bliss! Your perfection and beauty will remember the unconditional love and acceptance that our divine souls were born within!

If you are looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Basking in Love & Joy

What if you could attract Unconditional Love and Joy into your Life!? How would it feel to be basking in the Love and Joy of the Divine Spirit, burning within you more brightly every moment? Guidance and my friends Curt and Mary have led me to read “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires” from Esther and Jerry Hicks and their Guides, “The Teachings of Abraham.” The thought that is germinating within my consciousness relates to Abraham’s guiding principle of the Law of Attraction which says that if your consciousness dwells on a thought, with strong emotion, this vision can manifest more easily for you. (Clue: think about what you desire NOT what you would avoid!)

In Masters of the Journey we share stories from epiphanies, experiences and challenges which we have learned from. As we listen to the “Story Teller,” we can resonate with the lesson and the emotions which go along with this learning. As a small, or large, group we can combine our attentions to attract the best part of these insights and more powerfully attract these messages from the Divine Spirit. We can celebrate the learning and new awareness as we share these consciousness expanding experiences.

An example might include, the Joy and excitement of watching a child being born into this world. What a blessing! We might share the epiphany from a deeply moving meditation where “Oneness” and connection to all living things is experienced! Or, we might find the sharing of a story where a Near Death Experience celebrates where Unconditional Love from the Divine is deeply felt and experienced. Know the Joy! These examples bring a special feeling to you even as you read them…??? Of course, in a group sharing, the moment in time combines many souls resonating in this enlightenment and can make the sharing a more powerful experience which can embed itself deeply into your consciousness. This is the value and benefit of sharing “positive” stories in a group. Humans have done this for thousands of years around the Tribe’s campfire or the dinner table.

We can be more conscious and look to celebrate the epiphanies which we have or which are shared by our group’s members. Not with envy, but with sincere celebration, as we resonate in the deep feelings attached to these learnings. We are all Masters and can teach from our life’s experiences. We can Bask in Joy and Love with the story tellers as we witness their wonderment. It feels good to be connected with a support group who offer positive messages and share moments of consciousness. The stories of awakenings serve as a model, or create a new doorway, for the “witness” to uncover new ways to achieve their lessons on a path toward “Enlightenment.”

What is “Enlightenment?” This may seem to take different forms or have foundations in different life experiences. For me, Enlightenment is a “Knowing” that we are all connected to the Divine Spirit and each other. We “remember” the joy of unconditional love and support, and the pure acceptance that goes along with it. We feel the freedom from the limitations of the ego and the physical body with its entrapment in a 3 dimensional, “Time” limited, existence. We know our connection with a Universal Wisdom. We remember that we are much greater than the physical incarnation we have chosen to learn our current lessons. (Though we should not deny the great importance and opportunity to live in the life we have chosen… Even with its challenges. It is amazing, a miracle!) But, once you have a conscious epiphany regarding what Enlightenment is, “on the other side of the Veil,” you will never be able to go back and to live as a naive, unaware person. This “instant” will change you 24/7 for your ongoing existence.

YOU are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a MASTER! Live in Joy and Love. Find your bliss!

If you would like to share your story and be supported, consider a community like, Masters of the Journey. Where ever possible bask in the telling of stories of “awakening.” Resonate with the most positive feelings and remembrances of enlightenment!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Guidance Led Me to Masters of the Journey

Guidance is the only possible explanation. Guidance from a greater, “Divine” source led me to developing the Masters of the Journey community.

Sure, many people admit to needing or wanting to participate in a community, in our ever divided culture. We all require some connection with other people as we move along our path through life. We all need role models or support or mentors or teachers to learn the difficult things we feel drawn to learn. I have been many things in my life but this is the first venture into creating a community. A community which offers a place to connect with other people who are engaged in developing their spiritual consciousness and offering support, or desiring to be supported by, other pilgrims who share this path moving toward higher consciousness. (AND, we are ALL on this path, whether you know this or not…)

My background has been “rational” and worldly. Not always “practical” but rooted in rational thoughts and intellectual theory. My personality was born to be oppositional, finding a road less traveled. With some major negative experiences in growing up (we all have these in our lives,) I was disapproving of religion and most religious training. My views were more atheistic than agnostic. I loved science and rational explanations. Still do. Now along the way, I had more than my share of mystical, metaphysical experiences but did not give these much conscious thought in my earlier years. They were interesting, cool, and seemingly irrelevant.

Examples: At 19 years of age and as an unhappy student at UCLA, I was guided into an “out of the body” visualization to discover what “Death” was all about. My naiveté allowed me to go into this weird and mystical experience. Only after reporting my experience to the group’s leader did it dawn on me that this was a “special” and important experience. And, it still is… My major insight has been that death is NOT the enemy or scary. This frees me to live more fully, with less fear and anxiety. Secondly, I was drawn to meditation in my early twenties and was “gifted” with some amazing visions including visiting the “River of Life” which allowed me to feel universal connection, “oneness,” and the thought that life was comprised of many lives where, learning or remembering our Divine Spirit within, was briefly demonstrated. (For no rational reason, this drew a tear, of joy, to my youthful eye!)

But, I have been enmeshed in a rational world and life where my work, my relationships, and my family became my focus and my “PURPOSE.” This perspective has been changing into a broader view of life. My wife of 28 years was diagnosed with terminal Ovarian cancer 19 years into our marriage. Our lives and our focus changed dramatically. For me, it was a time of learning empathy and how to be a caretaker. The experience, which I would not wish on anyone, was so very important for me. My difficult, painful, lessons were most spectacular and my consciousness has changed dramatically. Since my wife’s transition in January of 2012, I have filled the “Void” in my life with a search for my new purpose or, if unsuccessful in this search, to find my way to transition into my Divine Spirit between lives (more clearly, to join my wife’s spirit in her “better place.”) In 2015, after travels which seemed unsuccessful to my rational self, I found my new path. Guidance offered me experiences which lead me to working in an overt metaphysical lifestyle. My meditation practice was expanded into studying: the Course in Miracles, the Way of Mastery, near death experiences, intuition/psychic ability, drumming, and heading back to a church-like experience at Unity Spiritual Center in Bellingham, WA. This felt weird to me but wonderful.

The spirit of my wife showed up and herded me into experiences and consciousness which has helped me to begin to consciously remember the Divine Spirit. My purpose was spelled out for me, so simply and clearly even I could understand. My new role was not to be a Guru, because I do not have the training or temperament to be a Guru, but to help organize a non-religious support community where people can join together and share their stories and their wisdom. My brief partner in this project formation suggested we call this, Masters of the Journey, believing that WE are all MASTERS and just need to remember our perfection and our connection with the Divine Wisdom.

For the past two years (since mid-2015,) I have basked in this work as my reason for living. My purpose in life which is so completely different from any work which I have done before (in this life.) I am still oppositional in my way, but I can feel good about this non-traditional approach to build a consciousness development community.

Perhaps guidance has lead YOU to this article. Perhaps your guidance has lead you to be a part of Masters of the Journey: a Transformational Community. If this is not for you, then I hope that you find the support and the community that will be most appropriate for your development of consciousness and toward Remembering the Perfect Divine Spirit within YOU. You are a blessing!

Whether you know it or not, you are a Master! Your “Enlightenment” is within YOU and you can find a way to “Remember” your connection, and the part you play, in the Divine Spirit!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Play it Small OR Play it Big!

Do you play it Small or play it BIG!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Quote by Marianne Williamson

Love this quote, thanks Liz Gracia for reminding me of these words.

We often find it difficult to live as the Big Perfect beings we are. We are Masters trapped in an ego driven life which tells us that we are not as great as we really are. We are a Hologram of the Divine Spirit and so have Perfection as our core. We retreat from living up to this lofty life because we may feel that we may have further to fall when we make the inevitable errors as we work through our lessons in this incarnation. We must remember our Divinity and keep our Ego in check when it attempts to rule us with fear and its desire to control us through our inferiority complex. Fear gets our attention but you can choose to live Big in a positive state of consciousness as you act out your role in this play called life.

It is our lesson in this life to Remember than we are all the perfect “child of God” which we so often deny. We have power. We fight taking responsibility for the power we have and being fully responsible for the choices we make. Our purpose is to realize our full consciousness and reach around to support every other person/pilgrim we encounter. We need to learn to Play it Big!

Find Your Joy! Live Big!

If you want positive support to honor and live in your innate perfection, you can consider a non-religious community like Masters of the Journey so you can share YOUR story and witness the Bigness of fellow members. Find the support and the community that supports you best. You are a blessing!

Marianne Williamson is an author and speaker who is eloquent in her communication of A Course in Miracles. Look her up and perhaps you can benefit from the experience of the Course in Miracles or another channelled book, “The Way of Mastery.” As I study from both of these books, I find that I can remember the truth of where I came from, where I am going, and what my purpose is in this life. Enjoy your journey!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Can You Wake With Wonderment?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake in a state of wonderment, excited about what the day will bring to you? Everyday brings new experiences and new interactions which serve to guide and to teach us the lessons we have come to learn. We might find ourselves waking with uncertainty and possibly fearful or anxious thoughts about the new day, but if we change our frame of reference, we might look as a child would look with the thrilled expectation that something good or fun will happen. Just like many of us have awakened on a Christmas or Birthday morning excited by the possible gifts the day may bring. Life is a gift! Everyday we wake we can celebrate!

Even when we bump up against a person with a “chip on their shoulder” or “an axe to grind” we might avoid judgement on the behavior and look instead for what may have caused this person’s reaction to the world. Or, we may just find some mild entertainment in the clumsiness of the emotional experience being acted out. We will not be able to avoid people who act from a negative hue, but we do not have to be caught resonating with a vibration of anger or fear. (Instead, you can choose Love!)

A childlike wonderment can bring joy and a positive expectancy to our lives. The concept of “Beginner’s Mind” teaches that we can be wide open to new experiences and find excitement in what delightful things might happen as we travel the path through life. We can always have the innocence of youthful observation, lacking judgement. Easier said than done, however, worth striving to achieve.

Let’s choose to celebrate each day and each soul we bump up against. Let’s find the wonderment and excitement of the lessons we learn. They may not all be easy or fun, but we can find their relevance and importance as we test our growth in consciousness and our developing spirit. Choose the glass half full instead of half empty… Perhaps we can even seek out and choose to be surrounded, or at least touched, by positive, loving souls who support your learnings and your growth as we move to remember our perfection and the connection to the Divine Spirit within.

If you wish to connect with a supportive non-religious community which is dedicated to raising consciousness consider exploring the Masters of the Journey which strives to support members and allows members to share their stories of insight and growth. Share your life’s experiences and find the wonderment as you witness other people’s awakenings!

YOU are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master with much to share! Find joy in being open to all the wonders which our lives can provide.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Masters of the Journey’s Guiding Principles

The Masters of the Journey: Transformational Community offers you a list of our guiding principles. Would you consider getting involved with our new community to support you moving toward your spiritual goals?

1. Take responsibility for your life
2. Do not blame or make excuses
3. Love Yourself & accept all parts even weaknesses-flaws-imperfections. For these are the “lessons” you here to learn from.
4. Grounding (daily as a practice)
5. Meditation (daily as a practice)
6. Keep your eyes up! Look to the Horizon
7. Set goals – celebrate success. Honor and celebrate your challenges.
8. Never give up on your passion & your dreams
9. Love Nature & Mother Earth… Appreciate the beauty of life. Find Beauty Every Day
10. Learn to Listen:
A. Be Focused
B. Maintain Eye Contact
C. Mind clear of strong judgement/other thoughts of response
D. Ask Supportive, clarifying Questions

11. Be open for Love and Connection (learn to share and to love)
12. Learn better to control: stress, fear, anxiety – Learn to Let Go. Choose LOVE!
13. Practice the skill of self-acceptance- then develop self-love
14. Love and Protect all Children- Cherish their souls – Celebrate youthful enthusiasm, Innocence
15. Daily exercise and meditation is important
16. Build a solid Foundation – self-care/grounding, open your heart to unconditional love & then share it – Love unconditionally
17. Oneness: ALL of us are on the pilgrimage together some of us are more conscious than others – reach around & give all those you touch support and assistance so WE can all evolve together.
18. Embrace each moment as best you can! Each moment is a microcosm of all life & all consciousness – GRACE
19. Build a healthy support team –Find Your Courage – Celebrate your process & the success/gifts of learning.
20. Find Your Passion! Live your Passion! NO excuses! Along the way, do something good everyday- Perform a daily “Mitzvah” (a good deed)
21. Honor your mentors & healthy role models. Learn to bask in the wisdom they share (or provide to you)
22. Look to Create Good in the World. Do not miss the opportunity to acknowledge & celebrate good deeds & creative demonstrations of passion!
23. Turn off (or at least turn it down) TV & Media – Read – Discuss – Learn to THINK for YOURSELF!! Do not blindly accept other people’s perceptions NO ONE! (Certainly not mine….)
24. Follow Your Heart! Listen to your Gut! Follow guidance & honor these strong messages
25. If you are striving to grow up to the heavens find solid roots to feed, nurture, & build a strong foundation for your work.
26. Do not be Lazy! Consciousness requires effort. (It is worth it!) Do not close your eyes to the daily experience of life. Rest & meditation are good. Lethargy & avoidance are not nearly as helpful.
27. Never stop learning or challenging yourself… Do not pretend that you know it all.

Consider: A partner with common values can be helpful & also a trap. Do not be a closed system.

Live with no fear of Death or Dying. Or, learn enough about dying so the thought of this transition does not get in the way of Living! (Study the stories of people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE.)

Get a mentor, BE a Mentor, who is old, wise, & can share their lessons from living through their challenges! Honor their insights & wisdom though you do not have to agree with all their beliefs and insights. Their insights can offer you perspective & depth to your thinking. (Masters knows the perfection which dwells within you.)

DO NOT Avoid people with handicaps & challenges. They can teach you how to overcome limitations. We are all unique & loved creatures!

    DANCE like no one is watching! Live with passion and reckless abandon!

Visit our website at for more information and resources. Masters of the Journey is a Transformational community.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Do Not Get Sucked In – Live in Love!

How can we live in Love? We are all going through major change and feeling the anxiety that goes along with major transition. The media is pushing the hysteria along because that is how they keep viewers viewing their product. We are caught in a polarized culture without positive role models in our “leaders.” We must circle the wagons and look within for the Guidance that can show us the “way.”

With the anger and the fear charging at us we still have choices to make. We can watch less TV and avoid the “screamers.” We can choose to be most fully present, not stuck in the past dramas or fearing the unknowns of the future. We can choose to listen more and argue less. We can choose to respond in Love and not Fear. We may disagree with our desperately polarized neighbors or fellow workers but they can still honor the beauty which dwells within their souls. We can choose to not judge or hate though this is easier said than done… We can choose to meditate or walk in a natural setting. We can choose to remember to breathe slowly, feeling cool air as we inhale and warm air as we exhale. We can choose to avoid unnecessary craziness, caffeine, alcohol or drugs rather spending time with people we love and care about.

This is not sticking our heads in the sand. We still need to act in a vigilant effort to do the “right thing” by our world. We still need to vote. We still need to show up and help people who can benefit from a bit of love and support. We can still act in civility even when others may raise their voice in a desperate act to be heard. We can attempt to understand why the annoying insensitive person in front of you is so annoying and insensitive. Why was their childhood and life so difficult??? We can still express our feelings and tell people what has been triggered by the weird hostile behaviors we experience.

Choose Love! Do not let the darkness of fear and anxiety have so much power. Remember we are here to learn lessons from our challenges and this time in history is especially good for creating emotional and spiritual challenges. What would Jesus or Buddha do…??? They would be detached from the “crazy” and radiate love, kindness, and understanding. (Yes, even to the hypocrites who pretend to know Jesus or Buddha!)

You are a Beacon of Light and Love! You are the Role Model for your children, friends, and even the “crazies” who you bump into. You can not control the way they will respond BUT you can control the way YOU respond! You can respond with Love and a bit of Understanding. You are a Blessing! Your Heart and Soul will shine brightly in the darkness and be the guiding force for others to observe and then follow.

You do not need to do this alone. You can connect with other pilgrims who are making their way to consciousness and toward remembering their Divine Spirits. If you want a community that is not religious but supports your spiritual growth, consider Masters of the Journey. No matter what, find some love for ALL the struggling souls you meet along your path.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at