Your Royal Crown

Do you have a Crown? And, what do crowns do? Trick questions for the normal person who has consciousness regarding their spiritual growth and development. Royalty and Monarchs often try to set themselves apart, and above, other people by wearing jewel encrusted crowns for a symbolical adornment. But, we all have Crown Chakras and connections to the Divine!

Wikipedia offers some information regarding Crowns:
Crowns and Spiritual Symbolism

“Crown is a symbolic headgear that is worn by a monarch. Crown represents power, glory, immortality, royalty and sovereignty. It is often made from precious metals and decorated with jewels. Having a special headgear that will designate a ruler exists in many civilizations around the world.”

Crown: “That a crown represented Divine good from which is Divine truth, is evident from the crowns of kings; for kings represented the Lord in respect to DivineĀ … ??? (I did NOT write this stuff and I am not at all sure about Kings or Queens representing my concept of the Divine Source…)”

Other sources which I have read claim that Crowns which are often made of precious metals and Jewels perhaps which can help to channel Divine wisdom to Monarchs/Rulers to assist them in making better decisions or to connect them most directly with Divine sources. Many spiritual teachers offer their wisdom and experience with “opening” your “Crown Chakra” to better connect with the Divine Spirit. Crystals and certain metals and minerals may also enhance these connections. Are these necessary? No. But, any tool to assist in better focusing can prove useful. Do Kings and Queens make good decisions because they have access to special Crowns? Not always, is my belief.

This whole discussion comes up for me because my Guidance suggested that Crowns, real or imaginary, may have historical symbolism in connecting the person wearing this head covering toward a more efficient connection to “Source” (Divine Spirit.) We all have Crown Chakras AND we are all connected to the higher realms. The degree to which we focus on our connection to Source and the practice of meditating to be most “present,” is the practice which can assist us in improving our intuitive link to the Divine. (Our “Knowing” and our “Remembering” our Divine connection with the “Source” and from where we have come and to where we return…)

You may have your own opinion on this. Or, perhaps you have never considered this Crown thing… Before today, I had never wondered about physical, jewel encrusted crowns as a focusing tool for Divine wisdom. But, now I ponder this. Certainly, keeping a clear and open channel to the Divine Spirit is a useful endeavor when you are not too muddled by life’s dramas. Your awareness and your spiritual consciousness is always worth the effort of expanding. But, do not limit yourself if you do not own or wear a crown or jewel encrusted tiara. YOU are still Royalty and connected to the Divine Source.

Also, along these lines, have you ever looked at artwork which suggests halos around spiritual beings? Well, does this symbolically represent a crown of spiritual energy circling the crown chakra? If we could see halos, would every soul you pass on your travels have one??? Ask yourself and search for these halos. You might be surprised to find an energy vortex over the people you see and not expect… Wherever possible, polish your halo with meditations and good deeds. Keep your channel to the Divine open and learn to feel and trust your intuitive connection to Divine Wisdom.

For your consideration. Imagine that you have a jewel or crystal embedded crown (or hat) which will intensify and focus any, and all, Divine Wisdom in through the Crown of your head. Now, feel the wisdom in your heart. Trust this gift of guidance. Allow your heart and soul to bask in Joy. Be aware of all the Divine Miracles which touch your life, everyday. See if this changes your perspective even when you are living through major challenges.

Answer: Do you have a Crown? Well, Yes, you do. Honor your Crown Chakra and this portal as a wonderful connection to the Divine Spirit and the Higher Realms.

YOU are a Blessing! Your life is an amazing pilgrimage and your goal is to serve other souls as you move along your path toward higher consciousness!

Observing and Judging

I am a bit confused today as I write. Recently, I was confronted regarding a habit I have and I got a little defensive. You see, there is a longstanding habit of being a keen observer of nature and behaviors and then considering what I observe. During considering, I appreciate, I learn, I question, and I “Judge.” So this blog is designed to “J.J.” or Justify Judging. Are you laughing or are you Judging? Well, both would be correct in this case.

As I admitted, I am an above average observer. Notice the Judgement. Most of the time, I can find most of my way into being “present” and noticing the surroundings and the behaviors in my surroundings. Sure, everybody “notices” and everybody misses things but I catch a lot in my observations. (A Judgement.) Since I am a “visual” person, I take in a lot of information and experience through viewing what goes on around me. As I process these images, I put them into context and look for anything unusual and out of the ordinary so I can “note” this and possibly figure out what is going on AND then maybe learn something new. As you can see, this is NOT unique to me or uncommon. BUT, and there is a But, I do not just accept what I discover, I analyze and then record my thoughts and feelings about this experience. Yes, I judge it…

Lets’ look at some examples. It is Spring, as I write. New growth is happening. Green leaves are blossoming. Beautiful flowers begin to bloom. My heart sings with this new growth and abundance of budding new life. Or, at the end of a Summer day, I look into the Western sky in late afternoon and I observe a glorious colorful sunset. Yellow, and orange, and pink as the sun begins to set behind the far Western horizon. Again, my heart sings with the Divine beauty created. Heck, I might even take out my smart phone and take pictures. I might even want to share this beautiful creation with other people so I post this sunset on social media. Now, J.J. kicks in… The green leaves are budding from a tree. Did I judge the tree? Yes. I decided that the leaves were green and the bark of the tree was shades of brown. It may be an agreed upon fact that the leaves are green and the bark is brown but am I OK in thinking this? Is this an observation or a JUDGEMENT? The beautiful blossoming flower was spectacular but unusual. Was it natural or an invasive species about to procreate in our natural world and negatively affect our native vegetation? And, the glorious colorful sunset was it colored by smoke or smog or other pollutions in our atmosphere or just a bit of dust? And, what am I supposed to do or think about these possibilities? Is it a “Fact” or a “Judgement?”

Likewise, if I am walking in a store or down the street and I observe an adult beating a dog or a child and I feel uncomfortable with what I see, what do I do? What do I do with my Judgement? Maybe the child or the dog like being beaten and the adult is just making them feel good. I have no idea what is really going on with these people or dogs. Perhaps if I had perfect equanimity and acceptance, I could view this incident without any judgement but I AM HUMAN and I can not view this scene without responding in some level of judgement.

My friend said that my long term habit of judging perhaps came from my past insecurities and that I should examine my past, get resolution, and move beyond my judgement. Personally, I take this as a Judgement but this comment is worth examining. When I was a very young child there were adults hovering around me to guide and to protect me. To teach me and to protect me, these adults said “NO” do not touch that fire (hot appliance) or electrical plug. They were right as in correct. Because, when I put the bobby pin in the electrical outlet the shock and my little legs straightening out sent me across the room. But, these adults sometimes judged my behaviors and later I had to compensate for my insecurities and some aspects of my self image which grew out my interactions with adults. As an observer, I learned that there were certain things to be aware of and certain people to be careful around. To this day, I do not like large crowds of drunk people. Is this an unnecessary judgement? Maybe…

My son is a keen observer. His son is a keen observer. I joyfully J.J. (Justify Judgement) by wondering whether they learned this from me or is it this just passed down in our DNA code. They watch and learn. They make decisions from what they observe. They learn stuff. But, there are levels of judgement which exist in our world that are based on fear, insecurity, anger, generational beliefs and lies which I can not accept or attempt to justify. This is a blindness of prejudice and closed thinking which I judge in other people as less than ideal. I draw the line in the sand regarding many judgements. Yes, I judge the judgements which seem to offer tolerance to racism, sexism, and religious or philosophical intolerance. Yes, I am intolerant of intolerance. Most of the time, I give people the “benefit of the doubt” when I first meet them unless they are engaged in abhorrent behaviors or activities. And, this bad habit proves that I am judgmental. I do not always wait for an explanation or excuse for intolerant behavior.

I labelled the witnessed behavior as bad or abhorrent. I did not remain in equanimity. I did not accept the behavior. So, I know I have a long way to go to move into full enlightenment. I am a human living in a human and imperfect incarnation, struggling with my challenges. But, more often than not, I take responsibility for my behaviors and my judgements. I am not a victim or unconscious about my role in what runs past my eyes as I observe the drama of life. AND, I am looking to lead with love and acceptance, though it is not always possible for me to carry this out… This is:… My challenge & My dilemma.

With all of this said regarding my relationship with being judgmental, I am still confused regarding where I am headed with my learnings from this human challenge. Will I someday be unemotional and accepting of all human behaviors and all relationship interactions or will I still discern whether actions witnessed feel right or wrong? Will I act upon my feelings? Will I be judged for my judging? And, will I care if I am judged or judge myself for being judgmental? (A lot of J’s in these past few sentences.) I will continue to be an observer and vigilantly watch the miracles of life unfold around me. No promises regarding my reactions to what I witness…

I am self-confident enough to know how bone headed I am. (And, that is another Judgement.)

Thank you for your time and consideration as a witness to my confusion.

You Are Perfect… Until…

When I meet you for the first time, I am excited! You are a Wonder and a mystery ready to unfold. My “Beginners Mind” sees the “Perfection” in you and knows your soul. I feel your excitement when you share your passions and this feeds my expanding perspective on what is possible. Namaste.
Then something happens. We develop a history and experience each other’s behaviors. Then, and only then, does my mind seek to “JUDGE” you and your behaviors, AND your human imperfections. Then, the lessons begin…

I am tested in an attempt to be an enlightened being in my limited three dimensional human life. Unconditional Love and Unconditional Wonderment give way to human interactions and the judgements that can accompany human relations. My weaknesses are exposed and then require that I defend them. Your Perfect Soul is hidden and partially distorted by your imperfect human body armor and my opaque or the blurred lens through which I view you. We begin the dance of struggling incarnations seeking to find equanimity and then acceptance of each others foibles. But, the only thing I CAN control is the way I react and, possibly on a “good” day, my behaviors…

Thank you for being my mentor. Thank you for being my teacher in my humanness. You are a beacon for me, showing me my lesson. You remind me that we are all “One” but we exist in human lives with a perception of separation which I am striving to overcome. Wow, your behavior pushed my buttons and triggered a very human imperfect reaction. I Love You for triggering me!

I know Love.
I am Love.
But, I am in a human incarnation and find I have not fully learned how to
“Live Love!”
A goal is to “BE Love!”

YOU are a Miracle! Thank you for being YOU! I encourage you to share your wisdom freely as a great service to the fellow pilgrims you encounter on your path through this life. Yes, share your wisdom even if your experience and wisdom recommends what NOT to do. Never stop the pursuit to raise your consciousness and assisting others in raising their’s. Be the Beacon of Love and Light!

So Far Away

Yes, I was trigger by viewing a YouTube video of concert from 50 years ago… A song from my young angst of 1971 which is still emotional for me… So, I asked why?
View Carole King singing her song “So Far Away” in film for a BBC concert. Unconsciously I knew back then that I was so far away from the souls I loved and cared for as I stumbled along by path in this life. Heck, this is not my unique dilemma. You could think it is a simple song reflecting on a single lost relationship. You could consider whether this is so much broader and related to the lost connection with the Divine Spirit as we struggle in our Human dramas.

Yes, the obvious awareness of this past year’s celebration of our pandemic moves the thought of “so far away,” into the front of my living consciousness. Distance has been ordered and created on many levels. But, spiritually, are we really so far away?

Go look up the words to this song. (See them below.) Does the poetry of Carole King have a deeper meaning for you? Write me off as considering this too deeply. Or, reflect upon what this means for many of our souls traveling along the path toward higher consciousness. Are the feelings of aloneness an important experience for humans to experience before we remember our Universal connection to each other and the Divine? And, are “time” and “space” really the challenge for our spirits or just our dilemma living in our 3 dimensional incarnations?

Now, I “know” that we are all in the “River of Life” together. Flowing slowly to our destiny of rejoining the higher realms with our current set of life’s dramas and experiences. We have traveled and tested our innate (remembered) wisdoms and been of service to our fellow pilgrims. Yes, whether we “know” it consciously or not… And, we are not far away at all. Only our minds and our egos create the separation we seem to consider in our 3 dimensional limited incarnations. Such a miracle to consider. Such a profound stage we create for our dramas to play out.

Maybe… Time and Space do NOT exist. Nothing actually stands in the way of our connections to all other souls, in the higher realms…

Or, check out the lyrics to Joni Mitchell’s “Woodstock” performed in 1970. How did she know that we are just “star dust” and “we have got to get ourselves back to the “garden”?” Today, this triggers me in ways that I did not have any consciousness of back when this song was first written and performed. Yes, 50 years later, and so much further down my path, my appreciation and gratitude for these insights are complex and yet so simple… Telling our stories these poets seemed so innocent 50 years ago. What a blessing to revisit these treasures from the perspective gained from toiling in this incarnation as a character in my life’s play.

Chorus from Joni Mitchell’s “Woodstock”:
“We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year-old carbon
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden”

Thank you for your time and consideration. As a witness to my expanding drama, you hold a seat of honor. Your witnessing allows this insight to come alive and find its way of serving “downstream.” YOU are a miracle! YOU are NOT alone but know that you are so important to all the Divine Universal Spirit.

“So Far Away” by Carole King. The Lyrics…

So far away
Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
Doesn’t help to know
You’re just time away

Long ago, I reached for you and there you stood
Holding you again could only do me good
How I wish I could
But you’re so far away

One more song about movin’ along the highway
Can’t say much of anything that’s new
If I could only work this life out my way
I’d rather spend it bein’ close to you

But, you’re so far away
Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
Doesn’t help to know
You’re so far away

Yeah, you’re so far away
Traveling around sure gets me down and lonely
Nothing else to do but close my mind
I sure hope the road don’t come to own me
There’s so many dreams I’ve yet to find
But you’re so far away
Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
And it doesn’t help to know
You’re so far away
Yeah, you’re so far away
Hey, you’re so far away

Reminder: YOU are a Miracle! You are a Blessing!
When we bump into each other on the travels through life, know that there is love and support for you and your journey, even if our eyes do not meet in knowing recognition…

Next Steps Toward Enlightenment

What are YOU working on to increase your consciousness and to move down your path toward “Enlightenment?” Creating a Plan is a great way to improve your focused direction. You will need to consider your own specific challenges and then build a program/plan to assist you in moving forward. Or, you can also just stumble down your path and you will get to where you are supposed to get to with a few possible side trips. Either way, You are a Miracle and your travels will be amazing… (Not always easy or direct but amazing…)

My list includes these possible considerations. These are not necessarily in a specific order of importance. You are free to consider which of these may apply to your program…
So, consider:

1.) Be Present (lessen my emotional reaction to live in the Past or in the Future)
2.) Find Equanimity first (before my knee-jerk reaction of frustration and anger) This is not easy for me and my habitual responses.
3.) Live in Allowance… Accept more, push less (Attempt to Not Try to Figure it ALL Out. Observe and learn.)
4.) Beam Unconditional Love
5.) Less Judgement and More Acceptance & Compassion
6.) More fully remember my Spiritual Power, beyond my Human limitations
7.) Listen with Love and Empathy
8.) Embrace the Miracle of Life, Appreciation!
9.) Bask in Joy (even if you have to look under some dark, scary rocks to find it)
10.) Express Gratitude (Thank You!)
11.) Celebrate each interaction with other souls as my current lesson.
Live in the Spirit of “Namaste”
12.) Give unconditionally and support my fellow pilgrims
13.) Live in Wonderment and Amazement (Beginner’s Mind)
14.) Channel Love and Healing
15.) Know that life (Human incarnation) is a state of Impermanence
(Life is temporary and so are all the challenges…)
AND, finally…
16.) We are all Interconnected, so show Love and Respect for Fellow Pilgrims

My hope is that this brief posting offers a chance to consider plotting a good direction for you to move in. I am sure that there will be necessary steps for me to add or to evolve my focus upon as I move forward, so I am not etching this particular list into stone.

No matter what else crosses your consciousness maintain your channel with the Divine Spirit. Obviously, keep this open and available… So, learn to trust, or at least hear/feel your intuition.

Along the way, celebrate all your travels down life’s path. Remember that it IS the experience of these travels and Not the destination which will offer you the wealth of life experience… When possible, remember to look up to the horizon (and not just down on your footsteps). Look for wisdom and Joy to grow out of your “Wonderment.” (Be surprised by the unlikely interactions which may hold the most unexpected learnings…)

Travel well. And where possible, be the beacon of light for the fellow souls you encounter along your path… We are all in this together.
YOU are a Miracle!

With My Love!

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at


From where you are at this moment in time, what do you most appreciate? Notice your life’s perspective. Do you have Gratitude for the Miracle of your life, even with its current dramas? Life is a Miracle! Living can be very challenging! And, do you look over the fence and envy some aspect of another person’s drama? What is in this lesson of envy do you require?

Do you take full responsibility for your life?
Do you accept another person’s “good fortune” or do you have feelings of jealousy? Do you ever want to “try on” some else’s life experience? If so, can you do this without envy?
What lessons can you learn by comparing your life with the life situation of another pilgrim?

No matter your perspective regarding these questions, your life, yes, your current life, is so important. Your life’s drama is an important lesson through a series of life challenges which you are, for your learning, supposed to be having. Each one of us incarnated souls have our own unique path and each one us will learn what we are here to learn. You can envy another person’s life but your envy may be an important lesson and maybe a motivation for you as you follow your own path. From personal experience, I am aware that when you envy someone else’s experience, if you are able to reenact this goal, you do not have the same lesson or experience. Yours will be unique to you. (A reminder, YOU are Unique, Special and Essential to the Divine Consciousness.) To be clear, following another person’s path because you have envy for that experience, may NOT offer the same satisfaction you are striving to achieve.

When you hear, first hand, of another soul’s adventure through life, you are given a gift to share in their learnings. Perhaps you can avoid envy and go straight to gratitude for the learning and the wisdom which has been shared with you. Also, you, as a witness to their story, are offering a service by allowing the story to be told and the experience to be shared which will make this an even deeper, richer experience for the storyteller.

You and Your path are an amazing journey. If you told your full story, your witness may wonder how YOU were able to survive. You have traveled through many bends in the road and you have learned from your successes and maybe even more from your “failures.” Each encounter you have had was “supposed” to happen though the lesson may be difficult to consciously understand. And, who was that lesson for in each encounter? Was it for you or more importantly was it for your partner in this experience? Perhaps in your “life review,” after you transition from this life, you will be made more aware of what was to be learned in these interactions…

Attempt to take a “Higher Perspective” sometimes, and look upon your life’s drama from the perspective of the higher realms. Perhaps when you look into the eyes of the next soul you encounter and know the miracle and perfection of your current partner in this interaction fully entails. Namaste! You know their perfect soul. And, know this blessing to your interaction as the “gift” it is for you and your growing wisdom. Each moment is precious and unique. Living in the past memory of your life muddies the clarity of knowing your “Present” moment. (Easier said than done…)

You can control the “Perspective” by which you choose to view the world. Sure there is “baggage” from past experiences and this factors in to the perspective you will use in the present human moment experienced. You are Human. Be as “open” and as available as possible. You never know when the rock you will turn over offers you the gift of a diamond (in the rough.) YOU are a Blessing!

Our “Perspective” is more complicated than our human minds can fully understand. However, you can be “open” to all possibilities. Being present and open without the expectation of “fully” understanding your experience is a helpful perspective. Do your best as a human. You can not really make a mistake on your path toward the Divine. (Perhaps just a “challenging learning.”) You are Perfect whether your ego allows you to accept this or not.

Finally, be happy for the stories you hear from other souls traveling the path toward consciousness. Envy does not have to be a factor which colors your interaction but can be an important lesson for you to consider.

You are Loved!

When You Have the Opportunity

Do not miss the chance of a lifetime! When you have the opportunity to sit with a friend or relative who is transitioning out of their current incarnation, do it. Please do not miss out on what is possible for your “learning.” It seems like such a difficult time. Most of us learn important lessons from the “hard” challenges. Often the most important learnings we can find about living are found by participating in the moments before, during and immediately after witnessing a soul transitioning from human life. Wow, this really makes you think. Of course, you can find other ways to appreciate living. Life is short and fragile. Wake up and find Joy each and every moment. Yes, I am asking you to do something difficult and to overcome your personal fear/anxiety regarding the process of dying…

What is the last act of service your friend or family member can offer to you? They allow you to share their final transition. They receive your love and attention but they are creating an experience for YOU which will change your life. The doors to Divine Consciousness are thrown open. You are basking naked in spirit! Your heart is filled with an uneasy compassion. You must learn to continue without your friend or family member. You must consider your own mortality. Heaven is watching you. You get to attempt to provide unconditional love and support, and, this is your huge challenge, the unconditional part. Your friend or family is preparing to be transitioned into a “better place” and you are asked to continue your drama in human form with a void created by their transition. (Often we request that our loved one or friend would “stay” but this is often a selfish request. We might fear change but our loved one may need to “move on” on their path. And, we may need to learn to “let go”…)

Most people are uncomfortable or afraid to participate because this seems foreign to their experience. In our culture (in the USA,) death and dying are hidden away in sterile professional settings. In generations past, we used to have our loved ones laid out and dying in the “parlor” (at home) but an industry has grown up in our society to white wash this experience. This has built up our “unknown” to an experience and a reaction that is fairly common… dying at the end of life is quite common. It is natural. There is much to learn from the experience of sitting with your friend or family member as they find their way into the higher realms. And, remember death and dying are NOT the enemy. This is a transition from human incarnation back into the higher realms of the Divine spirit.

So, face your fears. Reach out for the perspective of the struggle to live and the inescapable situation of end-of-life transitions. To better prepare yourself, look for the stories and videos of Near Death Survivors (NDE’ers). Or, have one of your own… This puts your life into perspective. You are an actor in the drama you call your life but as my friend and mentor, Don Ley, says, “You are so much GREATER than you allow yourself to know…” You and your spirit are perfect and powerful! You are a human form of the Divine Spirit. You are a Miracle!

Many people label death as bad or a loss. Many people have fear and anxiety because their ego/mind fights to survive and is left behind when you join the higher realms. (But, the ego/mind will be fine…) The anxiety of the unknown, which is unknown to the ego/mind, is common but YOU can help. Even in your personal grief, allow your friend/family member to be present by slowly breathing. Ask that they breathe in unconditional golden white light through their crown chakra. When they begin to calm down, remind them that they are Loved. Remind them that they will be OK and to gently head into the “Light.” Tell them that you will be OK and that your love will not be forgotten. Even in your grief your comforting Love will assist them in “Letting Go” and moving up back into the Higher Realms… (Thank you, YOU are a Blessing!) And, I have learned 3 times that they may wait until YOU leave the room to transition because your loving energy may keep them in the room. (This is not a way of avoiding you. It is a way of your loved one showing you their love for you.)

In my own life experience, I have been through the passing of my parents and my wife of 27 years (to cancer.) I would not wish these losses upon anyone but they were very important learnings for me. From these experiences, I have gained valuable information to share and this has been a service which has been requested of me. Life is a Miracle! Living can be brutal. Supporting a person in this transition can be an important test. And finding the Joy and Wisdom from seemingly “dark” human interactions demonstrates the highest levels of consciousness. (BTW: the “darkness” is really most an issue for those of us who are left behind, dealing with a “void,” and we who are left behind do not get to rejoin the higher realms… Until it is our time to transition…)

A Resource: An Interview with my friend and Mentor, Don Ley, regarding his NDE (Near Death Experience.) YouTube link at:

Thanks for your time and consideration. Your insights and experiences are unique and a blessing, so please share these…

If you are READY and looking for a supportive community where you can share your story, your wisdom, and grow spiritually in a non-religious environment, consider Masters of the Journey.
You are a Blessing! You are a Master! Your wisdom from your life experience can have great value to other pilgrims on the path toward awakening and enlightenment.

The Masters of the Journey has events which are updated on our Facebook page which is found at: Please comment on this blog and share, if appropriate. More of our blogs are based on spiritual consciousness and can be found at

Unique Spiritual Signature

My recent experience with sending unconditional Love and healing energy to friend has triggered more learning for me through Guidance. In the recent blog posting regarding keeping your channel open, I was given the gift from my guidance that as we offer healing energy the transmitted energy has a unique spiritual signature. As if, the loving energy we send out has some of our spiritual DNA attached. Guidance celebrates when we give our specific energy to a person or when we randomly send this offering out into the Universe and it is marked by your uniqueness. All loving energy you consciously or unconsciously send out has your DNA signature added automatically. (Thank you for your unique contributions…)

My mentor, Don Ley, has said many times, after returning from his NDE, that we as humans do not realize how powerful and amazing we are. Our egos and our 3 dimensional thinking, pretends that we are smaller than we actually are. This may be used to pretend to keep us “safe” as if we were inconsequential and not worthy of the spotlight. Don Ley and other conscious teachers remind us that we are all connected to the Divine Spirit and that we are essential to all of higher consciousness. The “Divine” notices and in an accepting and neutral way, witnesses every action and every interaction which we participate within. Yes, even if we do not consciously know or fully understand. Our sharing of stories, our wisdom, and our energy is noticed and supported by the Divine.

When you pray for the “greater good” and Universal healing, this intentional energy spreads out in every direction like ripples on the surface of an endless pond. Your intentional healing thought and energy travels to the end of the Universe AND it carries your Unique Spiritual Signature. Every thought and action has a purpose. It flows out to create waves which wash across the vastness of the physical world and the Higher Realms. When you send unconditional Love and Healing all of consciousness is bathed in the positive energy. It then raises all Universal consciousness to some degree. Thank You!

So celebrate your power and your energetic gifts as they flow out to support all consciousness. Now, you can think yourself “small” and argue with me. You can ask me to prove this concept to you. But your mind and your ego will NEVER understand how important you and your contributions are to the Higher Realms. Your mind is 3 dimensional and wired to have limitations of time and space which are not limited to you when you are floating in the higher realms. Your body is a great communication device in your miraculous human life drama. Your drama and your lessons are used to experience challenges and work through these human scenarios.

You are important and essential to all consciousness. You can be aware and hold yourself responsible mentally for your actions or you can enjoy the dark corners which you be hiding out within. Either way, YOU are a Miracle! You are Perfect! You are a Blessing! And, YOU are unconditionally Loved!!!

When possible, send your Love and energy with your Unique Spiritual Signature out for all consciousness to bask in your light. Thank You, in advance…

Resource: Don Ley’s interview regarding his NDE is available at: Don Ley’s NDE Interview

Keep Your Channel Open

My Mentor, Paula Forget, reminded me yesterday of the importance of keeping the channel to the Divine Spirit open. It is obvious, but… A reminder is useful when you find yourself pre-occupied with our 3 dimensional, limited lives. In the context of sending and receiving healing energy, Paula reminded me of this important step. We are all connected to the Divine Spirit and we are not always consciously thinking with our human brains about this connection. So, this is another “wake up call.”

We were discussing sending (and receiving) loving, healing energy. You are not depleting yourself or your energy when sending loving and healing energy if you are most consciously plugged into the “Source.” You might consider breathing in the Universal Divine Light through your Crown Chakra and releasing it out through your Heart Chakra as an act of healing. For me, a golden white light seems pure, of high energy, and of healing. (Bright healthy green light is also commonly used.) From my heart, I offer this energy unconditionally for my targeted soul. Without ego owning the results, I provide this gift and attempt to hold no expectation that it will work as my mind intends.

On the receiving end of this unconditional gift of love, light, and healing energy is my “targeted” soul. The purpose or object to which I would like to support with my gift of energy. They too would be most open to this energy if their channel was open to the Divine Spirit and the Divine energy I am contributing. There is no way to know if they consciously receive this gift or that they will use this energy as I expect. The “subject” has free will to use this energy as they choose. If the healing energy is mutually agreed upon, their “open channel” makes this most available and direct. Sometimes we get caught in our life drama and are less open and available, but the energy is accessible.

Open to give and open to receive. Seems simple enough but it is not always that simple. There are filters and secondary benefits which might muddy this transaction. Let go. (Easier said than done…) Give unconditionally. And, if you are the subject of receiving this energy, you can choose to give the gift of cleanly receiving the energy which is focused upon you. Yes, you are giving a gift and providing a service by allowing another soul to give to you… Many of us struggle to receive gracefully. We may think ourselves too strong to receive this gift or perhaps unworthy of the gift or whatever excuse comes up for you. Silly human lessons…

Opening the channel can be practiced. It can be easy or difficult. Being present and quietly receptive can help. For this, meditation can be useful. A quieted, open mind with the intent to have the light of the Divine pouring in through the Crown Chakra is helpful.

Whether you know it or not, you are a healer and always connected with guidance from the Divine. Whether you know it or not, you are 100% worthy of having an open channel to the Divine Spirit and for receiving the warmth, wisdom and Love the Divine offers all souls. You are a Miracle! You ARE the Divine!

Thanks again Paula Forget for your support and the reminders…

Blessings to You!

Meditating on Love

Divine Love is worth Remembering. Your Spirit knew it, felt it, before you were born into this incarnation and will Know it again when you have completed this incarnation. Your pursuit of higher consciousness includes the attempts at Remembering what Divine Unconditional Love is and how it feels but this is not as easy as it might sound. True Unconditional Divine Love is with you always however our 3 dimensional consciousness, as we dwell in this life, is not equipped to fully know how to be conscious of Divine Love. We are usually too human to fully appreciate this energy. (Heck, I can not even come close to finding words for this energy…) It vibrates at a higher frequency which our body, with its human limitations, can not fully feel…

Living, as we do, in 3 dimensions does not offer the full spectrum of many feelings and wisdoms from the higher realms. When we walk around as humans, it is impossible to fully describe a smell, a taste, a tone, or an emotional feeling. Even expressing the depth of what human Love is is elusive. How can we precisely share a specific feeling with the limitations of words? Yeah, go ahead and try. Well, Unconditional Divine Love is a higher realms experience. I was briefly touched by this when I had a STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) when I went to visit Death when I was a naive 19 year old. The momentary awareness of Unconditional Love was a fleeting micro-second for my open, youthful consciousness. I was not looking for this or expecting it so as a “gift” from my Guidance, when it was bestowed on my consciousness. Though I will never forget this moment, I can not fully retrieve that feeling to my current consciousness. I do remember how overpowering it was for me at the time and that it is what I have to look forward to when I transition from this incarnation. As I experience this perfection, I did not want to let go and to return to my body or my life. I wanted to stay there forever and that is a long, long time.

I do not have words for this now elusive feeling. It was far better than experiencing that “one in a life time” meal that was perfection and unduplicatable. Yes, you remember the transcendent food experience however you find it unreproducible. As an example, the sweetest water I ever tasted was dripping from sandstone at a creek bed near the Colorado River which now under water since they closed the Glen Canyon Dam. (I was 12 years old when I tasted that unforgettable water.) The amazing wisdoms and feelings from the highest realms can not be compressed to accurately fit into our 3 dimensional consciousness. AND, this lack of knowing/feeling these qualities from the higher realms is part of our human condition. We humans have limitations and so we can have the human drama which plays out for us in our lives.

I have said this before. YOU are so much bigger and more powerful than you can know with your human consciousness. Other wise people have said the same thing and asked you not to limit yourself by being human. Christ! Jesus said that we can do even greater things than he was able to do, as miracles, when he walked amongst us as a man. You are a Miracle!

I am sorry that you may not know or fully understand what waits for you on the other side of the veil as Unconditional Divine Love but you will remember this when time is right to “Know” it again. YOU WILL Love it!

Life is brief! Life is a Miracle! Look for Joy in the lessons life offers…