Clearing Drama!

As human beings, we travel through our lives interacting with other incarnated souls. As we bump into other humans, we find ourselves engaged in human situations and often there is “drama” involved. Why do we create Drama? Why do we not lead with equanimity and acceptance? Well, that is why we came into our human lives for the adventures of living in the limitations of our human, 3 dimensional consciousness. We tend to not see the the “big picture” of Divine Consciousness. Some advanced and conscious souls might say that this is the “fun” of being human. Which brings me to the point of this blog posting… When we are most fully conscious and closer to the Divine Enlightenment, we are more fully “Present.” “Present” in terms of being fully in the moment and NOT living in the “Past” or anxious of the unknown “Future.”

Easier said than done… When we carry around our “Past” with its errors and trauma, our human defense mechanisms create drama when we compare the present situations to ones experienced from our past, when we were less prepared. With our “history,” we view events through the filters of possible past imperfections and get caught up in the possible fear of imperfections in the present. (Notice the “Judgement” of judging our imperfections.) We often forget that no matter what occurs, life is a miracle and perfect, even within its imperfections. We set ourselves up to walk through the emotional minefield of fear and self-doubt. We may forget to live in Joy and with the excitement of the “Beginner’s Mind” of Wonderment.

Or, we get caught in the “what ifs” anxiety regarding what might happen in the future which is not fully a known quantity, because it has not happened yet. Fear of the unknown is huge for humans caught in their 3 dimensional mindsets. In a most fully conscious place of awareness, whatever happens in the “future” moments, beyond the present moments, which have NOT happened, is not the best way to enjoy the amazing interactions of the “Present.” The neurobiology suggests that our upper left hemisphere of the brain is processing life experience, making judgements, and living in a survival mode where fear and anxiety lead the way in conscious thoughts or emotions. For more information regarding this consider reading Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. book: “Whole Brain Living, the Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Out Lives.” Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained and published Neuroanatomist whose best selling book “My Stroke of Insight” and her Ted Talk demonstrate her first hand experience with human brain functioning. Amazing description of the science of human conscious thought in these two resources.

So, if we drop the historical traumas from the Past and eliminate living in the unknown anxiety of the Future, we can control the human drama we are often caught up within. Again, easier said than done but this awareness is a great place to start. In Spiritual Enlightenment, we may tend to look for living in the Present moment. We may live that moment in a state of Wonderment. Not judging but Accepting. Not riding a human emotional roller coaster but feeling equanimity as much as possible. Sure we will have the “Oh Wow!” experiences which express the Joy of new miracle witnessed. These steps are a huge part of living in Mindfulness. The way to be happier in “Clearing Drama” is to be aware of living in the Present in a state of Mindfulness. We do not need to erase past drama. We may benefit from not being caught in its web of past experience or fear/anxiety of the unknown future. Once again, easier said than done. This awareness is more than half the battle.

Perhaps you have witnessed a most fully conscious being who appears calm and neutral, not out of a lack of caring, but out of an appreciation that living fully in the present moment is perfect and a miracle to most fully enJoy!

We, as humans, define ourselves by feeling separate and unique with our own human history. We tell our stories to ourselves and anyone who we can get to listen. We look for acknowledgement in our uniqueness and our survival of our lives. Sometimes we play the “victim card” to get attention. Perhaps, as we become more conscious, we can become aware that we are all connected. We are all perfect. We are all amazing Miracles. And, that every soul we bump into on our road through life is there for some, perhaps obscure, reason for our spiritual learning (and to experience and appreciate within the present moment.)

“Clearing Drama” is not erasing past experiences and learnings. It involves treating EVERY moment as the Miracle it is and searching for the lesson which can be learned in an attempt to move our consciousness further along the path. Oh, by the way, every interaction is also a perfect opportunity to be of service to share your wisdom with the people/souls you bump into along your way. We are all here to serve in this way, whether we are conscious of this or not… If nothing else, please take responsibility for the emotional drama you spew around the world as you travel through your life. This will make it more rewarding and fun especially if you do NOT take yourself or life too seriously. We are all but actors in the the play called “Life.”

You are a Miracle! Consider living in the present moment with a sense of wonderment rather than in the fear of judgment… (Or, at least move in this possible direction…)

Do Rocks Have Souls?

Have you ever thought about the consciousness of rocks and minerals?

The reason why I’m asking you this is because when you pick up a rock have you had this experience? You may notice that the structure of the solid rock is actually a miracle. It takes on a shape and it has qualities that make it unique in every way. Does a rock or mineral have a soul? Does it have some kind of consciousness? And, can human beings communicate or interact with minerals and rocks as we share the planet earth with one another?
Who creates rocks and minerals? How do the minerals that make up a rock find their way to connect and crystallize to form a particular rock? Have you ever been drawn to hold a crystal or mineral and reflect on the unusual beauty or “feeling” radiating from this rock?

Is there a consciousness that is available which pulls together the various atoms, the various minerals that create this particular rock? Each rock is unique. Each rock has its own qualities and, I think, that each rock has its own vibration or resonance. So, with each rock being slightly different and if you were to find a rock surrounded by other rocks on a beach, why are there so many different types of rocks and shapes of rocks? It is amazing to me that this community of rocks and minerals that have been weathered by the winds, the tides, perhaps even the gravity of knocking into one another, why do these rocks gather together along side one another when they were born in such different environments, at different ages in time and a different parts of the world? What do they have in common that makes them find their way to the beach to be by one another in this community of rocks and minerals? I do not have the answers to this but I do have questions about how this could have happened. It is amazing to me that these rocks gather on the beach, so different and so varied, and yet they seem to work together to create an environment, a combination of energies that make that beach unique onto itself.

And, sometimes I look at these rocks and I reached down to pick up a certain rock, one out of thousands. Why did I pick that rock? What makes it so special? Why was I drawn to the energy or the consciousness of that specific rock shape, size and mineral structure? Each rock has a type of energy if you allow yourself to be sensitive to feeling this. Each rock has its own character. Each rock has its own place. And yet, each of these rocks seem to work together to create the energy of this particular beach and environment. It’s amazing to think of the miracles upon miracles that went into creating each and everyone of these rocks and minerals. And who created that master plan? Who might be the one responsible for putting all of those minerals under pressure so they could create the magnificent rocks that they are and then be weathered into their particular shape and find their way to the beach with all of the other rocks and minerals that can be found in that location? Have other people asked these questions or has there been any research to try to figure out how this is even possible? In studying each rock it feels differently. It looks differently. It behaves differently in the way it emanates the energy that it gives off.

On a recent hike, I reached down and picked up a fist sized rock for no conscious reason other than it seemed to request some help or assistance in moving to yet another location. Some rocks think of humans as “rock movers” (says my friend, shaman, Raven Many Voices, who is a geologist scientist by training) and indeed I carried the stone for 2 miles and deposited it back into the stream so that this stone can continue to weather and move with gravity and the force of the waters, further downstream to the bay where it might find a beach and a location to be in a community of other rocks and minerals. I had a sense that this stone was requesting that I move it those 2 miles and I obliged. I know not why I did that. It felt very unusual and strange and yet I felt compelled to be of assistance. And, in some ways it felt like we were having a dialogue or communication more like an inter-species relationship. It was between a person and a mineral. At that point, I questioned whether that rock had a consciousness. I questioned whether I was sensitive and available to hear or to communicate with this mineral. Even to me that seems odd. And yet I don’t believe that I have ever experienced this kind of communication, consciously, before. And where will this lead me?

I do not have the ability to actually choose any scientific experiment to determine whether communication with a rock or mineral is possible but in my mind, I can’t help but wonder. And so, I just throw out these thoughts to assist in expanding the possibilities of what consciousness might be like if we were more available, open, and less limited by thinking that only humans can communicate. If you have any thoughts about this please consider this and send along your comments.

And, oh by the way, why do so many boys and men and many women, love to throw stones from the shore of a stream or beach into the water? Is this some sort of deeply held inter-species relationship which goes back to the very dawning of consciousness? Is this embedded in our human DNA? Yes, you have seen this many times with people just throwing stone after stone out into the waters for an unknown, subconscious reason, yet, this is so enjoyable and so important. People feel compelled to do this. And it is so satisfying…. but, why?

Thank you for taking your time to read and to consider this odd train of thoughts. I am in my 8th decade and I have never had these considerations before. There is always something new to ponder if you keep your mind and heart open to the amazing miracles which life can provide.
I have consider this before… You are a miracle! Thank you for being you.

When I Die

When I Die, life will go on. My human life is important AND completely unimportant. When I Die, Life for some other humans will be changed and their lives will adapt to my human departure. Some people will take notice of my human transition more than most other people. But, will there be a lasting human legacy, foundationaly, laid while I lived this human life? And, does my legacy even matter? No, not really. We come to our lives, live our best, and move on beyond the human plane. BUT, how you/I choose to live does matter. We are role models. We have an important role in the drama of human life. And, everyone we interact with in our brief human lives has been changed, or their path was altered (slightly,) by our passing energy field. Some interactions cause change more than others. But, Divine Consciousness tells me, ALL are needed…

Live in vigilance regarding the “passing” role you fill in every soul you touch. Take responsibility for the possible altering of lives your existence can provide. Yes, you never really know your impact. (Few of us will become aware of the long term changes made by your interaction.) Yes, you would do well to live in integrity and be responsible for your interactions. And, you can not control the response of the people you interact with but you can do your very best…

When I Die, I will be in a “Better Place.” I “know” this. It is more than a mental opinion. This “knowing” of this comes from personal life experiences, research and reading of other people’s NDE’s, and a strong gut feeling when considering possible scenarios of post life transitioning. This knowing helps to drop the fear of death/dying and the fear of living most fully. This knowing also contributes to the belief that living is all about gaining human experiences, interacting with other souls, and contributing, where possible, to the advancement of consciousness within human relationships. Giving unconditionally your love and sharing wisdom, from life experience and your remembering of Divine Wisdom, is a huge part of what we came into our lives to offer. So, living authentically and with pureness of unconditional giving/sharing is our lasting legacy as role models. (Give without expectations…)

When I Die, there will be a void for some humans to fill or to learn from. This is unavoidable even if you have lived a solitary existence of low or non-contact. My friends and loved ones will learn to live their lives without me, in human form, and find wisdom from this learning. If my spiritual wish is fulfilled, they will share their experiences and new wisdoms. Perhaps they will become leaders or teachers or mentors to other souls that they bump into on their pilgrimage through their human lives. Perhaps, consciousness will be raised by their sharing of their perspectives. The cycle of life continues. The River of Life will continue to flow. And, Life lessons will continue to create the wisdom of life in the limitations of 3 dimensional thinking which creates our human dramas in the adventure travel called being a human.

I share these thoughts or knowings for your perspective. How do you feel about these words and the beliefs attached? I have no control of your reactions but these thoughts will trigger some agreement or argument. You must find YOUR own way through your human drama including your own death transition or the loss of people you care about.

We are all gonna die some day at the end of our current human lives. We can not avoid this. AND, this is not our enemy. A secret to Enlightenment is to live in Joy most fully. Be grateful for every day, for every experience (even the difficult ones,) and for every interaction. If you can find your way into being “present” and to not be stuck in your past or too anxious about your future, you will find the best ways to live in Joy. Consider that you NOT live for your legacy but live your life in integrity. Your spiritual legacy will take care of itself. Where possible extend Love.

Life is a Miracle! You are perfect, even with your self-perceived imperfections. (And, it does NOT matter what other people, with their expectations, think about your perfection.) Be authentic in your living. Follow your heart. Develop and then trust your intuition. AND, share your story as an important lesson/experience with the souls you touch. You are Loved!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

This blog was written after being “triggered” by the mortality of friends and family. Included is this ever increasing list is: the recent celebration of Life for our Grandma Nellie, my friend and mentor, Don Ley, and the health struggles of a wise mentor, Amari Magdalena. Certainly others have contributed including my Bride, Barbara. My own mortality is always in play and the new status of being a Grandpa contributes to my considerations.
“The Game is Afoot…” as has been said of many a human drama.

Forgiveness Sets Us Free

Why be a “Victim?” Forget Blaming and appreciate the experiences which life can bring to you! Then, consider whether you could take this awareness one step further. Challenging events happen in your life. “It” happened for a reason. Can you appreciate the learning created by the event and then Forgive the “difficult” scenario you have survived? You do not have to be a victim to your personal opinion of taking a life event as an emotional personal attack. You found YOUR way into the situation, so take some responsibility and find the best learning from a painful experience. Look for the wisdom to be gained. Share your found wisdom. And, live in a state of forgiveness if you have “enjoyed” carrying around a grudge.

Besides, it takes a huge amount of energy to hold a grudge and to live as a victim. Sure you get attention from sympathetic souls, right up until you project the secondary benefit of living as a victim and your witness decides to bail out on your drama. The emotional capital of demonstrating victimhood can only go so far and is not really sustainable for healthy relationships. (It sounds like I have NO sympathy for the hard times people experience. I do have sympathy AND there is another way to look at the difficult challenges we find ourselves within.) Our lives are filled with Joy if you choose to live in the perspective of finding the miracles from even the hardest of times. That is what we are here, in this life, to experience and to learn from. Yes, test your Divine Innate Wisdom by finding the Joy and the “Best.” When life serves you Lemons, make Lemonade…

From my personal experiences, I KNOW that this is easier said than done. But, when the Sh’t has hit the fan for me, it is very expensive in time, energy, and emotional response to continue to dwell in the anger, anxiety, and the possible negativity. In my life, I have lost sources of love to death and human transitions. The void which was created felt like an impossible hole to dig myself out of AND, with perspective, there has always been a huge lesson to test my innate wisdom. Life often comes full circle and my wisdom can be tested yet again or my new found wisdom can be shared as a service to someone in a similar situation. Example, after my wife of 28 years died from cancer, I was guided to mentor another wonderful man through the death/loss of his bride. Boy, I learned a lot from the new perspective and we both benefited from the mutual support of these difficult life experiences. (BTW: I never “blamed God” for my wife’s transition. I “knew” at some level that this was a time for “brutal” learning.) Of this loss in my life I have often said that I would NOT wish this on anyone else but I would not trade this experience away, there was so much to learn from this difficult test…

The act of Forgiveness is not easy. It requires consciousness and an open, Loving Heart which can accept the situations which to the mind/ego seem most unacceptable. You do not have to leap into painful relationships just to test this concept because your life will stumble into these relationships if you are “supposed” to have them. (You do Not deserve these difficult relationships.) You do not have a “debt to pay.” You simply have another opportunity to test your innate or learned wisdoms. Mindfulness suggests that “Equanimity” is a goal. This does not mean that you can not feel the pain but perhaps find a balance and possibly reduce an overreaction. FEEL it and find a way to know that there is a reason (not always a rational reason) why your life found its way into an awkward situation.

Perhaps, one day, you will not doubt that every rock you turn over in your incarnation was meant to be turned over even if the “darkness” and the “test” seemed most difficult. AND the result of this experience was a “positive” experience to encounter. Take responsibility for each life experience. Then, find forgiveness (and acceptance) if your knee jerk reaction tested you emotionally and spiritually. YOU are a Miracle! You are a Blessing! YOU are Loved!

Consider your life’s lessons (experiences) and possibly find forgiveness within your heart as you feel your way into the Light. AND, look for Joy in each moment you are blessed to know. (Again, easier said than done, for me, and perhaps you…) Feeling Gratitude, even for difficult situations, is an act of Spiritual and Emotional maturity. It is easier said than done. And, finding a heartfelt thank you for the learning which comes your way is important for your growth. And, then share your learned wisdom. Serve others by offering your honest perspective, hopefully, without drama… You are a Master of your Journey with much to offer… Thank You!

PS: In life, I have come across relationships and experiences that I did not fully understand and which felt, to me, that I was betrayed. On these occasions, I do not understand and felt like I did NOT Deserve this kind of treatment. Yet, after my upset, I find the “value” of this experience, even if this is labelled “What Not to Do Ever Again.” A broken heart, hurt feelings, and an emotional beat down are very unpleasant and yet, with perspective, great to learn from… I do not wish these to befall you. Often these seem unavoidable. And, it is said, “What does not kill you, makes you stronger!” At least, wiser. Yes, at the top of my gratitude and forgiveness list are some people who have confused or hurt me with their behaviors toward me and this has been a difficult “work around” when my emotional self was beaten up… YOU are Loved by the Divine Spirit and the perfect souls who show up to support you. Make every attempt to live in their love and light! Life is a Miracle even when times are difficult tests. The light of living in Forgiveness is easier said than done AND this positive attitude leads you toward a higher consciousness which is good for our Universe (and beyond.)


Interacting with fellow pilgrims you meet on the road through this life is important for you and an act of service to the souls you connect with on your path. If you are most conscious, every soul you pass is there for a reason. Their soul is perfect even if you allow your mind/ego to have “buttons pushed” by something about this person. Perhaps the greater reaction you have, whether in Joy or in seeming annoyance, the greater the awareness you can follow into a lesson which is there for you to learn from or for you to be involved within to be of service.

Do NOT miss the opportunity to reach out and to connect.

Any interaction is an opportunity to test your new consciousness and to gain further perspective on what is possible. Any, and every, interaction may create the spreading waves of love in spirit which can wash across our Universe, and beyond. Your most positive energy, that of unconditional love, when shared in interaction, can assist in creating greater consciousness and greater Divine change.

Most every human requires connection to other people or organizations or the greater natural world. This “need” is for support and to expand perspective. We can “feed” off the energy of passion we find in connecting with another soul. We also benefit from being the witness to another person’s story as a service to them and as a consciousness raising tool in our act of witnessing. Learning to listen and to ask open ended questions is a most useful skill and demonstrates that we have expanded beyond the need for controlling conversation and a need to be the center of attention. And, this is a skill many of us could better demonstrate. Remember the times and interactions you have had where you feel like you were really “heard.” A conversation where you are NOT interrupted by someone else’s drama or need to control the conversation can seem like the support we craved in sharing our story. “No man is an island…” and the human incarnations are set up to help us “test” our new skills and to share our newly conscious wisdoms. Obviously, we can not do this without connecting with other pilgrims.

Many of us lack great social skills or the ability to offer clear communication. This then becomes a lesson in patience, acceptance, and empathy. Wow, there is so much to learn from practicing communication in the limited 3 dimensional human world. (Words, especially in English, are limited when sharing the feelings we experience which are so key to our spiritual development.) Working to perfect these skills is a major part of our spiritual development. Those often awkward interactions can be beneficial, so pay attention when you feel like walking away too easily, there may be an important lesson you can experience. And, there are times when walking away sooner rather than later is also a great and necessary skill. Setting limits and not getting caught in the circling eddy of non-productive rehashing of a “story” can be required to keep moving forward. If you have heard the same story over and over again from certain people, they are not completed with their drama or have found a useful technique to continue receiving attention but this may not be your ongoing lesson except for limit setting and to realize that not everyone can be talked out of their specific drama.

Guidance has reminded me that interacting with other souls is why we are in our human incarnations with the human limitations as our test. So, do not miss any opportunity to attempt connecting and be most conscious of what YOU can learn from your interactions. Less Judgement, more Empathy and Unconditional Loving Acceptance can be the goal to move toward… Boy, I have So Much to learn and my habit of impatience is my constant companion. Well, no one told me that this pilgrimage toward Enlightenment was going to be direct or easy…

Whether you know it or not, YOU are a Master of the life you are living. Sharing your wisdom from learned experience is a major reason you have come into this life. Interacting with other pilgrims is why you are here. And, you are so important as a witness to another soul’s sharing of their story. Both sides can learn from these shared experiences.

With all this said, remember, YOU are Perfect in who you are and the role that you fill. Yes, even with your seeming imperfections. In fact, YOU are a Blessing and a Miracle! Thank you for being YOU!

Whether you know this, or not, YOU are Loved and an important piece of the Divine Spirit!

Woke Up This Morning

I got up and readied myself for the day. Today is a special day. It is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, June 20th, 2021. The beginning of Summer. The Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (the beginning of the waning of the Light) and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere (the return of the Light.) In celebration of this special day, I headed down to the Bay, Bellingham Bay. A good sunrise service was considered but I missed sunrise by nearly 2 hours. Did I mention that this is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the sun comes up quite early in my day? So, I missed a good sunrise celebration of this amazing, in fact, miraculous day. But this did not stop me. So I prayed for our world, our planet, our amazing third rock from our sun. And, Guidance said, “there is no need to pray for the world, for it is perfect.” I prayed for humanity and for peace and for consciousness. And, Guidance said, “there is no need to pray for humanity for humanity is perfect. Consciousness takes care of itself. And, peace is so overrated.” I was beginning to get an idea that Guidance was messing with me. But, Guidance said, “live in Allowance. Find Acceptance. Know Equanimity. Be most fully Present. Be the Light of Unconditional Love. Everything is Perfect just the way it is.” I argued that our world and our humanity could be so much better. Guidance called that a Judgement. Guidance said the Wisdom and growth in Consciousness comes from human struggles and we would get too fat and lazy if the the World was too easy, safe, peaceful, and filled with Divine Wisdom manifesting in every human scenario. I did not argue. I did not fight with the reality of the never ending struggle of humanity to find true humanity. After all, we are only human and as humans, we are trapped in our three dimensional limitations.

So, Just Say Thank You! Thank you to the Blessing which is our lives and our struggles which are all, clearly, perfect and the way they are for a reason…???!!! Divine Reason!!!??? We are all here to learn from our human experience and to test the Divine Wisdom we are learning or the Wisdom we are remembering. We signed up for the “adventure travel” to this primitive human consciousness experience. In some ways, your human incarnation is like going back to a simpler more primitive time to re-discover your roots. To attempt “survival living” as a way to know the beauty and elegance, the refined Grace, of the higher realms. Like going away to Summer camp and hanging out with the dirt, and the campfires, and the mosquitos, and crappy camp food just so we could appreciate our families and “civilization” when our Summer camp ended and we got to go “back home….” We will remember the adventures through life and gain perspective from everything we stumble across along the way. We could just sit at home, in the dark, and choose not to participate but life would still come knocking even if we were lazy at our Summer Camp called human life.
Yes, we all get to go back home with a human adventure to offer us perspective.

AND, if you do not like the way your human life is going, and think you could be more, You have a choice. Yes, You can be responsible for your life’s direction AND You can change it! You still have the Love of the Divine Spirit and all the lessons you came into this life to experience… so, love and appreciate the Miracle of Life. (It is perfect in its imperfections…)

BTW, I shared a draft of this blog with my friend and mentor, Paula Forget, author of the amazing book, “Guided to the Higher Realms: A Personal Journey of Ascension through Meditation.”
Her response was: “Loved it!

Charles (her mentor and meditation teacher) used to say that we are not here to save the world. We are here to have a relationship with God.

And I (Paula) add… ‘to have fun.’ That is the first thing they will ask you when you get to heaven, ‘Did you have fun’, in the words of Mickey (Michael) Singer (author of “The Untethered Soul” and “The Surrender Experiment”, business man, and amazing meditator.)”

Walking Meditation

On my walk today guidance seemed to suggest that I create a blog posting regarding the Art of the Walking Meditation. As I considered this suggestion, I was flooded with guidance’s suggestion on what to include in this posting. Since I have learned to “Just Say Yes” to my guidance, I am complying. And, walking is a great way to meditate, to become more “present,” to take positive time for yourself, and to exercise. Consider these reminders of wisdom you are already familiar with. (This wisdom is built into your DNA and your Soul.)

Eyes open meditation can fall into the philosophy of Zen meditation which tends to encourage being a part of the world rather than closing your eyes to purely focus within. ZaZen walking meditation has been described to me as eyes open, slow moving, conscious of the world, as a meditation. Breathe slowly. Walk slower than your normal pace. Feel your heel land in front of you and then roll forward on to your toes. And, repeat. If you can do so safely, “soft focus” your eyes. Enjoy each slow breath and each relaxed step. Focus upon the footsteps and your breath. In the beginning, just try 50 steps in this conscious way. Doing this in the safety of nature with less traffic and distractions from manmade chaos can help with this meditation. However, even trying this as you walk back from your lunch to work or school or home activities can make your day move more comfortably with less internal distractions. You may want to remember to turn off your phone calls, texting and social media signals.

Walking consciously out in a natural setting is meditative. In the trees, by water, on trails vs pavement, in the sunshine or in a gentle rain are all positive additions. Avoiding traffic, human dramas, loud construction projects, airplanes, warfare, and screaming politicians or rock music may also seem obvious and will enhance a more meditative state of mind. (Though bears, some dogs, venomous snakes, large crashing waves, cougars and falling trees might also pose a distraction to avoid in nature. Just saying the obvious.) You get the point. Mellow in nature is better. Walking a bit more slowly, breathing, and gently gazing at the miracles which our world can provide can make this a great “forest bathing” experience. Allowing for time and possibly fewer pressing appointments on either side of this nature walk would be a helpful consideration if possible. AND, remember to breathe… Slowly and fully.

Additions might include, feeling the warmth of the sun, listening to the stream/river/waves, feeling the gentle breezes, and even smelling the fragrance of the salt air or grasses or flowers or the trees. I like to imagine that I can breathe in the warm sunlight or soak up the warm breezes to better help heal and to recharge me as I slowly drift down (or up) the path. There are times and places when walking with someone else for safety or guidance can be good. And, there are times when walking alone without extra conversation can be most relaxing. The bottom line is to be as “present” in the moment as you gently move through this nature loving walk. You may want to pick up an interesting rock to hold and possibly to help “ground” you as you connect most peacefully with nature. (Sometimes I even hug a tree to ground myself out. Are you laughing? Well consider trying this weird 1960’s consciousness. YOU may like it.)

Sure, most of you have done this and know how to walk in meditation in nature BUT do you schedule the time in your busy, drama filled lives to participate in these meditative walks??? Well, Just Do It!

Be open to surprises and the gifts the Divine Spirit will provide for you. If you walk with the “Beginner’s Mind” the beauty will unfold just for your heart to dance in the light of spectacular marvels and amazing revelations. If you ask respectfully for these, they will show up. Maybe in the clouds. Maybe the leaves dancing in the breezes. Perhaps the songs of the birds or the chatter of the squirrels. Perhaps the appearance of the butterfly or the hummingbird will symbolize guidance reaching out to embrace you. Be open and the delights of natures will present themselves for you and fan the flames of the brightening light of your consciousness. As you are a small part of this large Universe, you might even consider the amazing things which have occurred to create this beautiful blue planet and all the life forms which share it with you.

And. Walking in wonder with Beginners Mind, even in the city, can show you amazing miracles to appreciate and to show gratitude for. Every miracle you acknowledge is another important, and beautiful, lesson for you.

There is Joy to found in every moment and in every step you take. Please consider the search for the Joy and the miracles which surround us.

You are Amazing!

Open Heartedness

What is like to live in Joy with an Open Heart?
Wide Open and fully available to feel Joy and to celebrate the miracles which surround us.
Yes wide open, as the Divine Spirit asks us to move toward in our awkward human drama filled lives. This can be so very important on our path toward higher consciousness and most full enlightenment.

Steps to use to allow for a most fully open heart per the wisdom of JJ Joshua (Link to her video on this subject is listed below).
It helps to be “present”:
1. Set the Intention to find the Open Heartedness you may be seeking.
2. Gratitude (for the Blessings you are basking in and the Miracles surrounding you. Yes, on a daily basis review the “gifts,” the Blessings, and the Many Miracles which surface for you in your amazing life.
3. Looking for Open Heartedness during your day… Likened to a Google search- You get what you search for…
It can help to look for and to learn to trust your “intuition” and gentle messages from the Guidance which supports and protects you.
4. Forgiveness… The World is not out to “get” you. Challenge you, YES!

and a bonus suggestion.
5. Look for ways to assist others to open their hearts THRU (Loving) Kindness. Be the role model or beacon for love, light and unconditional guidance.

Engage in “Miracle Readiness!” Open and available to experience the miracles of life and higher consciousness.

So, look for it, “Open Heartedness.” Show your Gratitude.
Do not be a victim and forgive the world (for de challenging lessons bestowed upon us for our testing of our “remembered wisdom” and to learn even more from our life’s challenges.)

And again… Be a beacon of light and Kindness which will lead others to this state of Open Heartedness.

Thanks JJ Joshua Website:
link for video on Open Heartedness:


Part of our human drama includes living with expectations. A well used saying: “Expectations screw things up…” Because if you “expect” something to happen, then when it does occur, it is no big deal because you assumed it would happen and takes a part of the joy out of the accomplishment… And, when your expectation is NOT met then there can be levels of disappointment because you expected something else to have happened…
It is difficult to live without expectations especially if you expect that you can…

Expectations Definition:
a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
“reality had not lived up to expectations”
a belief that someone will or should achieve something.
“students had high expectations for their future”
Similar word:

Where do these come from and how do they affect your life?
External expectations from other people can cause emotional pressure and then there are internal expectations, which are often the more difficult to deal with…
In my world…

Expecting something, especially a personal accomplishment, leads to a diminished celebration of the accomplishment of the expected goal. ‘Cause you expected as much of yourself…


What if another person, or persons, “Expect” something of you. Their expectation creates an assumed compliance and accomplishment of the behavior, goal, or activity. Perhaps leading to a reduced appreciation due to the assumed expectation… “Well, I expected as much, of you…”
(When does an expectation become an assumed promise??? Even when it is an Unspoken desire.)

How does an expectation of oneself become a burden? For example, as I am getting older, I still assume and expect that I can do things (physically) which I used to be able to do like: run fast or run long or carry big boxes upstairs when helping a friend move… OR, my personal expectation that everyday I will be active and pursue activities of service and “high in value” as my life’s expectations of living at a highly productive level of service… When in my life is it OK to “kick back” and to slow down? When is it OK to rest without guilt? When can an active, assertive person be able, or allow themselves, to be passive? Clearly, I have not learned when or how to be “passive.”

When can my participation in allowing life to flow become an allowed, even celebrated, expectation? When is it OK to have passive participation as a witness or observer rather than down in the arena of active accomplishments. When is it OK to watch and to be the necessary “witness”??? For me, this answer is still in process…

What does it take to understand that when you want to do something “well” but do not have the skill or the strength or the experience to know that an expectation of high level achievement of a certain activity is actually unachievable. This is a struggle in “acceptance” and in “allowing” things to occur rather than as expected… I am not expecting perfection in all things but perhaps expecting an unreasonable higher level of ability based on memories or expectations from the distant past.
When is acceptance of “reasonable” success a victory and not an emotional personal defeat?

I am not saying do not set a difficult goal. However, the emotional baggage of a difficult or undoable expectation can make you feel like you are less than you are. My ego gets involved with internal and external expectations because it wants something that is not quite in hand. If I do not have this thing, will I be unhappy or think/feel that my life is unsatisfying, or a “failure?” Again, my ego has placed me in a no win situation and I can benefit from learning how to be aware and to check my ego’s created expectations.

Is there a graceful way to set limits on the expectations which other people may have for you and your available time and energy? You can not control their expectations or their response to you saying “No” or to your compromising negotiation. Oh well, you can not please everyone all the time. THAT would be an unaccomplishable expectation.

The drama of having expectations in your life and allowing these to affect the way you think and feel about yourself is a challenge to learn from. You are creating these reactions within your mind. A fully conscious spiritual person may take any perceived expectation in stride and instead focus upon the positive, joyful miracles of life. Even laughing or smiling at the misstep of failing in a personal expectation. Living in the “present” moment also helps to lessen the strong emotions which can be attached to a perceived expectation. No matter how you react you can work to maintain a level of higher awareness and perhaps a sense of good humor when a mentally constructed expectation flies across your consciousness. (These can look and feel very silly.)

No easy answers here but lots of great lessons/challenges to learn from. Just keep moving forward and expanding your awareness and consciousness. Share your learnings and wisdom. Find Joy everyday in the miracles you find. This is MY expectation of YOU! Fact, not expectation: You are a Blessing! You are Loved and a part of the Divine Spirit.

And. Finally, having expectations are common. Life is full of lessons learned by attempting new activities which are NOT perfect the first time. If these were perfect the first time, every time, then you have set the bar way too low to reach out and to expand your skills and to test your wisdom. I have learned more from my mistakes and failures than I have learned from my expected successes. Managing your expectations is useful. Learning from your mistakes is an essential part of living as a human. (Example. If we attempted to walk as a baby and fell down the first time and never attempted walking again, we would never have learned to run…)

You are a miracle. Your imperfections make YOU perfect. And, you learn most from your mistakes.

Your Purpose is to Love

Startling new insight came to me today! (Thank you, Amari Magdalena, for offering this information for me to ponder.)

Yes, You found your way into this incarnation to share Love in your unique way as a test of the wisdom you have gathered…
How you choose to love is your unique lesson

What you do in this life and how it will demonstrate your love through your service is what your life’s path is all about.
Do you warmly hold and caress the individuals you connect with or do you prickle and irritate people so they can learn from this abrasiveness in your relationships?
Either way, you Love and You can serve.

Are you open and giving?
Are you closed and self-centered in appearance?

Are you conservative and straight-laced?
Are you wild and possibly a raging substance abuser who demonstrates the “Dark side” lifestyle for others to bump up against?
Either way, there are experiences and learning to be had… (An Example: “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers,” by Annie Kagan, look it up (Amazon link) and know that this is one of my favorite stories.)

Since we are all connected as spirits, we love in our unique ways and this will provide experience for the souls we bump into in this life. Each soul has their unique path and is challenged by our specific learning requirements. And, when we interact, we provide a part of the lesson/experience. So, what lessons have you come here (to this incarnation) to have or to teach?

Divine Love is the glue that holds the Universe, and beyond, together. This concept and practice is more than the human mind can fully comprehend. (You can try, in fact, you should try to more fully understand the limitless power of the Divine and unconditional Divine Love.) The 3 dimensional world and the thinking ego’s limitations allows our incarnations to be on the “Adventure Travel” we have come into this life to have. Struggling with our limitations and attempting to get more fully conscious regarding our soul’s life and “remembering” where we have come from is the ultimate goal. Sharing your idiomatic Love with every soul and with the Universal Divine Spirit is happening even if you lack full awareness. You and your love are unique and essential to the Divine Spirit. Being most fully conscious is optional and yet the goal of our human experience.

And, if you can find your way into the “present,” feeling the wonderment of the miracles you are surrounded by, and no matter what’s happening you feel the “Joy” of the Divine burning brightly in each person and object you encounter, then you are getting closer to the “enlightenment” seekers have come seeking! (Wow, what a long sentence…)

No matter where you are in your developing consciousness, YOU are a Miracle! Your soul is a bright beacon to light the way along the path to remembering and full consciousness. Your presence is an act of service. Your service to our world is an act of Love.

Be Love – Feel Joy – Light the World!