
Part of our human drama includes living with expectations. A well used saying: “Expectations screw things up…” Because if you “expect” something to happen, then when it does occur, it is no big deal because you assumed it would happen and takes a part of the joy out of the accomplishment… And, when your expectation is NOT met then there can be levels of disappointment because you expected something else to have happened…
It is difficult to live without expectations especially if you expect that you can…

Expectations Definition:
a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
“reality had not lived up to expectations”
a belief that someone will or should achieve something.
“students had high expectations for their future”
Similar word:

Where do these come from and how do they affect your life?
External expectations from other people can cause emotional pressure and then there are internal expectations, which are often the more difficult to deal with…
In my world…

Expecting something, especially a personal accomplishment, leads to a diminished celebration of the accomplishment of the expected goal. ‘Cause you expected as much of yourself…


What if another person, or persons, “Expect” something of you. Their expectation creates an assumed compliance and accomplishment of the behavior, goal, or activity. Perhaps leading to a reduced appreciation due to the assumed expectation… “Well, I expected as much, of you…”
(When does an expectation become an assumed promise??? Even when it is an Unspoken desire.)

How does an expectation of oneself become a burden? For example, as I am getting older, I still assume and expect that I can do things (physically) which I used to be able to do like: run fast or run long or carry big boxes upstairs when helping a friend move… OR, my personal expectation that everyday I will be active and pursue activities of service and “high in value” as my life’s expectations of living at a highly productive level of service… When in my life is it OK to “kick back” and to slow down? When is it OK to rest without guilt? When can an active, assertive person be able, or allow themselves, to be passive? Clearly, I have not learned when or how to be “passive.”

When can my participation in allowing life to flow become an allowed, even celebrated, expectation? When is it OK to have passive participation as a witness or observer rather than down in the arena of active accomplishments. When is it OK to watch and to be the necessary “witness”??? For me, this answer is still in process…

What does it take to understand that when you want to do something “well” but do not have the skill or the strength or the experience to know that an expectation of high level achievement of a certain activity is actually unachievable. This is a struggle in “acceptance” and in “allowing” things to occur rather than as expected… I am not expecting perfection in all things but perhaps expecting an unreasonable higher level of ability based on memories or expectations from the distant past.
When is acceptance of “reasonable” success a victory and not an emotional personal defeat?

I am not saying do not set a difficult goal. However, the emotional baggage of a difficult or undoable expectation can make you feel like you are less than you are. My ego gets involved with internal and external expectations because it wants something that is not quite in hand. If I do not have this thing, will I be unhappy or think/feel that my life is unsatisfying, or a “failure?” Again, my ego has placed me in a no win situation and I can benefit from learning how to be aware and to check my ego’s created expectations.

Is there a graceful way to set limits on the expectations which other people may have for you and your available time and energy? You can not control their expectations or their response to you saying “No” or to your compromising negotiation. Oh well, you can not please everyone all the time. THAT would be an unaccomplishable expectation.

The drama of having expectations in your life and allowing these to affect the way you think and feel about yourself is a challenge to learn from. You are creating these reactions within your mind. A fully conscious spiritual person may take any perceived expectation in stride and instead focus upon the positive, joyful miracles of life. Even laughing or smiling at the misstep of failing in a personal expectation. Living in the “present” moment also helps to lessen the strong emotions which can be attached to a perceived expectation. No matter how you react you can work to maintain a level of higher awareness and perhaps a sense of good humor when a mentally constructed expectation flies across your consciousness. (These can look and feel very silly.)

No easy answers here but lots of great lessons/challenges to learn from. Just keep moving forward and expanding your awareness and consciousness. Share your learnings and wisdom. Find Joy everyday in the miracles you find. This is MY expectation of YOU! Fact, not expectation: You are a Blessing! You are Loved and a part of the Divine Spirit.

And. Finally, having expectations are common. Life is full of lessons learned by attempting new activities which are NOT perfect the first time. If these were perfect the first time, every time, then you have set the bar way too low to reach out and to expand your skills and to test your wisdom. I have learned more from my mistakes and failures than I have learned from my expected successes. Managing your expectations is useful. Learning from your mistakes is an essential part of living as a human. (Example. If we attempted to walk as a baby and fell down the first time and never attempted walking again, we would never have learned to run…)

You are a miracle. Your imperfections make YOU perfect. And, you learn most from your mistakes.

Do You Want a Better Life?

Well…Do You Want a Better Life? Do you want to be Happy? This blog includes three possible tools for you. One of the best ways to lead you to this result in your Life is to be kind! Yes, that simple concept. Be Kind! Yes, you may want to go out of your way to be supportive. It is worth it. Being Kind is better when you do NOT have expectations regarding a reward. So consider, non-conditional Kindness. The Kindness you give without a payment, even the expectation of an acknowledgement. Just because being Kind feels good and can assist another soul. You unknowingly may become a Role-Model of Kindness.

Consider this exercise in Kindness may suffer if you are “Giving advice” or “Preaching” your beliefs. Supportive listening without interrupting with “your story” may be more helpful than telling your partner your opinion, even if it is a useful perspective. Respectful listening is a great gift.

And, when someone else is Kind to you, say thank you. Show some appreciation. Then go out and “pay it forward” by an act of Kindness for someone else you may stumble upon. It does not have to be complicated or financially costly. Just look someone in the eye and say “Thank You, You are Amazing!” Tell someone they are “doing a great job!” Notice their effort, even if it was unsuccessful. This borders on the next gift you can give yourself for a better life… Be grateful! Consider how many miracles occur each day just to allow you to function in your body and your life.

Consider and appreciate with gratitude where your food came from. Where your water came from. The miracle that your body can digest your food or breathe the oxygen you require… Your sun shows up everyday in some way to give life to our Earth. And, when you are most fully conscious, show gratitude for every soul who crosses your path, for they are there, at some level, to teach you. And, do not forget to show gratitude for yourself. Yes, you, even as you struggle with your challenges every day. You are perfect, even in your imperfections.

To be Kind and to have gratitude can be easier when you are “present.” In the present moment with less concern with what might happen in the unknown future and no baggage or traumas carried over from past experiences. Easier said than done. However, to be looking to be Kind and to find gratitude in the present moment can offer you a “wonderment” with appreciation for the amazing possibilities found in every second of your life.

Discovering what offers you happiness is an individual process. Though in your personal consideration, you may wish to begin with being Kind and finding the best way you can offer the kindness as a gift of unconditional service. Your heart will celebrate in joy. This can lead to happiness…

In the book, “Power of 8,” research journalist, Lynne McTaggart, makes a strong case for the intentional process of being unconditionally Kind with a group of people sending out “healing” thoughts and energy. Being intentionally Kind seems to create happiness and healing for the sender as a by-product of this exercise. In Lynne McTaggart’s research and experiments, she found that the desire to heal has a healing effect upon the sender, you. Intentional kindness can offer you the benefit of heart felt Joy and happiness. Try it alone or in a group. But, you do not have control over whether the subject you are sending love and healing energy to will actually choose to use this Love and Healing as you desire. That is why you give it unconditionally with no expectation, just your sincerity.

And, in case you have had a lapse in your spiritual consciousness, I want to remind you that YOU are Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! You are Loved!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Secrets to Happiness

Perhaps you have found that money, possessions, trips, your addictions, your career, even your relationships have NOT offered you the Happiness you expect and deserve. From research studies, a Yale psychology professor, course creator Laurie Santos, has developed and presented this class in person and now online (for free) to people wishing to explore the best possible activities to create a greater Happiness in their lives. (See link below for more information.)

One of the main findings comes from the Joy of Gratitude when engaged in “Giving.” Yes, your activity of serving another person in sincerity and with no strings attached, makes YOU feel good. More than buying yourself some new toy or vacation which tend to be temporary goals and distractions. The act of connection and giving your time and energy to another person is both satisfying and enhances your happiness. Of course there are many other factors in creating a life with more abundant happiness but this is a great place to start.

CNN’s story regarding this free online course from Yale University for their students, and YOU, regarding the secrets to Happiness. FREE course link and CNN story at: Yale’s Happiness Course If you take this course, you will wade through the theory of what has failed to make you Happy before you get to the application of the processes you can engage to make you more happy. Laurie states that awareness is NOT half the battle or the solution. Engaging in the positive alternative behaviors is what has the long term positive effects.

Perhaps you can begin by sharing your story and your wisdom. This is a gift which will reward you in many ways and has the possibility of expanding the perspective for your communication partner. It costs no money, but does require your desire to serve and your time. When sharing, make the story relevant to your witness and not as much about your ego’s need for attention… Perhaps, consider avoiding an over abundance of YOUR victimhood and instead focus on the Joy or Wisdom you have learned from your life’s experience. Be the Master of your Journey and share you wisdoms, or insights, freely. You will be happier for this service you provide…

On a deeper spiritual satisfaction level, you are a Master. Your Spirit is an important piece of the Universe and Divine Consciousness. Your choice to incarnate and enhance your consciousness through the lessons and drama you experience on the Earthly plain is of service to Divine Consciousness. Sharing your story and your wisdom is an act of service AND that is what you are here, incarnated, to do. When you can, look for the Joy found in the most challenging lessons and find your way to share with other pilgrims. By the Way, YOU get respect from other souls in the higher realms just for your choice to incarnate into all the Earthly drama… This makes YOU a Star!

You are a Soul having a “Human experience” and so realize that YOU are so much greater than your human existence can demonstrate. You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Since this blog post is coming out near the end of 2020, it is important to note that now, yes right now, the act of giving is not only creating happiness for you but it is serving our world which is depleted by our pandemic and economic challenges. Your efforts of giving through service do not have to be financially taxing. You can give of your time and from your heart. Even the gift of listening, witnessing another person’s story is an act of giving. Please consider finding your way of being of service and reaching out to show your care and concern for the people you bump into. This is needed now more than ever… And, “Happy Holidays” to you no matter when you are reading this blog. YOU are Loved and Cherished!!!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog


How do you maintain your relationships? How do you maintain your community? No two relationships or communities are the same and yet the “work” of maintaining these social connections has commonalities. If you “care” about these relationships, and often you “should” care, what does the care and feeding look like? The people who you have cross paths with in your life long enough to hear their story can tell a lot about you. The relationships and communities you build, and maintain, speak volumes about you…

For example, if you have called a “friend” do you wait until they return your call (or text or email, etc) before you reach out again? Do they “owe” you something because you contacted them? Or, when next you think of them, do you try again? Not keeping “score” on them owing you a return call… (I mention this because I know a lonelier person who always waited for a return call, feeling hurt or disrespected if a person did not get back to her. But, life can get in the way and not allow immediate responses.)

Relationships and communities are necessary, for most of us, and require some time and attention. They require some level of flexibility because they are rarely perfect or a perfect match to all the unique characteristics you may be carrying around with you, as you. And, sometimes a relationship can include people who may appear as “opposite” to your beliefs simply because these create a wonderful and challenging balance to who you are and what you believe. Do Opposites Attract each other? This perspective may be the essential part of the lesson you have come here, to this life, to learn from. So, no matter what, when you “feel” as if you should reach out, reach out! Chances are your guidance has sent you the message…

A long maintained relationship is not as much a burden as it is a touchstone letting you know from where you have come from and where you are at this moment in time. (Though time is not real, perspective on your life’s experience is…)

People, most people, require community. We require space to reach out and care about others, AND, to let others care about you! It is a cross purpose requirement. It benefits both sides. Sometimes it looks like it is not equal but it is… perhaps not fully known as it may be seen as unequal when it is… (Some people need to “give” more others and some people need to receive more than others.) Consider also, that it is a great gift to receive from another person, especially, when you have difficulty receiving…

And, whenever possible, do a “mitzvah,” a good deed, for another soul. Be available. Be of service with NO strings attached. This is your purpose in this life and the community of our world, our Universe, is better for this act of service. A good deed is not always expensive or time consuming. Sometimes it is simply listening and showing that you really care. Thank you! Share love with reckless abandon, without any unnecessary life-threatening recklessness… Sharing your love freely becomes a bright light to dissipate the darkness…!!! When you do good in the world do not do it because you “have to,” do it because it feels good to know you are living your “true self!” And, do not do good with an expectation of a return. When done purely out of sincere Love, with no strings attached, you are offering our Universe the perfection of connection and relationship.

Now, I invite you to consider the various types of relationships you have. Some are more common but some of us do not share the ones labeled as common, like family. Not all of us have family or significant others as partners. Some of us have many friends and some of us seem to not connect well with others as friends. We have teachers, mentors, ministers, counselors, professional care givers. We have more people in our lives offering remote sources of information or support. Most of us have neighbors, but not everyone connects with their immediate neighborhood community. Even casual relationships with our local businesses or fellow regular exercisers. NOW, ask yourself why did the Universe, the Divine, create the situation where these specific folks are in your life??? What are they to teach you? What are you to teach them? (Yes, even if it is what not to do…)

There are no accidents. And, consider the people you have known for a “long” time. What does this say about you, or them? And, what about the short-term explosions of relationships that did not last or stand the test of a longer time…??? And consider that, “No man is an island, entire of it self, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…” wrote John Donne in 1624. What does this mean for you?

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Late Summer Sweetness

It’s getting to be late summer in the Pacific Northwest. As the days are beginning to grow shorter it is also time to find the ripening berries. It is time to pick the ripened raspberries and blackberries. In my life, it is getting to be the late summer and fall of this incarnation for me. It is time to pick The ripened berries of my life. Their sweetness and my wisdom gained from all of my years is now time to share.

I do not look for the future with the optimism of youth. I look much more into the present moment rather than looking into the what is possible and what could be. Though I am aware of lessons learned from my past, I attempt to mitigate the anxiety from most past trauma in ways to see the present without the filters born from past difficult learnings. I find Gratitude for all the lessons… Past Joys and Sorrows can be equally Blessed.

These days with less judgment, I enjoy the sweetness of my life and of the world that surrounds me. It is a time to reflect on lessons learned, even with sour taste or the bitterness of certain life challenges. It is time to find the joy in working through the lessons that I have experienced and the things that I have accomplished. Not every ripe looking berry picked is sweet. The Joy which can be found in sour life experiences can find sweetness as shared wisdom.

There are times when I have to put my head down and walk into the breeze which my day presents. It is refreshing and yet requires extra effort to weather any storm or any headwind that I may encounter. It is also time for me to share value from my lessons in a way that may save some of the time and energy for the witnesses of these conversations. In sharing, I am acting in service from the perspective of my current incarnation. As a possible guide or beacon, my learnings may light the way and offer perspective to those souls I am lucky enough to connect with.

Without the metaphors, this past Wednesday, August 19th, I celebrated what would have been my 36th wedding anniversary. My bride passed into her next life over 8 years ago but the sweetness and the joy of our lives together still vibrates within me. The difficult lessons We learned, I learned, are ever present and awaiting any appropriate chance to share, with gratitude, my memories and learnings. That is what life masters attempt to offer when appropriate. I no longer need to force my grief on others. I can share when the time is correct for a soul whose life buzzes close to what I encountered. The richness of learning from difficulties can be of service and give me a sense of value… (In sharing I also find perspective and value in my “old” story.)

It is not that I do not care about the future. The future of the world. The future of my children and family. It is that I am not as attached to the outcomes. I am not living with the expectations that the world is going to be easier or better. My lessons have taught me that the struggles have been the most valuable thing in my learning. And it is time to acknowledge that everyone must work through their difficulties as these are the lessons that they have come to learn from in this life.

It has come time to acknowledge that if I were to die today, I would have no regrets. I have found a level of acceptance of myself and of the accomplishments that I have made which allow me to find peace. One of the goals in life is to learn about oneself. To develop deep self knowledge. And to find a way of accepting even the flaws I may find as tools for mastering or changing my life and then living in the most positive ways.

Living your life is a miracle. It is a treasure. But to be too attached or anxious about your life seems to me to be an unwise use of time and energy. Self-love and self acceptance seem so important to me as I near the end of my seventh decade. There are adventures and appreciations in life yet to be AND I honor all that has been presented to me along my way…

You are a Miracle! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Stepping In, Stepping Out

Consider, Stepping In to the Present Moment and then Stepping Out of Your Limitations… Of course, this is easier said than done. However, setting your sights on what is possible and setting your intention is the first step of this pilgrimage.

Stepping into the present moment leads to Mindfulness. If you can release the 3 dimensional mind’s limitations, including time and space, you can begin to release the memories of the past which have limited your responses and you may be able to release the fear of the unknown future which fear of future events/change has trapped our consciousness within. Our brain and ego have these limitations which have created separateness and the lack of knowing our soul’s greatness.

What is Mindfulness? List of 10 Qualities of Mindfulness are:
These are from Pages 18-20 of Laurie Cameron’s book: “The Mindful Day, Practical Ways to Find Focus, Calm and Joy From Morning to Evening.” (The-Mindful-Day by Laurie-J-Cameron )

1. Awareness
2. Beginners Mind
3. Acceptance
4. Insight
5. Impermanence (Life is temporary and so are all the challenges…)
6. Equanimity
7. Interconnection
8. Compassion
9. Gratitude
10. Joy

Stepping most fully into the Present Moment, involves all of these ten qualities. Again, easier said than done and this is a perspective to move toward. Acceptance without Judgement has been my challenging lesson in this life. Living without full Acceptance (and the lack of Judgement,) seems to limit my Compassion, my Gratitude, and my Joy. Staying within my breath with an accepting awareness is my goal.

My “Knowing” suggests that once I can fully step into the Moment, I will begin to release my limitations of the my 3 dimensional world (and thoughts and limiting beliefs) so I can be most fully free to “Know” the Divine Spirit and dwell consciously in a higher state of consciousness. Included in this “Knowing” is that in a Higher vibrational state my life finds: unconditional Love, full connection, access to Divine Wisdom, and freedom from human limitations, is possible.

Consider what it is like to live consciously without limitations. To be everywhere with no limitations of time and space. To bask in “Oneness” and to know “Unconditional Love.” Yes, even if you are in a Human existence, you can gradually find ways to connect and then to live in this higher state of consciousness. Once there, or even before you most fully get to this consciousness, your purpose is to share this light and to be the beacon which allows other pilgrims to find their way into this Divine Light.

I have been reminded: We are ethereal beings living lives in human bodies “enjoying” our human experiences… Knowing that we will be stepping out of these lives and our human limitations, offers us a profound perspective to consider. With Love.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Who Are YOU!

It is time for a reminder. You may have limitations which do not allow you to realize who you are and how important you are. Your Ego may want you to “play it small” so you are not a target or threatened. Like the deer in the headlights, you may freeze when the spotlight of life shines on you… BUT, it does NOT change the deeper truth, you are a Miracle. You, whether you know it or not, are a Master. No one could do “YOU” better than You do you. AND, You are essential. Sure, you may be playing out a life which may appear to be a lesser character in the Play of Life, but every character is essential and the play could NOT be performed without you in the role you are playing.

Fear and your insecurity may get in the way of you seeing how truly Awesome you are. Many of us consciously or unconsciously choose fear or anxiety as a major way to relate to this world. Our survival may depend on how quick we respond to a fearful stimuli. We learn by behaving appropriately in the survival of scary things but it is NOT who we are. We survive and stay alive because we have many things to learn and to do in this life. What are we scared of, dying? Well, we are all going to die some day anyway. Living in Fear of Death is a waste of time, energy, and our consciousness. In case you need some clarity, Death is NOT the enemy! Death is the final transition we experience AND we get to move into the higher realms where Unconditional Love, Freedom, Acceptance, Oneness, and access to all Divine Wisdom is available.

You came to the Earth plane to be challenged. You may have forgotten how great you are as a spirit. You live in the limitations of our 3 dimensional world for the “Drama” and the “Challenges” which are found as we interact with people and experiences on the Earthly plane. Some of us have chosen to come in for long lives. Some of us have chosen to come for a brief or shorter lifespan, probably for the lessons of our family or friends or caregivers. No matter which, you are essential to the events you have been born into…

With greater awareness and developed consciousness, you may remember connection to the Divine Spirit. You may remember that every soul you bump into is “perfect” in her or his own way, and they are here for some lesson you may be involved within. Perhaps, you will even “remember” that YOU are a Master and you have much to offer. You can be a beacon of Love and Light to serve and to guide others on their path to Reawakening! You and your path through this life are “Perfect!” And, as long as you are here, Be the Best you can be. Keeping learning and growing in consciousness. Wherever possible, find a way to Love and to Serve your fellow pilgrims. (Even the ones who seem to push your buttons as a lesson…)

If you resist this message, ask yourself why you do not want to remember and to celebrate the magnificent soul you are here to be. Not an Ego trip, but a remembering of how the Divine Spirit created you as essential to the drama here on our Earth. Find Joy, even in the difficult challenges you are here to learn from. (Easier said than done, but still available for you…) Take a deep slow breath and know all the other miracles of life which surround you for these can teach you so much!

Where possible consider the Divine Perfection of your soul! You are an Earth Angel in an Earthly incarnation having a “human” experience. Love and appreciate the Miracle of the Divine which lives brightly within you and is so much greater than your mind can understand.

You are a Blessing! Thank you for being you.

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Living Your Life Includes Considering the Legacy You Leave

How can you follow your path through Life without a Plan? Sure you can do this one day at a time. Or, One moment at a time, BUT… I ask you to consider getting your “EGO” out of the way, easier said than done, and ask yourself how YOU want to be remembered in this Life. As if YOU were writing your own eulogy. (Definition of Eulogy: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.) So, how would you like to be remembered? I am asking not for an accounting all the things YOU have acquired like money, wealth, expensive toys, property, or work related projects… I am asking about your legacy for how you have “Served” your community in “Human” terms. Did you Live most “fully?” Did you Love completely? Did you support your fellow pilgrims on their path through life? Was this a family pursuit or spread out to “strangers” in a wider community? Were you “Known” to have patience, a great sense of humor, integrity to follow through on promises, to listen without judgement or interruptions, for your gentleness and compassion, for your friendships, for your wisdom sharing….?

When people met you, did they get more from you than they gave, maybe only your time and respectful consideration? Did people you encountered love your beaming smile and possibly your “no strings attached” embrace? Did you brighten the day? Did you Lead as a positive role model? Did you invite creativity and encourage others to express theirs? Did your family and friends feel unconditionally loved and respected? Did you live your life as if “you were dancing while no one was watching?” Would people say about you, that there times when you put someone else’s “needs” ahead of your own? Were you thought of as a “Hero” because you led others through dark times?

If you donated money and got your name on the wing of the community hospital, that is great, BUT… was your act of charity sincere or for the recognition your “EGO” required. Donating is NOT BAD but you can notice your intention and then consider whether this was an act of selflessness.

Please take time and consider how YOU want to be remembered as the human soul who walked through your unique life. You CAN NOT GET THIS WRONG! There is no “wrong” way to live. Perhaps, though, you can consider if you lived as “fully” as possible and if you found the best ways to “serve” your fellow pilgrims… Expand your consciousness, for that is what we are all about in living our lives and this consciousness can focus on how we can best take the hands of fellow travelers to assist them to get to their next level of enlightenment. By serving them you serve all the Divine Spirit, and you serve yourself. (The act of service is a healing for the soul who provides service, especially if they do this service from their hearts without strings attached.) Be innocent, open, and guided by a pure heart… (Again, easier said than done.)

You are Loved! You are a Miracle! There is NO WAY to Screw This Up! You are perfect! AND, so is every soul/spirit you bump up against, even if they “push your buttons. (Being “triggered” is your lesson…)

So, write your own Eulogy. Then LIVE it! Be the person in this life you would want to be remembered as being! You will be remembered for your deeds more than for the “toys” you have acquired. So consider your “plan” and follow it to be the “Best you can Be.” The way you live your life, is the legacy you will leave… YOU are a Blessing!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

I Am!

What is the cause of the problems of the world? I Am!
Who is responsible for positive changes in the world? I Am!

Tom Shadyac’s 2010 documentary, “I Am,” is worth your time even with the disturbing answers to the questions above. Take Tom seriously… Tom has been a film maker who had great success with popular comedy films like: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Nutty Professor, Liar Liar, and Bruce Almighty. His success gave him an enviable lifestyle with awards, money, prestige, and enormous Hollywood homes. But, Tom did not feel happy. The “trappings of success” did not bring Tom joy. As he tells his story, a serious cycling accident peeled him away from his life and lifestyle. With time to reflect, Tom began to ask the question what makes people happy and his film tells some of this story.

The points he made which I resonated the most with started by his mentioning how lonely we tend to be as a society. The competitive forces which have guided our lifestyles have dramatically added to the sense of separation. Our cultural values ask us to find happiness and deeper satisfaction in acquiring possessions and then having to guard and protect these objects from being lost or taken from us. In the United States, we have become more accepting of the “Me First” mentality and behaviors which are portrayed by the reality TV stars and seems opposite what past cultures deemed as acceptable.

Indigenous cultures have celebrated community supporting all its members, deeper connections, cooperation, and respect for all life. Though we all share similar genes in our DNA with most lifeforms on the Earth, we tend to see ourselves as separate leading to a disconnect with our role on this Earth and at odds with our life giving environment. We tend to hoard and take more than we should or we do not have a responsible long term approach to the resources which are available. In cultures from the past, people who hoarded or gathered too many possessions were thought to be mentally ill, a view shared by many of the experts which Tom interviewed for his movie.

Today, we live in a polarized society where people do not listen to opposing attitudes or beliefs. We are separated by political beliefs and false idols.

Tom eventually found that his happiness was not in the 17,000 square foot home he owned or the lifestyle of the jet setters. He sold his house and moved into a manufactured house. He lives more simply now. Rides his bicycle to work. Most importantly, he finds true happiness in being of service and assisting other people. He shares that we all need to take responsibility for our actions and for the future of our planet by doing what ever we can to reduce unnecessary consumption and live with in the means which our Earth can provide. Connecting and cooperation is his way of “being in this world.” We are all in this world together. We are all responsible for what happens.

Look for the things that bring YOU the most joy. Chances are you will find these experiences in offering service, in what ever ways YOU can… Even a simple act of sharing a hug. You are a blessing and you have a BIG role in assisting the forward movement of ALL consciousness!

By the way, Tom’s 2010 documentary is worth the time. The many people he interviewed offered much to my knowledge base and his (spiritual) views were very compatible with the lessons learned and shared through the Masters of the Journey community.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog

Spiritual Mastery! What?

What is Spiritual Mastery? Why is this important to my life and my happiness? In many of the previous blogs, I have written, “Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master!” My Spiritual Guidance keeps this on the front burner for me in my dictation of these blogs. Your Happiness and Your Joy can be enhanced by accepting this message, not with your mind BUT with Your Heart! Spiritual Mastery is NOT a process that requires that you meditate in a cave for 20+ years or cut yourself off from relationships to prove worthiness and piety… No, you will find a way to “Remember” that you are a part of the Divine Wisdom and this can come in an instant! (Though figuring out how to live this “Enlightenment” 24/7 can take many lifetimes…)

You caught me using the term, “Spiritual Mastery,” and may be intimidated by the concept which I throw out to you, seemingly, lightly. Not lightly at all! My guidance reminds me that we are “perfect” and have the “Divine Wisdom” within us. “All” we have to do is to remember the connection to the Divine and the Wisdom which dwells within our souls. That’s “All.” We agreed to incarnate into this life to learn our lessons, from our challenges, and THEN to share this wisdom, knowing, and unconditional Love with the fellow “pilgrims” we connect with in this life… Simple and Easy! Not really!

First, our conscious minds and “ego” try to remind us that we are separate and should be fearful because this is how the mind and “ego” survive their small 3 dimensional existence. You are so much more than the petty limitations which you have created in this false “reality.” Did I say “false” reality? The mind tells you that its perspective is “real” and based in survival and fear of loss… When you remember your “epiphanies” in those brief moments of connecting with the Divine, you realize that you are connected to a Universal Wisdom that has a difficult time in your day to day life, but it is more real than a 3 dimensionally limited view which our human incarnation can understand. When you do understand or rather “Remember” and “Know” you are closer to your goal of “Enlightenment.” (Boy, there are a lot of “Quotations” in this blog!)

Bliss and Your Joy and Happiness can be more 24/7 when you accept your true self and the Spiritual Mastery which lies within your heart and your soul. You are a Master! You are a Blessing! You are more powerful and more important than you often are willing to remember. The Masters of the Journey is a community which supports you in remembering and knowing your perfection, your power, your Joy. We will now use Spiritual Mastery as our tag line until YOU remember your full perfection. (Wow, when you do an internet search for “Spiritual Mastery” a lot of stuff pops up. Some is excellent and some is commercial and expensive!) No matter what you find as you search for Spiritual Mastery, know that you already have this wisdom within you and unlocking it is your challenge which starts with accepting that YOU are a Master of Your Journey! And, it helps to have “Extreme Curiosity” with an insatiable appetite for truth. Are you “open” to awareness and willing to ask lots of questions? Tuning into your guidance (and intuition) can assist you in your process of remembering your Divinity.

Tool: You can benefit from a regular practice of “checking in” and “grounding out.” To learn to quiet the mind’s chatter is not always an easy practice but you develop this skill. Meditation (in any of a variety of forms) is the best way to reconnect with the treasure of Divine Wisdom deep within you. The “quiet mind” is also a restorative experience that assists you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Please meditate and reconnect with your internal wisdoms. While you are at it, live in and with Love and compassion as much as you can. It is a good habit to develop.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: www.facebook.com/mastersofthejourney Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at www.dstress.com/blog