Are You One of the Volunteers?

Have you ever felt like you do not belong here or that you do not fit in? Are you a little bit (or a lot) different than the “standard” people you work with or went to school with or, even, who are in your family? Maybe you are different. Maybe you are not from around here… Perhaps you are one of the “Volunteers” who have come to this time and place with a “higher calling.” There are some “conscious” people who believe that this time in human history, souls from other parts of the Universe have come to Earth to assist in raising “vibrations” and consciousness so humanity can keep from destroying itself and damaging the Earth.

Some of these “volunteers” are “waking up.” They are “remembering” their soul’s perfection and the greater power and consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of our normal and limiting 3 dimensional human existence. This remembering includes remembering or “knowing” the oneness with all souls in the Universe. And, the feeling of the true “unconditional Love of the Divine Spirit.” Or, the freedom from human’s time and space limitations. The full acceptance that the Divine Spirit has for all of its creations. And, additionally, the access to all Divine Wisdom. For ages we have been told that this is “Enlightenment” or a part of the ascension after completing our lives here on Earth. Perhaps this is more available to us if we just “wake up.”

There is an 8 minute parable regarding this concept of volunteers coming to Earth to assist with consciousness raising. If this YouTube video is available, you can check this out and share with other conscious friends. This experience is based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at: “The Volunteers” (Skip the pop up Ad, it is not part of the story.)

Did you watch the video? Do you resonate with this perspective? If so, who do you know who you are going to share this with and so assist them in their waking up? And, what are you going to do the assist in raising consciousness and spiritual vibrations on Earth? The more people who can become conscious and the more the vibration can be raised, the faster these positive transitions can occur for humanity. Please consider how you can get the word out or, at the very least, be the role model of the fully enlightened soul you are. Act like you are more than the limited 3 dimensional character you are playing in the drama called life on Earth.

Every day, perhaps every moment, look for the Joy in the lesson you are learning from the challenge you are currently living. Yes, Joy in the most difficult, or even painful, lesson. You are a Master of your Journey. AND, You are Loved for being who you are!

There is no definitive way of proving, or disproving, the theory regarding the “Volunteers” that I know of… Regardless as to whether this is an optimistic fantasy or possible, it is always a good idea to increase our awareness and to “wake up.” Enhancing our empathy and consciousness is more and more necessary in our overcrowded world. Raising our conscious vibrations, learning equanimity, being “present,” and reducing our desire for crippling judgements makes good sense in our modern world. Never give up on what is essential… growing in consciousness and finding ways to be of service. Share Love. Share your wisdom. Find Joy even in difficult challenges. Remember where you came from and where you will return.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Who Are YOU!

It is time for a reminder. You may have limitations which do not allow you to realize who you are and how important you are. Your Ego may want you to “play it small” so you are not a target or threatened. Like the deer in the headlights, you may freeze when the spotlight of life shines on you… BUT, it does NOT change the deeper truth, you are a Miracle. You, whether you know it or not, are a Master. No one could do “YOU” better than You do you. AND, You are essential. Sure, you may be playing out a life which may appear to be a lesser character in the Play of Life, but every character is essential and the play could NOT be performed without you in the role you are playing.

Fear and your insecurity may get in the way of you seeing how truly Awesome you are. Many of us consciously or unconsciously choose fear or anxiety as a major way to relate to this world. Our survival may depend on how quick we respond to a fearful stimuli. We learn by behaving appropriately in the survival of scary things but it is NOT who we are. We survive and stay alive because we have many things to learn and to do in this life. What are we scared of, dying? Well, we are all going to die some day anyway. Living in Fear of Death is a waste of time, energy, and our consciousness. In case you need some clarity, Death is NOT the enemy! Death is the final transition we experience AND we get to move into the higher realms where Unconditional Love, Freedom, Acceptance, Oneness, and access to all Divine Wisdom is available.

You came to the Earth plane to be challenged. You may have forgotten how great you are as a spirit. You live in the limitations of our 3 dimensional world for the “Drama” and the “Challenges” which are found as we interact with people and experiences on the Earthly plane. Some of us have chosen to come in for long lives. Some of us have chosen to come for a brief or shorter lifespan, probably for the lessons of our family or friends or caregivers. No matter which, you are essential to the events you have been born into…

With greater awareness and developed consciousness, you may remember connection to the Divine Spirit. You may remember that every soul you bump into is “perfect” in her or his own way, and they are here for some lesson you may be involved within. Perhaps, you will even “remember” that YOU are a Master and you have much to offer. You can be a beacon of Love and Light to serve and to guide others on their path to Reawakening! You and your path through this life are “Perfect!” And, as long as you are here, Be the Best you can be. Keeping learning and growing in consciousness. Wherever possible, find a way to Love and to Serve your fellow pilgrims. (Even the ones who seem to push your buttons as a lesson…)

If you resist this message, ask yourself why you do not want to remember and to celebrate the magnificent soul you are here to be. Not an Ego trip, but a remembering of how the Divine Spirit created you as essential to the drama here on our Earth. Find Joy, even in the difficult challenges you are here to learn from. (Easier said than done, but still available for you…) Take a deep slow breath and know all the other miracles of life which surround you for these can teach you so much!

Where possible consider the Divine Perfection of your soul! You are an Earth Angel in an Earthly incarnation having a “human” experience. Love and appreciate the Miracle of the Divine which lives brightly within you and is so much greater than your mind can understand.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Maelstrom of Our Lives

We are living in early parts of 2020. Our world is changed forever. There will be a new normal but we first will have to learn our lessons as we survive, in some form or another, the Maelstrom created by our world’s response to Covid-19. You can ask, Are we victims of this virus or just actors in the play which has lessons for our planet Earth and the humanity who appears to be the main characters in this Reality Show? Brutal like the “reality” TV show “Naked and Afraid.”

Many of us are in fear or controlled by our anxiety. Some of us pretend to be in control and oppositional to this world-wide crisis. Some of us are looking for the right prayers or meditations to neutralize this virus and its rampage on our “regular” lives. Some of us are oblivious or under the influence of our medications of choice. Some of us stare death defiantly in the eyes. We have heroes. We have victims. We have heroes who are victims. We have drama and a set of circumstances never before seen in the age of instantaneous world-wide communications.

Perhaps there are even a few people of consciousness who maintain equanimity in the face of raging media, stupidity in leadership, and personal concerns to their lives, their health, their wealth, their lifestyles, their communities, and their belief systems. Some day in the future, all this may be explained or understood better than it is today in the midst of this craziness. BUT, do not miss the opportunity to view these travails through the filter of “what can we learn from this situation and how can we serve by sharing any wisdom which comes our way.”

Trust me (but why would you trust me???…) things will get worse for our world before they get better. (Written on April 5th, 2020.) Health will be jeopardized. Finances will be crushed for most of us. Lifestyles will be forced into unfamiliar territory. Our emotions, our thoughts and our spirits will be tested because this is Big, as big as a world-wide transition can be, for our modern world. And, my hope is that humanity will learn new lessons of interdependence and support for humanity which will go far beyond our national borders. We are all in this together. We are in this for the long haul. And, we will need each other as never before. Even our Earth will be healed or it will take out the human civilizations as we have known these to be.

I am trying to think beyond a “Doomsday” scenario. We have an opportunity to expand our consciousness and take steps closer to an enlightenment on this Earthly plane. But, much testing and difficult challenges will be experienced. Political and economic structures will be altered or we will be headed for extinction. And, I do not say this to be an alarmist or as a negative prognosticator. We have an opportunity to learn in consciousness and to grow. There will be desperate, angry, fearful and anxious people who will fight to maintain our old institutions even if this means “mutual assured destruction.” (MAD)

This will be GREAT! Be aware. Be “Present!” Meditate and listen to the deeper wisdom of “Guidance.” Be willing to serve. And, do not fear death because this can get in your way and make the Joys of life more difficult to find. May you find the Divine Spirit within you to give you confidence and solace. Face and love the maelstrom. It can be the miracle we are looking for. (Where possible resist the fear mongering of the media and crazy self-serving leadership…)

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Contagion: Are YOU a Carrier?

As I write in March of 2020, contagion anxiety is rampant in our world. There appears to be a new virus running around the world and there is a Media feeding frenzy to add to our awareness and fear every day 24/7. It has affected our economy and way of life. We even have been told to wash our hands! Brutal! They have implied that it is better for us to walk in nature rather than in the shopping mall and even to avoid mass gatherings like concerts, meetings, conventions, schools, and even, church. Lots of world travel has ground to a halt. But, WE DO NOT NEED to hang 24/7 with the Media for frightening details of things happening far from most neighborhoods. We might even have to use our “Common Sense” (which, sadly, has been bred out of us in the USA by poor education and a general lack of interest.)

But these fearful viral contagions are not really what I want to talk about. There are so many other sources of loud annoying sources of fear based information. What I want to share is about a different kind of contagious behavior which is NOT as fearful or anxiety producing. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I am asking that you consider being “Ground Zero” of a loving and uniting contagion. A contagion of love and support! It spreads by making eye contact and smiling! Better still, make eye contact and be “present” and sincere AND then smile while saying “Thank You. You are a Blessing!” “Thank you for being you!” “You are a Miracle!” “You are Perfect!” YOU are LOVED!” Even without physical contact or a loving, tender hug, you can convey the healing virus of warmth, acceptance, and loving understanding…

After your close emotional and spiritual contact, you DO NOT have to wash yourself down with bleach or disinfectant. Yes, you have shared a moment but you have not raised the anxiety level to code Red! Go take a deep slow breath and reflect on the Divine Spirit’s amazing presence in all people and things. And besides, what is the worst that can happen? Some souls are given their chance to find completion and to transition back to spirit. Sure, their egos and physical persona in this life will not be moving around our three dimensional world and their closest family and friends will find a new experience in grief and mourning within the vacuum which is created but this is part of our life’s challenge. The Divine Spirit blesses all souls whether incarnated or as the free souls dwelling between lives. From my personal experience, I often find a state of “envy” for the freedom, acceptance, and the unconditional love which bathes the disembodied spirits most easily without the limitations of the earthly life.

So here is YOUR challenge. Go out and infect the people you bump into with an unconditional love and respect. Offer the infectious smile and appreciation that your soul can offer. Allow a spiritual connection that carries no harmful viruses but heals with a Golden White Light. Bless YOU and all the positive warmth and energy you can go out and share in this world filled with anxiety! You have the power to make positive changes, one eyeball to eyeball contact at a time. You are a Miracle and a Miracle worker. You are a carrier of healing energy!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Craving Connections

A message from my Guidance states:

“People come to the Masters of the Journey monthly meetings because they crave “connection.” They crave connection in relationships with other people and with our community. They also crave connections with themselves. They search for connections with their soul deep within. And, finally, people come because they crave connection with the Divine Spirit. They wish to connect with the “source” from which they came and where we will return.”

These connections demand that people reach out and reach in to share love and support for other souls and to nourish their own souls. As we bounce through our lives, we need to bump into other people to be challenged, to learn and to grow, and to test the lessons we have learned. We can NOT do this in a vacuum. We need to interact and to share our stories from life experience. We have come to serve the other souls we meet through these interactions. Each of us needs a witness and some support along our path towards a higher state of consciousness. We need perspective. We need LOVE!

Do not miss your opportunities to connect. Reach out to support others and this will support you. Share your wisdom gained from the life experiences you have had. Where possible tell these stories not just for you but to meet the needs of your connection partner. Your intention of sharing concern and love with another soul is often more important than the actual words from your story but the story offers a place to focus upon.

The act of connecting with other humans in our world is an act where you and your connection partner(s) form an ensemble. This opens many doors for you to explore, and so, to learn from. Yes, there is “Drama” because humans (at least in our culture) seem to love living in Drama. If we were watching a movie or a play, we would expect Drama and be entertained by the characters as they wend their way through the dramatic mischief. Well, that is our lives as well. We can get sucked into the Drama and this creates an opportunity to learn and to grow and possibly even to practice “Equanimity.” Many believe that Equanimity in the face of major life Drama is a demonstration of higher consciousness. That is best judged by the “conscious” participant… The bottom line, you are alive and you can not always avoid Drama, SO, enjoy the ride and learn what you came here to learn…

You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! AND, You are so much greater than your mind and ego allow you to know. Thank you for being YOU! When possible strive to reach out and to connect and to Love your partners in this connection. We all need Love and Connection.

AND, when the small voice of guidance speaks to you, listen! When guidance asks something of you, consider this a “gift” and find your way to follow this guidance. The lesson you will experience is a part of your path and you can not grow without a stretch… With Love!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Loving Intimacy

In the “Higher Realms,” beyond the Veil, there are NO lies! There is no time or space. There is no separation. The 3 dimensional limitations of our Earthly incarnation born from ego and fear do not exist. There is no place to hide from who you are! AND, You are perfect!

You are a manifestation of the Divine Spirit. You are connected to all other things, and souls, in the Universe. With the DNA of the Divine Spirit imprinted in your soul, you are a perfect hologram and copy of the Supreme Being, which IS YOU! So, imagine being loved, honored, accepted, and fully embraced by all that is good and great in the Universe, and beyond. Every facet of you, including your imperfections and drama, is loved. No secrets only complete Loving Intimacy with all other things. Fully connected and joyfully loved for the role you are playing! In fact, YOU are Unconditionally Loved by the Divine in ways which can not be defined by words or fully known by your Earthly mind.

Every piece of knowledge, wisdom, and feeling is known, telepathically and loved, in the higher realms. No other soul can do YOU better than than you are doing YOU. You are essential. Without you the Divine Spirit and all consciousness can not exist. You are an important part of the team and yet not separate from any other part. Your soul also shares loving acceptance with all the other souls. When you raise your consciousness, all souls have their consciousness raised.

There is no way to not be fully connected though your mind and ego may have a fantasy that you are isolated and separated as you Judge other souls in this incarnation. You are unique in spirit but closely interconnected. You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! Whether you consciously know this, or not, You are a Master!

You are never alone. And, You are the most Beautiful Soul in this Universe!

BTW. If you would like to view our recent Blog Posting regarding Unconditional Love follow link to:

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

What Happened to You?

“What happened to YOU?” (Looking at someone’s “unusual behavior” or their “look.”) Yes, that is the question I could be asking instead of leaping into a negative judgement if you are not doing something the way “I” would be doing it. Perhaps I can work on a Total Acceptance with NO Judgement when I do not understand or feel like I agree with someone who cross my field of vision. But, total acceptance takes a special quality that I do not fully possess. So, it feels better to ask an unanswerable question. What happened to you which makes you act or respond the way that you do?

We are all different and have had different influences in our lives. We each came to our current incarnation with special lessons to learn and special lessons to teach… Why we act as we do may be related to our ancestors, or our DNA, or our unique childhood, or something in the environment we grew up within. What can be difficult for our minds to understand is that even with our flaws and imperfections, each one of us is perfect. We are all unique. We are here, in this life, to learn and to grow as we bump into the people and the challenges which we bump into. If someone “pushes your buttons” and “triggers” you, you can get judgmental or you can an ask what happen to them AND what is YOUR lesson for bumping into these seemingly annoying souls. They could be angels and we might not notice because we have been “triggered.”

It is great to attempt to understand why they did what they did. It may be more important and more within our control to attempt to better understand why I was “triggered” and not accepting, neutral, nonjudgmental, and totally in forgiveness. Forgiveness, yes, forgiveness with no need to go back and change the behavior which set me off. I am not saying “turn the other cheek,” I am saying that this judgement may have been triggered by taking MY life TOO seriously. Considering myself to be at the center of the Universe, in a sense. My Insecurity and lack of self love and self-acceptance, has created a sensitivity within me that wants, or needs, to Judge others to feel more in control and to delude myself into thinking that I am “better” than them. Not their equal. Which does not allow me to realize that I am God. I am perfect. I am a miracle. I am JUST like every other soul I bump into. I am unique but I am not “better” than they are. We are all perfect and here to trigger the lessons we need to teach each other until we are conscious enough to know that we are all connected and in this life struggle for higher consciousness, together.

Besides, when I ask what happened to you, I can ask what happened to ME to respond as I do and where is this lesson is supposed to take ME… But, asking “what happen to you?” is more conscious than responding with negative judgment.

In case you need reminding, or you do not remember, yet, YOU are a blessing! You are are perfect! No one could do YOU better than you and you have a unique role in the fabric of the Divine Spirit!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Know Your Lineage, Remember Where You are From

Where in your life have you felt the most welcome and motivated? What community or environment triggered happiness and satisfaction? Where did YOU most resonate with your creativity and happiness? Your “Spirit” was born the instant the Universe and the Divine Spirit were born. You are more powerful than you allow yourself to “Know.” The “thinking” of your mind puts limits on self-love, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-appreciation of the perfection you, in spirit, truly are!

Your multi-dimensional spirit is limitless. You are from a lineage of healers and guides. You may not have a clear remembrance of these past endeavors of spirit but these are still a deep part of who you are. You would not be drawn to reading this article if this were not true. You are on a path to remember and to then grow in consciousness. As you evolve, your growth supports all consciousness. Act to share your discoveries by sharing your stories. Serve and support by witnessing the stories from other pilgrims. Continue to tap into your intuition and guidance even when this requires a change in life’s course. Work towards loving unconditionally and reducing the limitations of Judgements which can cut you off from the people and experiences which would be most helpful.

When you are “drawn” or attracted to certain experiences, places, or people make an attempt to follow this guidance and explore the adventure that awaits. It will not always be easy or without challenges but the lessons which you are led toward having, serves a purpose. Find the “joy” in this process and look for the consciousness raising outcomes. For some reason, perhaps beyond what your “mind” might know or understand, you were “supposed” to have this experience for your development or to serve another soul in their learning.

At some point in your travels, or pilgrimage, you will discover the feelings from deep within. You will remember more clearly where you came from. Your spiritual lineage will brighten your heart and lighten your path. You will remember that YOU are Perfect, even with your seeming imperfections. No one can do YOU better and your role in the human drama of life is critical… This may be diicult to see but your spirit will find its way to “Knowing” and “Remembering.”

And, if you find yourself in a community where you feel most creative, most in touch with the Divine, and most supported in your endeavors toward consciousness raising, celebrate this opportunity to more easily find the Joy of your Blessed pilgrimage. If it feels like “Home,” bask in this special experience and thrive. YOU are a Blessing! You are a Miracle!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

“Unconditional Love” The Divine’s Undefinable Blessing!

Have You ever experienced “Unconditional Love?” Perhaps you have had an experience in “knowing” or “remembering” the Divine Spirits’ essential Love. It is a “feeling” not a thought. It is impossible to define in our 3 dimensional world and language. Like the human act and feeling of Love, it defies definition. As an exercise in frustration, can you define a simple feeling like the smell of a fragrant rose or the taste of an exquisite food? Perhaps you can say what it is NOT. Or, you can compare it to something we have in common but the nuances of this unique sensation do not lend themselves to the world of descriptive words.

More difficult is a sensation that does not reside in our 3 dimensional human world like Divine Unconditional Love. So, I share a story. When I was 19 years old in my second year at UCLA, I participated in a weekend workshop. Our larger group divided into 5 or 6 smaller groups to discuss various topics. I selected the group discussing Death and Dying. Kubler-Ross’s book “On Death and Dying” had been released and the group leader had read this book. He decided that the group would have an “experience” in the form of a guided visualization to “explore” Death and Dying. I had never really thought about this. I was innocent and Naive in this area so I had few pre-conceptions and no anxiety. I was asked to relax and to step out of my body to go to discover what Death was all about. So, I did what I was told. I assumed everyone would be doing this and it seemed easy for me, at that time. I drifted up and away from my body and traveled out into the Universe. Finally, I got to what I perceived to be “half way to Death” and before me was a dark horizon. My understanding at the time seemed to be that on the other side of this horizon was Death. It seemed warm and inviting. I was attracted to it and peaceful. It was comforting. My perception included these words: I was enveloped in warmth, unconditional love and acceptance. I was free of constraints like time and space. I was “connected” to all other souls and things. I had access to all of universal wisdom.

No Big Deal! After all, everyone in the room with me was experiencing the same thing on their out of body experience, I thought. It was so inviting, I did NOT want to go back. Non-verbally, it was explained that I had to go back. I refused and resisted. I was told that I was not done doing what I had come to do so I had to go back. Grudgingly, I returned but not before I was told that I could/would come back when my time was correct to return. Knowing that I would be allowed to return, in time, I went back and got into my body. Words are inadequate to truly communicate what I had experienced but I was young and dumb so this did not seem to matter to me, at the time. This experienced was difficult to integrate but the main concept was that Death was NOT scary or the enemy. It was something we would all experience when we transitioned out of our current incarnations.

When the “guided visualization” was complete the guy in the front of the room asked if anyone had an experience. I waited because I was one of the youngest people in the room. No one raised their hand to share so I raised my hand and told my story. No big deal. I thought everyone had gone where I went… The guy in the front of room got really excited. His eyes got wide! He started jumping up and down in excitement and THEN I realized that I had had a profound experience. A life changing experience. My innocence and naivety were dissolved. I had a story to tell and to share! BUT, words are not adequate. In fact, in the past 50 years, my mind remembers the experience as clearly as it had just happened except for the the profound feeling of Unconditional Love which does NOT translate into my 3 dimensional life. There are no words and the “feeling” which enveloped me is not clear in my focus. Vague but there.

We have feelings like love and these have conditions, you know strings attached, etc. We can not fully define this feeling but “Unconditional Love” is in a league of its own. I KNOW, we all have had this experience (before birth and after we transition from life) but finding integration and definition in our lives is NOT fully possible. YOU will know it when it comes. You will Love it when you feel it. You are a Blessing! You are a Miracle. Your Spirit is Perfect! And, your life has a purpose which can not be understood, fully, as you plod through your life experience. In the Higher Realms, it will make more sense. AND, YOU are Unconditionally Loved!!!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Grandparents and Elders Wisdom Sharing Project

For most of human culture, people with experience and wisdom were given respect. People who were able to live to be “older” were valued for the many things they had been witness to and the decisions which they had a part in making for the betterment of their community. They did not always get it right. Their wisdom or experience was not always followed but they were heard and respected. In recent history in North American culture, the wisdom of the elders is not respected in the same way! In youth striving cultures, age has lost respect especially when media and technology strives to worship the “new and shiny” rather than experiencial thinking. In many ways, this is as it should be. Past generations have proven to be conservative and slow to adopt newer technologies. The crisis created in this scenario relates to the youngest of our world being insulated from the spiritual wisdom and the emotional experience of older community members.

In the modern world in North America, older people are herded into “retirement facility” or “retirement communities” where they do not live the day to day struggles with babies, young children, struggling adolescents, or young working adults. How can they be role models of patience or compassion born of experience? How can their epiphanies of living through familiar life struggles be shared in less dramatic and more “real” ways to serve the emotional growth of the youngest community members?

I am not speaking about religion or philosophies or fear born responses to life. I am speaking about Universal truths and wisdom which comes of age and experience. I am speaking of empathy born out of living through similar life challenges. For me, becoming a parent at age 35 opened new doors of empathy for families. I relearned how to shed tears in my new emotional responses and empathy. Now, as a new grandpa, I ask how I can serve my grandson’s hard working parents? What is my role so I can provide insight from my life experience? Especially, I ask myself, what role modeling of spiritual (not religious beliefs) wisdom can I offer to serve the spiritual needs of my grandson? He is still a baby but what can I create for him NOW and for later in his life that will share the lessons I have known and learned from?

Maybe this is not my responsibility. Perhaps this is best left to his busy parents or to school or to his own path through life. I doubt that I can trust the media, technology, or his peers to provide a role model of consciousness development that I can, as an elder, agree would be best for his long term benefit and for the larger world. How can I share with him that he is a miracle and perfect in his life when our culture will want to bully him into conformity and accepting the competitive separateness which our culture seems to worship? How can I convey as a role model or through words and actions that he is a unique piece of the Divine Spirit? How can I share with him that the painful challenges and difficult people he will face are a part of important lessons he is meant to have for his awareness process? And, how can I help him to remember the Divine source from which he comes and where he will return? Perhaps by role modeling, I can show him how to find the joy in grief and other difficult challenges and how to turn these into experiences which will lead to service to our world…

Our culture needs to be reminded of the value of Elders and Grandparents. Elders and Grandparents need to step up, get off their couches and then share their wisdom born from living their lives. Not to be annoying, opinionated, meddling “menschs” but supportive, positive guides. Busy parents need to pay attention to the value of connecting their children with their ancestors and their treasured elders, if these people exist. Respect needs to be re-learned by all sides of this equation.

My current plan is to write spiritual blogs, do interviews with other elders, perhaps write some of my insights, AND to hold my grandson to share my love and to remind him of his perfection and Divinity. If time allows, I will be a role model of acceptance and unconditional love. Maybe my shared stories of the “awakenings” I have experienced will find him when he is able to hear and to benefit from these. I will gather a list of the books, trainings, and experiences which have lead me in positive ways as a possible road map of what is possible. In some way, I hope to encourage his own exploration of consciousness. My gut tells me he will have to find his own way to fight off the bullying of our society to push him to conform to its lowest common denominator.

Please consider and share your reactions. How can the Wisdom keepers share their learnings born of life experience? Most importantly, how can we better serve the Spiritual learning for our youngest members without indoctrinating them into fear based separation and paternally driven philosophies? Celebrate Wisdom and the Divine Spirit!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

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