The Miracle of Your 5 Senses And Other Sensitivities

Everyday you wake up with the miracle of your 5 senses AND do not take these Lightly. Your 5 senses include the sensations: touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. Some would add your intuition and more about this later. Some of us have suffered the loss of one or more of these 5 senses and those of us who wake everyday to the use of these senses might not appreciate the miracle that these senses are or the difficulty dealing with your life should one or more of these senses become non-functioning. Recently, I have suffered the near complete loss of my hearing. Hopefully, this is not permanent, time will tell, but it has me appreciating the senses differently. Quite a learning experience.

Imagine if you could not see another sunset or the faces of your loved ones. How would you navigate or take in information if you woke up blind or severely visually impaired? Your world would be a different place and a struggle you might not understand or be able to adapt to. Your vision is a miracle which can not be fully explained in its chemistry or physiology. How does your eye turn sights into impulses which travel through nerves to be translated by parts of your brain? It is a miracle. You were born with this sense and, by the way, YOU are a MIRACLE!. We have all met visually impaired people, some blind since birth or from accidents or illness, and yet how many fully sighted people can fully appreciate the situation which would challenge us if we were blind (without visual ability?) Most people find this scary and anxiety producing to consider having to move through life with a severe visual impairment. Do NOT use this as an unconscious excuse to keep visually impaired people at a distance or totally out of your life! Your loss of this relationship will reflect on YOUR insecurity… (And, lessons can be learned from interactions with people who live with any of the handicaps which humans experience. Appreciation and gratitude could be at the top of your list in expanded awareness regarding the “what ifs” possible in your life.)

The loss of smell and taste might seem easier to deal with but consider the importance of smell and taste. These miracles help us know the world in different ways. We can smell our lover. We can smell and taste the fragrances and tastes of a loving childhood memory. The sweet smell of Spring or Summer flowers would be missed. We can remember the trauma of death and some disease in certain smells. An example, the learned sickness a chemo-therapy patient might know as they associate certain “clinic” smells to the adverse reactions their bodies have had to the chemo-therapy agents. Or the taste of a dangerously spoiled food we unfortunately tasted. (The “Smell of Death” or very poor hygiene are more a cause for compassion than the often felt disgust our mind can lead us to feel.)

The miracle of touch is so incredibly important. New born babies and infants will not thrive unless they are touched, hopefully, lovingly by a mother or father or family member. The hug you offer or receive are nurturing to both people who share this embrace. The loving sensations of intimacy with your lover are very often addicting, nourishing, and anxiety relieving. Walking barefoot in warm sand or grass is a pleasure to experience for many people. A warm bath or therapeutic massage gives you so many possible positive sensations. I could go on a very long time describing the miracle of the sensations or touch. Remember, physical pain is a necessary sensation to protect our bodies. And, also remember the necessary nurturing from “connection” both emotionally and physically with other pilgrims you bump into on your path through this life.

And, I am dealing with the loss of hearing. To most other people I do not look much different than I did one month ago but my ability to communicate in conversation has been 90% damaged. My hearing was poor before but today, as I write, I can barely hear the voice within a few steps. In a crowded room, I can not have a conversation. I can not hear a verbal presentation on the internet or watch a movie (without captions) or listen to my new grandson. Taking in information through hearing, like seeing, is a miracle. How does the body translate a sound from the environment into a impulse sent through the nerves and then interpreted by the brain? Loss of hearing is not uncommon. Coping with a suddenly very quiet world, for me, is difficult. I, like many people, am fairly social. Interactions and communication are something I have built my life around. Sitting quietly by myself reading is possible but it is not how I have chosen to live my life. Hearing impaired individuals can get lost, overlooked, in their struggle to live normal lives. What if you could not hear the waves on the shore or your favorite music? Just be aware AND more fully appreciate your miracles which may be less appreciated.

Do not take the miracle of the 5 senses lightly! Do not assume that YOU will never be challenged by the loss of one or more of your senses.

And, by the way, your 6th sense should not be ignored. Your Intuition, Your Knowing, Your Sensing at a deep feeling level are even more miraculous. Where does it come from? What does it mean? How will you be “Guided” by your powerful and important 6th sense? And, how can you develop this miracle if you are conscious enough to realize its full importance and value? Better connecting with your intuition can help to move you forward on your spiritual path.

If you have read this far, I went to the doctor this week and he was able to clear much of the damage from the infection. I can hear poorly again and it is a blessing. Even though muffled, I can do my work and interact with people in most ways, at least better than I could for the past several weeks. Hearing better for me is a miracle and a blessing!

If you want to use your 6 senses to interact with people to enhance your consciousness, you can consider joining a community of consciousness seekers…
If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

I Bought Myself a Cherry Pie Today! Self-Nurturing

Remember to consider how best to be self-nurturing!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and Amazing Holidays however you choose to celebrate. As I write this blog it is late December and the days are cooler and short in Northwest Washington. Today, I find myself at home coping with an ear infection which is stripping me of ability to have social interaction and to communicate. This is due to a loss of hearing and my body telling me that I need to take some time to withdraw from my busy schedule. This is an opportunity to write and today I want to share my story of shopping… Not for Holiday gifts but for the simple food required to re-stock. In my trip through the supermarket, I decided I “needed to “treat” myself.” Perhaps because I have been stuck indoors for a couple of days.

Self-nurturing takes many forms. Perhaps you meditate, do yoga, get exercise, take a trip, walk outdoors, meet friends/family, play with your child or pet, read a good enriching book, or buy yourself a cherry pie. Cherry pies are not as high up on the self-nurturing scale as some of the many other suggestions but this is what I chose for myself, today. This is not a recommendation. This is an honest admission…

This cherry pie was on sale. It was appealing. I felt like I wanted a treat. AND, I got a topic for this blog… When I got home I ate a piece of cherry pie and felt pretty good to honor this feeling. Normally, I am not the most dessert driven person. Some people are and You know who you are! There are healthier alternatives but there is NO reason for guilt or shame. My most recent past blog, see below on this blog page, was about being a good role model. I am not sure that buying yourself a cherry pie for self-nurturing is the “BEST” role modeling behavior but being “Human” is! I am taking responsibility for this weird choice and my behavior. I am not unhappy. In fact, this experience has raised my energy level (probably sugar related) and allowed me a great self-nurturing distraction from my aching ear.

Impulsive actions are not all bad. Chronic compulsive or addictive behaviors are significant lessons for everyone involved. Taking responsibility for your behavior is an important step and then decisions can be made and actions taken, again with responsibility. My cherry pie today was not a chronic experience or coming from a deeper addictive behavior but not everyone reading this will necessarily agree… We all have “choices!”

We are entering into a new calendar year and some of us will attempt to make, and then keep, new year’s resolutions. Futile! But, you do want to consider how to keep moving forward in your personal development and quest for consciousness. Do not forget to find the time, energy and resources for self-care and self-nurturing. Fill your life with JOY! Have some FUN! Live with Gusto! Dance like No One is Watching!

You are a Blessing! When a cherry pie type feeling happens, do not ignore it. You do not have to act upon it, but consider what your body is feeling and find the best way for you to celebrate life, especially, your life!

Happy New Year, no matter when in the year you stumble upon these words. You were meant to read them! AND, if cherry pie comes flying at you enjoy your options…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Service to the World, Are You Doing Your Part?

How much service to the world is enough? Being of service takes many roles and can be offered in many ways, but are you doing your part? Most of us are engaged in “survival” and we might not have the time or the resources to consider living our lives in service. Most of us do not even really understand how much service we provide because we are not conscious of the regular interactions which benefit the people we bump into. An unconscious gesture like the smile or the thank you or the acknowledgement of appreciation can offer a lot. And, there are some of us who seem to wake every morning excited and considering what acts of conscious service we can provide.

Most of us feel really good when we are doing something we know to be “good” for another person. As we share this loving energy, we get more in return by our act of “giving.” The act of giving, without any strings attached, is a true gift. When providing a service like non-judgmentally listening to someone’s “story,” we, as the “witness,” provide a huge service. Yes, something as simple as listening in a loving way can benefit everyone involved AND even the “Universe.” Demonstrating: patience, acceptance, gratitude, support, love, and connection, are all acts of service which can improve the general levels of consciousness and specifically the individual souls who bask in these higher energies. Thank You for your service, in advance…

By being most conscious regarding your interactions with any of the fellow pilgrims you bump into, you offer an opportunity for positive growth. You do not have to agree with the behaviors which get acted out but you can still look to the beauty and perfection of the person standing in front of you. They are a Miracle! They have arrived to assist you in your lesson, sometimes providing challenges for you to learn your lessons. Even when the situation may feel negative and overwhelming, you are able to “practice” your growing strategies for moving into higher consciousness. What a blessing!

Be aware! Take off your blinders! All of your interactions have a value and purpose, even if you are not clearly aware to what the purpose may be. Look to live in Love! Feel the perfection of each situation. Take responsibility for your reactions and behaviors. And, when all else fails in a difficult interaction, you can with empathy ask, “What has happened to this person to make them act the way that they behave?” You may not know the answer, but you are feeling, with empathy, the life experience and lessons this person is working through. (Or, they are pushing your buttons, because that is the lesson you require…)

If you can think of nothing else, do not miss the opportunity to look into someones eyes and appreciate the beautiful soul in front of you. Giving thanks offers a connecting experience and demonstration of your acknowledgement. Again, thank you in advance for your acts of service and higher consciousness.

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Share Your Gratitude Every Chance You Get!

Gratitude and Acknowledgement should NOT be your secret! Everyone needs and deserves to be thanked and to feel appreciated. In meditation this morning, I was told to share Gratitude. Not just to people and experiences who have been nice to me but to all the Life-force in the Universe. Never miss the chance to say “Thank You” and appreciate the blessings you behold.

If you allow yourself to be fully present, acknowledging every experience you encounter becomes your lesson. The world will be a better place, for ALL of us, when you demonstrate your gratitude. The art of appreciation is a nearly lost skill. We do send “Thank You” cards hardly ever. (AND, doesn’t if feel great to get a card of appreciation.) A shallow “thanks” is still better than none at all. A focused look into someone’s eyes as you share a sincere acknowledgement means so much!

In the age of Social Media and superficial communication, we can still reach deep into our hearts and find the best ways to reach out and to let a person know that they are special and that you appreciate the interaction with them that has occurred. It takes so little effort and can mean so much. If nothing else, “Pay it Forward” and show you “CARE!” Let’s start a chain reaction of Gratitude, acceptance, and appreciation which can light up our world!

YOU are a Blessing! You are Perfect! The world needs you and your amazing life! Go out and shine brightly on all the lifeforms you bump into… The Divine Spirit burns brightly within you and YOU are much greater than you can ever imagine!

If gratitude is important and if you are READY for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Following Guidance or Forced to Change?

Some of us listen to Guidance and follow it. Some of us have learned to trust Guidance. More of us fear change and argue or deny what Guidance has to offer.

First, what do I mean as I write this blog about Guidance. This is not from an external teacher, parent, or “Guidance Counselor.” It is a message in some sort of feeling which quietly (or possibly loudly) bubbles up from our soul or spirit which is connect to the Divine Spirit. Its soft voice can be difficult to hear and the directions may seem scattered. You may ask why should I listen? Why should I follow the obscure directions of Guidance? As I type this blog, which is coming from a source which is more feeling than from past training, I wonder why I am typing out the words that find their way to the page…???

More difficult are the times and experiences which we have had where strong emotions seem to force us to follow what Guidance can suggest. Often I have found myself in a negative mood, perhaps angry or fearful, and I consider that I absolutely NEED to change. Change does not often come easily. I like what I know better than what I might find out through change. Familiar “Pain” seems better than unfamiliar directions or experience which Guidance might lead. CHANGE is difficult! If we are strongly attracted to something, we might screw up the courage to go after this new shiny “thing” or person or job or…??? More often change HAPPENS when we are so desperate, we HAVE to find the new way to live or to develop our new consciousness.

Example. When I was 19 years old and pre-med at UCLA, I discovered that this dream of going into medicine, that I had passionate held since 7 years of age, was not going to happen. I could not focus at school and my grades were not medical school allowing. I was broken hearted. I was angry. I was frustrated. My alternatives even included taking my anger and frustration and signing up for the Army, which Guidance steered me away from…. and, into a better but unknown and scary option. For no “good” reason I and no clear plan, I dropped out of UCLA, worked 3 jobs, saved money for 6 months and went to Europe. I turned 20 years old in Strasbourg, France and along the way had the life changing experience of perspective on what was not working in my old life in Southern California. When I returned, I left my life in Southern California again in 2 weeks and moved to Northern California into the best possible situation for me. I returned to college and worked for my BA and MA in Psychology, accidentally finding Biofeedback and Psychophysiology along the way. Two years past my MA, I woke one morning and Guidance told me to start a private practice in Biofeedback and Psychophysiology with medically referred clients. I received training and certification and worked in Doctor’s offices and Chronic Pain clinics until I open the Stress Education Center in 1978. I never knew where I was headed in 1970 when I dropped out of UCLA and would NEVER have found the ideal professional career for myself if I had not acted on this message from Guidance. I am Blessed!

Strong emotions like fear and frustration “drove” me to follow Guidance and into the perfect life, for me. Now, I meditate regularly and sit in front of the computer, when I “feel” the need, and channel blogs that are filled with spiritual consciousness that I would not have written, or even considered, 3 years ago. Guidance has offered me a new life purpose and I wake excited everyday to follow this new direction. (New for me…)

What will trigger YOU to listen to Guidance and be led to the experiences in this life you were invited to have…???

If you feel fearful, angry, frustrated, or sad, perhaps consider these “Gifts” which are there to help motivate you to find the better path. If nothing else, you will have a great story to share regarding the challenging lessons you came here to learn. Accept the Love and the Connection with Divine Spirit and find Joy in growing in consciousness from seemingly frustrating life experiences. I am sorry this is so difficult, but we sometimes need to learn from the “trial by fire” called our lives. For me, living with my wife of 28 years through her terminal treatment for Ovarian Cancer and then her Transition at the end of her lifetime, was so traumatic I would never wish this on anyone else. But, I would never trade this experience or the lessons I have learned… It was a Blessing. A pain filled series of experiences which have opened me up to so many beautiful new relationships and spiritual experiences. As I have said before, I have been Blessed! If you have read this far, YOU have been Guided here and Blessed to share this growth in consciousness, mine and yours. Thank you!

Whether you follow Guidance or are Forced to change, please appreciate, at least retrospectively, the amazing adventure you are on and the unexpected lessons you are here to learn…

Taking responsibility for the choices you make throughout your life is very difficult but the alternative of being a “victim” to the challenges life provides may keep you from moving forward, more quickly… Live and choose to celebrate ALL the challenges you may encounter…!!!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Goal in the New Year!

Yes, You have a Goal for this New Year! Whether you consciously know this or not, You are here to Serve! Sure your ego and brain, filled with thoughts of Judgement and Separation, think/believe that your survival and preservation are most important! Perhaps you consider the “Me First” philosophy you see from our leaders and on the media to be your goal or purpose… But, self-preservation is NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE! The experiences you have had, and the ones you will have, are the lessons you have come here (into this life) to learn. Your body’s purpose is to find and experience these lessons AND then to share the wisdom you have found in these challenges. (BTW: If you think your personal survival IS the purpose of your life, guess what, there is no chance your are going to live/survive forever… There is an ending of this incarnation. No way out of it…)

Your body is your communication device. You get to feel the pain and to learn from it. You get to feel the pleasure and find ways to share it. You are given the brain to perceive your learnings from the “encounters” you stumble upon! Then you must find a way to be the “Master” that you are, and to share the insights gained and to offer support to your fellow pilgrims as your goal (and purpose.) We are all on the path to higher consciousness which will eventually lead to enlightenment. You serve best by reaching out your hand to connect with the travelers you meet on your path and to assist them in their (and your) development!

Some believe that we are all actors in a “play” called life. We play off each other in the roles we have chosen. (Be responsible and do not think that these roles were “assigned” and not that you have not agreed to play these parts…) (Yup, you chose this life and these lessons!) Taking responsibility is the first step toward awareness and then joy. If you are a “victim” then you will not control your life and only look for sympathy as attention. You are so much more powerful than that and your goal is so much more important than your “petty” existence in this life. Every person you bump into is “YOU” because we are all part of a much larger, Universal, Divine Spirit! We are all in this together. By reaching out and helping each other, we are actually assisting the character you are now playing in this performance. So do not take yourself so seriously and miss the opportunity to enjoy the Academy Award winning roles of the supporting actors you encounter! They are perfect! They are brilliant in their roles. AND, they are You!

This coming year, you can begin to wake up and to remember the real purpose you came here to achieve. You can begin to remember the great wisdom that can be found within your heart and soul. You can begin to see the connections rather than judge the separation. You may even begin to feel the unconditional love that is shining all around your perfect, beautiful spirit! Try forgiveness and compassion. Attempt to release the judgements which separate you from all the souls you bump into so you offer inclusion and connection. YOU can chose love and connection over fear! AND, you can continue to chose Love over and over until you do not have to chose this because you will be “living” in Love and finding your way to enlightenment. Perhaps you will find that a true, authentic hug is the very best gift you can give.

YOU are a Blessing! You are here to learn and to serve! You will remember that YOU are a Master! Your goal is to find ways to serve!

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master!

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

The Holidays Are Here! Live in Gratitude

Well here we are again in the “Holidays!” Some consider these the “Holidaze!” You are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! You can live in Joy and Gratitude! SO, do it!

As the days grow shorter in the Northern Hemisphere it is again time to go within and take stock of what is “working” in your life. Sure, you have challenges BUT even these are a blessing. These are the reason we came into this life! We came to learn and to grow and to bounce around with other incarnated souls. We are here to share the wisdom of the experiences we have survived. Consider how YOU can take your heart and soul out each day to be of service. Support all the other “pilgrims” you meet along your way. Look deep into their eyes and “Know” that they ARE YOU, in a different life, learning their lessons and moving toward OUR goal of full enlightenment.

If you want to “Serve,” be sincere and simply ask the next person meet, as openly as you can be, “How are YOU doing?” AND, listen! Listen for the challenge that they are working to learn from and love them for the struggle…. Which we all know we must go through…. Be the loving and caring person they needed to bump into this day!!!

Sure, the Holidaze also include excessive expense of time, money, and energy in time when we really want to hibernate. Yes, we bump against all kinds of things that can irritate. But, we can also find and celebrate “GRATITUDE” for all the amazing things we have had to accomplish this past year. So, when Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) strikes us in the December 20’s, know that this will signal the re-birth of the cycle of life, with the sun gradually returning to allow Spring to burst forth (eventually) and give another cycle of seasons to learn and to LOVE.

Live in Joy and Gratitude. Share your wisdom, your passions, and your brilliant Soul! Be as amazing as you are!

If you have 3 minutes, enjoy and share the short video on Gratitude in these Holidaze on YouTube at:

If you are looking for a supportive community where you can share your story and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey. You are a Blessing. You are a Master.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

You Are A Blessing!

No matter how much you want to argue with me, YOU are a Blessing and YOU are Perfect! For many of us, this is a difficult concept. Whether you believe this or not, it is still true. What you may not Know or Remember is that within your soul and in your spirit, you are a perfect manifestation of the Divine Spirit. Your mind and Ego will argue with you about this. Your Ego wants to rule your thoughts with Fear and Judgement which does not accept the perfection, even with your challenges, which you are. We all have lessons to learn and these challenges are a major reason we have manifested into our present lives (existence.)

This is the 200th blog in this series. In the blogs based around spiritual development and consciousness, you have read and reread this basic concept many times. But, the repetition is needed. We forget. We fall back into old patterns. We are comfortable not taking responsibility for our perfection AND our lives. We might even enjoy our “role” as a “victim.” To remember and to live as a blessing and in our radiance is not well supported. We may be influenced by our ego, creating smallness, and outside egos which seek to squash you down to build their position up. Regardless, you are a blessing and an integral part of the whole Hologram called the Divine. Without you and your spirit, the Universe would not exist. Your job, Your purpose is to remember your perfection and to live the connection to all other spirits. Your role is to grab the hands of all the other spirits you bump into and aid them in moving forward on the path toward higher consciousness.

When you experience, or remember your experience, with the State of Grace, you will remember that you are a blessing and a part of much Greater consciousness. Your connection, in unconditional love, will help you to remember that you bask in the Light. Your limitations of your mind/ego in your 3 dimensional life limit you. There are no limitations when you are between lives in the Higher Realms. Your “Petty” problems, which do not seem at all petty to your mind and ego in this life, are the challenges you get to learn from as you move along your path.

When you want to get the support you deserve and the positive connections you may require, consider involvement in a non-religious spiritual community like Masters of the Journey. Meet and assist other pilgrims along your way. You are a Blessing! You are a Master, even if you do not remember you are.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Create a World of Love!

Guidance contributes to these blogs with Love as a re-ocurring theme. A recent “channelled” communication started: Find within Your Heart to Know and to Share Love. Help create the world where we all bask in the warmth of Love and Acceptance! Know that We are ALL here to assist each other in developing in consciousness. (Now, more than ever we are tested by messages of fear and anger which grab attention in our media and in our world. You can choose to not be drawn in to the polarizing angers… This does not mean ignore it or turn away. We all have lessons in dealing with the fear and anger thrown into our faces. This is an experience to learn lessons remembering that we are all, yes all, one, each of us taking on different forms and acting out in different roles…)

We are ONE! Our purpose is to “Remember” our Perfection and our Divinity, and then to find this within all the souls we bump into on our journey through this life.

These themes are familiar because we have Known this when we are not invested, and confined, by the consciousness of our current incarnation. We are here to learn our lessons within the limitations of our egoic, constructed 3 dimensional belief system. This reality we see, and agree to participate within, can not fully comprehend the greatness and perfection on our Divine Spirits. I have heard that our “Body” is merely our communication device to have human relationships from which we learn the lessons we have come here to learn.

When we develop our consciousness and allow the divine wisdoms to be remembered, we can assist fellow pilgrims to create a world based on love, not fear. So reach around and take the hands of fellow travelers. Perhaps you can look into their eyes to find the perfection of their souls and know that we are all to remember that we are “One divinity” and connected to each other and the “Source.”

Whether you know it or not, YOU are perfect and you are a Master! You learn your lessons better by teaching and sharing your story. Find ways to Serve! Find ways to connect with other souls you meet along your path toward consciousness. Do not discount the wisdom that you know or remember which comes from the source and your connection with the Divine.

Now, more ever, we must know and share Love! It is easier said than done, we must let go of Judgements and find acceptance, and the perfection, in the people we find in our journey through life. Peace be with you! You are a blessing.

If you want to share your story with the wisdom you have gathered from your life’s experience consider participation in our non-religious, spiritual development community,”Masters of the Journey.”

We are all actors in a play called life. Have Your character act out integrity! Have Your character find a way to be a positive role model of developing consciousness and wisdom. Have Your character communicate Love and Support through acceptance. Build a community, a world, (even a Universe) based on Love! We ALL need this Now!

If you resist the fear, anger and hate by knowing this is a big part of our lessons and we can choose love and acceptance, you will show your strength and resolve as you role model how characters can (but often do not) react. You are a blessing. You are a Master! Please find your way to remembering how amazing and perfect you really are.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Your Thoughts Can Get in the Way

Allow your thoughts to pass through you without a negative judgement or holding on too tightly. These thoughts passing through are just concepts that you are just “trying on.”
Release your attachment! And, release your self-hatred or self negative self-judgement!

Do NOT beat yourself up for your perception and judgements of your thoughts.

With the emotions and thoughts that bubble up, like: anger, hostility, grief, fear, anxiety, self-loathing, remember, this “Game” is never over! You will continue to have judgements and thoughts bubbling through your consciousness. Attempt to not take these too seriously and get attached to the notions and ideas that may be based out of separation and defense of the ego. When my consciousness is in a stronger, spiritual mind-set, I will smile or even laugh at myself as I view the world through this judgement. For sure, this is NOT always possible especially when I have a strong emotional attachment or feel “attacked.” But, when I can get some distance and have a broader outlook, I can find my reactions to my thoughts entertaining and realize that these are exercises and “tests” for my growing consciousness.

It would help to be honest with your self-awareness even when you can remember that You need not be humble in all thoughts and situations. Sometimes honesty includes the realization and acknowledgement that you are actually good, or even superior, at doing some thing…

In writing about this, I have another thought pop up. When we struggle with the deepest remembering regarding are real, and much larger than this life, selves, we can get scared as we realize that we are fully responsible for the choices which are made… (my friend, Don, when he “returned” from his Near Death Experience (NDE) a few years ago, he awoke giggling. He giggled for three months. He giggled because he realized “how petty” our self-perceptions are, realizing that “we are so much Bigger than we realize.” See his video interview in full on YouTube at

Face your Fear!

We are often too overwhelmed and afraid of our own perfection. It is too much responsibility to NOT have any excuses…

So, Face Your Fear!

You are Divine! – Deal with it!

You are Perfect! – Live with it!

You are a Blessing! – Know it!

You are God! – Remember it!

You have a purpose… – Do it!

If you do not know your purpose or you do not remember your purpose or you are in denial about your purpose…

You are here to serve! Take the hand of your fellow pilgrim and assist them in remembering their Divinity!

When you are ready to own your Divinity and share your wisdom from your life’s experiences, consider your contribution to our supportive community, Masters of the Journey.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at