Beyond the Selfie

The Selfie, Get Noticed!

If you are feeling lonely, maybe even invisible, are you hoping to be noticed? These days, many people take to social media to present themselves and their lives in ways for others to “notice.” Images of your life are usually much more than a Selfie! Outrageous pictures in interesting places or with interesting people DO NOT MAKE YOU INTERESTING!

As a side note, the most telling images in a self-portrait may not be pictures of you, but of what you most cherish. These can say a lot about who YOU really are. So pictures or representations of what you find attractive, desirable, interesting, and important can tell a lot about you. (This can be used to attract or affect other people to you or can be a tool to explore yourself.)

So what you “post” in the way of a photo or comment or “sharing” can, and will, say a lot about YOU. Your FB page or Instagram account or your Linkedin profile or whatever social media you use becomes YOU as a person to the world. Yes, you know this but are you vigilant with your outward appearance and what does this persona really say about YOU? I can be snarky and sarcastic. This shows up in my postings. Am I OK with this representation? I had better be prepared to take full responsibility for how I come across, especially to other snarky, sarcastic people. It is telling to realize how much my social media actually says about me, intended AND unintended.

If you attempt to show your good side and your virtues without consciously presenting the real YOU with your foibles, flaws, inadequacies, weaknesses, and imperfections, these will still show up in your selfies and other postings. Remember, you are more than your contrived image which you attempt to portray in real life, or even underneath for “image.” Your real life lurks and will find a way to come to the surface. Like the weeds who grow through the cracks in the pavement. Just the act of taking and then sharing a Selfie says a lot about you. Not the least is that you feel you require attention that may not be coming to you and that you have insecurities below the surface. Selfies are cute and can be fun. But, it is also important to examine your true motivation in posting them.

By the way (BTW,) after you post your selfie, do you become obsessed with the “response?” The “likes” and the “Shares?” Or, the “Comments” which it generates. Does this give you the feeling of self-worth or does it diminish your self-esteem? Does the number of “friends” or “views” make your day or does it frustrate you into even more outrageous behaviors in future postings? Are you living in your selfie and not really liking the existence you have in your “real” life? Consider all possibilities. That is what we are here to learn…

Technology has created a new lifestyle for people who live in our world of technology. (There are luddites who avoid change and new technologies, but we do not hear much from them because they do not use social media…) The “social fabric” of human interacting has changed and we, as a culture, have NOT figured out the etiquette for using social media in the most appropriate, not fad driven, ways. Many of us reading this blog are willing to jump into the “latest” technologies, at least to “try” them out. We do not fully realize the risks, or the full advantages, of participation in internet based social media and how this may effect our future lives (because this is still a vast unknown.) Tread with care AND take responsibility for the experimentation that you do. As stylish as it appears, like a tattoo, it can become a permanent scar you will have to live with ’cause it may never fully go away… (Once it is “Out There” in the “cloud” it can never be fully deleted or reset.)

Even in this personal ranting, as you read between my words, you can learn about ME. But, also remember that what you respond to in this ranting blog also says a great deal about YOU! Enjoy and be bold, but not unconscious, when you take, and then, post your next Selfie.

On another related note… Be careful about what you see and read AND BELIEVE on the internet. People and organizations post their opinion. These are often “Alternative facts” meaning these are not fact checked, honest or REAL! They are pure opinion written and shared as if these were truth. Be careful for every “Truth” the opposite is equally “TRUE!” Sorry, but facts and truths these days are only opinions… Sad, that the loudest liars have large groups of “followers” who do not check on the facts but accept negative opinions as THEIR truth.

Does this sound “snarky” or simply “True?” Take responsibility for what you say, what you read and believe, and how you act on these opinions!!!

Our community, Masters of the Journey, can help support you and your development of consciousness.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Relationships and Spirituality

An amazing insight and new perspective regarding relationships has hit me like a ton of bricks. My self-definition and personal description, until last week, has been one which included speaking of myself as a “Relationship Person.” This means that I did not see myself as “Whole” unless I was in a “meaningful” relationship with some romance gluing it together.

In reading from the ACIM (A Course in Miracles) Chapter 16 section 5 “The Choice for Completion,” I stumbled upon a foundation shaking perspective – FOR ME. Due to my earliest childhood I believe that I have learned some interesting things regarding relationships, sources of love, and my need/belief that I am a “relationship” person. My possible “Attachment Disorder” has caused me to learn the lesson of believing that I am NOT WHOLE without being in a “couple relationship.” I am not a victim or expressing weakness. It has been my foundational understanding that I required another person in my life to balance me out. Our culture encourages this bonding and mating behavior. Our culture encourages individuals to be part of the team in: sports, work groups, religious organizations, political parties, national commitments, and “special relationships” defining families. BUT ACIM tells me that I am “Perfect and whole” as a soul with Divinity at my core. It says, and I believe, that I/we are made in God’s image and we are perfect holograms of the Divine Spirit. The readings from last week suggest that if I give myself up to be connected in a “Special relationship” then I am not honoring the perfection and wholeness of my divine soul. This does not mean that I do not love other incarnated souls. It just suggests that I should not look to or demand that a relationship make me “whole.”

I am struggling with recent teachings (from “A Course in Miracles” and “The Way of Mastery” see below) but feel that there is truth and wisdom in these words. I am not sure how to apply these concepts to my “current life” but will see where this leads me. My recent learnings and “Knowings” tell me that I am much greater than my “petty” human life and the Divine is at my core, as it is in the soul/core of every being I encounter. We are all reflections of the perfection of the Divine Spirit. No better and no worse. And, though we can learn from interacting with other “pilgrims,” we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and our purpose is to support and to assist “everyone” we encounter to learn their specific lessons so we can all evolve in awareness and consciousness together. We are all actors, playing our roles, in the Divine Play…

There are the many people I have loved and continue to love. I am blessed to have been guided and supported by friends, family, lovers, spirits, and even guides from other realms. My life has been Graced and Protected. When I came to the “Fork in the Road,” my choices were “Perfect” and led me to where I am today… Yes, especially in writing this obscure blog regarding my recent spiritual evolution and learning about many things including relationships. As YOU read this, remember that YOU are Perfect and You are a Master. Your challenges have taught you the lessons that give You wisdom to share. You must find the ways to articulate your learning and to serve all the souls whom you encounter. YOUR Purpose is to take the hand of fellow pilgrims and support their learning and development so that we all can benefit.

You are a Blessing! You are so much more than the body and the incarnated life you lead. If you have not already, You will find Your way to remember Your Divinity and to Grace the Universe with your wisdom!

You ARE Perfect and if you would like to support fellow travelers consider the community of Masters of the Journey.

My studies of the “A Course in Miracles” and “The Way of Mastery” which are amazing books which have been “Channelled” from Jesus. ACIM was delivered in 1965-1972 and published first in the 1976 and “The Way of Mastery” was delivered from 1994-1997 and has been published since 2004 (with some disagreements…) If you have not been exposed to these “dictations” you may want to spend some time with these wordy works. Personally, I require a support group, which I have, to help translate these concepts for my understanding. In the past 20 months, I have learned a great deal and turned some of my early resistance to these dictations into some very profound and important self-learning and spiritual insights. Sorry for this long introduction.

Opening the Door to Consciousness Takes Trust

Do you want the spirit of the Divine to come in to your life and to be a powerful force within you? Do you trust the Spirit of the Divine?

Are you ready to let go of Fear, Anger, Ego, and Separation? This is not as easy as it may sound. For many of us, there is difficulty letting go of what we are familiar with, even ego, self-identification and separateness. We may have a long term pattern (habit) of being judgmental and of finding ways to “look down” on the next pilgrim we meet along our path. We may remember that the reason we are “Triggered” by an individual or group (say politics) is to teach us the lesson that we must learn and to find ways of “seeing” through another person’s eyes. The “comfort” of the “known” can be easier even if wrought with pain, than the new, unknown of a new way of being – enlightenment…

Are you ready for Unconditional Love, ONENESS, and Wisdom to burn more brightly within YOU? Enlightenment brings this light to you AND to all! (Your enlightenment is not just for you, it benefits and serves all spirits, because we are all in this together.) Are you ready for change? This may mean reducing, or even eliminating, your tendency to be judgmental or less accepting. It is difficult to accept that our lives are caught up in many “petty” habits and lifestyle choices which do not really demonstrate how big and how great your spirit truly is! As Divine beings, we have the capacity to go beyond the limitations of the mind and the body and the constraints of time and space. When we “remember” who we really are and how important we are to the Universal Spirit, we can better appreciate the challenges and lessons that we are moving through in this lifetime.

You may not be ready to be free and to share the blessing of consciousness, even though you want to or think you are ready. You may not be ready to find pure acceptance! With the pain and challenges in this life, how can you trust “Knowing” that this is all there for a reason and to teach lessons that we all benefit from learning? But, when will you “remember” enough regarding your true spiritual self so you can more fully trust the process of the pilgrimage you are are on? (We are all on the “path” toward consciousness/enlightenment. We are all in this together…)

It is a blessing to share the path with you! You are amazing! You are a Master, whether you know this or not, and you are here to share your experiences and your wisdom!

A community of fellow travelers is available to support you and offer you resources. The Masters of the Journey is a non-religious, supportive community. Consider whether this may be of benefit to you on YOUR journey.

Why Pursue Spirituality?

What is in it for YOU? What benefit can being more conscious have? What is the “Pain” that basking in the Divine solves? Where do YOU find the motivation to spend time and energy pursuing spirituality and “Enlightenment?”

We all struggle in life to maintain our health and our emotional well-being so why should we invest resources in developing our spiritual nature? Yes, it feels good to be out in nature and to celebrate the rich abundance of beauty on the planet we call Earth. Sure, it is soothing to find a deep inner calmness and focus in meditation. Releasing the dramas from the past and the fear and anxieties regarding the unknown future has great benefit. BUT, what is the point of all this searching and remembering our Divine souls?

If this was an important pursuit for most human lives, why are we so easily distracted by TV or political drama, or how our financial plan is playing out? Is it not as satisfying to look into the eyes of the people we bump into and find the “perfection” within their deepest spirit? Why is it so much easier to “Judge” than to “Accept” the next pilgrim you meet along your journey? Related to this, why is it more common to look for differences and separation rather then connection and the feelings that we are all in this together?

Why are there so many questions and such difficulty finding the satisfying answers? And, are these the “lessons” or challenges we have come here, to this current incarnation, to learn from?

Finally, why do the people who have experienced NDE’s (near death experiences) return with a more spiritual perspective, acceptance, and inclusiveness that may not have existed for these people in the past, before they crossed the “Veil” and returned to live amongst us? (When you experience “Enlightenment” your life changes with the remembering of the Divine Spirit within your very core and you know that we are all connected.)

These questions are not here for you to simply think about. They are posed for you to “experience” and to “know.” They make take many lifetimes to fully grasp, or accept, or to remember how this all fits together!

Blessings to you on your search. When you are fully aware, reach around you and take the hands of the pilgrims you encounter in this life. Witness their stories and share your wisdom. Perhaps you can enjoy your spirituality and find the joy which it can bring to your life.

If you want to join a community of supportive “seekers” consider our non-religious, spiritual community, Masters of the Journey.

Keeping the Faith

What is Faith? And, what does it mean to be “Keeping the Faith?”

Definition of faith

1. a: allegiance to duty or a person: loyalty lost faith in the company’s president
b: fidelity to one’s promises: sincerity of intentions acted in good faith

2. a: belief and trust in and loyalty to God : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b: firm belief in something for which there is no proof clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return : complete trust

3.: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs the Protestant faith

So of these various Merriam-Webster dictionary definitions, the one I am going with is 2.b: Complete trust. In our world, especially in our culture, it seems difficult to trust, let alone, have “complete trust” in anything. Our media and sources of news are expressing “alternative facts.” We can not believe anything on “face value” without “fact checking” and many people are too lazy to check facts or do not know where to go to check the facts about the things we see or hear. Too lazy and unable to get reliable information is rampant in our culture and so we are easy “targets” to be taken advantaged by those who shout the loudest and are willing to repeat untruths so often that people start believing these lies. Wow, this is a sad commentary on our culture and the world which we live within. With instant, world wide communication from the internet and we can not believe what we read, see, or hear on our home computers…

But, this is NOT the FAITH to which I speak. I will not address religious Faith because through history this has killed too many innocent people. I do not even want to talk about loyalty to God, because who is to say that the definition of God is what is true and worth loyalty and Faith. Yes, I must be a heretic to write this way…

The Faith which I am talking about is the deepest Faith that we can have. It is the “Knowing” and the “Remembering” of the Faith that dwells deep within your soul. It is the perfection that you were born with before your brain, ego, and learned experience took over and created separation from other souls and the beauty of unconditional, nonjudgmental love which is at your core. As an innocent baby born into the world you knew the “source” of the Divine but found the lessons of this earthly existence too engaging and distracting to maintain your pure spirit. Then, you spend your lifetime trying to “remember” who you are, where you came from, and what is your purpose. When your meditation and spiritual experience leads you back to your source wisdom, you will return to the “Faith” which you seek. It may take many lifetimes, but you will find that you are not separated from the other pilgrims you bump into. You are the same. You are perfect and you are a hologram of the perfect God who is Love! When you rediscover your purpose, you find that it is not so complicated. It is to reach out your hand to assist fellow pilgrims on their path to consciousness so you ALL return to “source” and acceptance, and wisdom, and to unconditional love.

Appreciate each moment, as best you can. Love each person who crosses your path because they are there for a reason and each interaction has a purpose. The most challenging interactions are the most important for the lessons you are here to learn. So, look into each person’s eyes and find the divine perfection of the perfect soul who stands in front of you. So much easier said than done in this life…

Blessings to you as you trudge each step along your journey through life. Deep within, know that you are perfect and a master. You just have to learn to live your perfection, again easier said than done.

Find the support you may require AND offer love and support to the people you meet along the way.

Masters of the Journey is a community of “seekers” and may assist you with support and resources. Keep the Faith! You are perfect and a child of Love! Know that you will find complete trust within your soul. Blessings to you along your path!

Living in the State of Grace

Yes, the State of Grace has surfaced again. Many people have touched the State of Grace and are instantly addicted to it. The problem comes when just “Knowing” the State of Grace is not enough and people go out and want to try to “live it.” (In my experience, touching the State of Grace feels: peaceful, nonjudgmental-accepting, free from constraints of time and the limitations of the body, a oneness with all living souls, basking in the wisdom of the “source,” and the warmth and envelopment of unconditional love.)

We meditate. We pray. We eat right. We try not to swear when frustrated. We smile a lot. We want that deep feeling of acceptance, unconditional love, peace, wisdom, freedom, and the bright light of the divine to be on all the time in our lives. We may even feel like we are not good enough when we lapse into petty humanism.

Get a grip! We are in our human bodies, dealing with our human lives for a reason. It is tough and it is challenging. We came here to learn our lessons from the heated forge of the furnace we call human existence. Forge is the correct word because we have to “melt down” and then be poured into the new shapes our learning takes so we can harden into a stronger new consciousness. We humans are hard on ourselves, especially when we “expect” our minds and our egos to mold into something they are not and will never be… full of love and acceptance. We think we know what Grace is and how to get there but there is no, or very little, grace on this plane of existence… That IS our lesson!

We bump up against all these other souls, who are here for a reason, and wonder why they are in our way to peace… That is why they are here! The people who “push your buttons” have invaded your “space” to test your resolve… Are you going to let emotions including anger and fear out OR are you going to look this irritating fellow pilgrim in the eye, see their divine perfection, and smile with the acceptance and unconditional love which is our divine aspiration?…

When you are evolved enough, like our Avatars: Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or whoever your symbol of the Divine is, then you will find peace. You will accept. You will love unconditionally. AND, even then, you will not be in the State of Grace 24/7. Hell, 24/7 does not even exist in the Divine… ‘Cause there is no TIME or limitations of the flesh and the mind…

Find JOY! Find a way to laugh at yourself as you screw up again and again. It is part of the process. You will get it “RIGHT” but maybe not in this life. Being human is painful BUT it is amazing and fun if you can appreciate the petty lives we must live to move further along our path. LOVE and support your fellow pilgrims. We are ALL in this together. We are all here to learn and to grow and to collide on this human plane with each other.

Blessings to you! You will need every blessing and ounce of support you can find. Do not forget to share your story, your love, your blessings. Love and learn from your mistakes. AND, laugh/dance like no one else is watching…

One last thing for today, Whether you know this or not, YOU ARE PERFECT! You are LOVED. You are Blessed! You are the embodiment of the Holy Spirit and PERFECT in your own unique way!

If you are searching for a supportive community to share your stories and your love, go out and create one. Or, consider the Masters of the Journey.
Any way. Live, Love, and Learn… Namaste

Andreas W. Suggested that my pessimism regarding the lack of the State of Grace on our earthly existence can be argued that if we are fully present and look for the beauty of life which surrounds us we CAN FIND the State of Grace in our Earthly lives, more frequently. He is so correct. The beauty and perfections of nature, when appreciated, is a definition of the State of Grace… This can not be said for the normal interactions we have with other struggling pilgrims.

You Are a Master: Only Your Life Is “Petty”

Whether you know this or not, YOU are a MASTER! Whether you believe it or not, you have much to say. To prove this to you, let me begin by asking you a question. Have you survived your life and managed to live through YOUR life experiences until now? This life you have “lived” has provided you with many lessons. Some fun and easy and joyful… And, some challenging, maybe difficult, or even painful but you have managed to get here! Your life stories have had episodes that other people might “shake their heads at” and wonder if they could have survived these experiences (yes, the ones YOU DID survive.) If Hollywood made a movie about the weirdest challenges you have been through, many people would think that it was pure fiction and no one could have survived these challenges. BUT, you did survive and thrive. You grew and you learned. YOU have much to share! You may have some difficulty in finding the words to speak about the losses and heart felt emotions you have known. YOU have had those moments when the “LIGHTS went ON!” And, you really “got” the meaning of the lesson that was presented. You may not give yourself enough credit for the difficult answers which you have had to learn.

Your purpose in life is to share these moments with other people, maybe family or friends or even total strangers. You will serve these fellow pilgrims by showing that you care and by sharing your stories as humans have done for thousands of years around a camp fire or while working shoulder to shoulder. Yes, you can reach out and support these fellow travelers through life who you might bump up against. Do not wait. Your purpose is to share AND tell the stories in a way where your witness knows that the lesson you have learned is NOT just your lesson but a “Universal” lesson. A lesson which we can all benefit by hearing.

You are much greater than your body and your life “seem” to be. Your soul and spirit radiate out in every direction and touch the universe. Without you and your divine self, the Divine Spirit would be missing a key piece. Though your life may seem small, even petty, actually it is a cornerstone which allows all of consciousness to exist… It is not your day to day drama which binds this universe, it is the radiant love and light that is at your core. It is the soul who has come into this life to learn the lessons and to remember your purpose and your true divinity.

As you are a reflection of the perfection of God, everyone you meet has a perfect soul somewhere within the confines of their human body. Perhaps imagine that every person you meet is worth eye contact and a smile. A “knowing smile” which says that you know and love the blessing which dwells within them. This is easier said than done when the physical, “petty” manifestation seems to “push your buttons.” Those buttons are pushed so you can learn your lesson of lessening your judgement and developing the skill of keen discernment to look deep into their soul to see the reflection of God’s greatest work… YOU are a blessing! You are a MASTER, perhaps caught in a struggle which you will learn from and over come.

You may want to consider how you can enhance your “knowing” and you may seek the support of nonjudgmental members of your spiritual tribe. Perhaps you will want to learn more and participate in, Masters of the Journey, a Transformational Community. At any rate, blessings to you on your pilgrimage through this life. Where ever possible, share your wisdom and support your fellow travelers.

Living Outside the Box!

Are you happy with the way your life is playing out? Have you found your purpose in this life and are you engaging in working your purpose everyday? Are you questioning whether you have found yourself living a life which could be different and perhaps more rewarding? Are you in a box with your job, your finances, your relationships, and possibly with your life’s purpose?

To be honest, most of us would have to agree that life sometimes, or maybe more often than sometimes, feels like it is going sideways. Just to complicate this discussion, consider this statement, some people define “Crazy” as repeating the same thing (Behavior) over and over again and expecting different results. (Occasionally, you may use a repeated behavior and get a different response because the environment or people involved will allow for a slightly different reaction.) Remember, if you do not like the response you get to a certain behavior then you need to take responsibility and try something different to get a more satisfying response. YOU have a choice! And, it starts by knowing that YOU are responsible and then, to break patterns where you are blaming other people or institutions for the less than desirable reaction. Yes, try an entirely new approach.

Why are you resisting change and a new approach? We do not try new behaviors because we are AFRAID. Yes, we have FEAR of new approaches because we lack confidence and do not know how these will turn out. We prefer to have reliable failure, which is comfortable and which we are familiar with, rather than move toward a more positive, yet unknown, outcome. We even have surrounded ourselves with family and friends who like us the way we are and would have difficulty supporting us if we were more successful and confident. They like the “Old” and familiar person you have been trapped within. Maybe, it is time to find new friends who love and support you on your path to becoming ever more successful and joyful.

At the end of your life, are you going to feel good about what you have accomplished and the people you have assisted? Will you weigh your legacy by how much money or how many “toys,” you have? Can you ask yourself, and honestly answer, that you have lived a full life filled with the service which has helped move consciousness forward?

It is time to take the small steps to find a better more adventurous and rewarding life. It may even be time to take the big steps toward your new life of personal responsibility and positive change. Personally, I have learned more from my failed attempts at changing my life and from confronting the challenges of trying new behaviors that lead me down an unhappy path. Take a risk. Get positive support. Break out of the confined box that has been a comfortable but unhappy experience. You will never know until you try, how good it feels to make that stretch in your life. Enjoy the adventure! No one else can do this for you, so do not wait.

The Masters of the Journey community may help to provide some support if your quest includes spiritual development (in a non-religious way.)

Beginner’s Mind

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”

“The more advanced you are in spiritual consciousness, the more you experience the “present” in the Beginners Mind.”

I have heard this expression, “Beginner’s Mind,” before and this week it has come up several more times in very different conversations. When a concept comes up several times in different situations… perhaps you should pay attention because the Universe is trying to tell you something. For me, this means writing about it and attempting to be more conscious regarding this concept and how I may want to apply it.

What is “Beginner’s Mind?”
Wikipedia defines “Beginner Mind” by first giving it it’s Zen name, “Shoshin”:
Shoshin (初心) is a concept in Zen Buddhism meaning “beginner’s mind”. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would. The term is especially used in the study of Zen Buddhism and Japanese martial arts.

The phrase is also used in the title of the book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by the Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki, who says the following about the correct approach to Zen practice:
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.”

Well, this article is an attempt to explore not only what it might mean but why it has value.
My sage spiritual mentor, Rodger, threw out words like:
Be open
Nonjudgmental to new information and experiences
Be Curious
Be “Present” (not distracted or too busy to see the forest from the trees…)

New experiences, information, relationships, thoughts, guidance, epiphanies, insights, revelations, feelings, knowings, “remembering” concepts, etc … all come to people who are open, curious, ready for more input into their lives and their consciousness. But, do you judge and look for flaws or weaknesses, or places for disagreement or are you more curious? Do you have a more rigid view of the world where new thoughts or experiences are NOT trusted and dismissed because these do not fit with what you already know or believe? Are these new experiences contrary to what you think, know or feel? Are you fearful because these are new and different or do you celebrate the exciting fresh possibilities?

Do you look at a new person you meet and ask about them and what they are most passionate about? Or, do you find them to be competitors for attention and you attempt to find ways to disqualify these new characters who are joining your “drama?”

“Beginner’s Mind” is not, just, for beginners. It is for every advanced “consciousness seeker” who has the innocence to experience insights and who can be open for moments of intense spiritual awakening. (Perhaps, we should all strive for this way of gathering our spiritual development.

Tip: Observe a young innocent child of 2 or 3 or perhaps 4 years of age as they react to a new object in their world. (It could be a new skill such as talking or walking or running or using a slide in the park.) Observe their excitement and wonderment as they explore the new point of focus. They may be filled with joy, and showing it. They are definitely “present” and engaged. This is how we can choose to be when we are walking through life. This is the manifestation of the most curious Beginner’s Mind…

To explore more topics of spiritual development consider participating in our community, Masters of the Journey or visit our Facebook page at:

One thought restated:
Do you remember when you were a young child in this lifetime and you found the joy, the delight, and the wonderment in each new object or skill you discovered? This can be the way you experience each day, each new occurrence, and each new person who falls into your life. The power of the “Beginners Mind” is found in the joy of each new experience, each new learning, each new developing consciousness, or most importantly, each new “Remembering” of your Divine Wisdom that you find within your soul/spirit.

Practical Connections

If you have followed the recent blogs, the theme of the importance of quality connections has been a topic of several recent blogs. The question came up regarding how can you begin to use this information in a practical way. How can you incorporate the building of connections into your daily life? A simple but powerful practice is listed below.

The first and most obvious part of this practice is to set your intention to create connections. Be aware of the possibilities which commonly arise in your day to day life. We are never alone. We are all in this cosmic universe together. Our souls are all connected. Every soul is perfect and unique, like snowflakes. We are all here for different reasons and to learn our special lessons. We are here to support each soul which dances into your life (our current incarnation.) Yes, even the manifestations which trigger your judgement, fear, anger, or frustration. Perhaps, especially these more challenging encounters. These are here for a reason! Your interactions and your lessons come from your attempts to deal with each of these encounters, no matter how subtle, brief, or distracted by your other points of focus. But, if you have the intention to create and honor your connections, even if incidental, these will have value, at some level, for your life experience.

The second part of the practice can be as simple as making eye contact. This sounds simple but a conscious, soul enhancing contact includes more… Perhaps you can engage those eyes for a moment and find yourself led to a deeper understanding, and acceptance, of the soul behind the eyes. Maybe there are those moments when you connect with this soul behind the eyes and look to find the perfection of the spirit. Easier said than done, you may avoid, or limit, your ego’s judgement and know that you share a “oneness” with this spirit. You may even find that “They” are you in different form. Appreciate that this soul has found your gaze for a reason and is here to support you on some level to learn your lessons. Know, also, also you are here for this person and their soul development. Maybe you are the shining role model of unconditional love and acceptance. (Your ego will never know or understand the deepest levels of this exchange.)

In the moment of gazing into those eyes, your conscious self can find many things. Are those eyes and full of joyful energy? Are those eyes sad and flickering with the pain from current travails? Are those eyes dark and seemingly dead like black holes with little or no energy escaping? Are those eyes “impish” or playful? Are they inquisitive and asking questions in the pursuit of wisdom? Are those eyes judgmental like a young soul who is still locked in fear and ego? Much can be experienced from connecting with the feelings of a story behind those eyes.

Now, hold that connection through your eyes and when you see the perfect spirit in front of you, welcome them into your consciousness as if your were greeting the most innocent beautiful child into your family. If your heart melts with joy and love, then you have reached a special level where the both of you can feed off the healing energy of acceptance and love.

Finally, acknowledge this being of light with a sincere and joy filled smile. It is a blessing to warm their consciousness with this simple gesture. Your sincerity can shine through and help to build connections with all of the souls in the divine. Your acknowledgement serves to demonstrate the positive role that this encounter has had upon your life.

Do not take this too lightly, for eye connections and the warmth of your smile sets positive energy into motion and can start ripples and waves of joy across, and then beyond, our universe.

When you can be conscious, celebrate and so cherish every connection, every soul with the blessing of your radiant smile.

The concept of Namaste is a manifestation which can come from this practice… (Not just a wish or a thought but an action…)

When it is time for you to seek conscious support from a community of fellow “seekers” please consider our non-religious spiritual community, the Masters of the Journey.