Your Hero’s Journey

Each of us faces our Hero’s Journey at some crossroad in our lives. We are often drawn by some unconscious knowing that our lives are not on track. There is some piece missing. If, and when, we find the fortitude to follow this unexpected, perhaps, unsupported path, we are lead through challenges and experience which can change us at the foundational level. IF we can integrate this new learning into our lives we are deeply and permanently changed. Our lives often take an altered path with a changing set of priorities. These changes can put us at odds with the people who have known us and this resistance may lead us to finding a new support group or culture.

Joseph Campbell wrote about the mythology of the “Hero’s Journey” and the value it has on taking the path less traveled in our lives. In his book from 1949, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” in which the Hero’s Journey was briefly described as, “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” (From Wikipedia)

I have written about this Hero’s Journey in a past blog that may be worth your reading, “Listening to the Burning Bush” at Blog.

But, unlike in this past article, I now ask you to identify the unconscious challenge and follow through on this experience which will lead you to your “Spiritually Transformative Experience” (STE) and return with the gifts of insight with which you can serve our world. As you re-integrate back into your new reality, you are “changed.” You have had the expansion of this spiritual experience and you will find ways to share this wisdom and the adventure you have undertaken. This alone will help expand the perspectives of the witnesses and serves to encourage these witnesses to follow through on their own personal Hero’s Journey.

FYI: Every Soul will travel a lifetime with participation in the Hero’s Journey, sooner or later. Something Spectacular Happens as you begin to walk this path alone, in your own unique way. Often a Mentor or Guide appears (when the student is ready the teacher will arrive.) The Treasure that you seek is hidden in the cave you fear the most to enter. It is not easy to be the person who does not need the approval of others to allow the transformation to take place. You come back changed. Expanded and more experienced. Your new consciousness can not undone. Find your unique “purpose” and share your wisdom… Learn to trust your intuition. It will guide you.

You are a Hero! You have survived many challenges and learned and grown from these. You are here to now share your story or, at the very least, be a role model for the people you come into contact with. Perhaps you did not want to return from your “Journey.” It felt too comfortable but you knew you were “supposed” to return. You have a purpose! You are here to support other travelers and to share your experience.

There is NO escape! We all must travel through our own Hero’s Journey to reach more fully conscious enlightenment. This is not an easy choice but a necessary adventure along the path of our travels. Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master! You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle! You are, or will be, the hero who “comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his/her fellow man.”

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The “Supposed” To Do Life Activities

Have you ever felt like you were Supposed to do something in your life? Have you ever been told that you were Supposed to do a certain thing? Did this “Supposed” to do… come from your mind/ego OR from an external source? Was this an internal expectation or were you “guided” by the Divine Spirit to a “Calling?”

There is a difference and a dilemma to the “Supposed” to do activities in your life. If your mind and ego tell you that you are supposed to do this or that, or to be this or that, should you comply? If your “gut” tells you through your intuition and a spiritual guidance to “show up” a certain way, do you follow through or do you ignore this divine request? AND, how can you tell the difference between an ego driven expectation and a message from the Universe?

An example comes from my life experience. In the Summer of 2015, I moved to Bellingham, WA. My gut told me me to build a “community” where people could connect around non-religious spiritual consciousness. My previous life experience in this area was non-existent however I was “guided” to work on this project. My “life’s work” began to look more than weird to people who knew me because I was not a religious or overtly spiritual person. The work was satisfying and compelling. With assistance, I worked on a website, a blog, and began scheduling meetings. The people I met were invited and many came to our Masters of the Journey community. Why? Because we were all “supposed” to create a supportive community which honors each and every human as a “Master” based on the life experience and wisdom gained from the experience of moving consciously through life. This was not something I knew or chose to do. I was compelled and driven to fulfill this “dream” of community.

Another example is from Bill Hart. Watch his short video, “Shoulder Taps.” Available on YouTube at:
Bill shares his story regarding being compelled, “supposed,” to connect with another person in a story with relevance to this discussion.

You have come to the crossroads in your life when you needed to make a choice and you have been driven to follow the path less traveled. It was probably not a “rational” thought but, if you took responsibility for your action/decision, you look back on your choice and realize that this was the thing you were “supposed” to do at that time. Sure it may have been challenging or seemingly an unsuccessful attempt at whatever, but you learned from this experience and you were compelled to follow that particular path… You life has been richer because you followed your heart/gut.

When your mind came up with a new scheme to invest money or to find a more “profitable” endeavor did your gut tell you to do this or did you look around and decided that you “should do” this or that. If you connected with feeling and not just the thought, you may have wondered why you were following this path. Sometimes it works out well, sometimes it works out to be an important lesson of what to do or what to avoid in the future. But, if you were driven and passionate about this new direction then perhaps you were supposed to follow this direction. We have all had these feelings which seemed to overcome our rational thoughts. Following your passion can get you to move your life in strange or unusual directions and these often lead to important discoveries and powerful moments in your life. You are richer for taking these risks and living your passion. (Without following these “Shoulder Taps” or gut feelings, you may not have found your relationship, your career, your life changing travel experience, or even your moment of “awakening!”)

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Helping to Polish Your Mirror

What does a statement like “Helping to Polish Your Mirror” mean to You? For me, it struck very strong, triggering an intuitive gift that has blessed me. Liz Gracia shared a book with me, “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.” (see link below) There are many amazing quotes regarding this true story interacting with the life after death.

The story of Billy “Fingers” Cohen experience after his death, which he shares with his younger sister, Annie Kagan, reflects many concepts regarding life after death from other sources. Wow, I found so much familiar information shared so very well that I am not sure where to start. However, this morning when I read this passage from page #137, “I would like to be a guide and help others polish their mirror to reflect their lives better. Use a few beautiful words that can play through their lives, hold them in God’s love, and help them feel better in difficulty,” it triggered an wonderful remembrance for me and I wanted to write this blog to share it.

In the first years of my private practice working with medically referred clients, my ego learned a lesson of a lifetime. I remember taking credit for some of the profound things that were said when I really had the chance to connect with some of these clients. Then I came to realize that I was saying profound and personally significant things to these people, “things” I had not “learned” or which could have surfaced from past experience. I realized that my mind and ego were not performing these miraculous teachings BUT these, “Things” were coming through my heart as my “mirror” reflecting back what these clients needed to hear. (These “things” were coming from my clients and then reflected back to them through me!) My “gift” was that I was blessed with a polished mirror of intuition and when I was able to “connect” I could articulate the words, or feelings, which were of benefit for these clients.

My Ego needed to stand down and NOT take credit for the gift of reflection which came through me. We all have intuition and sensitivities which are not often spoken of in public. There are many of us who could, and should, develop these skills for our own learnings and guidance as well as using these to assist fellow travelers. Some of us have polished mirrors which seem to reflect more clearly. We can reduce our own mental and emotional judgements and distractions and be better “reflectors” for the people we bump into. Sometimes we need to shut down our thoughts, feel our gut feelings, and find gentle respectful ways to share these intuitions.

To be the best mirror, we need to be clear. Meditation and grounding can help clear the screen. Being in nature, exercise, and eating healthy may help. Most importantly, “welcoming” in the information, not taking it personally or judging it, and taking a slow breath before blurting this information out, can make all the difference.

Perhaps, you have read this far and you do not want to reflect intuitive, gut feelings back to your communication partner. You can still learn from the things which come through your consciousness. Maybe the interaction you are having is NOT for your communication partner but for YOU! In any event, these feelings come up in your consciousness for reflection and then learning. Try not to cast them off easily as trivial thoughts, especially if they bubble up from your gut.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

A link to page for the book: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.”

Do Your Gift

Do the Gift You were Given to do! We were all born with lessons to learn and talents or innate skills to assist us in providing the service we came here to share. If you can get your ego out of the way and remember the deeper connections we have with all other souls, then you will be better able to share your specific gifts.

Find, and then, know your passion. If you limit your time, energy and attention to only what you think you “should” be doing in your life, you may find that you have missed out on doing what you truly need to be engaged within. It is NOT a waste to be doing your “shoulds,” it just takes away from the important desires of your life. Life is not as much fun if you only do the “shoulds.”

But, what is YOUR Gift? And, how can you Offer Your Special Piece? What are you most strongly attracted to do? Maybe, what do you envy when you see another person’s representation of their life? I do not like the word, envy, but it can lead you to a discussion as to what might be missing from the path you are taking in life. You do have the choice to know your passion, follow your passion, and to be happily engaged in our life. Your parent’s expectations or lifestyle DOES NOT have to be the blueprint for YOUR life!

Especially, ask your self what you would be doing if there was no limitation or excuse for changing direction in your life. If you won the lottery, and money was no object, what would you be doing differently? After you travel, buy a bigger house, financially protect your children, fix your bad knee (or whatever health challenge,) and get your dream car, what would be the most satisfying activity for the rest of your life? I will bet, in most cases, you would be engaged in some act of service. What would that be? How would it feel to be able to do this? AND, why are you NOT doing this now? This act of service may find a form that is not expensive other than your time and energy. Why is NOT a part of your life NOW? The “things” you gather will not be what you celebrate at the end of this life. You will look to the people and experiences with the people you have bumped into which will be the rewarding memories and the “value” of your life’s path.

Write your book even if you never sell a single copy. (It is your thoughts and experiences and these are unique to you. Share them…)

YOU are a blessing. You have much to offer. Even if you can only afford to sit with someone else and share your story. Or, serve by being a “witness” to someone else telling their story. It is a wonderful gift to listen as a person tells the most important experiences from their lives. And maybe, yes maybe, the connection you make may lead to the learning which you are here to do.

Note: I often ask too much from my expectations in life. Expectations, quite regularly, screw things up, but that is another blog. Your PURPOSE may be simpler than you realize. It may be more important than you give it credit for. Your purpose, no matter who you are, is to serve humanity and all of consciousness by reaching around and taking the hands of your fellow pilgrims. We are all in this together and offering support, perhaps direction, can be the life changing outcome of assisting a fellow traveler. Simple is often better. A loving role model is better than a driven lecture. Remember, your actions speak louder than your words AND we need more nonjudgmental people to model.

Your gift may lie in your intuition. And, to be a clear channel you need to polish the mirror. You can do this by taking better care of yourself and in so doing, take better care of your Gift. (Example: meditate and get out into a natural setting to be present in the world.) Reflect back what your fellow partner requires and NOT what YOUR lesson is about. You may find that by using your gift of intuition you can learn a great deal as you say the words (communicate) to your partner. I have found these experiences to be magical and I know the value for the learning of each of us… You and your Gift are a blessing!

If you want to share your Gift or your story, consider the Masters of the Journey Community. Remember to remember, you are a blessing!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Technology Can Create Consciousness: A New Theory

You may not have heard this before. New technology may be leading us toward a higher consciousness. Yes, I do not have any proof of the following theory, it is simply an opinion formed from an insight from a meditation.

On a recent airplane flight to Los Angeles, I saw a newer development in the evolution of technology. Not only were people not speaking to one another, as was common before technology invade the fuselage, and people were not only engaged in their smart phones, iPads, or laptops, people were further isolated by new, large headphones. Higher fidelity I am sure.) Yes, people were cut off from fellow travelers even more by the sound dampening, self-separating technology. Since the addiction and reliance on personal technologies is growing, with no end in sight, I believe we will have to “Evolve” to keep up with technology. Let me explain…

Have you engage in “Text Messaging?” Most of us have. It is now part of our isolating cultural pursuit. Some would argue that “Texting” is communicating and it is a less than 2 dimensional communication at best. Mis-spelling, auto corrections, using acronyms instead of words, a lack of non-verbal communication, no voice tone or inflection, and a troubling lack of precision due to shear laziness or lack of time has driven this form of “communication” into a huge guessing game which is open to mis-interpretation or over-reaction by the person receiving this incomplete transmission. HERE IS MY POINT! Text messaging is so incomplete we now have to “Guess” at what is being said. Our “Guessing” will become more accurate over time and this will be aided by a developing sense, and trust in, our “Intuition.” Yes, I am saying that text messaging will lead directly (maybe that is a bit strong) to developing our Telepathy, our Intuition, our Gut Feeling, and our Consciousness. We will more quickly evolve into those futuristic Humanoids with Large Heads, Big Eyes, No Ears, and only one button pushing finger because we will not need phones or texting. We will have built in “chips” and our telepathic powers to “know” what everyone else is saying/thinking.

You heard this theory HERE FIRST! We will all be big headed, mental, telepathic humanoids. I can not wait! Cross talking and “over talking” each other will then be done silently. Our brains will have to use much more of its consciousness to keep up with all the simultaneous conversations. Maybe we will even have automatic translators installed so all languages and cultures will be on equally annoying levels. Shouting and yelling will take on a whole new dimension… I can not wait, (I say sarcastically.)

OR, we can find better ways to connect and to communicate. We can still advance our consciousness and our intuitive sensitivity. We do not have to wait for Apple and Google to tell us how to think and feel or have Amazon sell us our translators and upgrades. It is a real stretch to imagine that we will battle back from our addiction to technology, so maybe we should wait for the new 3-dimensional software to upgrade to 4th or 5th dimensional technologies.

Even NOW, You are a blessing! There is a perfect spirit lurking within you awaiting to be remembered. One way or the other we are rapidly evolving and know our Divine Perfection and our Universal connection to our higher consciousness is an inevitable evolutionary experience. Sooner or later… Let hope for an enlightenment that allows this to come sooner.

Consider your personal process toward higher consciousness and joining our community to share your experience and your wisdom, the Masters of the Journey.

Marriage: Get me to California for the Wedding

My younger son, Mike, is getting married this month. Michel and Mike have been together for several years and they are a wonderful team. Being 30 years of age, Mike has not waited as long as I did to commit to marriage. (I was not ready until almost 34.) The commitment of marriage is not what I want to write about. It is obviously a huge commitment and should be considered very carefully by two responsible people because this decision is a “Life time” commitment, even if one or both of the members of this union chooses to leave this relationship (for whatever reason.)

A marriage creates a union forming the foundation of a family. It brings together two families. It brings together two people in one of the strongest bonds and strongest responsibilities that life can present. Though it sounds like I am speaking about commitment to marriage let me digress.

When people two people choose to marry do they “KNOW” what they are getting themselves into? Answer: No one does! Life leads down a path that may not be easily predictable. You rarely know where Life can lead and what lessons you are to learn from this experience. The beauty of living life is the weird twists and turns that create the unique and beautiful moments in life, even the most difficult challenges! The trust in your partner is almost always tested. I do not mean this in the most obvious ways of fidelity to the marriage. I mean in the times of challenge such as: parenting, illness, and even death, trusting the divine spirit and the learning that must occur. We choose to come into this life and into this set of lessons for a reason and getting along with your chosen partner creates very important chances to experience and “live” through significant challenges.

It is a blessing when two people find each other and create the bond of trust. As they walk hand in hand through life they are connected and must support their partners through all the good and difficult times. In a small way, marriage is a living example of “oneness” and the true lack of “self.” With the exchange of unconditional love, partners find themselves in each other and, possibly, a part of something much greater. A chance to love, demonstrate unconditional love, and to be part of heart driven union is one of the major lessons we are here to learn. This requires overcoming fear, self-doubt, perhaps a history of trust issues, and the willingness to be a participant in something much greater than a single individual’s life. Trusting your heart, knowing your heart, and following your intuition regarding your partnership is a huge step and engages the mind, the body, and the spirit.

Mike and Michel, I know you are loving, spiritual beings. Go and create the good in the world that your bond through marriage enables the both of you to offer.

I Love You! Your connection serves as an example of what can be most positive in life.


Take good care of each other and your selves.

Along the way, do what you came here to do and make the world a better place. Enjoy the lessons, even the challenges, that are a part of the process of living. Be the team I hope that you can, and will, be.

Let there be the bright and shining light of love in the world, and may you find yourself basking in the brilliance of this unconditional love from within.