Power of Intention: Live it!

If you are reading about Intention, most likely you are seeking higher consciousness and possibly striving for Enlightenment. The Power of Intention is more than repeating words of an Affirmation. Intention, when used most powerfully, asks you to feel your end result. See it, Feel it, Know it, and then, Be it! So it is more than just a thought. It is felt in your heart and soul. You commit to following through and experiencing it. I ask you to remember how Enlightenment feels and then LIVE It!

Your Intention is not just accomplishing a goal or successful completion of a project. In this definition, you set your eyes far into the distance and high up into the heavens (the higher realms of consciousness) and travel far beyond the limitations of the 3 dimensional world we have chosen to live within. Our lives have limitations because as we learn lessons which move us to greater awareness and ultimately living as fully aware spirits, we struggle on the Earthly plane with our Egos and the separation this causes us. We must return to remembering the Divine Source within us. But you have heard this spirituality before. Today, I ask you to not just consider it or to think about it but to prove your intention AND to LIVE IT!

Wake up in the morning and before the distractions of life, consider your day. Consider that you will live each moment in a vigilance where you look to serve and to support the people you bump into on your path through your day. Consider, and then offer, the unconditional love and support in whatever form you have the energy and resources to offer. Act out your Intention and live the full meaning and experience of it.

NOTE: Living your intention in “Enlightenment” is NOT an intellectual exercise or a casual wish. It is a commitment to live it and to share it. Commitment seems like a strong word or concept and we can make many excuses for not following through, but this, in my belief, is the true meaning for our pilgrimage through the challenges of our incarnations in this life. Often we set our priorities of chasing after the false Gods of wealth or popular recognition or power, but in the long run, we are here for connection and service to higher consciousness.

The smallest act of service can be the satisfying and the most important thing you can offer. Find your way to live in service in the most conscious way and your highest intention will be served. Remember, YOU are a Blessing!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Where Are You “Home?”

“Home is where the Heart is!” More importantly, Where is YOUR Home?

My internet research that gives credit for this statement goes to a Roman philosopher better known as Pliny the Elder (or just Pliny to his friends) said “Home is where the heart is.”

More internet research said that there can be two (or more) meanings to this expression. And the internet offers this opinion.

“Firstly, it can mean that wherever our loved ones are, that is our home. Thus, wherever a person’s heart is will be our true home. Thus, no matter where someone was born or grew up, their real home is the place that they care about most in the world. This place may or may not be the place that they grew up in.

Secondly, it can mean that our love (our ‘heart’) is focused around the family home. A person’s heart will always be at home. This means that their love, affection and fond memories will always be tied to the place that they live.

Note: There are differences of cause and effect in each interpretation. In the first, love makes us feel at home. In the second, home makes us feel love.”

Why did this come up for me? Why is this relevant for you? This past weekend I was engaged in a personal growth seminar conducted by Excellence Northwest. We experienced a Guided Meditation as an exercise for planning for 5 years in the future. We were asked to relax, clear our minds, and to “picture” our home 5 years from now. What did we want to find there? How did it FEEL? So, being a cooperative participant (not really such a common experience for me), I considered the more typical setting.

I pictured a house in the country. In a clearing surrounded by conifer trees like Douglas Firs or Cedars. It was bigger than a small cottage but not a huge, ostentatious house. Lots of wood. Entering into my Home, was a warm and inviting engery with the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven and home made soup in a large pot cooking on the stove. Quiet and calm. The Living room had a fireplace and comfortable furniture. Not just comfortable but wonderfully comfortable chairs and sofas arranged in a circle. Maybe 8 or 9 seats arranged for conversations and interacting with friends, family, and interesting people. This seemed to be the real purpose for this cozy environment. It then dawned on me that my concept of “Home” was not a future House but was a setting for gathering other people to connect with. My fantasy is to feed these visitors. Mind, Body, Emotionally, and Spirit, all nurtured and fed with the love and support which offers deeper connection. Not your standard Home environment. This could happen in lots of places and not be tied down to a house in which to live my life within.

Home can be anywhere which allows the connection of Heart and support. A caring for other souls without any “strings attached.” It might be a place where Gratitude and Acceptance seem to come first. Openness and trust rein supreme. So, let me ask YOU again, Do YOU have a need and a space like this kind of Home? Not as easy to answer. We often have family and, maybe, friends, but not necessarily the unconditional loving, support, and acceptance which would be so nurturing for you and your spirit. This possible environment may come and go. It may not be a permanent part of your life.

There may be times when we get caught in the “Drama” of wanting something which we perceive we do not have. We might even feel like a “victim” to the circumstance which our 3 dimensional lives have led us to experience. We may struggle with the life challenge of adding this unconditional support and love to our lives. BUT, and this is a big but (do not take this wrong), we can find this everywhere and it is NOT external to us. It is a lesson in what we Know and Remember regarding the perfection of the Divine Spirit found within us. If we are willing to look into the eyes and find the perfection of the perfect souls we interact with, we can find this deeper connection and “Home” everywhere!

My Guidance is asking me to write these words for YOU to read. Where do these concepts fit for you and the lessons you are here to learn? Do you remember that we are all connected and can share this bonding connection with every soul who crosses our path through life?

YOU ARE HOME! You are the structure and the atmosphere which extends love and creates the ideal experience of “Home.” Please consider, Knowing it, Feeling it, and Living it!

You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! You, even with your seeming flaws and imperfections, are Perfect! No one else can be YOU better than YOU! Thank you for being in this World and Open to Connecting.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Time to Wake Up! Remember Who You Are!

When you awaken and remember who you are and where you came from, you are granted a few moments in an enlightened state! Sure this is easier said than done. Sure it is elusive. And, once achieved, it may seem impossible to hold this experience in your consciousness for living day to day. BUT, once you have known the moment of “Enlightenment,” you are changed forever! People who have returned from a Near Death Experience (NDE) report profound change in the way they feel and then in the way they live their lives. NDE returners may have felt: Unconditional Love and Acceptance, Freedom from Fear of Death and the 3 Dimensional Limitations we have, Oneness and Connection with all aspects of our Universe, some access to the Wisdom of the Divine Spirit, and the Knowing (and Remembering) that at the core of all life is the power and energy of LOVE.

The question is, when will YOU experience this profound insight? When will You know unconditional love? When will you remember that you chose to come into your current incarnation with the divine purpose to learn in consciousness and to support the fellow pilgrims you meet along your path?

An even more basic question to ask is, When and how do you break from the assumption that your mind and ego are not your “controllers” and are simply a part of the challenging lesson you are here to learn from? A deep connection with the Divine Spirit is a lofty expectation but how can you do this without having to have a Near Death Experience? Often we know that “Fear” keeps us in a state of separation. Isolated and alone in the “Judgements” we seem to make for the survival of our Ego. Eventually, we remember that we are NOT alone and we are all in this search for higher consciousness, together! We are here to share the experience with the weird and wonderful people and situations we find ourselves bumping into as we stumble through life.

No matter where YOU are on your path toward higher consciousness, you will find a way to quiet your fear and remember your connection to the Divine Spirit. You are a perfect hologram and piece of the foundation of all consciousness. Even with your flaws, you are perfect and unique. Though I struggle with finding acceptance and even perfection in the weird behaviors I experience, I endeavor to see the value and better understand the strange connections we all have, even to the most repugnant human activities. A wise friend has asked me to consider not sitting in Judgement when I disagree with a behavior I encounter but rather ask, “What has happened in this person’s life to create a person who can act in this way/behavior?” It does not mean you learn to like or enjoy seemingly negative behaviors but attempt to understand the source so you can rise above the drama… Life was not meant to be easy or without pain. We learn from our failures and our pain. So accept that other people reflect their imperfections as lessons for ALL of US!

You are a Blessing, whether you know it or not! You are a perfect reflection of the Divine Spirit! At some point, probably when you least expect it, a moment of Enlightenment will drop into your consciousness and you will be changed forever! (Though integrating this event may also prove to be a challenge and take you in unexpected directions.)

By the way, you have heard this before (probably,) allowing yourself to quiet your mind through meditation and the practice of being “in the moment” (more fully “present,”) will offer one of the very best tools for controlling fear and opening doors toward developing higher consciousness. (Sure this is easier said than done, but an important step for many of us who walk the Earth plane…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Coming of Age: Being Role Models for Living!

We all have needed role models to help us know how to conduct ourselves through life. Sometimes these role models offer us a bright beacon of light to follow. Sometimes our role models are examples of what NOT to do in our lives. If you were born with any level of awareness, from early on in your life, you learned by observing the people and the culture which surrounded you. No matter what this was like, remember that YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM to this environment. You have a choice. You can choose the most positive direction to follow. You can choose whatever path that exists but remember that you will be responsible for what you end up doing and what you end up learning from the challenges which present themselves to you along the way.

Some people “Come of Age” when they enter a certain age, or school, or job, or relationship which asks them to be more responsible for their thoughts, beliefs, actions, and their feelings. For some, this comes earlier in life than for others. Eventually, we will all be reminded to remember the Divine Spirit from where we came and to attempt to live in the most ideal ways to serve the greatest good of all the Universe. This is a tall order to fill and many of us are not ready to be conscious enough to know how best to serve. We all have our role to play. Here we require role models. Are YOU willing to be the role model!!!???

Sometimes this means leading. Sometimes just listening. Sometimes it means living in a state of presence and being fully responsible for your actions. Sometimes it means demonstrating how to die with dignity and mindfulness. Yes, even letting go becomes an important role model… As important, as how to live mindfully. There comes an age in the current life when you contemplate the “end game.” Maybe when you start slowing down. Maybe when you body starts “giving out” or when a more serious health challenge arrives. If we live long enough, we all must face these transitions. How we deal with these changes and transitional events becomes a very important part for role models. Do we age as victims or do we take this responsibility seriously as the learning challenge we must experience AND share? Can we be as conscious and as present as we as role models are meant to be??? I am told that the Dalai Lama practices 7 times per day his own transition from this life so he can be the most present and mindful soul as he transitions. That is a huge commitment!

Whether you are “Brave” or filled with anxiety regarding your death matters less than if you can be most aware and open to sharing your feelings. Though I must say, in researching interviews with people who have had NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) most have the view that death is NOT the enemy or “scary” but the chance to move to the higher dimensions and freedom from the limitations of the body in the three dimensions we agree to exist within in our mortal life on the Earth plane. NDE survivors can live more fully without the anxiety of the unknown which death transitions entail. Add these interviews and conversations with NDE survivors to your list of role models in this life.

Being “Mindful” and “Present” are awesome qualities for amazing role models.
Qualities of Mindfulness, which are great to consider and to live by, include:
Beginner’s Mind

Do some research and check these out especially if you do not understand what these might mean. You will gain in consciousness as you explore what these qualities are and how they might become manifest in your life.

These qualities are easier said than done for most of us but worth considering and moving toward as we journey our sacred path toward “Enlightenment.” Taking steps which move us closer includes observing and then mimicking role models, in our own unique way, and then finding a way to be the best role model for other people who enter our lives. Never forget that with every step you take, in your soul and spirit you are perfect and contain the DNA of the Divine Spirit! You are not alone and the Universe can not exist without you…

As you find yourself “coming of Age” in your passage through life, consider being the supportive and master role model for all who experience you and your pilgrimage through this life…
You are a Blessing!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Stranger in a Strange Land: The Value of the Stranger

Have you ever felt like you were a Stranger in a Strange land? I knew I did NOT fit in… Not with my family. Not with my classmates. Not with my culture. I was an outsider in search of my home, My place in the Universe. This feeling was there, though in the background. This feeling did not make my life “bad” but it lead me to engage in a quest for where I “belonged” and what I was “supposed” to do with my life. I doubt that feeling like a stranger is uncommon. In fact, it is very common as we feel our way through our teenage years searching for direction.

Guidance led me to choices in my life which were my special challenges and unique experiences. I am not alone in this, but I have learned to trust my gut feelings and followed interesting adventures, guided by my gut. Guidance has protected me for unknown reasons and my gratitude for this support pervades my consciousness. This drives me to learn from my life experiences to be of even greater service. I have learned that I am here to share love by connecting to other souls and for listening to their passions and stories.

Being a Stranger in a Strange Land forces me to move forward to learn and to know more about this strange land and culture. Then my goal is to learn how best to serve by being of help to increase consciousness. This leads to increase the fabric of connection and shared unconditional love… As an outsider, a stranger, I can observe, hopefully without judgement, and then I can learn and develop better strategies for the information and wisdom to be shared through teaching by sharing stories. The world needs more wisdom shared by outsiders with the gently shared perspective which gradually alters the consciousness of those souls touched by these sharings. Humor often helps make the “medicine” go down more easily. Offering the perspective of a respectful observer is not always easily accepted but can be most useful for the best outcome. (That is why companies pay big money to outside consultants to assist in finding the best strategies for developing or producing the company’s product or service.) Yes, “fresh eyes” can offer a new way of thinking.

Not fitting in is a good thing though not always the easiest path to follow. It can be lonely. You can feel unsupported. I would rather be an outsider than caught in the trap of participation and acceptance in limited or superficial behaviors which can block the focus and acuity to find, and know, the necessary path for positive change and growth into higher consciousness. Though this may sound like a judgement, impatience to enhance conscious living demands a somewhat critical perspective…

Be not attached to the outcome… There is no way to control how the other soul will react. There is no way to force consciousness.

The paradox in this belief regarding being an outsider is that we are actually all intimately involved. We are connected and not alone. As we are all interwoven, the stranger may appear to be an outsider but at the same time completely connected and “One” with every soul. Also, Everybody is special but not everybody knows it it, yet…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

YOU are a Miracle!

Yes, You are a miracle! How do I know this? Because I know where YOU came from. You were NOT made in China and shipped to this country to be distributed by Amazon.com after being ordered on the internet! By the way, this ordering and distribution through Amazon is also a miracle but very different than the one we are here to talk about. You came from a long lineage of ancestors who joined together with Angels, Guides, the Divine Spirit, and star dust to create you in the life you now live. There are too many random acts which came together to create the perfection of who you are without a “miracle” label to help to understand how this process occurred.

Life is amazing! Life on the planet Earth is a miracle! AND, you were born and survived long enough to find your way to this blog. You were guided to experience these words and concepts to allow for your consciousness to expand by the perspective these words convey. Once again, it is, and you are, a miracle. Now, your job is to continue to grow, find joy, and to reach around to support fellow pilgrims who were “guided” into your life to share your experience and wisdom. By assisting your fellow pilgrims, you are actually assisting yourself and your own development. Yes, even the most annoying people are manifested in your life as a mutual lesson AND, you may not be ready to hear this, they are YOU! Our souls and spirits are connected and a part of every other soul and spirit. We are all a perfect piece of a much larger Divine Spirit which is too difficult to fully explain or understand with the limitations of the human brain (and ego.)

There are no accidents. There are no imperfect souls. Yes, there are challenging people and experiences because that is why we have manifested the human life we seemingly exist within. Many enlightened individuals believe that our lives and the reality we seem to work within are an illusion. The higher realms of pure soul and spirit are the true reality and we have agreed to return to the Earthly lives to face our challenges and to learn our lessons so we can expand our consciousness. Our goal in this life is to learn from our experiences, to support our fellow pilgrims, to search and find “Joy,” and to remember the “State of Grace” which we all return to after completing our incarnation.

Leap ahead! Remember the perfection and the miracle which is each, and every, soul you bump into! Celebrate each moment as the amazing lesson and experience of expanding wisdom. Share Love and your wisdom freely.

Remember, to be present and as you breathe in slowly, know the amazing miracle which is required for you to breathe. The oxygen you need is freed from the carbon dioxide you exhaled by the plants on land and in the oceans. Every part of this system is perfect. And, since matter is neither created nor destroyed, with every breath you take oxygen molecules that have been around since the dawn of our universe and enter your body. Some of these molecules where breathed in and out by Christ, or by Buddha, or by Ganhdi, or Mother Theresa, or by whomever you revere. You share in their past incarnation the same perfect spirit which makes you the miraculous spirit you are. You are a blessing!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Celebrating Independence By Remembering Our Interdependence

For Americans, July 4th is considered our Independence Day. Historically, it was a day when Americans came together to declare their Independence from a perceived tyranny. Today, most of the tyranny we face comes from our own perceptions and the personal independence we have been culturally taught. There comes a moment in consciousness when complete independence loses some, or most, of its value. This happens when we become conscious enough to realize that we are actually not fully independent but actually a part (a piece) of a much grander “Divine Spirit.” Our egos and “burning (taught) need” for individuality bends to the realization that every person, every lifeform, and every object in our Universe (and beyond) are inter-related and interdependent.

If you do not like reading this and you feel uncomfortable looking at the “crazy” people in the world with the consideration that they are you and you are they, then you have not “remembered” the shared roots which we all have. Each of us is an actor in a drama called life. We each have our role to play AND we have learned to play our character with perfection. Sure we whine when “things” are not going as well as we would “like.” Just learn to NOT take yourself or your role too seriously… You are much “greater than you will ever know” (or understand) this is a statement which has been said to me by my late wife and my friend Don Ley after he returned from his NDE (near death experience.) Nothing like a good NDE to put your life into better perspective… (Not a joke or kidding.)

Independence within the framework of each and every one of us being connected by spirit still allows for each of us to be different and unique. Just as snowflakes are unique, I am told, we each bring our unique challenges and lessons into our lives. We can not make progress and achieve our learning goals without bumping into other people and life experiences. These experiences are often challenging or difficult. A life which is too easy may overlook many valuable interactions with the difficult situations which we have been guided to know and to learn from. For myself, long ago I realized that I learn more from my mistakes, failures, and “trials by fire” than I learn when events go smoothly or as “expected.”

A desire to be too independent may prevent you from gaining from the shared experiences or wisdom of other “pilgrims” you meet on your path toward higher consciousness. The secret is to be not too dependent or too separate from other people. When I am present and mindful, which I am a small percentage of time, I see the beauty and perfection in the eyes and then the souls of the people I encounter. We are ALL in this together and we are all here to serve each other’s development of consciousness. AND, whether you know it or not, YOU have much to offer. YOU are a Master of your journey with wisdom from life experiences which, when shared, will assist fellow pilgrims on their path toward enlightenment.

So celebrate independence but within a conscious, reasonable position. Know that historically Americans could not have achieved their version of independence without working together with the intention of building a world of betterment for all. (Yes, there have been varying views on what these words and concepts might mean…)

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Mindfulness. What Does this Mean?

Pre- Mindfulness. Early next month, I am signed up to join a “Mindfulness” retreat. There is no way I can pretend to know what Mindfulness is or where this experience will lead me. Is this a modern “fad” or strange cult coming to us from Eastern Philosophy? So, I looked it up…

Definition of mindfulness in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

1 : the quality or state of being mindful
2 : the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis; also : such a state of awareness

I love this definition, BUT, I clearly do not know what these strung together words really mean AND how can I possibly use this in my daily life???
“the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis” Sounds great… Very much a Buddhist philosophy, perhaps? The term, “Mindfulness” is used by many people who practice Yoga and Meditation. It is also bandied about by New-Age Mystics as if to join their club you better know the jargon (or we will look down on you and your lower level of consciousness…)

My problem, or at least, my challenge, is to “maintain a nonjudgemental state of heightened or “complete” awareness” (of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis…) How do you BE non-judgmental in a world where our language and our culture can not define anything without making comparisons (which are judgements) to define or describe an activity or thing??? Even more challenging is HOW DO YOU STAY IN THE MOMENT, when our definition of “time” makes us compare the past with the present with awareness that there will be a future??? And, what does “complete” mean in this context?

Well obviously, I have a lot to learn, or to know, or to be aware of in the moment.

I have been “Judgmental” my whole life. I was raised that way. I am good at being judgmental AND you/I like to do what you/I are/am good at! This does not make being judgmental right, as in correct (which is a judgment,) but it is my habit. A difficult example: Is the bark on a tree “Brown” or is that just a judgment??? Is that a Fact or is it just an opinion based on a judgement? Boy, I am confused and in big need of a three day mindfulness retreat.

No matter how confused you can be, YOU are still perfect! (Judgement???) The Universe can not exist without: you, your soul, and the “role” you are playing! Since we are all “one,” I am you and you are me AND YOU are a Blessing!

More on my Mindfulness challenge after I “survive” my retreat. Love me and wish me luck. No matter what, every time we raise our consciousness through our life experience, we raise ALL consciousness. And, that is a good thing! (Judgement!!!)

Though I struggle with being present and non-judgmental, I like to believe that I am striving to learn how to live more fully in this state of consciousness. My struggle is not unique. My solution, if I can find one, will be unique to me and a most worthy experience of wisdom to share… Grow and be as fully present and conscious as you can be!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Life is Great! How is it going for You?

Have you ever felt that Life is Great?!!! Are you a “glass half full” or a “glass half empty” kind of person? Sure, life is full of difficult challenges and there are many difficult experiences we face. Many people get caught up in the fearful side of life or dwell in the status of victimhood. This is not “bad” but it is a lesson in personal responsibility that most of us must try to understand and then move through in our quest for higher consciousness.

Fear??? What is the worst that can happen? You will get around to dying someday…
Why live in Fear? (Book resource: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers” lots of information from the “other side” (or maybe there is no other side only an earth bound less conscious side???)

In my understanding, life is not meant to be too easy. We tend to learn more from the mistakes and failures we encounter than from the easier, and more pleasant, successes. I believe that we are born into our lives with certain built-in flaws and imperfections which are our “lessons” to experience and learn from in this life. None of us are “perfect” and our imperfections make us the valuable characters we are meant to play. We bump into other imperfect souls and, whether we like it or not, are meant to learn from these exchanges and interactions.

I have heard other people exclaim, “Life would be so perfect (or so much better) IF this or that was different…” Well, that is what we are here to do. To change “this or that” especially when we actually have some choice or control and this means changing “this or that” about ourselves (or at least our beliefs.)

People have very different opinions on what is “Great” in life. These opinions do not often match up very well. Each one of us is unique and how we feel about the things we encounter is different and unique. “That is what makes horseraces,” is an expression exemplifying why difference of opinions creates the wonderful diversity of experience in our lives. Sure, we bump into other people’s opinions which “trigger” our mental or emotional states of mind.

You are special. You are unique! Your soul is part of the larger Divine Spirit and the Divine can not exist without YOU and your challenges. So please consider the self-awareness of taking responsibility for yourself and your lessons. Learn to smile at the difficult challenges you face because these can be the most important lessons you have to learn from in this life. When you do smile at these life challenges you may end up “knowing” that life is Great!

One last rant, the other seemingly imperfect souls we bump into in this warm tumbling drier called life, are all connected to us and to the Divine Spirit. They are simply other perfect manifestations of ourselves. We are all in this together. Enlightenment comes when we realize this and know that our “purpose” is to reach around and grab the hand of the next person to support them and to assist their consciousness building efforts even if these other actors seem remote and unconscious…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

In Search of Yourself: Vision Quest

Have you ever gone in search of yourself, a vision quest wondering what your purpose is in this life? You have had expectations placed on you by your family, your friends, even yourself and yet you are unsure… Perhaps you have considered a vision quest to better connect with your purpose. A successful vision quest often comes full circle and leads you to the answer you have somehow already known, deep inside.

Some people will look outside themselves for their answers and ask the questions regarding their purpose and their future. They consult an oracle like a “psychic” or the “cards” (ie Tarot cards,) or the palm reader or tea leaves or other forms of mysticism. Some people use hypnosis or a pendulum to explore the subconscious mind’s wisdom. And, when you use any of these methods your egoic mind may ask if you “trust” the information which you are given in this phase of your vision quest. The problem with the “egoic mind” is that it thinks it knows stuff which it can not possibly know. The mind has limitations and can only see in three dimensions. This does not account for vision which can go beyond these three dimensions and may include Divine Guidance.

Have you ever had that “unexplainable feeling” deep in your gut that warns you of danger or attracts you to a special person or incredible experience. Perhaps there is no “rational” reason but when you follow this “guidance” you find the amazing awakening or protection or experience of love. Your vision quest comes from this unconscious realm and seeks to find the light of consciousness you can most benefit from experiencing. In my life, I have come to the crossroads many times and wound up following the most beneficial path. (Not always the easiest or least challenging, but the best path for me to travel.)

Deep within YOU dwells the answers you seek. Most of the people you may bump into seem to keep their heads down not looking to the horizon and so missing out on the experiences they most need to have. You must prepare yourself and quiet the fears of the egoic mind so you can “Feel” and then “Know” the answers. Your vision quest comes from the gift of spiritual guidance and your connection to the collective wisdom of the divine. You must become quiet and allow this wisdom to bubble up in the most respectful way. Your meditation will allow you to connect with the seemingly subtle source of your divinity. When you do awaken, you will feel that the answer is familiar and a sensation of “remembering” this wisdom will enter your consciousness (because deep inside you already know…)

I was given a book by my dear friends, Curt and Mary, which speaks very clearly regarding the Native American tradition of the Vision Quest. “Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest,” by Denise and Meadow Linn (and published by Hay House,) offers you many ways to best prepare yourself and then to create a special experience which will allow you to access the information you seek. There are other books on this topic or which touch on this topic but this recent gift is in the very front of my consciousness. (Amazon link to this book: https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Guide-Creating-Your-Vision/dp/1401938779/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525460557&sr=8-1&keywords=quest+a+guide+for+creating+your+own+vision+quest

One of your main challenges in this life is to become the most conscious soul you can be and then to share the wisdom of your journey to assist fellow pilgrims.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

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