Born A New!

Everyday you awaken from your sleep state, you are “re born” and you are able to bless your day and start fresh. You have a choice to live differently with every new day. (At least, you have a choice to have a different, perhaps more positive, attitude toward your life.) Perhaps today (or tomorrow) you are born into less judgement of yourself and others. Or, perhaps you are born to live in love and be of service. You are free to know “Joy” and carry less fear and old baggage around with you. You are born again to be the “awakened” and most fully conscious soul which dwells within your core.

You can continue to wear your costume of torment. YOU can choose your familiar attitudes and lifestyle. It may seem safe and familiar even though you are not filled with joy. Or, you can try on a new way of being in this world. You have a “CHOICE.” Sure, the other people in your life have grown comfortable with the “old you” and may be uncomfortable if you choose to live in love and joy. This may not reflect well on their sorry self-judging lives but YOU have a choice!

Wake up in the morning and meditate FIRST! Consider how much love you can offer and how much acceptance you can find for the struggling or damaged people you bump into. We are all born into the lessons we have chosen to be challenged by and to learn from. Wake up and know that the Beginners Mind of Wonderment is a choice as a filter to view your world.

You may even want to remind yourself of this freedom to awaken in a new consciousness everyday as you repeat to yourself, “Today, I am born new!”

You are only responsible for how you react to each experience. Remember that as you choose a positive, more conscious, way of living, you not only help yourself, you help all the Divine Consciousness. By raising your vibration, you raise all vibrations. Be the beacon of love and light to shine as a model for others who are consciously or unconsciously on their path… You are a blessing! Do not miss any opportunity to share love.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Am!

What is the cause of the problems of the world? I Am!
Who is responsible for positive changes in the world? I Am!

Tom Shadyac’s 2010 documentary, “I Am,” is worth your time even with the disturbing answers to the questions above. Take Tom seriously… Tom has been a film maker who had great success with popular comedy films like: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Nutty Professor, Liar Liar, and Bruce Almighty. His success gave him an enviable lifestyle with awards, money, prestige, and enormous Hollywood homes. But, Tom did not feel happy. The “trappings of success” did not bring Tom joy. As he tells his story, a serious cycling accident peeled him away from his life and lifestyle. With time to reflect, Tom began to ask the question what makes people happy and his film tells some of this story.

The points he made which I resonated the most with started by his mentioning how lonely we tend to be as a society. The competitive forces which have guided our lifestyles have dramatically added to the sense of separation. Our cultural values ask us to find happiness and deeper satisfaction in acquiring possessions and then having to guard and protect these objects from being lost or taken from us. In the United States, we have become more accepting of the “Me First” mentality and behaviors which are portrayed by the reality TV stars and seems opposite what past cultures deemed as acceptable.

Indigenous cultures have celebrated community supporting all its members, deeper connections, cooperation, and respect for all life. Though we all share similar genes in our DNA with most lifeforms on the Earth, we tend to see ourselves as separate leading to a disconnect with our role on this Earth and at odds with our life giving environment. We tend to hoard and take more than we should or we do not have a responsible long term approach to the resources which are available. In cultures from the past, people who hoarded or gathered too many possessions were thought to be mentally ill, a view shared by many of the experts which Tom interviewed for his movie.

Today, we live in a polarized society where people do not listen to opposing attitudes or beliefs. We are separated by political beliefs and false idols.

Tom eventually found that his happiness was not in the 17,000 square foot home he owned or the lifestyle of the jet setters. He sold his house and moved into a manufactured house. He lives more simply now. Rides his bicycle to work. Most importantly, he finds true happiness in being of service and assisting other people. He shares that we all need to take responsibility for our actions and for the future of our planet by doing what ever we can to reduce unnecessary consumption and live with in the means which our Earth can provide. Connecting and cooperation is his way of “being in this world.” We are all in this world together. We are all responsible for what happens.

Look for the things that bring YOU the most joy. Chances are you will find these experiences in offering service, in what ever ways YOU can… Even a simple act of sharing a hug. You are a blessing and you have a BIG role in assisting the forward movement of ALL consciousness!

By the way, Tom’s 2010 documentary is worth the time. The many people he interviewed offered much to my knowledge base and his (spiritual) views were very compatible with the lessons learned and shared through the Masters of the Journey community.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Spiritual Mastery! What?

What is Spiritual Mastery? Why is this important to my life and my happiness? In many of the previous blogs, I have written, “Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master!” My Spiritual Guidance keeps this on the front burner for me in my dictation of these blogs. Your Happiness and Your Joy can be enhanced by accepting this message, not with your mind BUT with Your Heart! Spiritual Mastery is NOT a process that requires that you meditate in a cave for 20+ years or cut yourself off from relationships to prove worthiness and piety… No, you will find a way to “Remember” that you are a part of the Divine Wisdom and this can come in an instant! (Though figuring out how to live this “Enlightenment” 24/7 can take many lifetimes…)

You caught me using the term, “Spiritual Mastery,” and may be intimidated by the concept which I throw out to you, seemingly, lightly. Not lightly at all! My guidance reminds me that we are “perfect” and have the “Divine Wisdom” within us. “All” we have to do is to remember the connection to the Divine and the Wisdom which dwells within our souls. That’s “All.” We agreed to incarnate into this life to learn our lessons, from our challenges, and THEN to share this wisdom, knowing, and unconditional Love with the fellow “pilgrims” we connect with in this life… Simple and Easy! Not really!

First, our conscious minds and “ego” try to remind us that we are separate and should be fearful because this is how the mind and “ego” survive their small 3 dimensional existence. You are so much more than the petty limitations which you have created in this false “reality.” Did I say “false” reality? The mind tells you that its perspective is “real” and based in survival and fear of loss… When you remember your “epiphanies” in those brief moments of connecting with the Divine, you realize that you are connected to a Universal Wisdom that has a difficult time in your day to day life, but it is more real than a 3 dimensionally limited view which our human incarnation can understand. When you do understand or rather “Remember” and “Know” you are closer to your goal of “Enlightenment.” (Boy, there are a lot of “Quotations” in this blog!)

Bliss and Your Joy and Happiness can be more 24/7 when you accept your true self and the Spiritual Mastery which lies within your heart and your soul. You are a Master! You are a Blessing! You are more powerful and more important than you often are willing to remember. The Masters of the Journey is a community which supports you in remembering and knowing your perfection, your power, your Joy. We will now use Spiritual Mastery as our tag line until YOU remember your full perfection. (Wow, when you do an internet search for “Spiritual Mastery” a lot of stuff pops up. Some is excellent and some is commercial and expensive!) No matter what you find as you search for Spiritual Mastery, know that you already have this wisdom within you and unlocking it is your challenge which starts with accepting that YOU are a Master of Your Journey! And, it helps to have “Extreme Curiosity” with an insatiable appetite for truth. Are you “open” to awareness and willing to ask lots of questions? Tuning into your guidance (and intuition) can assist you in your process of remembering your Divinity.

Tool: You can benefit from a regular practice of “checking in” and “grounding out.” To learn to quiet the mind’s chatter is not always an easy practice but you develop this skill. Meditation (in any of a variety of forms) is the best way to reconnect with the treasure of Divine Wisdom deep within you. The “quiet mind” is also a restorative experience that assists you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Please meditate and reconnect with your internal wisdoms. While you are at it, live in and with Love and compassion as much as you can. It is a good habit to develop.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Share the Light!

Our theme for 2018 is to Share the Light! You have experienced the “Light” in your meditations or from experiences. The “Light” shines in those moments of your life experience when you are “present” and feel the unconditional love & acceptance of the Divine. If you have difficulty remembering your moments in the “Light,” consider the memory you have of a radiant Sunset/Sunrise, or the beauty of an embrace with mother and child, or the heartfelt joy when you are lost in music or work of art! For me an obvious example was one moment when I was 25 years old and viewed the grandeur of Evolution Meadow in the High Sierra and knew in my heart that this should be celebrated as “God’s Cathedral.” (My soul felt the awe and the joy of witnessing this perfection where steep cliffs and white glaciers met the brilliant blue sky.)

Now is the time to Share the Light! As a Master, you learn by sharing. Your “purpose” in this life is to reach out and to serve your fellow travelers. Sharing your story and your wisdom is of great service. Wait, you may not fully believe that YOU are a Master with Wisdom to share. Whether you know it or not, YOU are so much greater (and more powerful) than your mind and ego allow you to believe. You are an important part of the Divine Spirit in all its perfection! You have this perfection and divine wisdom within you AND you are working to “Remember” this perfection! That IS what Your “Enlightenment” is all about!

It is almost to much to Know, Remember, and believe, but it is true! It is so difficult to know this because if you took full responsibility for the perfect divinity within you, you would then have to be responsible for all your beliefs and your actions. YOU would have to acknowledge that YOU are the Master! No more excuses or shoulder shrugging. You are the epitome of “Perfection” and the Divine Spirit kindles the Light of unconditional Love within your soul. You were born, “In Spirit,” to share the Light! The Darkness of ignorance, self-doubt, and fear are the experiences which you came to learn from and then to disappear (eliminate) through your enlightenment! This is your purpose and you share this purpose with every other pilgrim you bump into in the “rock polisher” called Life. (This rock polisher makes you more smooth and beautiful as you tumble around ridding yourself of your rough edges. Be the gem you are!)

Your incredible light shines brightly. You are a beacon to lead the way for others searching souls to bask within. Please, Share the Light which is your perfect spirit. Perhaps, you can remember your role as the lightworker you came here to be.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Be Interesting: Part 2

What are the ingredients of an “interesting person?” What skills can you learn to make YOU more interesting?

Interesting People have an “Attraction” for others by offering: Energy, Knowledge, Wisdom, Entertainment, or Passion. Whether you know this or not, you are a Master with Knowledge and Wisdom gleaned from your life’s experiences. You have Mystery, how did YOU survive your own life??? You can trigger the imagination and past memories for those you share your story with. You may lack confidence but your sharing is worth it to people who witness your tellings.

Ways YOU can be most interesting:

1. Remember your youthful passion. When we are young, we have energy and passion to live most fully. Return to those memories, not to find your success or failures as barriers, but to remember the joy and energy you felt when everything was new and fresh. You can bask in this glow of youthful expression. It will “brighten” you and like a beacon, it will draw people to you and this glowing energy we all enjoy. (This youthful energy bubbled up for you as you “chased” your dreams. And this is still within you.)

2. An authentic struggle to learn, grow, and develop never leaves you. Perhaps you have been distracted by what you think are priorities but we were born to explore our life’s lessons and try new ways of participating in life. Do not be satisfied by what has been experienced or “learned” for there is always more to learn and new experiences to have. Find the energy to chase down your path rather than just waiting in life’s Lotto Line for a payout that just comes to you… Know the bright bulb of enthusiasm for Life’s mysteries.

3. The most powerful way to be “interesting” is for you to ask questions and to show focused interest in your communication partner’s experience. If you can let go of the need to control the conversation by speaking and sharing too much (get your ego out of the way – or your insecurity) you will demonstrate how interesting “YOU” are. Sincere questions to promote clarity and deeper thought and understanding of your partner will get the results you desire. Cluttering your mind, and the conversation, by thinking of your answers while your partner is speaking gets in the way of your sincere focused attention! Look and Be interested and YOU will be “interesting” and attractive. Curiosity and your interest in the person right in front of you is key! (After all, they are a perfect soul of the Divine Spirit… Just like you!)
Also, witnessing another person’s story is a Great Gift! People want to be heard… YOU want to be heard
! Show this respect and you will be setting yourself up for being respected!

4. When you share your story find an attractive way to tell your story.
Say it with:
1. energy and passion
2. Creativity
3. Clear focus in your thoughts and then your words
4. Find a way to make it a “Universal Experience” for all your witnesses (common to their lives)
Emphasize the relevant energy of the conversation (do not spin off into new directions) but touch on what is common – fear, drama, passion (gut wrenching emotion which we can all relate to from common life experience.)
5. AND, make it unique… From Your perspective as you contribute YOU to the conversation. (Only you have experienced YOUR first: kiss, relationship, fight, visit to an interesting natural setting, the first dawn you witnessed, the magnificent sunset, the loss of a loved one, the birth of a child, the struggle with the first job…)
6. Be Genuine! Do not hold back what you are feeling! Express your fear, your passion, your vulnerability and the “REAL You” will be most attractive. (We all have flaws and imperfections which our lives perfect and unique.)

DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR EGO, YOU are good enough! YOU are powerful! Your life is important! You may not remember that your spirit/soul is at the very foundation of all consciousness and the Divine Spirit. Without you the Universe would NOT exist. When you listen to your ego, you may not remember how essential you are because the ego wants you to play it small and confines you to focus on fear and your insecurities. This is how it control you! You are so much bigger than the “petty” life in 3 dimensions that we struggle within to learn our lessons in this incarnation!

If you want the support you and your spirit deserve consider participating in our non-religious community, Masters of the Journey. You are interesting! Go out and be the attractive, connected spirit you came here to be! Be the MASTER which you are AND take responsibility for the role you are here to play as a teacher and fellow pilgrim.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Simple Truth

There are many opinions and many may be related to what is “True.” For every Truth, the opposite can be equally “True,” from a different perspective. People believe what they find comfort in believing and can justify this “Truth” as “True.” However, by definition “Truth” is not as simple as an opinion.

“Truth” by definition is:

Noun: the quality or state of being true. “he had to accept the truth of her accusation”
synonyms: veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candor, honesty; accuracy, correctness, validity, factuality, authenticity. “he doubted the truth of her statement”

That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
noun: the truth “tell me the truth”
synonyms: what actually happened, the case, so; the gospel (truth), the honest truth “it’s the truth, I swear”
fact(s), reality, real life, actuality
“truth is stranger than fiction” A fact or belief that is accepted as true.

Plural noun: truths “the emergence of scientific truths”
synonyms: fact, verity, certainty, certitude; law, principle “scientific truths”

ALL of these possible distinctions that help define what a “Truth” is are open to some subjective foundations which can VARY Widely. And, with the use of un-fact-checked information on the internet, dubious opinions are stated as truth and believed (by people who want to believe that these opinions are true such as: President Obama was not a citizen of the United States and so could not have been a lawful president (which is still being debated by racist, “alt-right” media, conservative politicians firing up their “base,” and many ignorant people.))

In the 1930’s in Germany the Nazi Party promoted and used the tactic, which is being used today, sadly, that “if you repeat a lie often enough (and loud enough) people will begin to believe it.” The voices of anger and fear spoke loudly and the German people began to believe in the power of blaming and hate! This strategy worked then and still works now. Our culture is bombarded by commercials that seem innocent and then become common place like the smoking commercials of the 1950’s which encourage everyone to “relax” by smoking. Or, that “Fast food” is healthy, and you can trust the Fast Food companies, and a great way to feed your family. OR, there are “weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq!” Lies repeated enough to be believed can become “Truth.” People are easily manipulated unless you question and “Fact-check” information that comes from the internet and many “traditional sources.”

It is NOT easy to have to think for yourself and question what you read or hear. This takes time and energy to question the “sources.” It takes intelligence and self-confidence to go against what powerful forces (interests) will tell you in their efforts to have their agenda become the dominate behavior. Instant gratification through technology has become the way our culture lives and this technology is most easily manipulated (and self-serving to the people and interests who post this “marginally true” (but misleading or false) information.)

There is no “Simple Truth” when “truth” can be manipulated and people do not question the “source” or the information that is pushed in front of them.

The Course in Miracles (ACIM) says there is only “Love” or “Fear” and “Love” is the only “Truth” which really exists. Everything thing else is a constructed fake reality in ACIM beliefs… There are many times I understand this belief, “Truth,” or whatever this opinion is AND I want to live in this “Truth.” Perhaps we are here to learn the difference between “Fake news” and the “Truth” which is only “Love.”

Find your “truth” and I hope it is based on Love.

You are a blessing!

Consider a supportive community – tribe like Masters of the Journey and share YOUR story!

If you find yourself disagreeing, or agreeing, with this blog, please comment below. Your opinion counts. It is YOUR Opinion! It is also YOUR lesson especially when you have a strong emotion attached to your opinion.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Oneness vs Self

Dilemma: Oneness and 100% connection versus the preservation and requirements of Self-care…

Is there a conflict or not? Does the concept of “Oneness” mean Selfless and complete lack of Separation from all other Divine Souls or can the human incarnation engage in the activity of Self-care?

Some say that there is Not a conflict. A priority of self-care as a priority is a demonstration of Self-love and the Self-awareness adding to the consciousness of the greater Divinity. The act of inward reflection in meditation adds to personal awareness and growth. It is an act of Self-care. It also takes the edge off mental/emotional swings of the Mind and Ego.

Self-care with exercise can allow you to find your way into the “Present” moment and can help to release guilt and the held upset from past remembrances and anxiety for the changes and unknowns of the future.

Personal reflection and insights as you view your life’s lessons and interactions is the purpose of your incarnation. We learn from “Bumping” up against our “Triggers” and testing out our new skill sets and new learnings to see how these fit our “lessons” as we plod along our paths toward greater consciousness. It forces us to accept and to love unconditionally all the people and situations our egos may find annoying, difficult or distracting.

These are our challenges and our laboratory for testing our newly developing consciousness and wisdoms. If we are “triggered,” then we have a lesson to learn more fully.

You are a Divine Soul and perfect. You are here to serve and to assist other pilgrims. Whether you know it or not, You are a Master. If you seek a non-religious community for support and to enhance your conscious development, consider Masters of the Journey and tell Your story!

In the “Present” to Connect and to “Witness”

Often lacking in our culture is the deeper connections which allow for growth of consciousness and spirit. (“Often” is a judgement which, in this case, means “Most of the time.”) We are all here, in the present incarnation, to learn and to grow. Most importantly, we are here to support our fellow spiritual pilgrims on their (“our”) path toward “Enlightenment.”

One factor that gets in the way of connecting is our weakness in a key area of communication. We are resistant to using our ears and our intuition to fully “Hear” the person/soul who has “bumped” into us. Our culture teaches us to interrupt the “story” being shared with our own thoughts or past experience so we can “control” the conversation. We are rarely using questioning to assist our conversation partner to be more clear with “their” storytelling. We are lacking in the skills as a “witness” to the story, and possible wisdom, which is being shared. If we were fully “Present” in the interaction, we might invest fully in soaking up the story/lesson with all of our senses including our intuition. We are ALL “Masters” with much to share. Mastery includes being fully present and being aware as a “Student” to the experience. Appreciation and respect is often neglected due the lack of “Time” or energy or interest… What if God, yes the God we have heard about, was standing in front of us, perhaps as a “burning bush,” and sharing some wisdom with us? Would we/you/I listen fully and with respect? Or, would we discount this message because we are lacking focus? Would we interrupt God to share our story?

An individual soul who has awakened and begun to “remember” their connection to the Divine might be “Serious” about consciousness and spiritual development. Curiosity and openness would be a common thread in all interactions, with people or with nature. If you ever get “serious” about your practice of spiritual consciousness, you may wish to participate by “listening,” “watching,” “being fully aware,” and “Taking it all in.” Do this not just to support the next pilgrim with a story which needs to be “heard” but for yourself! This is YOUR learning and by raising your consciousness, you raise ALL consciousness (because we are ALL connected and “One!”)

You may find yourself in conversation with questions like:
What is a human being?
Who is this person in front of me and what am I to learn from them?
What are we to learn together?
They are equal to me and they have their “lessons” and challenges but their “pains” are the same as mine (perhaps experienced slightly differently.)

Listening and “Witnessing” are challenging skills which are worth developing. In our lives, we experience many “relationship challenges” which are often associated with OUR lack of listening skills. We might find ourselves interrupting or getting defensive when perhaps we could be asking questions and exploring the pain or blocks to intimacy.

We are not “perfect” and we come into this life to take the next steps toward higher consciousness and more fully remembering our Divine source. Do not give up! The challenge is our lesson! Even if you were “Perfect,” You want the experience of being human with the intense emotions and the difficulties with our limited abilities to communicate. This is part of the cosmic fun! Celebrate and take responsibility for the challenge before you. We are ALL in this together and, at some higher level, we are participating for the “greater good.”

You are a blessing! You are a Master! Your purpose is to learn, to grow, and to assist every soul you bump into to!

Be Present! Share your story! And, be a Master of Witnessing the story of the person in front of you!

If you would like more conscious connections with people who are actively “remembering their Divinity” and moving forward to higher consciousness consider participating in the non-religious community, Masters of the Journey.

You are never alone! You are loved, unconditionally! Enjoy the pilgrimage or, at the very least, appreciate the value.

Opening the Door to Consciousness Takes Trust

Do you want the spirit of the Divine to come in to your life and to be a powerful force within you? Do you trust the Spirit of the Divine?

Are you ready to let go of Fear, Anger, Ego, and Separation? This is not as easy as it may sound. For many of us, there is difficulty letting go of what we are familiar with, even ego, self-identification and separateness. We may have a long term pattern (habit) of being judgmental and of finding ways to “look down” on the next pilgrim we meet along our path. We may remember that the reason we are “Triggered” by an individual or group (say politics) is to teach us the lesson that we must learn and to find ways of “seeing” through another person’s eyes. The “comfort” of the “known” can be easier even if wrought with pain, than the new, unknown of a new way of being – enlightenment…

Are you ready for Unconditional Love, ONENESS, and Wisdom to burn more brightly within YOU? Enlightenment brings this light to you AND to all! (Your enlightenment is not just for you, it benefits and serves all spirits, because we are all in this together.) Are you ready for change? This may mean reducing, or even eliminating, your tendency to be judgmental or less accepting. It is difficult to accept that our lives are caught up in many “petty” habits and lifestyle choices which do not really demonstrate how big and how great your spirit truly is! As Divine beings, we have the capacity to go beyond the limitations of the mind and the body and the constraints of time and space. When we “remember” who we really are and how important we are to the Universal Spirit, we can better appreciate the challenges and lessons that we are moving through in this lifetime.

You may not be ready to be free and to share the blessing of consciousness, even though you want to or think you are ready. You may not be ready to find pure acceptance! With the pain and challenges in this life, how can you trust “Knowing” that this is all there for a reason and to teach lessons that we all benefit from learning? But, when will you “remember” enough regarding your true spiritual self so you can more fully trust the process of the pilgrimage you are are on? (We are all on the “path” toward consciousness/enlightenment. We are all in this together…)

It is a blessing to share the path with you! You are amazing! You are a Master, whether you know this or not, and you are here to share your experiences and your wisdom!

A community of fellow travelers is available to support you and offer you resources. The Masters of the Journey is a non-religious, supportive community. Consider whether this may be of benefit to you on YOUR journey.

The Spirit Which Burns Within

Whether you know it, or not, embers of the “Holy Spirit” smolder within you.

Breathe in and fan these embers until they begin to glow and then burns more brightly until they finally burst into the flame of unconditional love.

They burn with a light whose brilliance brightens the darkest corners of the Universe.

They can burn white hot with the wisdom, acceptance, gratitude, freedom, and connection to all the Divine Spirit includes… They can heal with the Golden White light of the Love they were born within. The core of the Divine is Love! Look to find this light of Love burning within each, and every, person you encounter. We are all on the path together and will benefit from supporting each soul’s journey. Dwell in the “Present” and shed the sadness from the past and the Fear/Anxiety of living in the (Unknown) Future… When you can appreciate every moment in the “Present” you will find loving acceptance and gratitude of the challenging lessons in which you are engaged.

You are a Master and will find a way to Remember the “Perfection” which dwells within your soul. As Don Ley says, know that your life in the current incarnation is “Petty” compared to whom you really are. You are SO MUCH GREATER than your mind can imagine! You are a blessing and an Essential piece of all of Consciousness. You have made an agreement to come back to your current manifestation (incarnation) to learn from your challenges and, as importantly, to assist the other pilgrims you touch along your path through this life.

This message was channelled from guidance and may be valuable to consider. Support for you on your personal pilgrimage may be found by connecting with Masters of the Journey. Please remember to celebrate in joy each lesson you confront and all the souls you bump up against as you tumble around in this warm dryer called life.

Clarity and poetry in comment by Don Ley:
Hi John.

I just read this over and I think it’s great. As for quoting me… now you’re running a big risk, because I’m liable to say most anything at any time. I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth. And it gets me in trouble sometimes.

As for this particular quote, I think I was probably referring to how we relate to life, how we see life and how seriously we take everything. It has to do with how much we get caught up in things that don’t make a damn bit of difference in the larger scheme of things, how we think we need to get everything right all the time, and then, perhaps the biggest one of all, how we judge everybody (including ourselves) and everything, as well as the criteria we use to make those judgements (how much education do they have, how much money do they earn, what kind of clothes are they wearing, how do they wear their hair, how fat or skinny are they, and on and on and on endlessly). These things, for me, are some of what created the giggle from the NDE. It’s about how petty we make life. How petty are the concepts through which we are seeing life. And how getting caught up in that pettiness makes us completely lose track of who we are and what we came here for.

Does all of that make this particular life petty in the context of who you really are? Probably. Especially in the way that you used it.
