Walking Meditation

On my walk today guidance seemed to suggest that I create a blog posting regarding the Art of the Walking Meditation. As I considered this suggestion, I was flooded with guidance’s suggestion on what to include in this posting. Since I have learned to “Just Say Yes” to my guidance, I am complying. And, walking is a great way to meditate, to become more “present,” to take positive time for yourself, and to exercise. Consider these reminders of wisdom you are already familiar with. (This wisdom is built into your DNA and your Soul.)

Eyes open meditation can fall into the philosophy of Zen meditation which tends to encourage being a part of the world rather than closing your eyes to purely focus within. ZaZen walking meditation has been described to me as eyes open, slow moving, conscious of the world, as a meditation. Breathe slowly. Walk slower than your normal pace. Feel your heel land in front of you and then roll forward on to your toes. And, repeat. If you can do so safely, “soft focus” your eyes. Enjoy each slow breath and each relaxed step. Focus upon the footsteps and your breath. In the beginning, just try 50 steps in this conscious way. Doing this in the safety of nature with less traffic and distractions from manmade chaos can help with this meditation. However, even trying this as you walk back from your lunch to work or school or home activities can make your day move more comfortably with less internal distractions. You may want to remember to turn off your phone calls, texting and social media signals.

Walking consciously out in a natural setting is meditative. In the trees, by water, on trails vs pavement, in the sunshine or in a gentle rain are all positive additions. Avoiding traffic, human dramas, loud construction projects, airplanes, warfare, and screaming politicians or rock music may also seem obvious and will enhance a more meditative state of mind. (Though bears, some dogs, venomous snakes, large crashing waves, cougars and falling trees might also pose a distraction to avoid in nature. Just saying the obvious.) You get the point. Mellow in nature is better. Walking a bit more slowly, breathing, and gently gazing at the miracles which our world can provide can make this a great “forest bathing” experience. Allowing for time and possibly fewer pressing appointments on either side of this nature walk would be a helpful consideration if possible. AND, remember to breathe… Slowly and fully.

Additions might include, feeling the warmth of the sun, listening to the stream/river/waves, feeling the gentle breezes, and even smelling the fragrance of the salt air or grasses or flowers or the trees. I like to imagine that I can breathe in the warm sunlight or soak up the warm breezes to better help heal and to recharge me as I slowly drift down (or up) the path. There are times and places when walking with someone else for safety or guidance can be good. And, there are times when walking alone without extra conversation can be most relaxing. The bottom line is to be as “present” in the moment as you gently move through this nature loving walk. You may want to pick up an interesting rock to hold and possibly to help “ground” you as you connect most peacefully with nature. (Sometimes I even hug a tree to ground myself out. Are you laughing? Well consider trying this weird 1960’s consciousness. YOU may like it.)

Sure, most of you have done this and know how to walk in meditation in nature BUT do you schedule the time in your busy, drama filled lives to participate in these meditative walks??? Well, Just Do It!

Be open to surprises and the gifts the Divine Spirit will provide for you. If you walk with the “Beginner’s Mind” the beauty will unfold just for your heart to dance in the light of spectacular marvels and amazing revelations. If you ask respectfully for these, they will show up. Maybe in the clouds. Maybe the leaves dancing in the breezes. Perhaps the songs of the birds or the chatter of the squirrels. Perhaps the appearance of the butterfly or the hummingbird will symbolize guidance reaching out to embrace you. Be open and the delights of natures will present themselves for you and fan the flames of the brightening light of your consciousness. As you are a small part of this large Universe, you might even consider the amazing things which have occurred to create this beautiful blue planet and all the life forms which share it with you.

And. Walking in wonder with Beginners Mind, even in the city, can show you amazing miracles to appreciate and to show gratitude for. Every miracle you acknowledge is another important, and beautiful, lesson for you.

There is Joy to found in every moment and in every step you take. Please consider the search for the Joy and the miracles which surround us.

You are Amazing!

Open Heartedness

What is like to live in Joy with an Open Heart?
Wide Open and fully available to feel Joy and to celebrate the miracles which surround us.
Yes wide open, as the Divine Spirit asks us to move toward in our awkward human drama filled lives. This can be so very important on our path toward higher consciousness and most full enlightenment.

Steps to use to allow for a most fully open heart per the wisdom of JJ Joshua (Link to her video on this subject is listed below).
It helps to be “present”:
1. Set the Intention to find the Open Heartedness you may be seeking.
2. Gratitude (for the Blessings you are basking in and the Miracles surrounding you. Yes, on a daily basis review the “gifts,” the Blessings, and the Many Miracles which surface for you in your amazing life.
3. Looking for Open Heartedness during your day… Likened to a Google search- You get what you search for…
It can help to look for and to learn to trust your “intuition” and gentle messages from the Guidance which supports and protects you.
4. Forgiveness… The World is not out to “get” you. Challenge you, YES!

and a bonus suggestion.
5. Look for ways to assist others to open their hearts THRU (Loving) Kindness. Be the role model or beacon for love, light and unconditional guidance.

Engage in “Miracle Readiness!” Open and available to experience the miracles of life and higher consciousness.

So, look for it, “Open Heartedness.” Show your Gratitude.
Do not be a victim and forgive the world (for de challenging lessons bestowed upon us for our testing of our “remembered wisdom” and to learn even more from our life’s challenges.)

And again… Be a beacon of light and Kindness which will lead others to this state of Open Heartedness.

Thanks JJ Joshua jj@jjforinsight.com Website: https://www.jjforinsight.com
link for video on Open Heartedness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WsAIVXZrgU

When You Have the Opportunity

Do not miss the chance of a lifetime! When you have the opportunity to sit with a friend or relative who is transitioning out of their current incarnation, do it. Please do not miss out on what is possible for your “learning.” It seems like such a difficult time. Most of us learn important lessons from the “hard” challenges. Often the most important learnings we can find about living are found by participating in the moments before, during and immediately after witnessing a soul transitioning from human life. Wow, this really makes you think. Of course, you can find other ways to appreciate living. Life is short and fragile. Wake up and find Joy each and every moment. Yes, I am asking you to do something difficult and to overcome your personal fear/anxiety regarding the process of dying…

What is the last act of service your friend or family member can offer to you? They allow you to share their final transition. They receive your love and attention but they are creating an experience for YOU which will change your life. The doors to Divine Consciousness are thrown open. You are basking naked in spirit! Your heart is filled with an uneasy compassion. You must learn to continue without your friend or family member. You must consider your own mortality. Heaven is watching you. You get to attempt to provide unconditional love and support, and, this is your huge challenge, the unconditional part. Your friend or family is preparing to be transitioned into a “better place” and you are asked to continue your drama in human form with a void created by their transition. (Often we request that our loved one or friend would “stay” but this is often a selfish request. We might fear change but our loved one may need to “move on” on their path. And, we may need to learn to “let go”…)

Most people are uncomfortable or afraid to participate because this seems foreign to their experience. In our culture (in the USA,) death and dying are hidden away in sterile professional settings. In generations past, we used to have our loved ones laid out and dying in the “parlor” (at home) but an industry has grown up in our society to white wash this experience. This has built up our “unknown” to an experience and a reaction that is fairly common… dying at the end of life is quite common. It is natural. There is much to learn from the experience of sitting with your friend or family member as they find their way into the higher realms. And, remember death and dying are NOT the enemy. This is a transition from human incarnation back into the higher realms of the Divine spirit.

So, face your fears. Reach out for the perspective of the struggle to live and the inescapable situation of end-of-life transitions. To better prepare yourself, look for the stories and videos of Near Death Survivors (NDE’ers). Or, have one of your own… This puts your life into perspective. You are an actor in the drama you call your life but as my friend and mentor, Don Ley, says, “You are so much GREATER than you allow yourself to know…” You and your spirit are perfect and powerful! You are a human form of the Divine Spirit. You are a Miracle!

Many people label death as bad or a loss. Many people have fear and anxiety because their ego/mind fights to survive and is left behind when you join the higher realms. (But, the ego/mind will be fine…) The anxiety of the unknown, which is unknown to the ego/mind, is common but YOU can help. Even in your personal grief, allow your friend/family member to be present by slowly breathing. Ask that they breathe in unconditional golden white light through their crown chakra. When they begin to calm down, remind them that they are Loved. Remind them that they will be OK and to gently head into the “Light.” Tell them that you will be OK and that your love will not be forgotten. Even in your grief your comforting Love will assist them in “Letting Go” and moving up back into the Higher Realms… (Thank you, YOU are a Blessing!) And, I have learned 3 times that they may wait until YOU leave the room to transition because your loving energy may keep them in the room. (This is not a way of avoiding you. It is a way of your loved one showing you their love for you.)

In my own life experience, I have been through the passing of my parents and my wife of 27 years (to cancer.) I would not wish these losses upon anyone but they were very important learnings for me. From these experiences, I have gained valuable information to share and this has been a service which has been requested of me. Life is a Miracle! Living can be brutal. Supporting a person in this transition can be an important test. And finding the Joy and Wisdom from seemingly “dark” human interactions demonstrates the highest levels of consciousness. (BTW: the “darkness” is really most an issue for those of us who are left behind, dealing with a “void,” and we who are left behind do not get to rejoin the higher realms… Until it is our time to transition…)

A Resource: An Interview with my friend and Mentor, Don Ley, regarding his NDE (Near Death Experience.) YouTube link at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2CDAONfUfI&t=8s

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Unique Spiritual Signature

My recent experience with sending unconditional Love and healing energy to friend has triggered more learning for me through Guidance. In the recent blog posting regarding keeping your channel open, I was given the gift from my guidance that as we offer healing energy the transmitted energy has a unique spiritual signature. As if, the loving energy we send out has some of our spiritual DNA attached. Guidance celebrates when we give our specific energy to a person or when we randomly send this offering out into the Universe and it is marked by your uniqueness. All loving energy you consciously or unconsciously send out has your DNA signature added automatically. (Thank you for your unique contributions…)

My mentor, Don Ley, has said many times, after returning from his NDE, that we as humans do not realize how powerful and amazing we are. Our egos and our 3 dimensional thinking, pretends that we are smaller than we actually are. This may be used to pretend to keep us “safe” as if we were inconsequential and not worthy of the spotlight. Don Ley and other conscious teachers remind us that we are all connected to the Divine Spirit and that we are essential to all of higher consciousness. The “Divine” notices and in an accepting and neutral way, witnesses every action and every interaction which we participate within. Yes, even if we do not consciously know or fully understand. Our sharing of stories, our wisdom, and our energy is noticed and supported by the Divine.

When you pray for the “greater good” and Universal healing, this intentional energy spreads out in every direction like ripples on the surface of an endless pond. Your intentional healing thought and energy travels to the end of the Universe AND it carries your Unique Spiritual Signature. Every thought and action has a purpose. It flows out to create waves which wash across the vastness of the physical world and the Higher Realms. When you send unconditional Love and Healing all of consciousness is bathed in the positive energy. It then raises all Universal consciousness to some degree. Thank You!

So celebrate your power and your energetic gifts as they flow out to support all consciousness. Now, you can think yourself “small” and argue with me. You can ask me to prove this concept to you. But your mind and your ego will NEVER understand how important you and your contributions are to the Higher Realms. Your mind is 3 dimensional and wired to have limitations of time and space which are not limited to you when you are floating in the higher realms. Your body is a great communication device in your miraculous human life drama. Your drama and your lessons are used to experience challenges and work through these human scenarios.

You are important and essential to all consciousness. You can be aware and hold yourself responsible mentally for your actions or you can enjoy the dark corners which you be hiding out within. Either way, YOU are a Miracle! You are Perfect! You are a Blessing! And, YOU are unconditionally Loved!!!

When possible, send your Love and energy with your Unique Spiritual Signature out for all consciousness to bask in your light. Thank You, in advance…

Resource: Don Ley’s interview regarding his NDE is available at: Don Ley’s NDE Interview

Keep Your Channel Open

My Mentor, Paula Forget, reminded me yesterday of the importance of keeping the channel to the Divine Spirit open. It is obvious, but… A reminder is useful when you find yourself pre-occupied with our 3 dimensional, limited lives. In the context of sending and receiving healing energy, Paula reminded me of this important step. We are all connected to the Divine Spirit and we are not always consciously thinking with our human brains about this connection. So, this is another “wake up call.”

We were discussing sending (and receiving) loving, healing energy. You are not depleting yourself or your energy when sending loving and healing energy if you are most consciously plugged into the “Source.” You might consider breathing in the Universal Divine Light through your Crown Chakra and releasing it out through your Heart Chakra as an act of healing. For me, a golden white light seems pure, of high energy, and of healing. (Bright healthy green light is also commonly used.) From my heart, I offer this energy unconditionally for my targeted soul. Without ego owning the results, I provide this gift and attempt to hold no expectation that it will work as my mind intends.

On the receiving end of this unconditional gift of love, light, and healing energy is my “targeted” soul. The purpose or object to which I would like to support with my gift of energy. They too would be most open to this energy if their channel was open to the Divine Spirit and the Divine energy I am contributing. There is no way to know if they consciously receive this gift or that they will use this energy as I expect. The “subject” has free will to use this energy as they choose. If the healing energy is mutually agreed upon, their “open channel” makes this most available and direct. Sometimes we get caught in our life drama and are less open and available, but the energy is accessible.

Open to give and open to receive. Seems simple enough but it is not always that simple. There are filters and secondary benefits which might muddy this transaction. Let go. (Easier said than done…) Give unconditionally. And, if you are the subject of receiving this energy, you can choose to give the gift of cleanly receiving the energy which is focused upon you. Yes, you are giving a gift and providing a service by allowing another soul to give to you… Many of us struggle to receive gracefully. We may think ourselves too strong to receive this gift or perhaps unworthy of the gift or whatever excuse comes up for you. Silly human lessons…

Opening the channel can be practiced. It can be easy or difficult. Being present and quietly receptive can help. For this, meditation can be useful. A quieted, open mind with the intent to have the light of the Divine pouring in through the Crown Chakra is helpful.

Whether you know it or not, you are a healer and always connected with guidance from the Divine. Whether you know it or not, you are 100% worthy of having an open channel to the Divine Spirit and for receiving the warmth, wisdom and Love the Divine offers all souls. You are a Miracle! You ARE the Divine!

Thanks again Paula Forget for your support and the reminders…

Blessings to You!

Forest Bathing

Shinrin Yoku is the Japanese name for an Ecotherapy technique translated into “Forest Bathing.” This is also considered “horticultural therapy” and “grounding.” Research is inconclusive as to the how and the why this is therapeutic for people and may fall into the realm of “placebo” effects by rigid scientific thinking. So what if it is placebo… But, hanging out in nature is complicated (in all the many variables) and therapeutic. What do you “Know” about the positive effects of hanging out in a natural scene like a forest or a beach or a trail through the mountains?

Walking through a natural setting is good for you physically because you are getting exercise, burning calories, and assisting your parasympathetic nervous system response. Hiking in nature assists you mentally as a break from man made technology, with natural lighting & colors, and perhaps distance from “positive ions” in favor of calming, “negative ions.” Drifting, one step at a time, along a path contributes to the spiritual process of “grounding” where you release excess energy into the Earth, connects you with the natural Universe, and offers you the opportunity to witness first hand the Miracles of Life on our planet. As you breathe in the freshly oxygenated forest air, you are free from the human made confines of vehicles or manufactured homes.

Perhaps the best, possibly placebo, effect you can connect with nature and the Divine Spirit firsthand. Not in theory or in books or on TV… You, yes YOU, are a firsthand “experiencer” of the wonders of the natural world from where we have evolved (or created) and where natural appreciating rebalances our hearts, our minds, and our bodies. Not everyone loves being out in nature. These people are wrong! (Notice my “Judgement” with feeling…) Nature is found in every cell of our bodies and a lack of appreciation, to me, is like a denial of our living roots. (Obviously, my judgements are a topic for other blog postings or even many past postings.)

Forest Bathing is an activity I celebrate on a regular basis. A walk in the trees changes me in positive ways where I can relax and be more present. I release stress and drink in the amazing features of the natural world. This feels healing. Mind, body and spirit celebrate these moments and this effort in reconnecting with my natural worldly existence. With some small amount of distance from the trailhead, I can feel the Zen meditation (Za Zen) taking form. If I can be mentally “present,” I can begin to connect with this environment and many times I connect with my intuition as I feel my “essence” in the natural world.

Most people find solace in trips into natural environments. Being by water or trees or rocky monoliths offers a needed break from crowded frenetic man-made environments. “Getting away from it all” is a common expression suggesting the healing benefits of getting away from urban areas and back “out” into nature. Even a visit to a beautiful park or garden can help trigger this ecotherapy. For stress management and anxiety control, (unless you are afraid of open spaces – agoraphobia) your time in nature is more than just relaxing. It is invigorating and recharging you with the natural “life force.”

Obviously, as I write this posting, I am a “believer” in the positive effects which a walk in a natural environment can bring to me. I schedule this into my life. For me, a spiritual experience is a part of this attraction though this can be subtle or dramatic. When I cross paths with an animal or a huge Cedar tree or flowing stream/river, my heart celebrates this gift to me and my consciousness. I am spoiled because I am living in the Pacific NorthWest and when I roll out my front door, I am only a few steps from being enveloped in natural beauty. This choice to live in PNW was partially a conscious one and partially driven by my guidance BUT fully loved and appreciated.

So, go have a Forest Bath. YOU deserve it! Feel the Earth beneath your feet as you tread in the natural world. Be present. Be grounded. Be blessed to resonate in the natural rhythms you can experience. YOU are a miracle. Thank you for walking the Earth and sharing your spirit…

Who’s Driving the Bus?

Yes, my friend and mentor, Rodger Ruge, posed this question in response to the distracting and competing thoughts running through my mind in these drama filled days. In the forefront of my thoughts, “Who is driving the Bus?” Which part of my consciousness is in control of my current emotions and thoughts? It is awesome to have all the various possible perspectives but it can be tiring, even exhausting, to let the anxious, fear filled parts of me direct my thoughts and then behaviors. It is actually comforting to gain a small amount of distance by considering which part of me is reacting to external events as reported by the drama filled media or my wild imagination. Yes, I can control how I choose to react.

I am responsible for whether I want to get sucked down the “rabbit hole.” (Sorry, to give rabbits and their holes this negative connotation.) Rodger reports that he can request the various possible reactors from within his consciousness to step forward and to state their case. BUT, he then has to decide whose advice or reactivity to take as he steps forward to walk in our world. Should fear and anxiety control his behavior and response OR will he allow feelings and thoughts of love and higher consciousness create his reactions. He, and YOU, are responsible for how we chose to behave. (A lot of pronouns in the previous sentence…)

So, take a breath. Attempt to be more “present” and then explore, most consciously, your options. How to think, How to feel, How you behave AND what are you here to learn from this situation. Yup, you can test out your responses and your reactions before you move to your behaviors… You are most conscious when you can feel the full gamut of possibilities while remaining in a state of equanimity… At least, that is what I tell myself is possible if I can keep from making my normal knee-jerk reactions of my behaviors… Oh, I have a long way to go with this less judgement filled equanimity stuff. So, one step at a time.

First know that I am responsible for my reactions/thoughts/behaviors. I check to see who is driving my reactive bus ride. Determine which behavior or thought will be the course of actions I will be responsible for taking. AND, remember that I do NOT have to get sucked in to the drama that has set me off in this consideration. When possible, perhaps I can even find the joy or the wisdom from this lesson in this Earthly incarnation… Choose your reaction or thought with less of a knee jerk response. Yup, you can try some new way to respond to the current drama…

Since I have chosen to be incarnated as a human, I find that I am imperfect with much to learn and to test out discovered wisdom. SO, I will choose to make many mistakes from which I will learn, and then, benefit from experiencing. I will forget to stop and to consider “who” (which part of me) is driving the bus and I will learn from the traveling adventure. When I look around to connect with the other souls who share my space (and experience,) I may not know who is driving their bus but will find some appreciation for the interaction we will share. For they are perfect souls in their imperfections as well. Awareness and consciousness will bring me to the gifts of living this incarnation and will benefit all of the Universal consciousness.

A Human Consideration: Today, in 2021, we are influenced by media and others who are “Yelling” to get our attention. Fear mongering is a great way to set off the “fire alarms” of anxiety to gain and then hold our attention. This is used to distract us and to sell the “drama” the media or politicians or the whoever’s so they can control our fear filled thoughts and so Drive Our Bus… Please, attempt to NOT be manipulated. Do some research or shut off the loud angry screamers for part of your day so you can rebalance yourself and better determine who is Driving Your Bus!

Thank you again to Rodger Ruge for sharing his found wisdom. And, buckle up for our ride, whether smooth or bumpy, through life. There are miracles to experience and find the joy of gratitude for being blessed and guided along the way…

YOU are a Miracle. So, thank you for participating in this wisdom sharing.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Consider Your Day

It is Mid-January, 2021, in the Pacific NorthWest. We have passed the Winter Solstice four weeks ago so our days are beginning to get longer. The Sun seems to rise five minutes earlier and it sets twenty minutes later these days. Wow! What are YOU going to do with all that extra daylight? Today, in Bellingham, we will have a whole 8 hours and 43 minutes of day, not including the twilights on both ends of the day. You can choose to look at how much “Darkness” will be expressed in your day or you can view the now expanding daylight. Do you dwell in looking for darkness or celebrating the increased Light?

Today, as I write, I am basking in the ever increasing return of longer days and the coming months of expanding Light. For me, there is an expanding amount of time to walk in nature on my well worn trails through the trees of the PNW (Pacific NorthWest.) Sure, the walks are muddy from recent, or current, rainfall, however getting out to walk amongst the quiet giants, who I consider sentinels and friends, is a meditative blessing. It is worth the acquired mud on my pants and shoes. This may not be your desired activity and you may dissolve when a drop of rain hits your shoulders but for me every muddy step “grounds” me.

I ask again, how will you celebrate your life today on our miraculous planet, Earth? And, how will you bask in the light of the day which gives life to our world? Looking for the Light, living in Gratitude, and Celebrating each step you are able to take can allow you to appreciate your present moment and some of the best parts of being alive and conscious. By the Way, each person you pass as you glide through your day is a blessing and a miracle, so smile and acknowledge their form of perfection. (Yes, even with their flaws and their different style choices in this life…)

So, look for the expanding Light in your life. It is a Gift and YOU are Amazing!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Do You Want a Better Life?

Well…Do You Want a Better Life? Do you want to be Happy? This blog includes three possible tools for you. One of the best ways to lead you to this result in your Life is to be kind! Yes, that simple concept. Be Kind! Yes, you may want to go out of your way to be supportive. It is worth it. Being Kind is better when you do NOT have expectations regarding a reward. So consider, non-conditional Kindness. The Kindness you give without a payment, even the expectation of an acknowledgement. Just because being Kind feels good and can assist another soul. You unknowingly may become a Role-Model of Kindness.

Consider this exercise in Kindness may suffer if you are “Giving advice” or “Preaching” your beliefs. Supportive listening without interrupting with “your story” may be more helpful than telling your partner your opinion, even if it is a useful perspective. Respectful listening is a great gift.

And, when someone else is Kind to you, say thank you. Show some appreciation. Then go out and “pay it forward” by an act of Kindness for someone else you may stumble upon. It does not have to be complicated or financially costly. Just look someone in the eye and say “Thank You, You are Amazing!” Tell someone they are “doing a great job!” Notice their effort, even if it was unsuccessful. This borders on the next gift you can give yourself for a better life… Be grateful! Consider how many miracles occur each day just to allow you to function in your body and your life.

Consider and appreciate with gratitude where your food came from. Where your water came from. The miracle that your body can digest your food or breathe the oxygen you require… Your sun shows up everyday in some way to give life to our Earth. And, when you are most fully conscious, show gratitude for every soul who crosses your path, for they are there, at some level, to teach you. And, do not forget to show gratitude for yourself. Yes, you, even as you struggle with your challenges every day. You are perfect, even in your imperfections.

To be Kind and to have gratitude can be easier when you are “present.” In the present moment with less concern with what might happen in the unknown future and no baggage or traumas carried over from past experiences. Easier said than done. However, to be looking to be Kind and to find gratitude in the present moment can offer you a “wonderment” with appreciation for the amazing possibilities found in every second of your life.

Discovering what offers you happiness is an individual process. Though in your personal consideration, you may wish to begin with being Kind and finding the best way you can offer the kindness as a gift of unconditional service. Your heart will celebrate in joy. This can lead to happiness…

In the book, “Power of 8,” research journalist, Lynne McTaggart, makes a strong case for the intentional process of being unconditionally Kind with a group of people sending out “healing” thoughts and energy. Being intentionally Kind seems to create happiness and healing for the sender as a by-product of this exercise. In Lynne McTaggart’s research and experiments, she found that the desire to heal has a healing effect upon the sender, you. Intentional kindness can offer you the benefit of heart felt Joy and happiness. Try it alone or in a group. But, you do not have control over whether the subject you are sending love and healing energy to will actually choose to use this Love and Healing as you desire. That is why you give it unconditionally with no expectation, just your sincerity.

And, in case you have had a lapse in your spiritual consciousness, I want to remind you that YOU are Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Who Am I, Now?

This is the end of 2020 and we have been forced inside to protect ourselves from the pandemic and this has caused many of us to become self-reflective. Maybe you are watching too much TV or are caught in social media polarization and so angry or fear filled AND not engaged in self-reflection. If you have not avoided getting slowed down and so learned more about yourself, what have you discovered? Who are YOU Now?

2020 has stripped away your “normal social life.” Work has changed. Habits have had to change. Most likely your activities with family and friends have under-gone some change in your travels, indoor get togethers, eating in your favorite restaurants, even frequency of shopping trips. Kids are not in school. Our freedoms to enjoy social contact, music, movies, and other forms of entertainment have been impacted. We even have to be more careful washing our hands, covering our faces, and keep “social distances” from people as we walk on the sidewalk or trails. Even, or especially, we can not hug parents or grandparents without considerations like never before 2020.

Even in most Western countries, the political polarization and economies have created huge change, along with more fear and anxiety. This is not happening to one country or one state or one city, this is a worldwide concern. We are all in this together and yet we are “isolated” and feeling unsupported. We are wondering where all the plans we have made have gone and if we will ever get back on track.

The track is different. Our world has changed. AND, our lives are different. We are NOT going back to pre-2020 lifestyles. So, who are we, going forward? Can we grasp the power and the excitement of the possible freedom moving forward into the dawning of a new world? Is this exciting and joyful or too scary to consider? Have you learned to meditate and to connect with your deeper self (or your Higher self) even though you miss the old culture created persona you have developed as your disguise to “fit in” with cultural expectations? Many of us are struggling to accept the “new me” in the face of an externally changing world.

It is way too soon to be happy with all that has happened (and continues to happen.) The practice of “Allowance” may be the lesson. Not Acceptance, exactly, but willingness to sit more patiently on the sidelines and watch what is unfolding. Not “trying” to control the uncontrollable but observing and creating new strategies to be our new selves. Humans are adaptable, if nothing else. We can live in any and every hostile environment on our planet. We can evolve and adapt. We can migrate. We can learn from the other cultures we bump into. Heck, we can even get old and live with physical diminishment’s. YOU are Amazing. Now what are you going to do to be of service in our new and evolving world. Let the light of your evolving spirit burn as brightly as possible. Share your wisdom from experience and support the other stumbling pilgrims you encounter.

When presented with new information or “facts,” do your research. Check your sources. DO NOT believe everything you hear, even from “trusted” sources. Yes, DO NOT BE LAZY! Things are changing so rapidly that what you heard as truth yesterday may not be true anymore. Except, know that you are loved. You are so much greater than your human drama. You and your soul are Perfect, and necessary!

It is a never ending process to “Know Thyself” as we continue to grow and become more aware as we interact with our world. There are variables. You may “Be” someone in one environment And some else in another place. Based on life experience even your “values” may change (example: from Liberal in Youth to Conservative later in life.) And, your consciousness of your connections with Divine Spirit will change as you have Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STE’s.) A dramatic experience like a NDE (Near Death Experience) will dramatically change 99% of people who happen to go through this kind of event. And, living consciously through 2020 has triggered many unusual experiences which have created opportunities to learn more about ourselves in our human incarnations. Remember, with major change, it requires some time to most fully integrate the changes or new consciousness into our human lives.

No matter where you are on your human journey, YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

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The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog