Write Your Story!

Your story is important to you and to the “witnesses” you share your story with. Do not quit reading because you do not write. “Write” suggests that you spend time considering your life’s experiences and find some way to communicate these learnings. Whether through written words, or verbal story-telling, or expression through creative arts, or by simply “acting out your role” as the character you came into this incarnation to portray in the Great Play called life. Yup, you are a character in a play which inter-connects you with all other living things.

Recapitulation of your life’s experiences can assist you move forward on YOUR path toward Enlightenment! Yes, you review the learnings you are consciously aware AND you look for the learnings which have travelled below the level of consciousness. Share your stories! You learn by sharing! You gain perspective and you can get feedback as other pilgrims respond to your story.

Recapitulation can mean “searching for your “essential Knowledge.”” In a spiritual frame of reference, “essential Knowledge,” may include learning or remembering your connection to your “source” which is the Divine Spirit. Your job is to find out who you really are as a soul or spirit engaged in learning lessons which will create awareness and lead you to a higher level of living in an “enlightened state of consciousness.” What could this possibly mean? It might mean that you achieve a state of consciousness where you spend more of your life knowing you are connected to all other living things and assisting any, and every, soul you bump into to achieve a higher state of their spiritual development. (We are all in this together!)

As you remember and communicate your story, you can relive these moments. Seeing these experiences through a new, updated filter, you can gain insight. Often you will consider an entirely different message, and learning, from a long held but overlooked, past experience. As an example, I have retold my story many times of the insight at the age of 23 years old, when I experienced a meditation where I saw myself sitting with my back to a tree by the “River of Life” like I pictured Buddha would have done. The life changing moment, and epiphany for me, allowed me to see, to know, or to remember as Buddha would have known, what the “connection to all other living things” might be like! At the time, I could imagine that I could be like Buddha and could only imagine what Buddha might have thought. NOW, in a recent recapitulation, I have come believe that I WAS the Buddha, or a few of my atoms were the Buddha, or perhaps my Divine Spirit was in the Buddha, and so I shared this experience with this higher level of enlightenment. Wow, I am not saying I am as good as the Buddha or a Master as he has been for so many people. I am simply saying that I can resonate with this higher level of consciousness because I have this somewhere deep inside myself, JUST AS YOU DO!

Of course, this does make me more responsible for accepting my Divine Self and this creates a higher level of personal responsibility to live more impeccably as a role model of the living human incarnation of the Divine! Yikes, I have to be more careful and responsible… Or, at least more ready to live in Joy and Wisdom. Every interaction and every sharing of my story now requires that I remember that my “witness” was guided to me to hear this story as a lesson for us to share! (I had better connect more deeply with the beautiful and also perfect soul in front of me so my story meets the deepest requirement for the consciousness which we share…)

So consider your story and retell these rememberings in a way which YOU can learn a great deal as you find the words or creative expression to review this experience. Write YOUR Story with both you and your witness’s consciousness in mind…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Reach Deep, Wake Up!

Reach deep into your soul and Wake Up!

It is certainly easier to just sit and watch as the parade of Life marches by. OR, it seems easier to be one of those people who just lines the street while the more active characters strut down the path of consciousness. We like to watch our role models and have the expectation that their “greatness” might just rub off and infect us, as spiritual voyeurs. Or, we sit and listen awaiting the wisdom to spill out of the preachers or gurus or teachers so that they can tell us what to know and what to believe (and often, how to act.) Sure it may give us “food for thought” but it is not our personal discovery nor does it often satisfy our specific need in mastering the lessons we specifically came here to learn. We have to Wake Up and find the “Enlightenment” from within our Divine Spirit.

Now, it is not a useless activity to find, observe, and connect with role models. It is wonderful to create connections which offer experiences where we can participate in a new or different way of being in the world. The challenge is to not just sit in the “easy chair” and wait for someone else to do all the work. We have to be active and to participate in the experience. We have to risk. We have to try and not just slightly dip our toe in the water but sometimes, dive in head first…. This does not mean we absolutely have to sell off everything, travel to India or Tibet, sit in a cave and meditate for 20 years or turn our lives over to a guru to tell us how to be in the world. NO, your spiritual awakening and enlightenment will come when you do the work of finding it, Remembering it, from deep within you heart and soul.

Wow, you may doubt that YOU are a Master with the answers within. Your mind and ego may be telling you that you are not great enough or deserve credit for the miracle you are! We all have to find the answers within AND these answers are there to be found! So how do you go about this????

Meditate and learn to turn off the self-doubt. Meditate and quiet the external and internal distractions so you can hear or see or feel the Divine Wisdom within your soul. Learn to trust the guidance and messages which will emerge from the depth. Easier said than done because external distractions and other people’s priorities keep smacking you to get your attention. These are the wonderful “tests” and challenges we are blessed to have in this life/incarnation. These are the tests of faith that we must travel through for the long awaited epiphanies we deserve. Faith placed inward, and not forced on us from external dogmas.

By the way, NO ONE can lead you to your epiphanies or force you to gain consciousness. YOU have to be the one who is open and willing to do the work. No one else can do this for YOU! Sorry! SO, when the time is right (correct) the teacher appears, but do not always look externally for this teacher. Listen to your dreams and meditative insights. Follow your heart. Know your bliss! AND, remember the wisdom which is deep within your soul/spirit. Along the way, your purpose is to share your wisdom (from your life’s experiences) and to serve by supporting other pilgrims (the people you meet) on their path… We must all assist each other. Love your life and even find Joy within your challenges, for these are the lessons you have come here to learn. Wake up! (And, help to Wake Up those around you…)

One additional rant. Many people do not have to be involved in a meditation or spiritual development practice for many years of disciplined practice to experience the “epiphanies” which lead us toward our enlightenment. Sure, it can take awhile, BUT it can also come to you in an instant and in the first days or weeks of the “right” meditative practice. Being “open” and perhaps in an environment which challenges you to “know” and to grow can speed up your spiritual development results. For sure, this includes your willingness to share (to speak about) your process and any, and all, intuitive feelings which come up. Your spiritual focus will develop if you can risk sharing your experiences… Besides, what have you to lose… Only, your less enlightened state of consciousness… So, Reach deep into your soul and Wake Up!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Know Bliss! Find the Perfection in All Souls

Knowing Bliss after the past blog of November 9th where the discussion was related to the fear of rejection seems like a stretch… It is a great follow up to this recent past blog. If you remember that any flaws or weaknesses you find within you are the focus of the lessons that you are here to learn. When we accept our personal flaws and do not elevate them into “drama,” we can also apply this principle to the other people (souls) we bump into in the warm, tumbling dryer called life. Yes, I am suggesting that even the most difficult, nasty people we come into contact with are actually struggling pilgrims just like you! You do not have to enjoy or like their behavior or actions, but they are incarnated, just like you, to figure out a path, their path, toward higher consciousness. (They are here “pushing your buttons” as a “test” for you as you master your lessons.)

So where does the “Bliss” come in? I am told that when you are in the room with a highly “enlightened being” like the Dalai Lama, you can feel their different energy as if their glorious, loving aura exudes the enlightened bliss that they know and they live. They might laugh openly with the joy for life they feel. They know the joy that life allows, even with the challenges we may identify as discomfort. They shine brightly with love and acceptance. The audience basks in that rare experience of all consuming unconditional love and a human manifestation of the state of bliss. We embrace this sense of warmth and the emotional security that this experience creates. It can heal us from the wounds we feel from our daily existence. Who wouldn’t want to bask in unfiltered acceptance?

Many of us, me included, have had brief “micro-moments” of remembering bliss. In meditation the instant of connectedness, acceptance, freedom, and knowing (or remembering) that we are perfect and tapped into the Divine Spirit’s perfection. I can remember, vividly, those few moments when I felt the Divine Spirit envelop me. One time it came from a Near Death Experience (NDE). Once it came from a meditation where I found myself sitting next to the “River of Life” and so connecting in “oneness” with all other living things. I was blessed to have my wife’s spirit channelled for me by a “psychic” and I “felt” her words (or feelings) regarding what the heavenly Divine plane was like for a soul beyond the veil… These moments stand out as a guide post for me to know as the goal for my spiritual path. Perhaps you have been blessed (or will be blessed) with these experiences in your physical incarnation. Maybe these words have triggered a remembrance of these knowings and feelings that you have or have had between lives.

The main point of this blog is to tell you, or remind you, that we will find our way up our spiritual path to see, feel, and know the perfection within every seemingly flawed human we meet. We can celebrate and live in the bliss of enlightenment which allows each of us to share unconditional love and bask in this reflected back to warm our hearts and to feed our spirits. This may require more lifetimes. The path may take many turns. In an interview with the Dalai Lama, he mentioned that he was excited about returning for future incarnations to experience even more physical experiences before he would evolve to a level where he might not return. Love your life and your incarnation… It does NOT go on forever! Know that if you are in a hurry to reach enlightenment, so you do not have “to come back” (more incarnations,) YOU have not learned your lessons and you will get to come back… Sorry. So, allow yourself to look deep into the eyes and heart of the next pilgrim you meet on your path. Find the bliss, your bliss, as you bask in their perfection. Find a way to take their hand and find the way in which you can mutually accept and support each others learning!

Set your goal to find yourself in the state of Bliss regularly, if not daily, and know that this is easier said than done. It is one of our many challenges. Know that you deserve to live in Bliss! Your perfection and beauty will remember the unconditional love and acceptance that our divine souls were born within!

If you are looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Be You! Do Not Be a Victim of the Fear of Rejection!

Rejection is what our Egos have to deal with on a daily basis. This fear causes us to attempt to be the person we “think” we ought to “be” rather the person we are… We want to “fit in” and not be the target of ridicule and rejection. Our survival instincts do not want us to be “in the spotlight” and set apart from the herd.

This is so weird in a culture where we also want to stand out and to be unique! We get Tattoos and weird hairdos so we can clearly stand out in the crowd… It is hard to be both, unique and also lost in the safety of the herd. How can we be celebrated as unique and genuine when we are craving to be a part of the herd due to our ego driven fear and insecurity. I believe we would be happier and healthier if we followed our heart and expressed the deepest feelings of who we really are. This is easier said than done. In most cases, we do not even know who we really are….

Our culture has trained us to “accept fitting in.” We have been programed to think, and to be, a certain way. To consume what we see in commercials, what is on TV, and what we view in the movies. We have even given up reading the classics because they do not fit easily on our smart phones or I-Pads. (Besides we do not have time to read a good book and, at the same time, field incoming messages on our “smart (???)” devices…) We are not really supported for thinking and speaking “differently.”

In spiritual development processes, we are taught to re-connect with all other souls but to know that we, and our spiritual development path, are unique! We eventually remember that we are much greater than what our mind and ego believes in its definition of ourselves. We are more powerful, wise, and accepted (on the spiritual plane) than what our culture teaches us. We have to overcome the “teachings of limitation” because we are part of the Divine Spirit, nothing less…. We are “Perfection” even with our appearance of flaws from which we are to learn. (These imperfections, and limitations, are the lessons we came to experience.) We have challenges in life because we are on a path toward expanding our consciousness and to overcome these “petty” limitations. We are here to be a shining beacon for fellow seekers to follow as we ALL negotiate our pilgrimage to the highest possible awareness.

Fear of Rejection is a strong and difficult lesson to overcome. Fear keeps us from taking the steps into consciousness and the new journeys which can help accelerate our learning. The fear of the “Unknown” haunts us. The fear of being unaccepted is only difficult if we are hanging out with other people who fear diversity and your uniqueness. We have to get new friends… People who love and accept that we challenge what is too constricting and too “normal.” How can we learn to be our perfect selves if we feel that we must conform to what is “normal” even when this does NOT fit for us??? Our lesson is to not give in to fear and especially, the fear of rejection!

Please consider your power and your uniqueness. Know that this benefits everyone. Shine as the light you are and help to lead others to their enlightenment. Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master! The Divine Perfection burns brightly within you. Avoid the dampening of your brilliance by unnecessary fear or the anxiety of rejection. Share YOUR story! Learn by sharing! BE THE LIGHT!

One more thing… You do not have to honor self-judgement or the judgement which leads to the feelings of rejection. If you give it power, it can beat you up. Learn to love your flaws or the errors you make as you learn. Find the Divine love within you. Be Love! Love All! Live in Love and not fear! Love is more powerful than fear…

If you are searching for community where you can be supported for who you really are AND you can support other members in their learnings, consider Masters of the Journey where YOU are a Master. You can assist other people by telling YOUR story and you will learn by sharing!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Basking in Love & Joy

What if you could attract Unconditional Love and Joy into your Life!? How would it feel to be basking in the Love and Joy of the Divine Spirit, burning within you more brightly every moment? Guidance and my friends Curt and Mary have led me to read “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires” from Esther and Jerry Hicks and their Guides, “The Teachings of Abraham.” The thought that is germinating within my consciousness relates to Abraham’s guiding principle of the Law of Attraction which says that if your consciousness dwells on a thought, with strong emotion, this vision can manifest more easily for you. (Clue: think about what you desire NOT what you would avoid!)

In Masters of the Journey we share stories from epiphanies, experiences and challenges which we have learned from. As we listen to the “Story Teller,” we can resonate with the lesson and the emotions which go along with this learning. As a small, or large, group we can combine our attentions to attract the best part of these insights and more powerfully attract these messages from the Divine Spirit. We can celebrate the learning and new awareness as we share these consciousness expanding experiences.

An example might include, the Joy and excitement of watching a child being born into this world. What a blessing! We might share the epiphany from a deeply moving meditation where “Oneness” and connection to all living things is experienced! Or, we might find the sharing of a story where a Near Death Experience celebrates where Unconditional Love from the Divine is deeply felt and experienced. Know the Joy! These examples bring a special feeling to you even as you read them…??? Of course, in a group sharing, the moment in time combines many souls resonating in this enlightenment and can make the sharing a more powerful experience which can embed itself deeply into your consciousness. This is the value and benefit of sharing “positive” stories in a group. Humans have done this for thousands of years around the Tribe’s campfire or the dinner table.

We can be more conscious and look to celebrate the epiphanies which we have or which are shared by our group’s members. Not with envy, but with sincere celebration, as we resonate in the deep feelings attached to these learnings. We are all Masters and can teach from our life’s experiences. We can Bask in Joy and Love with the story tellers as we witness their wonderment. It feels good to be connected with a support group who offer positive messages and share moments of consciousness. The stories of awakenings serve as a model, or create a new doorway, for the “witness” to uncover new ways to achieve their lessons on a path toward “Enlightenment.”

What is “Enlightenment?” This may seem to take different forms or have foundations in different life experiences. For me, Enlightenment is a “Knowing” that we are all connected to the Divine Spirit and each other. We “remember” the joy of unconditional love and support, and the pure acceptance that goes along with it. We feel the freedom from the limitations of the ego and the physical body with its entrapment in a 3 dimensional, “Time” limited, existence. We know our connection with a Universal Wisdom. We remember that we are much greater than the physical incarnation we have chosen to learn our current lessons. (Though we should not deny the great importance and opportunity to live in the life we have chosen… Even with its challenges. It is amazing, a miracle!) But, once you have a conscious epiphany regarding what Enlightenment is, “on the other side of the Veil,” you will never be able to go back and to live as a naive, unaware person. This “instant” will change you 24/7 for your ongoing existence.

YOU are a Blessing! Whether you know it or not, YOU are a MASTER! Live in Joy and Love. Find your bliss!

If you would like to share your story and be supported, consider a community like, Masters of the Journey. Where ever possible bask in the telling of stories of “awakening.” Resonate with the most positive feelings and remembrances of enlightenment!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

When Will YOU Awaken?

When will you have an Awakening experience so you can follow your Spiritual Path?

First, what does “Awakening” to follow your Spiritual Path mean? Many people have a “moment” of “awakening” or a spiritual epiphany. This may be an experience where, in an instant, you have an insight into what the “State of Grace” really means. A feeling of Universal connection, “Oneness,” Unconditional Love, Universal Wisdom, Freedom from Time and the three dimensional world we have incarnated into. Maybe we remember God, or Jesus, or Buddha, or the Divine Spirit, or whatever it is that you know and remember as the highest consciousness. Many spiritual teachers will tell you that this requires years of devotion and careful contemplation to achieve. I am not sure that this takes a long time. For many people, this “spiritual awakening” takes but an instant! Your path to “Enlightenment” is yours to travel AND travel there you must!

So, when will it be… for YOU?

Will it happen during a NDE (Near Death Experience?)
You can read many books and articles about this type of “Awakening” and “Remembering.” (I say “Remembering” because when achieved, it is familiar and we realize that we have been there before. It may be the feeling we have when we are between lives AND the feeling that we are working to “remember” in this current lifetime. No matter what your experience, whether you believe me or not, this spiritual wisdom and “knowing” is already within you. You are learning how to recall your connection with the Divine!)

Will your “Enlightenment” or “Spiritual Awakening” be triggered by:
an illness or accident?
By the loss of a loved one (and your experience in Death, Dying, Grief and Loss?)
By Your Midlife Crisis? (Female or Male Menopause) WHEN, you realize that your goals and plans are not enough. You have to do or be something more. Perhaps, you have yet to finish your search for your “Purpose” in this life!
An Epiphany from a Meditation, a Dream, a Spiritual Practice?
A drug related experience? (Which shakes you out of your belief and your current “reality.”)
A Breathing Technique or Vision Quest?
A religious practice?
A trauma or a nightmare?
The birth of a child?
An experience of “Guidance” or other worldly “Protection” (when you were steered in a more positive direction)

Yes, what will be your experience which triggers your remembering your connection to the Divine Spirit!

Will this manifest as a single moment in your life or as a series of moments (and experiences?)

Will it be a Clear Message or a vague, to be discovered, feeling or thought?

Will it cause a Dramatic Shift in your life (and way of being in the world) or a slower unfoldment?

Will this come to You alone or in a group?

Who will you tell or share this “Awakening” with?

Will it change your relationships? (Perhaps to be more loving or accepting?)

Is it triggered by being “Old” and/or infirmed? (BUT, young people, even children, can experience this State of Grace!)

Is this experience Dramatic or Subtle? Is it soft and quiet or loud or colorful or Black and White (or even Gray?)

Is this Spiritual awakening taking place in a natural surrounding or in a more mundane environment like your home or a building?

Are you with other people or alone?

Are you in a state of Fear/Anxiety or “Grounded” by a Meditation?

Do you feel like you have drifted out of your body to a higher realm? Do you find this in your heart & soul?

Does this trigger a feeling of “Acceptance” or a violent flight/fight emotion?

Is this happening to you in the: morning or afternoon or at twilight or at night?

Are you in a foreign land or a more familiar (closer to home) place?

Is your insight focused on your physical state or on emotion or thought/mental state or in a spiritual place?

Does your epiphany manifest in feelings of: happiness, joy, confusion, fear, or the relief which comes from finally “Remembering” your deepest Spiritual Nature?

Many people have these Awakenings and never know how to share these experiences. They may even think that there is something wrong or even “crazy” in feeling these “different” wisdoms… But, we all have these moments and these learnings. We sometimes do not appreciate them at the time of the experience, but these will resurface after some other life experience or conversation trigger the remembering… An experience which I had early in my life became an epiphany which has shaped my life is a story available on YouTube at https://youtu.be/bjQuoEK-2SE

No matter what, remember that YOU are a blessing and You have a spiritual Master dwelling within your soul.

If you would like support and a community to share your story of awakening and spiritual development, consider the Masters of the Journey as a place to connect with fellow travelers on the path toward remembering the Divine Spirit within each of us.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Namaste Revisited

In early 2016, at a monthly meeting of Masters of the Journey in Bellingham, I butchered the word and concept of Namaste. People who know me just laughed at my naive struggle with this spiritual expression. It is time to revisit Namaste and my understanding of this principle.

Do you know this word? Do you ever attempt to use this concept? Is it “Just” a word or concept to you OR do you really “Know it” and more importantly, do you “Live it?”

What has changed for me is the “feeling” I get when I believe that I fully connect with this belief. The definition of this concept might sound something like: “The divine and perfect spirit within me sees and knows the divine, perfect, spirit within you.” Remove the separation of “me” and “you” to find the idea that the Perfect, God Spirit within my soul feels the connection with the perfect, God spirit also found within your soul. We are “One.” As my present incarnation’s eyes look into the eyes of your incarnation, I know the divine perfection which your incarnation is a manifestation of…

YES, even the people (incarnations) who “Trigger” me are “Perfect” AND “One” with me and the Divine. SO, the challenge is to see, find, know the perfection and the Divine within EVERY person/soul my incarnation comes into contact with…. This next person I encounter in another version of me and the Divine Spirit that burns within my heart and soul. If I “Judge” this person harshly, I am “Judging” myself harshly. If I do not unconditionally love this person, I must learn my lesson of separation and my lack of self-love.

Most of my time, I can not get my mind around this concept and feel the deep “Knowing” of what Namaste fully entails. This awkward and difficult lesson is not an uncommon one for “incarnated souls.” To truly smile and to love unconditionally every person/soul I encounter is the goal as I move along the path toward “Enlightenment.”

We are all holograms of the Divine Spirit (God). The Universe can not exist without each piece of the oneness which is the Divine. When we remember and bask in the State of Grace, we know the connection to all souls and the have the acceptance and freedom to be without the limits of time and space. YOU are a blessing. YOU are a Master. Your purpose is to learn and to grow in your knowing and to contribute to raising consciousness of all.

If you would like support, resources, or connection to a community of conscious “seekers,” consider participation and your contributions to: Masters of the Journey. Namaste

LifeSaving: Pay Attention!

What if you treated every lesson, every interaction, as if YOU were responsible for learning a “LifeSaving” procedure or technique! You would pay attention! You would learn as if you were supposed to be the teacher, and a life might depend upon it, and you are here to share your wisdom or your learning. Your teaching can save a life! Your sharing can be used to reduce the pain and anxiety which may be suffered by a friend, or a family member, or even by a stranger who hears your information.

Do not underestimate the power of what you are here in this life to learn and to share! You are a Master and you learning and sharing your lessons is important, perhaps critical! Even lifesaving! So you must pay attention to those moments and experiences in life where you are confronted by the “challenge” and the struggle to find an answer. Sharing your struggle and your answer is an act of service to humanity. Making the effort to articulate your learning can benefit both your audience AND yourself. By reviewing and speaking about your lesson, you will gain perspective and so insight into your learned challenge. It takes work to reach deep within and to find the words that will resonate with the your communication partner. Consider whether you are telling your story for “You” or are feeling the benefit more for your partner. Knowing your audience’s needs is good and will help you to be clear.

You do not always know how your story will be “LifeSaving” or where in the world it will find its way to work this magic. Your story may rise to the surface because you feel the “Need” to share this with your friend, perhaps, for their sake or perhaps because you are still processing your learning. As an example, your story may be related to an experience where you reduced your anger by forgiving a difficult interaction rather than stubbornly fighting for your position while sacrificing a relationship. You were able to let go of your stubborn willfulness after realizing that there are other ways to look at a situation and your partner in this argument has come at their opinion from surviving a very different set of personal challenges. Their perspective may not be in agreement with your beliefs but your strength and awareness helps you to understand their differing point of view. You have bumped up against their belief as a lesson. You might not “know” their idea of truth but you fighting with their ego reminds you that important, though difficult, learning can occur for the person who is willing and open to appreciate the other opinion, even if you can not agree.

Do not be lazy. Be meticulous. Be vigilant. Even the smallest interactions can be a blessing. If you walk through your life experience in a cloud of distraction or unconcern then you may be missing the point of a critical learning and life changing moment. Reach out to connect with people, even the people who you may be “triggered” by, for this is the only way to gain perspective on living. Wearing blinders or avoiding contact by watching TV may slow down your experiencing life in the ways that can enhance your understanding leading to your finding joy in life or maybe even your enlightenment.

Your stories based on your experience have great value, especially when you are willing to share them. Your developing the skills to communicate your experiences clearly and when they “fit” the interaction will elevate your level of service. This takes practice. This will require you to develop your confidence and your intuition, as you read the specific demands of your partner in communication. If your “gut” tells you that you must tell a certain story, at a certain time, to a certain person, YOU may be sharing wisdom that will save a life!

Do not mumble or speak too softly. Your story must be clear and loud enough to hear! Project your wisdom and own it. Whether you “know” it or not, you are a Master!

Blessings to you for experiencing life’s challenges and your willingness to share your story. Just the act of caring enough to take time to share may serve a need that you may not fully realize. A very important consideration is to allow your communication partner to tell THEIR story. You give a great gift by receiving their communicated lesson.

For resources on communication, connecting, and other lifesaving techniques, consider the supportive community, Masters of the Journey.

Opening the Door to Consciousness Takes Trust

Do you want the spirit of the Divine to come in to your life and to be a powerful force within you? Do you trust the Spirit of the Divine?

Are you ready to let go of Fear, Anger, Ego, and Separation? This is not as easy as it may sound. For many of us, there is difficulty letting go of what we are familiar with, even ego, self-identification and separateness. We may have a long term pattern (habit) of being judgmental and of finding ways to “look down” on the next pilgrim we meet along our path. We may remember that the reason we are “Triggered” by an individual or group (say politics) is to teach us the lesson that we must learn and to find ways of “seeing” through another person’s eyes. The “comfort” of the “known” can be easier even if wrought with pain, than the new, unknown of a new way of being – enlightenment…

Are you ready for Unconditional Love, ONENESS, and Wisdom to burn more brightly within YOU? Enlightenment brings this light to you AND to all! (Your enlightenment is not just for you, it benefits and serves all spirits, because we are all in this together.) Are you ready for change? This may mean reducing, or even eliminating, your tendency to be judgmental or less accepting. It is difficult to accept that our lives are caught up in many “petty” habits and lifestyle choices which do not really demonstrate how big and how great your spirit truly is! As Divine beings, we have the capacity to go beyond the limitations of the mind and the body and the constraints of time and space. When we “remember” who we really are and how important we are to the Universal Spirit, we can better appreciate the challenges and lessons that we are moving through in this lifetime.

You may not be ready to be free and to share the blessing of consciousness, even though you want to or think you are ready. You may not be ready to find pure acceptance! With the pain and challenges in this life, how can you trust “Knowing” that this is all there for a reason and to teach lessons that we all benefit from learning? But, when will you “remember” enough regarding your true spiritual self so you can more fully trust the process of the pilgrimage you are are on? (We are all on the “path” toward consciousness/enlightenment. We are all in this together…)

It is a blessing to share the path with you! You are amazing! You are a Master, whether you know this or not, and you are here to share your experiences and your wisdom!

A community of fellow travelers is available to support you and offer you resources. The Masters of the Journey is a non-religious, supportive community. Consider whether this may be of benefit to you on YOUR journey.

We Are ALL in This Together

In many spiritual practices, one of the main principles is the belief that we all have the perfection of the Divine Spirit within us. As if we were a hologram of the Divine, we are all a perfect and necessary piece of the much larger spirit of pure consciousness and we are living our lives in the constraints of our current “meat suit” (body) in the effort to “remember” our role in the “greater consciousness.” We all have a purpose which is, in our own unique way, to serve the Divine and assist fellow travelers by helping enhance their process toward enlightenment. We are here to help each other.

So why do we hold grievances toward other people? Why are we often impatient or quick to anger or to judge? Perhaps our “egos” which seek to separate us from other people and judges their actions without the unconditional love and acceptance which our divine spirit celebrates. We are raised by our worldly fear-filled existence to be separate and comparing each individual we meet as we search for their weaknesses, protecting ourselves from attack. When we become more enlightened, we feel the connection and the “oneness” with fellow pilgrims in a way which allows us to accept even the people we disagree with because of their actions or beliefs. Acceptance is often difficult until you realize that these other people are learning their lessons on their path AND that they are actually YOU in a different life (because we are “One” and all in this together.)

Yeah, I do not want to accept, much less love, those people in human form whom I disagree with, sometimes strongly. My lesson is to know that if I hold the grievance toward another, I am only hurting myself (because they are me) and this becomes MY lesson. (A spiritually bruising lesson to not react but to only accept.)

I believe that you are a Master of your Journey! I believe that you are perfect and have the Divine Spirit burning brightly within you. You are here to learn your lessons and use your “Meat suit” to communicate your wisdom with other travelers. You will “remember” your divinity in your time and way. AND, I celebrate this divine perfection which you reflect… Namaste

There are many paths to enlightenment and you will find your way. If you want resources or better still, you want to share with and support other seekers, consider participating in the Masters of the Journey community, or Unity Spiritual Center, or Center for Positive Living, or Course in Miracles study groups, or A Way of Mastery study groups, or…

Blessings to you on your path. We are all in this together… whether we recognize this or not…